A daycare worker was letting babies cry while she rocked her own child: Advice?

I would bring it up for sure. It’d be a little different if the child she was rocking was also crying or in need of care at the time the other babies were screaming. But to flat out ignore them is not good!

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Daycare is hard . What you should report is that you don’t think 1 person taking care of 3 babies is enough , because truthfully speaking … it isn’t.

You say there is usually 2 other teachers. I work retail and sometimes due to being understaffed , it is just 3 of us and for that reason I can’t sent 2 ppl at break at once. I break one by one so there atleast can be 2 of us at all times . I’m not saying they don’t deserve a break but it seems to me that these “old” employees simply left the new girl alone which to me , is beyond uncool.


Definitely call them on it. Possibly the higher ups aren’t knowing. Breaks also need to stagger


The fact that this is even a question for you making me wonder about you. I wouldn’t have a second thought about NOT dropping my child off at a place that obviously ignores the needs of the children in their care and I wouldn’t have left before bringing this to the attention of every single person in that place.


Maybe the fact that she was new is why those babies were crying , maybe she had tried to calm them prior to you coming in , maybe every time she got close gto them they cried harder so she was giving them space . Maybe by holding her own trying to show them she was not a scary person. Could you have maybe helped out at that moment.


Because this baby may not have been upset prior to you seeing, right? :woman_facepalming:


1 person taking care of 3 upset babies isn’t right.

I had feelings about my boys daycare. Turns out toddlers were being left on the toliets for 15-20 minutes unsupervised and a particular worker would go through the kids lunch boxes, taking what she liked for herself.


You don’t know why the babies were crying maybe they both were fighting over a toy and it was taken away and they didn’t want anything else this would a scenario where I would not engage with them. I previously ran an income daycare have a degree in early childhood development and a mom to soon to be 3 so unless we have more information like the children were being hurt not changed or fed or sick then we really can’t give advice on the subject way too many possibilities and I personally think it’s best not to jump to conclusions.


I’ve had my one child and daycare and it was a crap show when I did. That being said, I do know that the policy for daycare if you have a child in that daycare, you are not allowed to work the same room is that child not even covering for break. The reason, there’s been known to be favoritism for them with their own child over another child. It never should take place which is why they never allow it it’s part of the policy and has been for a long time. When my child was in daycare you’re talking 20 years ago when she got out. Because she was in there for about three years of her life. I know daycare workers that were pregnant that had children and they were told they were not allowed to be in the exact room is their child. The only exception that they would allow is it for them to take the child to nurse and bring the child back that was it. So yes you should address it with the head of the daycare. Because you don’t know the situation but that does need to be addressed because that shit that be happening in it is. So I would severely address that with the head of the daycare. If the head of the daycare says that some excuse than you need to take care of corporate office or the owner of the business because that should not take place. No I see the other comments that you don’t know truly you don’t know you can assume but that’s been a policy for daycare‘s for as long as I can remember I still know people that work at daycare and that is still the policy because they have children of their own that are in the daycare and that is still the policy they thought that they were could be in the same room as their children until they were told differently.

You came at a bad time. You don’t know if that baby just a moment ago was upset. One person isn’t enough to take care of an entire room of babies. The other two babies were probably upset because that one she was holding was the original baby that probably freaked out.


I would be concerned too!

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Often your gut feeling is the correct feeling.


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I’ve worked in a daycare. I’ve had my children attend the daycare I worked for. I don’t know about all daycare work but most don’t allow you to have your child in the same room as you for this very reason. As for the amount of workers available there should be a rotating schedule so that each worker gets a break and still has help. Keep in mind one person is allowed to take care of up to 5 kids alone. Sometimes babies cry and you can’t get to then right away because your trying to sooth another. However the worker could of tried another approach to help sooth all babies.


I watch 2 babies myself. They are unfortunately on the same feeding schedule like clock work. As I am unable to bottle feed both at the same time, one of them ends up screaming while I feed the other. Screaming babies happen


How you find out the baby was her own :eyes:


When I went to work for a day care I was allowed to bring my kids but I could not work in same room as them. For that reason.


