A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

Where I’m from that would be called rude asf

Tipping is an option


It seems like both kids messed up in this particular situation. Both have bad restaurant etiquette.


He will never forget again though… I am a waitress, I’ve been for over 10 years… I haven’t done this, I have social anxiety and fear of conflict so I wouldn’t, and I don’t know any servers that would… cheers to this sever. People stiff us constantly and just like we all work to pay our bills… one table can make or break us… if you can’t tip, don’t go out to eat… it’s that simple. Our industry is SUFFERING. Support us, or go to the grocery store. minimum wage for tipped employees is only $2-$5 MAX… most of us don’t see a paycheck… it goes to taxes…


Even when I was certain a customer truly forgot (they were very happy and we chatted it up so much so that it was a distraction lol) I’ve never and would never! It sucks but it’s apart of the industry, you win some you loose some :woman_shrugging:

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I wouldn’t go back there. I wouldn’t have tipped at all even if I had forgotten, being confronted like that. It’s inappropriate. Wait staff where I am are paid minimum wage, plus tips. At the end of the day you total your tips out and hopefully you were a good server and people appreciated that :woman_shrugging:t2: this is a good time to discuss with your son proper dining out etiquette and what to expect from various types of restaurants based on their atmosphere and what they offer


Servers make half of minimum wage. They also have to tip out the busser, bartender, and host. If people don’t tip then the server can actually lose money because they never see a paycheck it all goes to taxes. When I was bartending and serving and completely didn’t get a tip I always asked why so I could know if there was something wrong with the service. The pandemic has been really hard for servers too. They didn’t fall under the first few tiers of vaccinations so they had to risk their health so serve people food in an industry that rarely provides health insurance.


That’s bullying Tipping is an option not a requirement.


If gratuity is required at an establishment…it is posted and added to the bill automatically. Asking for a tip is unprofessional.

I work in a tip industry and I 100% NEVER ask, expect, or assume I’m going to be tipped. She’s out of line


I tip and I tip well…more when I’m in the US because of the ridiculous minimum wage for servers BUT if I pay a $10 check with a $20 bill and the server says “do you need change?” I tip less because it really pisses me off. So I’m on the side of inappropriate and rude.

Um… how do you forget to tip? I have really bad social anxiety and had it even worse when I was his age, but I never “forgot” to tip. That sounds like an excuse. Teach him these things. If you go out to eat, you leave a tip. Has he had his first job yet? I bet he wouldn’t forget then.


A tip is not mandatory… If he didnt tip oh well… She had no right and was out of line


I had this happen but I did tip but she didn’t like the amount tipped and ran after us to the point of the outside of the restaurant door telling us off in an inappropriate tone. I notified the manager to no avail

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No one forgets. :rofl: Your little Republican will be okay lol


I don’t see how he could say he “forgot” to tip, when he literally had to sign the credit card slip. And it clearly has a spot for a tip to be added right above where he signs for the total. Sounds like he did it on purpose & got called out on it. :woman_shrugging:t2:
Professional? No. But if you can’t handle being called out on your bullshit, don’t be a dick.

Maybe she should get a better job :woman_shrugging:t2: that’s my opinion on it. Get a different job or quit complaining that people don’t tip. There will ALWAYS be some person who doesn’t tip, will never tip, and that’s just that.


Fuck that I tip based on my service!!! I don’t want to hear I don’t make enough get another job then!!!

Super unprofessional and off-putting… but how do you forget to tip on the card? There is a blank space for the tip amount.


Server was wrong. Management should be told about her behavior. If she wants a guaranteed wage she needs to get another job.


Tipping is optional. Waitresses and bartenders are fully aware of this when they get hired. As for confronting him that would be a BIG NO. I would call and speak with management regarding their employees behavior as it’s not something any of my employers would have allowed from their wait staff.


As a former server I think the behavior of the waitress is appalling.
She needs to learn about discretion and about common decency. If she wants a guaranteed tip she needs to up her skills and gain employment at an upscale biz that auto charges the tip onto the bill.
As a parent of a teen suffering anxiety I would go in person the biz and without anger or snarkiness request to speak to the manager, if not available ask the best time and contact info. If available and comes out to you request to speak privately as in the office or outside.
Then discuss the situation by addressing you son’s youth, anxiety and the event being a date which ups the anxiety. Then what happened and how the server behaved. As well as how horrible he felt afterwards and how his date felt. Request the the server be properly trained so that she does not do this to someone else or make the biz look bad.


I was a barber for years and tips were everything. I would never dream to ever confront someone who didn’t tip. Would we be pissed and talk :poop: as soon as they left? Absolutely. But you don’t confront customers like that.


