A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

No your not that waitress had no right to do that. She doesn’t know his story she should be rapamaned for that. I’m sorry but I think it was wrong of her to do that.


As a mother, you should train ur kids to tip! No excuses. If u can’t tip…dont go out


It’s a great opportunity to remember how pathetic the wage system is, and write to your local representatives about fixing an obviously broken system.

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Your sons medical diagnosis has nothing to do with any of this and that server should be fired.


That was pretty rude of the waitress!

She was way out of line I would not have tipped her at all, and would have called for the manager , how tacky can one get. Just because your a waitress, doesn’t mean everyone
should tip you. Get another job, if that one isn’t making you enough money.


No one is automatically entitled to a tip. Period. Earn it. I wouldn’t of tipped with that attitude. Id of spoke to the manager. ( we tip almost always out of kindness, regardless though, I said what I said about no one being entitled )


There was a restaurant near me that if you used a card - they would point out tip - you forgot the tip!! And it was a buffet!!

If all the wait staff across the USA, got together, went on strike, and demande at least Minimum wage, the problem, could be solved.


Had a waitress rub all over my husband thinking she would get a bigger tip. I was paying and she got no tip. For the record, I think employers should pay the employees wages, not the customer.


I’ve had a DoorDash delivery guy, same guy twice, that told me AT MY FRONT DOOR, not to forget to tip him well because they don’t make that much. I ALWAYS tip and I ALWAYS tip more than 15%. Him confronting me like that though, twice, really caught me off guard. Made me not want to tip at all. I did tip him though, but I thought it was super unprofessional of him. I ended up reporting him because he did it twice, to my face. It was a bit confrontational.


I would have told should have found a better job then if u like working here good for u but I would have just walk away because she has no right to do that and she should lose ur job

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I worked in the food and beverage industry for over 10 years…that waitress had no excuse to confront your son, especially in that manner. The only way I’ve seen this situation handled appropriately Is when a server was concerned about the level of service they were delivering. Anyone else who has confronted a customer has been fired on the spot, regardless of hat class restaurant or bar.


Why does a waitress have to give some of their tip money to the bartender. They already have a tip jar, and make more money hourly than the servers.


Up to you whether you tip or not
Not compulsory

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As a former waitress…

No that is NOT okay for the server to do. At all. Sadly, it’s part of the job. Sometimes you get stiffed, sometimes you get tipped amazing. But either way, you go on with your night and really make sure that youre providing amazing customer service to all customers. I have NEVER confronted anyone about not tipping. I got a $0 on a $500 tab once even though I did everything right and they said I did absolutely amazing and that they would be back to see me. Guess what. They did come back and still didn’t tip me well, but like I stated it’s part of the job.

To me I find this situation absolutely ridiculous and I would honestly call the restaurant and let the manager know what their worker did. That is NOT okay to do, ever. I would expect someone to do that if I would have ever pulled that shit with a customer.

Also, he shouldn’t have went back and left them a tip after they did that because now they’re going to think that they can continue to do that to customers.

Poor kid… :broken_heart:

I wouldn’t have left a tip if that happened. I truly understand as an anxious person. That anxiety can make it hard to think clearly and focus sometimes.


She’s got no right to do this,I would of called the restaurant manager.
She’d be looking for a new job trust me.


Nope, as a delivery driver, if I said what id like to say to our no tippers-that order 4times a week and NEVER TIP (even being nice)I’d lose my job instantly, as much as tips should be given in any dine in or delivery order, we are not allowed to enforce that.


The waitress was way out of line. I would have went to the restaurant and she would have been fired on the spot. She was ignorant and there is no way she had any right to do that.

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Made me cross reading that…she was way out of order…she shouldn’t be doing that at all. I hope your son is okay poor thing.

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If that happened to my son and a waitress did that I would be calling up that restaurant even going down there and asking to speak to the manager and letting them know that one of their waitresses practically forced him to give her a tip. Your son does not have to tip any waitress if he doesn’t want to and what a way to get more money out of him by having a whinge about her income like she’s the only one doing it tough, that was very rude of that waitress, make sure your son knows he doesn’t have to tip anyone after paying a bill.

She needs to get another job that pays better money so if minimum wage is not good enough for her and expecting tips from customers especially if they forgot to give a tip. The cheek of her!! I’d certainly not give any tips if she said it to me.

thank goodness we don`t have to tip in Australia, we do for good service but not often


I was taught that TIPPING is a COMMON COURTESY. bad or good service I still tip no matter what. However, the waitress should have NOT demanded. It’s still up to the customer to tip or not.