Maybe you should fill out an application there to ensure your child’s care…Babies get tired of the school day too…everyone is cranky around pick up time.
It’s likely the other babies saw their classmates being picked up and it’s a huge disappointment every time a parent comes to the door and it isn’t their mother or father.Understand that the young woman working is a MOTHER herself and HER child is likely one of the last to leave the center.
I worked in a daycare and believe me those two final hours are brutal between distributing snacks, packing bags, diaper changes and exchanging children…


I’d sure bring it up.


You don’t know if that baby was crying just a minute before you walked in. Maybe she just got him calmed down. Sometimes babies have to cry and that’s okay. It’s hard when you’re one single person caring for multiple babies. You can not always make them all happy at the same time and crying is totally okay and normal. Don’t over think it


Id do another surprise visit to see how it looks. If it looks the same say something. If not you came at the wrong time.


This is why I can’t even entertain the idea of sending my to daycare. People can not be trusted. I know there are plenty of trustworthy people running daycares. You don’t know every person you hire. You don’t know if they are doing right. You don’t know until it’s too late. I also know some parents dont have a choice but I can’t even.


I worked at a daycare years ago when my first was small. I usually wasn’t in the room with my baby but I was needed at this time. A parent came in to drop her baby off who rarely attended. My baby was fussing was getting over RSV and then had an ear infection. He was not happy. I should have put him down but I wanted/needed to comfort him. This upset the parent and my boss sent someone in to talk to me. I packed up our things that evening and quit.


I can see all sides that are mentioned in the comments, & think they all have very valid points to each side. BUT as a mother if your gut is telling you something is wrong, or is telling you to say something. Do NOT ignore that. It’s a mother’s intuition & in my experience it’s right 9.99 times out of 10. Saying something now could prevent any later situations. Or have things looked into more thoroughly. Try to put yourself in all shoes in the situation before reacting though of course.

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Maybe she just got done breastfeeding the child if it was her own? The 2M old I babysit will randomly scream at the top of his lungs and I can’t always pick him up as I have 2 kids of my own and babysit another toddler as well. Maybe they only just started to scream? Don’t jump to conclusions. Do as everyone else has said and have a surprise visit and see if you have a weird feeling. BUT she’s also 1 person and wouldn’t be able to hold/comfort 3 kids at a time. It’s definitely hard to say.

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Surprise her again, if it’s the same then report her.


And this is why i got a job at my kids daycare until school age. I wanted to watch them alllll the time. Cus most daycares are TRASH.

This is exactly way most daycare don’t let the mothers be in the room with their children when they work in the same facility. It would most definitely be a concern for me. Not that the crying babies means they were hurt. And if the mother has a problem with other mothers having concerns perhaps she shouldn’t be working in this environment.

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That would be something I’d monitor, but not tattle on just yet. I worked in the infant room for close to a year. It’s nearly impossible for one person to handle many babies crying at the same time. Even if it was her own child, it could’ve been crying just a little prior. You don’t know the whole situation, so it’s a tad unfair to say anything about it.


She’s one person with a room full of infants. Maybe her child was screaming too. When kids are held they tend to stop but start again as soon as they’re put down.


Was she supposed to rock all 3 babies at the same time?


So… She’s new, her baby probably was crying before you walked in and she was probably overwhelmed… Yeesh…


Babies will cry for literally no reason. How do you know she didn’t just hold each of them for a half hour at a time and she set one down and startled the other? I think this post is pretty dramatic


Find a new child care


Nah, she is favoring her own child over the others.

Why didn’t she put her calmed baby down and pick up one of the distressed babies?

Why did she choose to comfort and soothe her child first?

She is favoring her child.

I would report what I saw.

If the baby she was rocking was quiet, why didn’t she put the calm baby down and pick up one of the distressed babies?

She should have put the child, her child, down and attended to the more distressed babies.

She did not do this.