I tip according to the service. If my drink is empty longer than 20 minutes I will deduct from your tip. I was a waitress I know what it’s like to want to make tips but I know it’s not a requirement and most people don’t tip even if you are a good waitress. I would Definitely go to the restaurant and speak with the manager over it. I’m sure he was embarrassed in front of his gf and anyone else around. That waitress doesn’t seem like she needs a tip anyway! YOU DONT HAVE TO TIP EVERY TIME YOU GO OUT TO EAT. IF THE WAITRESS DOESNT LIKE WHAT SHES MAKING THEM FIND A NEW JOB THERES PLENTY OUT THERE.


So i guess ill be the one to say it, ive been in the restaurant business for 15 years, and its very common for servers that dont get tipped to ask why… Most servers only make 2.13-2.50/hr, and depend on tips… If they dont get tipped they then question their work and how well they done their job… We as a corporation actually encourage or servers to ask the customer at checkout if they would like to go ahead and add a tip for their server… Chasing out the door, not so much, but if you weren’t tipped, wouldnt you want to know why and how you can improve your service??


That’s super weird of her to do that. Honestly she should feel thankful she gets minimum wage plus tips. In the town I live in severs on average make $2.65 plus tips.

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I agree ~ get in touch w/ her manager ! She had NO right to talk to your son that way or be DEMANDING a tip. I hope you assured your son he did NOTHING wrong and tipping someone is NOT MANDATORY !!


that’s not ok and her manager should be notified. I worked as a waitress for 4 years and never once do you demand a tip.

I wouldn’t call to complain or have her fired but I would call to inform management n owner of concern for their business… If she did it to him, who knows how many others she has done it to n business lost of customers… (because I wouldn’t go back if they allow workers to do that)


Bartender. It is absolutely inappropriate to confront a customer. However, y’all better not dare complain when we all quit again and you don’t have your precious restaurants to dine in.


Tipping is optional. Waiter was out of line you do not chase down customers for a tip .

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You’re not obligated to tip. Its supposed to be extra for the person serving you. It’s unfortunate & disgusting that our government allows employers to under pay their employees. It makes me furious. :rage: With that said it’s your sons choice to tip or not. What she did is begging. I personally would not have gone back tipped her. Instead I would e complained to the manager that their employee was begging & harassing me.


allot of ppl arent tipping probably because the entitled bratts who demand they receive a tip for no service. You earn tips


That person should have never asked him that I’m sorry I would contact the manager.


She needs to be fired!! Unacceptable behavior.


I was a server for three years…yes the hourly wage sucks and I have not been tipped before either and that also sucks but I would never go up to someone and say they forgot to tip me. I would deff call the manager of the restaurant and let them know.


Wow! No, no and no! I get that some people live off tips as well as tips are always a plus in our daily income. BUT…. there are many circumstances that a tip may not happen - can’t afford it? Dinner out is a treat. Customer service wasn’t ideal? Be a little nicer?

We have came out of a year that was a struggle for lotS of people.

I work in the ‘tipping’ industry and if I came after anyone that didn’t tip me whether I knew they could or couldn’t as well as I was top notch or having a bad day…. I am not entitled to that at all!

I am an excellent tipper and even when I sense someone is having a bad day I’ll give just a little more but that’s my choice.

He simply forgot - what would she have done or felt if he just couldn’t of given that extra money. We are not entitled to it!

You’re not being over protective! You’re being a loving mom and it shows through your son as he went back and gave a tip. I wouldn’t of to be honest. He did good! It’ll pass!

The waitress is 100% in the wrong.


When. I worked I didn’t get a tip I got a decent wage.

While I understand her frustration in getting stiffed, it was wrong of her to call him out on it.


Wow I never had that happen How Rude she is was Wow

Unprofessional i would definitely make a complaint waitress was very rude and and tips are not mandated

How did he forget to tip? There’s literally a tip line right under the total. And he had to sign the receipt


I personally think it’s tacky and inappropriate when people confront people over tips.

It happened to my mom once but the lady legitimately did not deserve a tip, her service was lacking in a lot of areas. It’s just embarrassing.

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Tips are OPTIONAL…they know the risk when taking the job.

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If she was a waitress at my restaurant she wouldn’t have a job after this


Not necessarily appropriate to confront the customer but she probably only makes about $2.50 an hour and that all goes to taxes. If you don’t tip her, she waited on you for free. Whether or not you agree with the system is irrelevant. It is the standard system in this country and needs to be a part of every dining experience. If they were terrible, leave a bad tip and maybe a note about how they can do better. If they were great, tip great. But never tip nothing.

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That’s not okay. At all.