I believe I would have definitely gone looking for the manager and reported the waitress for her outrageous behavior of chasing me down to complain !!!


Totally uncalled for and unprofessional. Not everyone can afford the extra for a tip when they to make minimum wage.


Brian Kuiack you made a good point. My husband gets the same hourly rate unless it is rate work which barely ever happens. Don’t matter if it is 10 small jobs in different places or if he is out digging in ditches with a shovel. Some could be a five minute job like fixing a sink to digging ditches. And lets don’t forget the 80 degree summers or winter when he is working outside. I do believe in tipping on how good the service is.

First off the anxieties are real and he hopefully is getting therapy and working through them.
Yes you can forget even with a card I have. I have this disorder and am much better now. Your in line people around you you freeze up all you want to do is sign and leave.I would catch my mistake and after getting my composure go back in and tip.
I have had to leave stores in a hurry because of this.
With therapy I am getting better. Yes I used to waitress I made good tips there were a few who didn’t tip or tipped a buck said they were retired and lived off husband income. I got a better paying job. Some told me they don’t have it to tip.
So what mama needs to do is go to the restaurant with her son and the girlfriend order but ask for the waitress that her son had order eat don’t leave a tip and see if she comes after her. Either way after they still need to report it to management because the waitress was in the wrong. I bet she won’t go after her she probably gets the younger ones to try and teach them a lesson. Not cool she won’t have a job for long. Like I said I was a waitress and I still believe tip if you want tip by service your choice.

I wonder if this server chased this young man because she felt superior in some way. Would she confront ,for instance, his father. I would not have tipped her and I would report her to the manager And, tell all my friends not to stop there.


No he did nothing wrong. In my opinion if I was you I’d call her manager or go up to the restaurant. That is completely unacceptable. He shouldn’t of tipped her after that but I understand he was just trying to get out of there and had forgot. She definitely needs to be reported


I would think not. You can call and talk to a manager about it.

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I’m with the waitress…she went to work, ( and I can only assume) that she did her job well…wait staff live off of tips, let’s not forget…if we all stopped tipping, there would be no wait staff and hence no restaurants…


Very unprofessional!

Definitely not acceptable for the server to do that!! A tip is earned. It is not a guarantee. It does suck that servers basically have to live off their tips…but if you’re a good server you get good tips. Bad servers dnt get any tips. I would cussed that lady out. How dare she


Not acceptable!!!:confused:

I worked in the restaurant industry and I or my bosses or other servers never chased someone down for a top and basically demanded one…
Even if they left a 5 dollar tip on a hundred dollar bill. Its rude but I wouldn’t say hey tip me better…

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A waitress minimum wage is not the same as regular min wage. If they don’t get tips they don’t get paid much at all. Their min wage is like 2.15 an hour. It’s your not gonna tip don’t go out to eat or go to McDonalds


Anywhere that I know of she would’ve been fired for doing something like that. We always tip, but we definitely tip better if the service was good. I see that’s not the point of the post, but in food industry that’s not something places allow employees to do. (Usually)

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She could’ve just been having a really bad day with tips and all. That was just the last straw for her, because I get it.

if all she did was take there order and set there food on the table and not seen again until she placed the bill on the table she gets no tip. I can get the same service at McDonalds ,Burger King and Taco Bell. No tip there either. That’s what I would call a server. Now I’m going to be politically incorrect here just for the sake of argument, The waiter or waitress waits on the customer, keeping their drinks full , bringing extra napkins when asked (not TOLD to). , Then they are entitled to a tip. And when you get that kind of service you better leave a nice tip.

She should be fired!

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I don’t think so, in my opinion that was rude of her!

If a tip was mandatory then it would be added onto the receipt. He forgot to tip, it’s an honest mistake but for her to confront him like that is disgusting. If the pay she makes as a waitress is not enough then she needs to learn higher skills. Of course you should tip if you can. I don’t always agree that if you go out you have to tip, sometimes someone can only afford to go out and it’s a big treat to them. Especially in today’s climate, everyone needs to calm tf down and check themselves. Tipping is a thank you but it is not an absolute. Do I always tip, yes, because I have been lucky enough to afford it. Have I been a waiter who hasn’t received a tip- yes but did I lose it? No. It sucked but is what it is.


Just speaking from experience…I would never confront someone about no tip UNLESS they were a repeat. People do forget, I have forgotten being in a rush and I waited tables/ bar tended for years. However, in her defense, we don’t know her situation and maybe she was really counting on the tips that night but it doesn’t justify being unprofessional and rude.

absolutely unacceptable, I also think tip should be based on service, not a flat percentage rate!