And before I get all the indignant people who say the Mom came in a bad moment, that maybe the baby, her baby, coincidentally, stopped crying the very second, the mom dropping off stepped in the door. I don’t belive that scenario one…

Also, it is obvious when a baby has been crying. The evidence, tears, red face, hiccupping, does not dissipate in seconds. Any person, particularly, any mom can tell when a baby has been crying for awhile

So I believe this Mom who says the baby in the daycare worker’s arms did not seem to have been immediately soothed and comforted, was calm, No evidence of recent signs of tears or distress.

I grew up in a family of 8, one set of twins, all
spaced 15 to 18 months apart. I was the oldest. It is possible to quiet and comfort two crying babies. And it is NEVER ok to ignore a crying baby.

Even while holding one, comforting words and eye contact will soothe and comfort the others.

Report this woman.

Because even if we assume the best, that this was unintentional, she should be better trained as there is no such thing as common sense anymore.

She can talk to the crying babies, pat their head or hand, make eye contact, not ignore them.


I had that happen to my oldest when she was around 1 to 1 1/2 yrs old. She would scream anytime I went to drop her off and I was a novice obviously so I assumed she just didn’t want to leave me. Went to get her one day a little bit earlier than usual and as soon as I walked in the door and was not even in her room I could hear her bawling. I get to the room and the worker had put one of her shoes in a cubby and left the other ON HER, her face was beat red and huge tears rolled down her shirt, and the worker who was playing with her own child then noticed me and grabbed her shoe from the cubby and said in a snarky voice “Come on (my child’s name), let’s get you cleaned up.” I grabbed the diaper and wipes and said I’ll do it myself as I didn’t want her near my child with that attitude. When I did, I realized that my daughter had been sitting in a dirty diaper that was completely saturated in urine too! And it was NOT new, nor was it fresh! It was obvious that she had been in this diaper for most if not all of the DAY!! And to leave a toddling child in one shoe, a dirty diaper and crying like that for what HAD to be hours!?! I IMMEDIATELY talked to the owner and took my child home never to return and vowed that if she ever cried like that when leaving her somewhere that I’d never leave her in whatever place again!!! That daycare ended up getting rid of the lady and did a lot of fixing up and fixing things and changing rules to keep something like that from ever happening again and I became friends with the owner. And it is human nature to take care of our own children above others which is probably why they implemented the rules about different classrooms. If you don’t ask questions and tell someone that something needs fixed then they don’t know it needs fixed. It may have been a one time thing. But ask, how often is she in that room without anyone else and all of that before you report it. And I’m saying to ask the head person because if they didn’t know before, they will then. Don’t make a huge deal about it though unless it gets worse. There is ALWAYS a worse.


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If there’s two other teachers they should be taking turns with breaks so there’s 2 teachers in the room at all times. They should of never had 2 teachers go on break at the same time!


I think it’s natural to be concerned.
I do not think you’re wrong in that.
I do think that you should take a step back for a minute before reacting, while it’s easy to make assumptions…they’re just that. Assumptions but not facts.

  1. yes, the child she was holding was calm in that moment but it’s likely the child was screaming prior to her picking them up. It’s even possible the other babies didn’t start crying until after she’d already started attending to the one. You finish with that one before moving on to the next. A person only has two hands, and holding more than one screaming thrashing infant at a time could be considered a safety risk, especially in a daycare setting.
  2. This girl is new, if your child regularly attends this daycare and you’ve never seen her before then she’s really new. New enough that she should probably still be receiving training about what to do or not to do in those situations. As it stands she was alone and having to use her best judgement. If there needs to be blame placed, then it should be on the women who left her alone rather than staggering their breaks to make sure the new girl had the help she needed. But maybe it couldn’t be helped or maybe they just “assumed” she’d know exactly what to do in any given situation.
  3. what I would do? Personally I’d do another surprise drop by or two and see how things are going. If you’re still seeing things that are concerning then speak to someone about your concerns but do so without pointing to many fingers as even then you’re still only getting small glimpses of a much bigger picture.

I would just pop in again and see if it happens again and if it does I would go get the other teachers


Always say something. Enabling behavior even by ignoring it is never going to change it.


