A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

Not normal but it is disrespectful for anyone not to tip their server unless they get shit service. If a waiter/waitress takes care of you, gives you good service etc, why wouldn’t you? Those people make most of their income based on those tips. It’s how they put food on the table for their family. We all live in a world were we all just want to survive and have our needs provided for.

Also… if her personality drives her to do this… I can only imagine how her customer service is

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no way that server shouldve done that. that’s totally unprofessional! I’m sorry that happened!

Your an overprotective mother, who taught her son to be a POS too.

So the son saw the tip line, the amount line, the signature line, signed and “forgot to tip”? Yeah right. Bet he won’t “forget” again.
Also as an 18 year old young man, this mom needs to chill out. Posting about his “anxiety” on a public forum is embarrassing and she needs to back off. All around messed up.


When I was on minium wage I had a drunken asshole come up to me when I was cleaning a hotel corridor and he said he wanted to tip me so he took out a handful of coppers (pennies) and threw them on the floor, I hovered every single one up the hoover without breaking eye contact with the douchebag. That douchebag being American and older (45 is to my 18) I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me touch a single penny.

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No that’s disgusting behaviour on her part and definitely didn’t deserve a tip and should be reported to her boss :woman_shrugging:


A girl I used to work with got fired for doing that exact thing. It’s happened to me plenty of times but it is extremely unprofessional to confront someone for not tipping

U need to.call cooperate and the owner because its not mandatory to tip anywhere.she is outta line

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Contract that employment- what she did is beyond unprofessional and with the attitude she should not be compensated.

As a former server and manager, I have never chased a guest out for not tipping. It’s not right. Do I think you should tip if you dine out? Absolutely. She made minimum wage as a server? She makes more than most. The fact your son also makes minimum wage has zero bearing on this as he chose to dine out, thus choosing how to spend his minimum wage dollars.
The waitress was wrong and unprofessional. Sometimes people forget, I’ve had guests come back and tip me later.

I did this to a table of teenagers before. They were like 10 deep and made a huge mess and ran me all over the place. I was frustrated and it was not my finest moment, that being said, teach your kids to tip.:woman_shrugging:t2:

The waitress was wrong to assume she deserved a tip. Just because her employer doesn’t pay her well, it’s her choice to keep the job. She knows good and well that most times she is over tipped and that money most of the time goes straight into her pocket untaxed. Shame on the waitress.

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We don’t make minimum wage we make 2 dollars an hour but yes, no one should confront anyone, that’s just how it is sometimes. We literally make 2.13 an hour

How do you forget when it says tip right above where he signs? Sure it was unprofessional but if she has to tip out she’s literally paying for your son’s meal.

Kids learn gratuity etiquette directly from their parents.

Can’t believe this is still a thing! They should abolish tips and just pay a liveable wage! I was a waitress in 1990 (Australia) when serving some American service men, was shocked to see they’d left money on the table :sweat_smile: I chased them through the car park to return it. They explained about tipping :sweat_smile: I had no idea. I didn’t know what to do with the money. Had to ask my manager what I put it in the till as :sweat_smile: she told me to put it in my pocket!!! I felt like I stole it :sweat_smile:

There are 3 sides to every story. Your son’s version, the server’s, and the truth.

Its super unprofessional!


Unprofessional and she dang sure wouldn’t have gotten a tip after that

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

I would of had her fired honestly

Well said, thank you

She had the fucking nerve

No this is not done.

Let it be a lesson learned.

That is so unprofessional !!

No way, 1st of all this is something I have a peeve with. A tip is not REQUIRED (unless specified for certain sized parties) it’s to be left as a job well done , a token of appreciation. However people who work in a tip driven position have turned it into some EXPECTATION that it should JUST BE GIVEN REGARDLESS. I tip generously when my service is decent to good. I am not hard to please. But if you do not take care of me and still look at the table for money or my card for a tip when you left me hanging and in need. Sorry, you will not be tipped for being lazy, forgetful and not doing your job. Any job I have ever worked, if you do the work you get paid, if you don’t, you won’t get paid. It is the same concept. I too work VERY hard for my money that you want me to put on that table so I simply ask for good manners and make sure I have what I need. You don’t refill my drinks, ask me from time to time if ai need anything and have me waiting, get on your phone and ignore me or hang talking to your friends vs doing your job,etc. Don’t be mad when that $$ is not there for you. Success is often disguised as hard work. And if you aren’t making enough waiting tables in dining service. Seek other employment. The majority of food and retail services are meant to be stepping stones, foundations to gain experience not life long careers if you are seeking a successful lifestyle beyond minimum wage. But I respect anyone who works regardless of their job, I also expect them to respect me enough to earn their tip vs. Tell me I GOTTA PAY THEIR BILLS regardless of how they handled me as a customer.