As a server and at my place of business we are allowed to ask questions like " was there anything I did wrong to not be tipped or something i can improve" she definitely shouldn’t have demand a tip but she is allowed to ask not saying it’s right or wrong of her

No that is unbelievable rude and is not acceptable. People have got to the point they believe they are entitled to everything it is disgusting. Sorry your son had to endure that, remind him people forget things all the time and not to beat himself up. He sounds like a great young adult.

No call for that period. If that happened to me i wouldn’t have given her sh!t. T.I.P. means To Insure Promptness not To Increase Pay

You are right. Although she was no doubt disappointed she never should have confronted him about it. If i was her boss and found out I would fire her.

I always understood the waitress “earned” her tip from her service and attitude to the customer. Evidentually she got what she earned.

Umm you tip what you want depending on service and no not everyone gets a tip better to leave nothing then a dollar so rude to ask

What a rude person. A tip is that a tip. It’s given in response to the service your given. Your choice.
Any more EVERYONE has a tip jar. WHY? What do you deserve a tip for. Bringing my coffee to the counter that I ordered and paid for. Or when I pick up food, what did you do special? You made my food, I didn’t use you table or restroom. You never came out from behind your counter. Really a tip what the heck for!!!

When she says minimum wage she means 2.50 a hour she survives on tips, my niece works at crackle barrel that’s their pay fir waitresses she only makes her money in tips! If she doing car side delivery then she’s paid by the hour differently. I could be wrong about this waitresses hour pay but probably not… I think that’s why she confronted him

Well I can understand her frustration, but in no way should she have ever confronted and called out a customer. I would suggest he call the restaurant and speak with her supervisor regarding this. If she did it to him, she’s most definitely done it before. I commend him for correcting his oversight, but he’s an adult and needs to handle these situations on his own. It’s a big world out there momma, you’re not going to be able to save him from everything.

I think America just needs to pay their servers a normal wage that they can live off🤣

I know I am going to get attacked for this even tho you’re asking for an opinion. I worked in hospitality for 15 years and unfortunately the world sucks and you cant usually tell when someone has an anxiety disorder. I am also diagnosed with social anxiety and am medicated for it. But as a parent I would have prepared them for the ‘real world’. His situation is different but yes I have confronted someone. Like the completely mobile woman who brought 4 people out to eat, ordered me around to fulfill every request (and was rude about it) and at the end paid with her unemployment card and tipped me FAT ZEROS! I lost tips from other tables bc I was so focused on getting them what they needed to that hell yes, I was pissed and said something. I didn’t get a tip but now she knows how rude and awful that was to do to someone working in a world where nobody wants to work anymore. I will not be responding after this and unfollowing bc I know every person will have something bad to say but unfortunately the world is ugly and you need to prepare your kids for it ESPECIALLY if they have a disorder that about 3 out of 5 ppl have … :v:t3:

No you don’t have to tip if you don’t want to no matter what the waitress says

She approaches one of my family members or myself. Not gonna be a good day in that restaurant. Just sayn…

She could ask politely instead of demanding it.

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Sorry, tipping is a yes thing.

She was wrong, but “social anxiety” is irrelevant. People making excuses for their kids behavior is one reason why the world is in the shape it is. Now he’ll need an emotional support animal to enter a restaurant.

I’ve been serving tables 16 years and I never have told my customer that… she must have been having a bad day but yes we only make
2 .13 an hour our paychecks for like 80 hours sometime are only like four or five dollars so we only live on tips she must have had a bunch of people not tip her that day I quit a job not too long ago that people would leave $5 on a $200 tab all the time if you serve alcohol you have to pay a tip share no matter if you made money or not do you have to pay out then in the night my tip share was 40 or 50 bucks even if I only made 60 your son may make minimum wage but his paycheck is way higher than ours sometimes servers don’t even get a paycheck I see it like this if you’re going to run your server back and forth and not tip her you shouldn’t go out to eat

Good on your son for going back in and putting a tip on his card. Her ass wouldn’t have gotten shiiiiiit but an attitude thrown back at her and then I woulda gone home.

With the militant attitude our young people have today hes lucky he didnt get shot, young people today are violent to the max.

