A child on the bus called my daughter a bad word: What can I do?

Um… nothing. There’s no proof of it, the school is right. Take your child and pick them up from school instead of sending them on the bus. Problem solved. But your child is going to hear and likely be called that same word and worse as her school life continues. If you’re that upset about it you might want to consider alternative means of education for them.

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Not sure how old your daughter is, but when my 10yr has come home with similar situations, we try to use our vocabulary as our greatest defense. We start with “are you okay? Obviously something must be wrong if you need to act like this.” Then we progress towards come backs. Someone flips you off, say no thank you. Someone calls you a bitch, say thank you I am a beautiful individual that causes happiness :blush:

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The school won’t do anything! Get more involved find out who the mom is and talk to her. I’ve had to do this several times. 9 times out of 10 the other parent has no clue their kid is being like that. That 1 will say “oh not my child” but we all know differently. Also any type of official whether in the school or a police department won’t won’t anything until something has been done. They want you to take that risk with your child. So just keep that in mind.

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I’ve had this problem.befofe and talked to the bus driver, depending on how her bus driver is it should help

If not then my next step would be the prince able

Maybe, just a suggestion? Maybe teach your baby to understand that not everyone’s words will be kind, that everyone will have an opinion and sometimes they voice it in a nasty way, teach your baby to understand their worth and value does not weigh on the words & opinions of others :heart:


Teach your kid sticks and stones can break your bones words can’t hurt you. Kids are mean and you gotta teach your kids to over look somethings

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Often what is used in the home will be repeated.


My kid was called a mother fucker kindergarten and no one could stop the other kid, she just kept going… good luck with that one

Teach your kid that their are people like that out their no matter what she does. But, maybe try to figure out who the kid is and have a talk with the parents.

Ask for a front seat for your daughter

If your that concerned, take her to and from school and don’t let her ride the bus. It’s not going to get any better. Teach her to be strong and to brush it off. Otherwise you better buckle up because I promise that won’t be the first time a kid hurts her feelings.


Busses have cameras lmao so ask for the tapes and request she sits up front and the kid doesn’t sit by her.

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THERE’S NOTHING U CAN REALLY DO - MAYBE TO STAY OUT OF IT -KIDS WILL BE KIDS - she has to learn that mommy or daddy can’t always be there when she gets called a name !


Tell your kid to stand up for her or himself. Show him who is bitch :laughing:

Talk to the driver. Tell your child to tell the driver. If that doesn’t work call the school

Take her to school yourself

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Go to superintendent!
But also teach your child that that is not ok but they are just words and not to let them ever get to her.

If there’s no proof whose to say your daughter wasn’t lying I mean get over it


Go to the school board. If that don’t work get a lawyer. That will get their attention


Teach your child words don’t mean shit.

I’ve had to tell my 6 year old since she was 2 and a half that words don’t mean a thing. She has scars that kids have made fun of etc and she can brush it off just fine because I’ve taught her too. Unfortunately kids are jerks, might as well teach them young that how others see them doesn’t mean a damn thing, it’s how they see themselves.

This is why I drive my kids to school.

Tell her some people aren’t good people

Talk to the bus driver and see if she can put her up front. If not go to the school board.

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She will continue to hear these types of remarks throughout her life. You teach her to stand up for herself and be the better person. You won’t be able to fight all her battles. If you really don’t like it drive her to and from school. She’ll probably hear stuff at the school too. if you don’t like that either take her out of school and homeschool. You could also gather evidence and sue. You have options,you just have to think about which route you want to take and how much time your willing to invest.

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What do you really expect them to do with no proof? Not saying that it didn’t happen or that your daughter is lying. But did your daughter tell the teacher?

Its a word! I mean the kid shouldn’t have called her that but its gonna happen… worse things will happen! As long as no one is physically attacking her she is fine, just teach her to be strong and that words cant hurt.

Teach her how to audio record it with her phone if she has one where the kid can’t see her recording. Depending on each state only one party has to know that their being recorded which means you’re daughter counts as party knowing. Then you’ll have the proof.

Ask for a bus monitor