If someone came out to chase me over a tip, they would be having a bad night. Guaranteed. Its tacky, unprofessional and simply put ridiculous. If her manager knew she would probably have been fired.

I had a waiter ASK us to leave enough to finish paying his electric bill. Sob story and all. I understand desperation but who wants to ever have someone wait on them who is going to make them feel bad and uncomfortable? Noone. Your personal life, personal issues don’t belong at work. We discovered he was telling ALL his customers this. Extremely unprofessional. Yes there are a$$holes who never tip, thats the serving world, I was a server for 2 yrs and got out because it was just a temporary place holder for me until I finished school. I wouldn’t go back. To each his own but don’t chase people and don’t act like its an entitlement to get tipped, specifically if you are not a good waitress/waiter

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Waitress was definitely in the wrong!

These are the most arrogant, ignorant responses imaginable.

You don’t go sit in a restaurant to be served by another human being if you can’t afford to tip.

The wages are only as low as they are to account for tips. (Minimum wage for waitresses is anywhere from $3-5 less an hour than in other occupations. In NH, minimum wage is $3.25 for servers.)

Your tip could be the difference between feeding someone’s child or putting gas in their car to get to work the next day.

No one here knows what is going on in her life or why she needed that few dollars. Maybe she has a child who needs life saving medication. Who are you all to judge her when this woman said literally nothing about the service her son recieved. She also never told us exactly how this woman confronted her son.

How do you “forget” to tip when paying with a card? There’s literally a section that says “Tip”. I think perhaps he just didn’t want to?

and lastly…



No , she hadq buisness approaching him that way. Bless his heart. She was in the wrong.

No its so not normal.

Yeah nah I’d ring the restaurant and complain

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No. It does not matter what job you work. Tipping is not required. She has no right to demand a tip and just for that I wouldn’t have tipped her at all. I’d of gone to her manager and told them it’s unacceptable behavior on the waitresses part. And this is coming from someone who works for doordash and my pay is 90% based on tips. But never would I tell a customer they have to tip me.


While it’s rude, I can’t say I blame her. Especially currently, being a server is a VERY thankless job. Everyone thinks you’re there to answer every beck and call and be SUPER nice, then they don’t tip and b*tch about how “tipping isn’t necessary, if you wanted a better paying job you should have applied somewhere else”. What cracks me up is those same people are irritated that nobody is wanting to work those jobs anymore because of how they’re treated. You gotta realize, some places only pay waitresses $2.50 hourly and are penalized if they DON’T get tips. Again, while it was a little out of normal for the waitress to call your son out, there’s no reason to not tip. Someone else is waiting on you, cooking your meal, filling your drinks, cleaning your table and doing the dishes. They deserve AT LEAST a small tip :woman_shrugging:


WOW completely unacceptable behavior. I understand the frustration of working for tips, I have had server jobs where I made 3.30 an hour and boy do you count on those tips. HOWEVER that being said, that absolutely is poor etiquette as a server. I would NEVER shame a customer into giving me a tip. NEVER. Thats just rude and makes the business look bad as well!

That’s just poor manners in her part! It doesn’t matter how great the service you don’t ask for a tip! She knew what she was getting into taking the job.

I was a waitress for a few years and never expected a tip from youngsters. They mostly just had enough to pay for lunch or dinner. Like for someone to push that is a tad rude. But also it was mostly the younger generation that were more willing to tip. I remember waiting on a group of teenagers and they all literally pulled out all their spare change like what ever they had left to give a tip and it was the sweetest thing. Even left a note saying sorry this is all we had left. Literally so sweet

Unprofessional to be confrontational. But there’s no way to forget to tip. The tip line is right under the total just above where you sign. Let him know a dishonest server could right in a hefty tip. Also servers only make 2 to 3 dollars an hour.

