A person at my childs school cursed at them: Advice?

I would be concerned if they cursed the children, but not if they cussed.


I don’t consider " what the hell" to be cursing so I would leave it alone

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I don’t care about the words that they used, but the way the disrespectful way that they were addressing their behaviour


Is it an actual teacher or maybe a high schooler just there to get hours?

Do I care if those words are said around my kid? No. I care if they are directed TOWARDS my kid. I would have a polite conversation with said leader and tell her I don’t appreciate that negativity being directed towards my child. If you can’t calmly deal with a group of children, you probably shouldn’t be working with them. And yes, I have worked with children most of my life.


Someone in there position shouldn’t be telling 4th graders your pissing me off or what the hell. Maybe they should rethink being in a program with kids. I don’t think of those words as cuss words but there still not appropriate words in that field to be using or talking to young children. Maybe they were having a bad day that day. I would let it go once but if it keeps on I would say something.

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If the child would get in trouble for saying it, then it’s bad language. Some of you are saying it’s not cussing. For a child it is. It is a very poor example also.


Your kid was probably not listening to direction and pissed the school leader off. I would leave it unless your child is really butt hurt about it.
If your child wants to address it help them navigate that by providing conversation pointers to address the issue- eg hey bob I didn’t like it when you said so and so. Could you try to be nicer next time?
If it’s just your hormones let them be

I don’t consider ‘Hell’ or ‘pissing me off’ to be swearing.

Seriously: Y’all need to teach your kids common sense, respect, and manners. Don’t teach your kids to be snowflakes. Teach your kids to be respectful and to stop goofing around, and you will see others be respectful back.

The word hell doesn’t upset me because it is a place and most kids know this. The word pissing is not appropriate language. I don’t need my preschooler coming home and asking what it means to be getting pissed off.

As a teacher myself this would be considered totally unacceptable by any school staff member.

Personally I’d go to the Principal. She is not setting a good example to a class of 9/10 year olds. She could have handled it in a more professional way and if she wanted to vent do it in the teacher’s lounge not the classroom.


Omg… your children are gonna hear cuss words all their life… don’t coddle them about this… let it go… you make a big deal of it… they will learn to be “Karens”… let it go… Stand up for things that really matter !

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I don’t consider the two words used as ‘cuss words’. But what is concerning is rather the leaders reaction to handling the children. I think it is unprofessional to talk to fourth graders like that. I would not address it yet but be attentive to your childs end of the day talk.

Talk to the principal !!!

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As a teacher, I definitely consider that as a bad example of language.

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Maybe speak to her yourself. :woman_shrugging:

Megan Rhyne any thoughts

Even though they are not such bad words Teachers are to set the example, if a kid spoke like that to them I don’t think they would be happy.


Molly Mitola any thoughts

I’ll be saying a lot worse than that if I had to deal with them bad ass disrespectful kids everyday

I get it. Sometimes adults let things slip. Personally, I’d extend grace to that person…but if it is a continuous thing od speak with staff not their supervisor


Maybe she’s hormonal too? (Could be on period) and stressed (obviously they were p***ing her off)


It’s the attitude more than the actual words. Report it.


Yeah I don’t think I would go as far as to say that she cursed at them like that I think it was more like I generalization a slip of the tongue if you will… Although inappropriate yes but these are fourth graders ma’am they’re not babies I’m pretty sure they hear far worse at home. Ma’am you’re talking to your 4th grader like they’re a baby that sounds like toddler talk get off your kids back it’s gonna be OK … “”The other leaders are nice and use nice words?”” Ma’am that sounds like a freaking two-year-old not an eight-year-old…


I’m not sure if everyone’s been living under a rock or what but have you heard the stuff that comes out of these kids mouth and peoples mouth these days just in general? Hell and pissed off is a far cry from what they’re going to hear probably more than likely here shortly and going into the fifth grade lol I mean if this is a problem you ain’t seen nothing yet don’t shelter your kids don’t raise them To be soft and weak that’s not how the world is definitely not in middle school and high school… And you said after school program right? I mean you can’t go tell the principal anything about this can you even considered school hours or are they even affiliated with the school itself … Or just some general people that come in to do the afterschool program after school?

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I’m a teacher. I have slipped, but that seems a bit much. I would report.


I think that’s pretty minor considering my vocabulary and the fact she’s surrounded by kids all day. My daughter would laugh at the mildness of that cussing. She could have chosen better words or taken a deep breath, but she is human. Totally capable of being pissed off by a bunch of 4th graders.


Talk to the principal this is not acceptable behavior in front of children this is her job


Totally wrong! You should not be a teacher if she can’t take the heat!!


Those are bad words now !?! :flushed:


That’s inappropriate. Not just the words, but the intent. You don’t get to talk to people however you want just because they’re “pissing you off” in the real world, why is it any different with the children?

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I would mention it… gently. Remind her that young tender ears can be easily hurt. Ask her nicely if she could watch her language around the younglings.

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That’s it!? They probably hear worse things from “friends”. :flushed:


My kids probably wouldn’t even notice the use of “hell” and “pissing” lol they’re not even real “curse” words. This is funny tbh. So yeah, let it go. Shit happens. And the concept of “bad” words is outdated anyways. Outdated as FUCK.

I wish I was as perfect as some of you are…
Some days are harder than others guys, come on… let’s extend a little grace here…
if that is considered “reportable” I sure hope all of you “saints” are on your best behavior the next time your little angels act up!


I would wash her mouth out with soap after I slapped the shit out of her for talking to my child like that

I would call the school or go up there. I called the school before because my son said a teacher told him and his class to “shut up”. I called that teacher and asked her and she said “I told them to shut their mouths”. I told her that I teach my kids not to talk that way so she shouldn’t be talking to him or the other students that way.