Oh hell no. I wouldn’t have gone back to tip either. It’s an honest mistake and I’ve done it - we all probably have. But NOPE! Huge nope. If you gonna be an ass you wouldn’t get shit from me. I have even gone back the next day and paid more than I normally would have.

The server was wrong to chase him down maybe he forgot but if he hadn’t it’s no obligatory to tip how was the service ??did she ran as fast to make sure he was fully satisfied with the service?? Some do the minimal but expect a great tip… because they are working ummm no. I’ve tip well and not tip at all it all depends on how you work.

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We don’t know what she’s going through either. Maybe her car is broke down or she has a sick kid. Or maybe she really wanted to know what she did wrong. I was a server for a long time and I would get really upset wondering what I did wrong. Stop calling for ppls jobs, maybe some empathy would be a better choice. She could be the only income in the house and she’s barely making it.


Waitress should’ve never called him out n tbh he should call the establishment n let the manager know.


Wow! I’ve been a server before and you just bite your tongue if you don’t get a tip. If I forgot to leave one, and I was confronted by my server about it, I wouldn’t just not tip, I would talk to the manager. Totally unacceptable behavior


She shouldn’t have done that but at the same time if she gave good service which it doesn’t explain if she did it not she may have deserved a tip. But people also need to learn if you can’t afford to tip don’t go out to eat cuz server min wage is not the same as other min wage and telling them to find another job is kind of hard depending on your situation at home and what else you know how to do. So telling a good waitress to get a different job because you can’t afford it don’t want to tip because you don’t feel you got good service because everyone wants to go out to eat and live their lives again, and then overwhelmed restaurants but some of you need to learn patience. I have treated all my table with respect and like they are a guest on my own house. But some of you treat is like we are slaves that should have to eat off the floor like dogs and it’s true maybe you should get a new job if you can’t afford to tip but want to go out to eat. I would never go up to a table and complain about a tip but I would never go out to eat off I couldn’t afford to tip.

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Probably shouldn’t have chased him down to confront him, BUT I bet he never forget to tip the waitress again as long as he lives lol


That waitress is absolutely wrong, and I would have literally just not tipped her ass and called the manager. Probably would have gone so far as to get my meal refunded so SHE had to pay for it.

I’m sorry, but that’s just wrong of her to do. :woman_shrugging:t3: I’m also super petty.

I own a restaurant and have for the past 10 years.
I have also been in the biz, for 30 years.
I have never….not one time, confronted someone for not tipping.
It is COMPLETELY out of line.
Even if it was a mistake, it truly doesn’t matter.
When the server said that they make minimum wage, that is referring to a servers minimum wage, not a non server minimum wage. (That is $3.27, where I live).
Furthermore, if any of my staff ever confronted someone like that, they wouldn’t work for me.
You take the good with the bad.


I would have went and got her manager right then and there. Her behavior is not acceptable


I’m a restaurant manager and while it sucks to not get tipped I’d never want anyone on my staff to do that. It’s to be expected and is part of the job. I might not call management or want that person fired but it was definitely inappropriate.


I was a waitress for 25 years I’ve never confronted a shitty tipper. But I’ve wanted it. It’s a hard job. But I’ve always made 80k or more a year as a server so I tend to not trip over a small thing. But if I was barely getting by as a server I might say something. I honestly see the most disgusting side of people as a waitress . It’s sad and hilarious the Superior complex people get.

although i Don’t Understand How Someone “Forgets” To Tip, (if He Didn’t Think She Deserved a Tip, Then That’s Fine. Don’t Tip, But To Say You Forgot Makes No Sense?) That Server Was absolutely in The Wrong! if She Deserved The Tip Before, She Definitely Didn’t after Demanding one.
Sorry Your Son Went Thru That.

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How do you forget to tip

My dad was confronted by a waitress outside after he left 20% tip. She felt she deserved more. He never went back to the restaurant. And it was one of his favorites


I understand her being upset about not getting a tip, but it’s definitely not appropriate to go after a customer.


Should of asked 4 the money back 4 the meal the checky bitch

They make minimum wage for a waiter/waitress which is like 2 dollars an hour. Yea it’s embarrassing but good for her for saying something even if it was a mistake.


Nope nope nope I mean they work for tips I get that def because I do instacart and shipt so I’d be upset for not getting a tip but I would never say anything … we went to a Chinese buffet and the lady was like hawking us while we got our jackets on we were gonna tip cash and we paid on a card but she kept saying stuff and was like “ you didn’t tip yet where’s my tip ?!” In a rude way so I told her I was about to put the tip on the table but the way she acted I wasn’t tipping now … we have 2 kids and she wouldn’t let us get the kids jackets on before she said stuff multiple times … and the fact it was a buffet like come on

And as you can see some people think from above comments it’s totally okay to only beable to afford to go out and not tip . IF You CAN’T afford to tip you shouldn’t look at it like you can afford to go out to eat. Go get takeout. How sad and pathetic.


