If it’s bothering you or your daughter I’d say something in private to the leader that said the words and if it continues then talk to someone over her
I wouldn’t call that cussing, but definitely not a way to talk to the kids. I’d let the school know for sure.
lol we got cursed at a few times in not REALLY cursed at the teacher said Hell or Crap this was the 90’s I doubt anyone even went home and told their parents… Mostly because we were definitely provoking the teacher trying to intentionally get on his nerves (it was a Sub) poor guy…
I understand it’s not the worst bad words to say but as a teacher you need to have self control and have patience. If it’s too hard, that’s the wrong job for you. I would absolutely say something and that’s not being a Karen, there’s a right and wrong way to correct a kid and that’s not it.
If this bothers you i know for a fact you dont live in the south bcuz they still have paddles in the schools down here. If your that bothered by it just go to the person and say something in a calm manner. Im sure u have said something like that but even worse
Sooooo many people here on their high horses like they don’t force their kids to go to church and sit through pasters telling them if they PISS OFF god they will burn in HELL for all eternity. I would much rather my child hear a teacher use this kind of language than a pastor speak at a church
Hell isn’t a cuss word.
I’d absolutely report it. Very unkind.
Of course you should say something. I would go directly to the principal.
If this is her street talk, (which could be worse) at school, especially with students, this is not the proper place.
Lol I just can’t with y’all!!!
The life of a teacher. Put yourself in that situation surrounded by children who exhibit some of the most awful behaviors, teachers get hit, threatened or worse and she said hell and pissing-
Word to the wise. If you’re going to send your child to public school, prepare yourself for much worse in years to come
Say something, that’s not right at all.
Nobody needs to be addressed in that manner. If this becomes acceptable, the students will see it as acceptable behavior. Is this what we want to teach our children? I don’t think so! You can address the problem with those who are in charge without naming names. Perhaps this will help.
Your kid would have to plug their ears in my classroom! Piss and hell are not cuss words!
If it’s not addressed it’ll continue.
Words from a teachers mouth shouldn’t include cuss words *especially in elementary school … I’d call the school & talk with the principal - her boss - & explain what your child told you & that you’d appreciate it if the principal had a word with the teacher about proper communication & leadership skills & practices, what is acceptable & what is not acceptable …
But what were the kids doing?
Just do whatever you think that’s right for your child.
Come on get over it eye roll
#1 hell is not a fu*king cruse!!! and sometimes people even in schools don’t always say nice things when kids are pissing them off
This is why I decided to never be a teacher. . I knew I would lose my job the first day.
I wouldn’t really call hell and pissed cursed words. If you’re that mad about them being told that you’re gonna hate what they call each other in middle school lol.
- it doesn’t matter what the kids were doing, teachers shouldn’t use words like that in school
- public schools have kids of all different backgrounds so teachers should use kind language when dealing with kids, even misbehaving ones
- I cuss in front of my kids and they know not to use that language so I’m not being prudish about it.
- I would absolutely address it with the teachers superiors immediately
Do none of you say hell? Ever???
I would be going to the head person of that school and filling them in on this.
Inappropriate for an adult to talk to kids that way, especially at school. Definitely say something!
Jeez, lol. Real world problems. Leave it be.
I was unaware hell and pissed were curse words. Guess I’m fired. I get me want what’s best for our kids, but some are sheltered way to much. Guess that’s why college kids need safe emotional spaces
I would wait an see if it happens again then I would say something
I really do appreciate that you are asking for a read on your reaction. And the short answer is… you need to start asking yourself if you are helping your child or hurting them by treating them the same way you did 3 years ago. It’s our job to keep them safe. But it’s also our job to prepare them to function in the world. By 4th grade, you are halfway there, Mama. Halfway to when the world will view them as an adult and hold them accountable. Those words weren’t verbally abusive. They weren’t even really curse words. They were harsh. And it may have been warranted. But even if it wasn’t, you have to be able to see your child as more than your baby. This world will say far worse in her presence. And they won’t use some white-washed sing-song voice that calls everyone “friend”. Be her safe place for sure. But a little bit of reality isn’t a bad thing. Teach her how to react. How to process her feelings. How to decide how she wants to act when the class is being little turds. Teach her. And teach yourself how to start walking beside her instead of spoon feeding her. It goes so much faster than you think, and they are grown. Help them be ready.
We all know what layton would say Eric Brierton
That type of behavior at school from a teacher or school employee is not ok, even a volunteer.