Absolutely bring it up. If her child is fine, there’s NO reason she can’t attend to the babies that clearly need her and her attention. She’s very much showing favoritism.


Hell yea you tell someone it’s is the children who suffer


My friend said mention it and do drop in visits and when you mention it just tell them what you saw .


Bring it up. Write it in a log as well

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Personally I’ve worked in daycares and generally the rules are staff aren’t allowed to work in rooms with their own children for this exact reason (favoritism) I would be bringing up several things to the managing director…

  1. Why were there 2 of the staff on break at the same time. This comes down to carer ratios also.
    2 why was she working in the room solo ignoring the needs of others after she had soothed the other child already.
    3 why is she working in a room that her child is in and that would put her in a position to be accused of showing favoritism to her own child regardless of the situation

yup. see something/say something ,


She could’ve also been on a break and spending it with her child.


I would have said something to her face

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ALWAYS bring up concerns about the care of a child, especially yours!

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Go again around the same time and see if it’s something she does all the time


Either she goes or your baby goes (somewhere else)

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This is why typically parents that work at schools aren’t normally allowed to have their children in their own classrooms.


What of her baby was one of 3 that were screaming? What if hers was the one that started screaming first? Even if she put hers down and picked up another one, there would still be one baby left screaming. What if hers had just calmed down right before you got there? I would give them the benefit of doubt this time and just keep an eye on it. I’ve worked in a baby room in college and all of my children have gone to daycare. My youngest is in the 18 month old room now while we deal with biting :roll_eyes: no one wants to think their baby is being neglected but this could have been an isolated incident


Tell the daycare what you saw.


You don’t know what happened before you got there you should have had the conversation then instead of coming here to ask if you should say something… don’t like it switch day-care…3 crying babies 2 hands 1 person you do the math…if anything you should have told the ones on break that she needed help inside


Find another day care


She should try and rock more than one baby.


How do you not know if her baby wasn’t upset before you walked in? Parents see snapshots of what happens in a nursery . I worked in childcare for over 20 years and some of my kids attended the nursery as well,I never treated the children any different to my own ,but don’t forget just cus it’s her child doesn’t mean that child should be ignored also. But always say something as it won’t hurt. Just keep in mind you may have walked into the baby just settling .Also she only has one pair of hands and can’t hold them all.


I think most daycare’s now have cameras I’m sure they will find out what’s going on

Lol I feel like this is inevitable at a day care. There’s always going to be babies crying. With one woman, two hands, and 3 babies crying. What would you have done?


what state city I mean?

This is just another reason I don’t wanna send my daughter


Bring it up. It’s a conflict of interest to have her child in her room.


What if her baby was upset before the 2 had left, what if the 2 crying had just started as you walked in. So many ways to see it. But 1 teacher depending on how many children in a room for 1 years and under shouldn’t of happen either. I worked many years in a day care. 1 teacher was left alone only if there were 2 or 3 awake. But once it was out of hand there was always someone to call till the teachers came back from their break.
I would speak with them and see. What if her child was the one who was crying amd made the others upset. I’ve seen it happen many times. Just unfortunate you walked in. But still a conversation to hold with the director or the teacher. Good luck mama


Of COURSE, you should have IMMEDIATELY!
Its YOUR child’s well being!!!

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I have supervised and worked in 3 church nurseries and we were NEVER allowed to be alone with a baby. There were always 2 workers present. Of course we had volunteers in a church environment. That is for protection of the child and the worker. Many churches offer preschool at reasonable rates and use very strict guidelines.


She was the baby room with 4 babies. They all 3 were crying. How do you who was crying 1st or how long they were crying? You don’t! Taking care of 4 babies alone is hard! They ALL cry at the same time sometimes! You have one baby so don’t judge her! Crying doesn’t hurt babies.