Not appropriate at all for her to do that


Call in and complain. She should not have done that. A tip is not required and she shouldn’t be demanding one.


That’s way out of line and if I had forgot I wouldn’t have gave her shit on purpose after thst

As a sever, my advice would be to call the manager of the store, that’s not okay


Uncalled for.
You never call a customer out that didn’t tip.
It’s part of dealing with the public, some tip and some don’t.
The waitress needs to choose another profession.


That is terrible shame on her!!


Why are wait staff paid so badly? In NZ we are not tippers, here it is illegal to pay less than minimum wage. How is it possible to pay someone $2 an hr? If this young lady behaved this way here she would’ve been fired. Instantly.


My few years as a waitress I never once wanted to confront someone about not tipping.


Rude… she was out of line.

It is illegal for the waitress to do that .


She should confront someone for not tipping! That’s her income… she has herself and people to support and depends on tips!


As a retail cashier I think people who complain and get someone in trouble are scum, but that is totally uncalled for for her to do that and I say call and complain this is where is say it’s ok to call

You don’t have to tip. You should. But not required. I would be embarrassed.


See. This is why it needs to go. Just pay the wait staff a living wage.

It’s a GRATUITY. Meaning you give of your own free will IF you can/want to.

It is NOT an obligatory… meaning it would be a necessary thing.

Restaurant owners are making plenty of money to just pay the staff so the staff don’t need to beg for what SHOULD be an extra.


I would call the restaurant and ask to speak to someone, a tip is 100% optional! No waitress or waiter gets to be unprofessional about it :woman_shrugging:t2:


In Ireland minimum wage is around 11 euro an hour. People tip if they want… Most do to be fair…

Accidents happen. I wouldn’t have went back in and tipped her shit after she did that to me . Kudos to him for going back .

That waitress was IN the wrong . … tips are given for GREAT service NOT because its required… I would have rebuked that waitress BAD. ,What a slime!!


No, no ok to chase someone down but I’ve been distracted and actually went back to tip when I realized it. Being a former waitress and human it happens

I think tipping should be voluntary.


I understand her being upset due to her pay but totally unacceptable to confront customers maybe he forgot but maybe working for same wages and was just able to pay for dinner

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She’s in the wrong she never should have approached him like that demanding is a big aggressive . If she was that upset about a tip she could have gone about it a different way like asking if something was wrong with her service or something along those lines

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We really didn’t need your son’s medical history. I have a feeling that you gave us that info so we wouldn’t point out that it was a douche move not to tip. HOWEVER, regardless if it was intentional or not, a tip is optional and she had NO right to confront him.:woman_shrugging:t4: If you really feel some type of way, go confront her or speak to her boss about her behavior. If it was me, I would just confront her myself.

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Honestly companies should pay their employees enough to not have to rely on tips but mental disorders aren’t an excuse Darling. The waitress shouldn’t have done what she did though.


Oh hell no!!! If they don’t tip, then they don’t tip. Wth what a POOR waitress your son had, to bad he had to experience that. I was tipped with pennies that actually disintegrates in my hand lol, did I say anything, heck no!!! You have NO idea what that person might be going thru. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Fuck that chick with a cactus. What a bitch.

I’ve been a bartender/server for about 26 years and it is never ok to ask someone why they didnt tip…the tip is earned period and some people dont agree with tipping it’s part of the business you get some you lose some. Tipping is a courtesy for a job well done not a right that’s what hourly wage is for and yes I’ve had my hourly wage be between $2.13 in TN and $10.10 in MN with wage plus tips I average $32 an hour so losing 1 tip is not the end of the world. Tipping is voluntary period.


Where is everyone living that they only make 2-3$ an hour?! Minimum wage is about $12/13 here. When I was a hostess at a restaurant, and then a waitress, we had to share our tips with the chefs and hostess staff.

She was in the wrong. I’ve been serving for 16 years, and I’ve never once asked someone why they didn’t tip. I once had the chance to ask a gentleman who didn’t tip, if everything was alright with my service. He said yes, and I left it at that. While I understand her frustration, she shouldn’t have gone after your son like that. It’s just tacky.


When you have received great service you do not forget to tip. Just saying…


That’s up to him if he wants to tip its not his problem what her wages are, he shouldn’t feel guilty at all, tipping depends on service imo, is this an american page? Ive worked in hospitality i wouldnt dream of chasing peiple into the street for a tip x

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A tip isn’t required and the waitress should never have confronted your son!
I’d definitely let the restaurant manager know!