Say something, talk to other parents and see if they will speak up as well
Id have been asking my son what he was doing that caused the teacher to talk to them like that.
No…it shouldn’t happen but teachers are human just like the rest of us. Pretty sure the kids have heard a lot worse outside…unless you all keep your children locked away in the house all day
Those are NOT cuss words.
If you believe in it - hell is a real place
Pissed off is a set of words to describe a feeling.
Not sure what the issue is here🤷♀️
I’d ask my kid what the hell they did to piss her off!? I’m sure they did something!!
Seems legit to me!!
Teachers are human too momma!
People acting like its no big deal worry me
If I heard an ADULT speaking like this to my CHILD while they were in charge of them id lose my shit
Her job is literally to keep her cool with those kids
The whole “what the hell” might have been a slip up, but having a child correct you and saying “you’re passing me off” instead of “oops you’re right” is beyond NOT OKAY
Was it correct language ? Probably in a professional sense No,
However you have no clue what was really going on and kids can be assholes, let’s face it , no clue what happened before hand , during , after.
It’s not her best moment , perhaps she really cares about these kids and it wasn’t a good day for everyone ,
Have you heard the language coming out of the mouths of Babes these days? It’s not Hell that’s for sure!
This isn’t that big of a deal to me, it’s your kid handle it the way you prefer.
I don’t create issues unless there is one very present . Touching, bullying, etc. this teacher might be a resource to your child one day , be careful of the bridges you burn, I personally would just talk to her yourself , say hey this came back to me , I’m sure you had a bad day, please just be careful type conversation.
Please remember teachers are stressed under paid under resourced , and Human.
With family , stress, bills etc I would not want that job for anything!!!
Salute these Teacher’s
Definitely would not call that cussing but I do find that a tad out of line as a teacher myself. I would bring it up but it’s not worth starting a war over
I worked in childcare for 15 years, 10 as a director in a school age program. Say something to the director!!! This is not okay.
It’s not cool to cuss at kids but these kids make you wanna cuss em out. I cuss like a sailor but never at my daycare or school kids. Even tho their parents probably use the foulest language ever at home! But u have the right to complain about that. Especially of u don’t use that kind of language around your kids, they shouldn’t be exposed to it at school.
And this is exactly why we can’t get good teachers. If your kid is being a little shit and not behaving they are just suppose to take it? They make one tiny mistake (those words used in that context aren’t abusive in any regard and should not have been said but still not detrimental ) and it’s everyone grab a pitchfork and torch and burn her alive! My teachers said far worse when I was in grade school. This is why we will have a generation of snowflakes that will melt once they are sent out into the real world.
That’s not cursing. It may have been “inappropriate”, but I wouldn’t say anything unless it becomes a regular issue.
If my kid can’t say pissed or hell then no the teacher shouldn’t either…. My kid used to get in trouble at school for using the word “freak” because he would say -what the freak-
If it can’t be said by a student, it can’t be said by anyone in charge of students. I’d raise hell.
Go higher up. She’s clearly incapable of stopping .
No I wouldn’t let her get away with that she shouldn’t be talking like that to kids I will talk to her principal first
Personally I would raise holy hell apparently she has no business being in charge of children
If your child was truly upset, I would go to the person and try to handle it politely. If they have an attitude or try to justify with little or no remorse, then escalate to someone in charge. Sure it is easy to judge someone and say they shouldn’t be there, but honestly, I’ve said things I regret to my own kids in a moment of frustration. Nobody is perfect. We have no idea what is going on in her/his life at this moment.
Let he who is without sin…
I would let the principal be aware of her conduct. I mean the child would be in trouble for cursing at school so the teacher should face discipline to imo
Just wait til they get to middle school and HS….lot more being said than hell and pissed off…by the teachers….JS
Can’t bubble wrap them forever!
I don’t think saying what the hell is a big deal…or saying…y’all are pissing me off….we’ve got 4…lots more has been said to them, bye them, and by us! Lol
But…if it’s a big deal to you…have a chat with the teacher!
lawd. we barely have teachers and peeps trying to get her in trouble.
kids piss me off too
I cant believe WHAT teachers put up now days !!
Glad I’m not a teacher:rofl: they wld all be cussing:face_with_peeking_eye:
That’s not professional, report it and that’s not the way to go about if a child is not listening
I personally wouldn’t let it go. I mean, I wouldn’t make her lose her job over it but I would say something because even that’s inappropriate to say to a group of kids you’re paid to work with
That’s cussing??!! Wait until they get to high school, especially the students.
