If your family didn’t like your bf would you still be with them?
Depends if he’s a good and faithful man. If he’s a good and faithful man then no, I wouldn’t leave. If not, he’s out.
Yup my family don’t dictate my happiness.
That depends. Family is important to me, esp having children, so if there was a huge issue between my partner and my family that would really really bother me. I think in your situation, the reasons need to be thought about and both sides need to be willing to resolve the issues if you want everyone to get along.
He ain’t dating your mom, dad, brother, sister, nieces, nephews, cousins, he is dating YOU.
If you like this man and he treats you right and he motivates himself to be a better man than the day before, then the heck what they say! You are grown. Make your own decisions upon your judgement. If you let them do it, you may lose a great guy because your family couldn’t see his value and potentials.
Yes. Because at the end of the day, trying to make my family feel as fondly of him as I do…? Pointless. He ain’t gotta make them happy. He’s gotta make ME happy. And he’s doing just that.
Depends on the reasons, but it’s ultimately my decision
Depends, do they have a real reason not to or is it just a thing?
Yes I stayed with him no matter what family said and now 24 years later were still happily married and have 3 babies together.
Depends If they don’t like the way he treats you then I’d listen but If you have a controlling family that doesn’t like anyone you are with then I’d distance myself from family if I’m honest
I stayed with my ex for 6 years and I didn’t even like him with my current partner going on 4 years in November and my whole family love him
As much as it suck’s and hurts do what’s best for you guys, if you love eachother and lift eachother up it doesn’t matter what they think
My mom wanted me to leave my husband before she died she lost all respect for him. I ended up leaving!
Honestly your family should respect you enough to accept the decisions you make for your life, regardless if they agree with them or not. Family is supposed to support you no matter what and if they truly care they will not let anyone come between the relationship they have with you. They should want to be civil and keep the peace for the sake of everyone getting along and for them to be apart of your life. It’s a shame that some peoples opinions will cause such a tough situation that they would rather cut off family than try to get along regardless of how they may feel. It’s your life not theirs
If there’s no legitimate reason and he treats me good then yes I would stay.
personally I couldn’t care if My family doesn’t like someone
Depends. Do they have signifigance in their life? If their/your family is a daily entity in your/SO life that isnt casual (holiday family lol) then being with that person would be imposible due to the families influence.
Would you want him to stay with you if his family didn’t like you?
Depends… why do they not like him? We need info
Do I trust the people who’ve loved me my whole life or do I trust some random dude I’ve known a month?
Depends on WHY they don’t like him…
Is he a cheater?
Is he abusive?
Is he a deadbeat?
It’s not an issue of if my family likes him. It’s a matter of does he make me feel safe and secure? Who wrote this question a teenager? 
Why don’t they like him? Might depend on the reason
Yes, but I’m not close to any of my family members. They all live several states away.
If you live near family and are close, things are far more complicated. Family might or might not change their opinions. In some cases, no one is good enough for their daughter, sister, brother, etc.
If your family doesn’t like your SO, you’ll have to set firm boundaries. Know that you might be excluded from family trips or even local gatherings.
Yes! If my mum thinks he is a bad egg then he is a bad egg
Often times when the whole family doesn’t like him, it’s because they’re seeing something that you can’t see for yourself.
95% of the time if the family doesn’t like the person there is a valid reason. Sometimes others see the bad in someone before the person dating them does.
Depends how big his d*ck is
It would depend on my relationship with them and why they don’t like them
At this point in my life, I would not base my relationship on anyone not talking to me because I don’t associate with many ppl.
Would depend on why my family didn’t like him
I don’t like my family so their opinion means nothing lol
My family despised my ex-husband. I stayed with him for 5 years, before I finally saw what they saw.
If your family doesn’t like him, there is most likely a valid reason that you just can’t/won’t see at this point in time.
They have an outside perspective.
As long as he’s good to you, that’s all that matters. He’s not with your family, he’s with you.
Their feeling have 0 bearing on who I stay with.
Yep. Nobody’s business but mine.
Completely depends on what they dislike. My family hate my daughters dad… and they always have… and they were absolutely right. I was just so caught up in his BS and trying to make things better. Now I don’t blame them one bit.
Why don’t they like him?
If it’s the way he treats you leave!
There’s a reason and not knowing the reason makes it hard for us to answer the question!
My family has never liked my husband. 21 years and 5 kids later we’re still going strong. Depends on how good he is to you and your kids and if he’s worth fighting for.
As long as he’s good to you, respects you and your family. If he doesn’t, then you shouldn’t be with him… Your with him not your family.
Yep. Been there done that. They eventually got over it
Who cares? Are your family dating him?
Depends on the reason. But at the end of the day if you marry him you’ll end up having to chose him over your family so that’s the choice you have to make
At the end of the day it’s the person not the family. Just set your boundaries right away. We don’t like each others families ans we just do our best to stay away
No. Trust me, they ‘see’ things you do not because they are not romantically involved … Listen to them: I really wish I would have!
No. I’ve realized mothers knows best. My mother has NEVER been wrong about any of our mates.
In my experience if there a whole bunch of people who feel the same way and you just don’t understand, trust them and ruuunnnnnn
Why do they dislike him? If it’s because he’s black, or Mexican or Muslim, they’d be AH and you should distance yourself from them. But if he’s controlling or a racist they might be right.
Depends on why the don’t like him. Is it because of race, religion or culture? Then no I wouldn’t leave him. If it’s because he’s mean, bigoted or unfaithful, and you’re just not seeing the red flags, then probably.