I’ve worked at a daycare and there always supposed to have more then 1 person vs how many kids and 2 have both the others on break no that’s a huge no and I mean it’s hard to try and get help when there nowhere to be found take it up with the care facility and if they ignore you remove your child and call CPS because the care facility I worked for got sued because they through a report away and a 6 weeks old baby was in the wrong class and got severely hurt because a staff put her in a rocker on a table and a another child flipped her off and she landed on her head so I’m told anyways but when I tried to report things I’m told I can’t because I’m to knew or I did t see the full thing so mine were trashed I rather my child be safe then sorry


Every one is so quick to form an opinion, you don’t know what was going on before you walked in, and so what if she was rocking her child… you ever think her child was upset first, you said yourself she was the only one in the room. I personally have had this happen to me while at work. I was subbing in the infants room and had this lady tell my boss a bunch of BS all because she was jumping to conclusions after only being in the room for about 3 mins. Fortunately we had cameras and my boss always watched us, so I wasn’t concerned. Our daycare had very high safety ratings and I loved my job but PARENTS make it difficult to want to work with kids.


I wouldn’t complain she was ignoring the other babies but I would definitely complain that she was the only worker in there with multiple babies. Breaks are definitely needed but if there’s only 3 people then only one person should be going at a time, that’s how we do it at our nursing facility. Can’t risk not having enough people to provide the needed cares.


I can see your concern but you’re being too quick to form an opinion. Three babies, one lady, you don’t know who was crying first. Heck she was probably crying herself if it was her first days and she got thrown into the wild like that. Yes bad things do happen at daycares but parents and daycare caregivers should work together, not against each other. Did you offer her a helping hand before her people came back? Even if she couldn’t have accepted the help the offer would’ve been nice.


She should of definitely consoled the crying babies. There also should never be just one caregiver in the room at a time what if there were an emergency with more than one child. Sounds very unprofessional and sounds like they are not following the standard.


This is the sad reality of putting your child in a daycare. Even if it wasn’t her child, she’d still be rocking one and have to ignore the others. The ratios are usually 1 to 4. There’s no way she can hold them all at the same time. This is why I am always hesitant to put my baby in daycare so small. It’s going to happen at every daycare. You are looking for a personal nanny or sitter if you can afford one


Young one, it’s your child and to have one teacher (parent) alone is a problem. Especially if there’s 3 staff - 2 shouldn’t be at break together. Communication with administrator/management/ owner would definitely be advised.


If she was rocking your child, and letting the others cry would it have been a problem then?


This is why I stayed home with my kids till they were in school. I figured why have kids if someone else was gonna raise them… I’ve worked in daycares and it’s very hard to find good consistent ones. Just not a fan for young babies.


My work is a 1 to 4 ratio in the infant room. And 4 babies to 1 teacher is HARD. But sometimes it’s a domino effect. Just yesterday our teacher was feeding 2 babies at the table… 1 was playing. And 1 was getting dropped off. Baby getting dropped off started screaming and other baby playing started to scream. It happens. They both were totally fine. She finished feeding the 2 then tended to the others. Babies cry. It’s okay.


The other babies could have literally started crying the moment the woman came in. We don’t know the full situation so no one should be so quick to judge. Maybe she comforted the other babies first and they started crying again. To many maybes to cause a big thing. Talk to the administration but since you don’t know the whole story I wouldn’t cause such an issue. Imagine the stress of having multiple crying babies
I’ve babysat my nephew who is the same age as my daughter and I’ve let my daughter cry while I attended to my nephew and vice versa


As somebody who has worked in a baby room for quite a while sometimes we have 3 to 7 babies it’s a little hard when they’re all crying at once she was only one person with three babies you can only rock one baby at a time
You seen the aftermath before you walked in was her baby screaming like the other ones were it’s not gonna hurt them to cry we’d let them cry for a little bit we can’t change everybody’s diapers at once we can’t be bottlefeeding everybody at once It’s always encourage for parents to bring up any concerns they might have but put yourself in her shoes and tell me you would not pick up your baby first if it was crying :wink:


Obviously she’s not a professional. I would bring it to someone’s attention

Definitely report it!