I would bring it up to the aftercare director. Usually the personnel in aftercare programs are young and untrained college students so they need better guidance on how to speak around elementary school kids
I would not take action
I would not sheild my child from the real world and how people are…… ideally the teacher should be nice all the time. Saying “Hell” is not a big deal to me as opposed to “Cunt” or “Fuck” or “son of a Bitch”
So in this situation I would teach my child to cope in preparation for real life.
Get over urself geez
Just leave it alone. It’s mild compared to what they can do. She said “he’ll” & “p!ssed”. They weren’t even directed at your kid Stop teaching your child to be a wimp.
I’d make sure the situation was known
Hell and pissed are bad words? Lmao
Bad words are only bad because someone one day decided they were. Hell and piss and not bad words. And trust that they will here worse the older they get.
I don’t consider those words cuss words
Personally it’s not a job I could do with kids these days I’d be the same way but if it’s that upsetting to you n the child I’d report it
I’d speak to the leader personally before jeopardizing their career over a PG level “cussing” episode. Was it right? No. Should it cost him/ her their job? Also, no.
Would be better to go to the school authorities then put it on Facebook.
I’d bring it up just because that type of language shouldn’t be used from a teacher towards the students! She clearly lost her cool with them and it’s not acceptable ( being a teacher is stressful but no excuse to speak to the kids like this she could of avoided using that type of language)
Is this school leader teacher or is it a school-aged person in charge of a fourth grade class for a short period of time? 
I didn’t even know that these were bad words?
You could just explain to your daughter that those aren’t necessarily bad words while also explaining to her that yes they can be hurtful. But I certainly wouldn’t open the can of worms that you would be opening by taking it to her boss. It’s not like she called them little f*****s
Leave it. Those are debatable as being classified as “bad” words and most don’t consider them a cuss word. Teachers are human they’re allowed to lose their cool
Leaders as in teacher or what? If you have that much of an issue talk to the person. I wouldn’t report them lol
Ummmm I’d speak
To the teacher first . If it happened again , call the school . Very unprofessional
so you’re saying you’ve never “cussed” around the kids my kids are allowed to say hell both 14 and 12 pissed is anither word for mad. yes daid person could have picked different words if you dont like speak to that lerson before trying to make her lose her job. my crotch goblins get under my skin i have 3 vs 20 some
that’s unacceptable behavior especially from a teacher, I’d be talking to the principal
And that is why I’ve never sensored myself or told people watch their language around my kids. One thing I can’t stand is a “that’s a bad word”kid. The teacher said hell and piss…it’s not like they dropped the f bomb in front of them. We forget these teachers are human too and they are dealing with multiple kids that frustrate the hell out of their own parents. I’d probably buy that teacher a bottle of wine for the weekend if they were my kids teacher and tell them go relax
Of COURSE!!! Nothing matters but your child’s care!
Wrong choice of words with using “pissed”…but hell? That’s not a bad word
I would leave it alone.
A block of concrete got dropped on my foot. All the kids thought I’d said a rude word but I’d said sugar. Even the other staff took a moment to realise I hadn’t. I’d mention it because part of the job is not swearing at the kids but be prepared that the version you got might not be the actual one!
Egypt wasn’t she FIRED???
What does leader mean?
Is that what they call teachers?
Is that like the teacher helper for the day?
Are they school aged or adult?
I’m yeah I would say get over it.
There adults talking like literally everyone talks
Maybe talk to the principal. No teacher should be cursing at their students let alone in elementary school.
Yeah they dont need to be cursing like that.
Something should be said
I don’t consider either of those cuss words. If it’s a parochial school it could be questionable but…public, no.
You and your kid are disgusting.
Honestly, you’re lucky if that’s the least of the words that your daughter hears by fourth grade. Sadly, your children are going to encounter other children that don’t have the same behavior, home lives, and guidance in their life compared to your own child.Just make sure that your own child knows that is wrong and to not follow others bad behavior. 
Wow. Just wow. Not a big deal at all.
Well for one…. It’s an after school program? Let it slide.
What the hell isn’t cussing.
I wouldn’t personally care unless the kids were being insulted or something similar. The words she said and what she said is fine.
You should hear the things 4th graders say.
Leave it alone… The kids weren’t listening n pissed her off!! They heard that tho, huh??
You have got to be kidding me. Where’s the cursing?