I’m sure every parent including yourself has said this as well…these kids these days are obnoxious and have no respect…she might have been at her limit at the moment…and they are 4th graders not like they are in kindergarden…I would say…she probably doesn’t put up with as much of their crap as some of the other teachers…lol…I think all the kids are going to live through it…and I am sure much worse comes out of most of their mouths…


This is unacceptable. I’d definitely say something.

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I’m not one to care about cursing but it’s the cursing AT the kids for me. I’d say something to the school “leader” real quick.


Nope, not one teacher has ever cursed infront of or to my child. That isn’t acceptable and I would address the issue. If she is getting pissed off at kids, maybe she should find another line of work then. Leaders should be role models, the teacher isn’t setting very well good behavior.


That isn’t professional so you can file a complaint for being unprofessional. However those arent swear words where I’m from but she could have used better language.


Maybe she might need more help, I’m not saying what this person did was acceptable however, I’m a substitute teacher and its getting worse and worse. The disrespect from kids is awful. Especially if it’s one of the popular kids doing it. I’ve seen seasoned teachers get hard kids. Maybe go in and volunteer and see what it’s like in the classroom or after school programs. If this person is younger it’s hard to get a classrooms attention.


Lol I mean she didn’t say Wtf! Wth is not bad

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Oh Jesus Christ. Quit whining & go sit down somewhere.

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Ain’t no one but me gonna cuss at my kids period


Are you kidding??? That is not cussing … be realistic…


She’s a leader and that’s not acceptable in that environment


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Omg things people complain about. Hate to tell you how kids actually talk away from parents :joy::skull_and_crossbones:


That kind of language is not ok.

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I really don’t consider the word hell as cursing. Like at all. But I am sure someone will blow this up to be horrendous.


my grandson told us his teacher last year used the F bomb quite a bit. we need cameras in the classrooms!!!

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Doesn’t matter if you cuss in front of your kids. School teachers definitely shouldn’t.


Why don’t you home school your kid Karen. Your kid is old enough to know what words she can say and not say. You wonder why teachers leave the field in droves, because of undisciplined kids and their parents


I’d still be mad if somebody said that’s in my kid I go off and I would most definitely say something for the people same be realistic you might be able to say that to your own care but they don’t give somebody else the right to say to your kid especially if they’re not family or taking care of them as in feeding them paying your bills

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I could never be a teacher! I’d be cursing all the time hahaha kids need this nowadays! They could use a swat on the butt too like the olden days, maybe then they wouldn’t be so disrespectful and bullies :woman_shrugging: just my opinion!

The pissing me off. I didn’t like that part of it… She definitely would never speak like that in front of my daughter again…

Definitely think it is unprofessional. The ‘what the hell’ I don’t think is a big deal… however, she shouldn’t be telling the children that they are pissing her off, even if they are lol. I would just make sure to introduce myself to her but let it go unless it gets more serious.

Pick your battles wisely

I don’t think that is cursing but if you have a problem let the teacher know. They can’t possibly fix any issues you have with them or their teaching if you don’t tell them. The worst she can say is “I’m sorry you feel that way”

I speak like a sailor at home. However, I would NEVER speak like that in front of a group of other people’s children or in a professional setting.
If someone spoke like that to my children, I’d be disappointed with their loss of self control, but I wouldn’t be worried about it scarring my children bc they’ve heard much much worse from my mouth.


Yes. I would be up there correcting that situation. Cause even though I curse around my kids, it’s unprofessional, especially for a person who is with kids as a job to do it. If I can’t curse at my job, guess what, neither can you. And be cursing towards my own children is not the same as someone else cursing at them.

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Ok well im not reading these comments but come on now, the teachers are dealing with tons of bratty ass, bored, sometimes unruly kids all day long…im surprised she didnt say worse! I cuss like a sailor, not at my kids but still. Now if she was cursing directly at your child thats different but i hardly think what she said was a big deal. Dont be a karen. Your child will hear alot worse in the real world. Get over it.

To some people those may not be curse words but they are words that shouldn’t be used towards or around children. Also anybody missing the part where she said 4th grade??? Like your loosing your temper to 9-10 yr olds. That’s sad

Maybe not appropriate but everyone has their breaking point and to me those aren’t really bad words.


Yes tell the teacher so.ethong protect your children!!! At the end of the day those are your kids

Tbh i wouldnt care. I cuss around my kids and she didnt say anything horrible so i wouldnt make a big deal out of it but thats just me. Now if she went further or said it towards them…worse stuff i mean… id be mad but sayin their pissing her off of wth. Nah.

I’d let it go, kids hear cursing and cuss words no matter where they go. now if it were vulgar cuss words and she /he does it normally, then yes person in charge needs to know. these words she used are not bad at all. if only thats what kids had to put up with.and as long as your kids know NOT TO USE THOSE WORDS. its a learning experience in life.

I mean kids are are not the innocent their lil shxxxxts sometimes she’s probably fed up :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I would let it go unless it happens again.

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I work with kids hundreds of them. So many are very undisciplined and when you meet the parents you know why. Most kids know better. Kids usually, not always, will also exaggerate or not accurately share the story of what really happened. Every time I deal with a parent who is upset, 9 times out of 10, their child has told a wrong version of yhe actual facts. Some kids can also be overly sensitive. If this teacher said to the other students your pissing me off then I would inquiry why is she being disrespected. Being nice does not mean they are listening. Last thing your description doesn’t sound like its something to get upset about. Again inquiry why the teacher is being pushed to cause her to react.