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I always said parents should change roles with the teacher , I don’t blame her to be concern but don’t judge that quick


So if she had been rocking a different child while others were crying what’s the difference? Other than it’s not hers


I would of, right that minute

I have been doing in home daycare since my oldest wad 3 yrs old. I have 4 of my own kids. I can see how that would bother you but you also don’t know who was crying first and if she was holding the other babies before that ect. I would be more upset that she didn’t have any help if they were all screaming at the top of their lungs. You should talk to them and bring up your concerns before getting yourself too worked up. Good luck :blush:


Babies cry, for everything, that’s how they communicate. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the baby. Babies crying sets off other babies to cry. One person dealing with three babies is too much, and she only has so many hands. Sometimes you have to let one cry while you’re dealing with the other and vice versa. If you ever had more than one baby at home or babysat multiple babies, you would know the stress levels of the people who are dealing with it. And let’s be honest, if it was your baby she was rocking, you wouldn’t have a problem.


you don’t know the whole story, there could’ve been absolutely nothing wrong with those two besides that they just wanted to cry. Her baby could have been crying in the first place and she had just calmed him down and was moving onto the others. But I’d be more upset that two people on break and only left one person to deal with the kids when it should be the other way around. also If it concerns your child and their care and how they’re being treated I’m not sure why people always ask if they should bring it up to the person because they’re “not confrontational people.” I’m not a confrontational person either but Like I’m sorry, if it concerns my child I’m gonna risk becoming confrontational.


You should bring it up that’s not right

I feel like you dont know the whole situation or the events that lead to the point where you came into the picture. She’s new as you just pointed out and it’s natural for kids and babies to cry as long as they are safe and not in harms way. DO NOT be a Karen and rush to judgement! she may have been tending to all the others up to that point and they may have been upset when she finally had an opportunity to pick up her own child… But dont throw her under the bus because you dont have all information or know what the truth/facts are. Bottom line is if you don’t trust others for your child’s care then stay home and do it yourself.


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I would talk to whomever is in charge of the day care.


You should bring up to higher staff (manager or boss) how two workers went to break and left one to deal with three crying babies. That’s where the problem lies. They should have one person taking a break at a time not two at a time. So there should always be two people working not just one. One person to take care of three babies under the age of one is not enough. Maybe she got the other babies to calm down then when she went to the next the baby she put down started crying again. One person is definitely not enough to take care of three crying babies. The reason I say three crying babies is how do you know her baby wasn’t crying as well before she picked him up to soothe him. Truth is picture is not always what it seems. And honestly if she was comforting your child while the others were crying you would of been ok with that.


I worked in the baby room for two years and it is HARD. I had my infant son in there as well so obviously others soothed him so I could tend to other babies but I comforted him as well. The only time I couldn’t get up to console other babies was when I was nursing my son in the rocker but there was always another teacher in there as well. The only time it was just one teacher was when we got down to 4 babies and that was only around 30-45 minutes until closing. Babies cry. Any amount of infants is hard. :sweat_smile:


There should never only be one adult in the room to start with


Should be worried about the 2 on break together
It would not have hurt them to be on break AFTER THEY HELPED CALM THE OTHER 2

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When I worked in childcare, the facility wouldn’t allow a parent to work in the same room as their child. I would suggest this to higher management if it’s not in place already. Children act way differently around their parents. Maybe talk to the Director or Owner and just find out why there were not two people in the room at the time, were they short staffed that day maybe? Regardless the 2 should not have been on break at the same time if they were both stationed in the Nursery. I know most places have a set number of adults per room for a certain amount of children. I believe nursery there is a requirement by law of 2 caregivers if there are more than 5 babies in the room. Definitely address the situation if it made you feel uncomfortable.


You are paying fir childcare….this is not a free service….by all means bring it up!! And everything else if there’s more….also do drop ins…


In addition brag on them and thank them when you see good things…having a good relationship with the caretakers goes a long way….however, when a new worker lets an infant that barely rolls over….fall from the changing table i want her fired. Some things require you putting your foot down.

At the same time; teacher, specially if knew, shouldn’t have been alone.