This is a big, hard no. I worked in food service for a long time. I sympathize with the server for the frustrations of giving good service (hopefully) and not getting a tip, but tipping is not compulsory. The only way we are going to correct the imbalance of the service industry is to redirect the financial compensation expectation back to the employer. I would also consider speaking to the manager. This kind of PR / review / TikTok can be really devastating to a restaurant, and I would want the chance as a boss to make sure it didn’t happen again!!


Not sure on the ins and outs of tipping as an English person, we don’t really do that here. But surely confronting a customer is unacceptable? Especially a kid? It’s weird, no? It’s not in the public to pay you. That’s your employers job.


if she didn’t confronted him she wouldn’t have gotten the tip. It should be a lesson learned by your son.


Tipping as a norm should become obsolete. Pay the staff a decent living wage for their work, increase prices to cover this if needed, and move on from this arcane practice. Leaving your staff at the mercy of the generosity of strangers is barbaric.

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I am a waitress and in my opinion she shouldn’t have gone about it like that. I make less than min wage and normally if somebody forgets to tip me I just move on with my day. There are more tables and more tips to be earned so I try not to let it bug me.

As a server I would never do that. I have my dignity. As a manager I would have fired her on the spot.

As a mom of a son with the same issues and being a server. I definitely would have gone up there or called the manager. I know what you both go through at times like that. She needed to Suck it up as a loss… It was an honest mistake. It happens to all of us. I got pissed just reading your post. Definitely very unprofessional.

Minimum wage can be differnt, in the state I live in state minimum wage is 12.15 an hour but servers get paid the federal minimum wage which is like 7.25 I believe. Still inappropriate to demand a tip.

It’s unprofessional and I wouldn’t bother, but how does someone “forget” to tip? Have your son make a nice home cooked dinner next time, or have him plan a picnic for his date. So many service workers pay service staff based on a percentage of sales, so I’m assuming your son cost his server not only labor, but money going out to others just to serve him food.

He ain’t forget. He tried to get away with that shit and got called out lmao. Especially if he paid with a card it says clear as day ‘TIP’ on the ticket you sign. But I don’t think she was wrong that’s how she makes half her living we don’t know what struggles she going through, as long as she wasn’t nasty about it I don’t think she did anything wrong.

In America it is expected to tip
But in the UK its up to the person if they want to tip but a waitress is out of order

As long as I have worked as a waitress you were not supposed to do that. You are not supposed to go to a customer and say you didn’t tip me. If I were you I would just reported

As a server in orlando (universal studios and worked in the food industry at disney) no you do not confront your guest… It sucks not getting a tip but no you dont do it…

Maybe teach them the importants of tipping so they’ll never “forget” again…
As it is completely unprofessional to confront people about a top, it’s also very rude to skip out on paying for your services :roll_eyes:

Also who’s getting minimum wage from a restaurant? We all out here getting $2-7 an hour when the minimum wage is like $12 :roll_eyes:

i tipped based on service, PERIOD.

Not professional at all

I bet he won’t forget again.

Um no she shouldn’t of done that

Yes you are being overprotective . Shit happens in life and you learn how to deal with situations on your own . This is petty and sad that a mom is still trying to fight her grown ass sons battles for him . I’m surprised you just didn’t go on the date with him . Must be a moms life thing because a dad wouldn’t even be talking about this petty situation. I would have explained to my son , don’t forget next time .

I’ve been serving for 16 years…I have ABSOLUTELY asked “was there anything wrong with your service as to why you didn’t tip so I can improve for the next time you come in and I can meet your expectations?” Never once was I fired for it. I genuinely wanted to know.
Reasons were varied:
I forgot
I thought the other person in my party tipped
I don’t have enough to tip
I didn’t know i was supposed to tip (usually teens and foreigners gave this)
I shouldn’t have to tip. Get a better job.
This place isn’t nice enough to warrant tips.

Now, I’m not demanding you tip me when I ask this but I am trying to understand why people don’t tip. Also, this is very rare of me to ask. 16 years is a lot of people to serve. I don’t get upset about any of them except 1; get a better job, as if I didn’t have a degree and another job, if not 2 other jobs. Never once was I told it was my service lacking. I don’t find it rude. If you never ask you never know and you never improve. People have varied expectations. Some want you up their butt, others want you to be a ghost.

Was this in NC and was her name Shannon? :rofl:

No! I have worked as a server and my husband is a GM of a restaurant. It is inappropriate for a server to ask or complain about a tip. It sucks when you don’t get tipped but it looks bad on the company for allowing that to happen. Call to restaurant at let them know. The next time their sever does that it might not be to someone as nice as your son and get killed. As a sever you never chase tables down for running on the tab and tipping. I could get you hurt.