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I was a waitress for a while, and not once did I ever confront a customer for not tipping me. Its their choice to tip and its extremely rude for someone to ask. But she does have a point as well, some waitress live off their tips. She shouldn’t have went to the point of harrassing him for a tip though that’s not right!

When I was raised, tipping was optional, but expected based on the quality of the service provided to you.
Now, like everything else in life, everyone gets a trophy.
Let’s all go back to only tipping those that provide service worth tipping for. We normally got better service those days. If not, no tip.
Take away the free rides!


I’m sorry he was humiliated like this. But in all fairness, not all waitresses earn a tip


I believe leaving a tip is at the discretion of the customer n serving personnel should not be confronting customers who don’t tip. They should be grateful to people who leave a tip which is not a requirement.


If your 18. Your old enought to tip. Younger than that I ll let it pass.


That’s going to be over soon. Restaurants have been getting away with this far too long, having the public pay their employees. Biden at his town hall last week had an exchange with a restaurant owner who was complaining he wasn’t able to find Employees anymore for his restaurants. Biden told him he has to pay them more. The guy wasn’t too pleased with that answer. Too bad.


Tip is optional. Not everyone provides great service to get a tip. That was rude of her. Not him.

Tipping is voluntary, and that’s that. She had no business confronting him.


Once my friend accidently put in .10 instead of 10.00 the waiter had a fit cause he thought we were making fun of him. You dont have s right to someone elses money especially if they are not obligated to purchase more services.
Plenty of places in the world do not tip


Maybe she should take that energy to her employer and ask for a living wage :joy:


No that’s ridiculous… waitresses cant harrassed people for tips… tips are based on how well the customer was served… waitresses and waiters need to quit feeling entitled, TIPS/GRATUITY IS NOT MANDATORY especially when someone already makes minimum wage… I would call back and tell them you want your tip $ back because she pressured him (whether she meant to or not)… that is inappropriate and unprofessional for her to do that…


As a waitress I believe as long as it was explained nicely then it’s totally fair to tell the guest you basically work for tips. I have personally been left $5 on $200 bill and they raved about me to my manager said I was the best server ever. They left me $5. I walked outside and gave it back to them. It’s apparent they needed it more than I did if they can spend $200 on food. And only leave me $5. You have to understand what we go through to know. In addition I bet you he will never forget again.


Anyone on here saying tipping is voluntary has never worked for tips.


That waitress, although upset, should never confront a customer about a tip.
Hopefully she was reprimanded.


I think the waitress is allowed to at leas. t ask if everything was ok with their meal and service. If “Yes” then they are ignorant and if they need it more then, they shouldn’t be out spending money.

Lol I once got to watch a waitress throw pennies at a guy for not tipping her at a waffle House lol


She should not have confronted him like that, it’s the customers choice to leave a tip or not, question is to her is if she deserved one or not


I’d go back there and confront her and whoever is in charge :roll_eyes: she could’ve took him to the side or let it go :woman_facepalming:t2: nobody makes them work these non paying jobs!! McDonald’s starts you off at $15 go there sis!!


Judith Angelosanto Oh! Come on Jude, like you never silently returned the charge slip or the cash, put it back on the table, even after they said it was all set, when you realized the tip was terrible and said, " Here is your change back?" You know there were ways of letting the customer know the tip was terrible, without directly chasing them down. I do believe I heard a few times when were working together, the question asked, “Was there something wrong with my service? I was just checking.”

No I was a waitress and I would never do such a thing


I would file a complaint with the facility they went to, see if he has the waitresses name. I do not think this is acceptable for her to confront him.


I think the waitress was rude !!!

My tipping is based on service. Good service is 15-20%, if service is terrible, NO FUCKING TIP!

I think she was out of line


Have him Call the restaurant and report her… She would have gotten cussed out and my whole meal would have been free


Servers make $4 an hour… unless you have a shitty server, leave a fukn tip or stay home and cook your own shit

That’s ridiculous !!!

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This has to STOP!

You do not have to tip!
There is no law if you don’t tip!
You are not a bad person for not tipping!
I waitress bringing a tip into conversations should be sacked on the spot!
They do not wait voluntarily! They get a hourly wage. If they ain’t happy with that hourly wage then they need to go find a new job! I’ve done the waiting tables, I’ve heard a few waitresses mentioning tips. They ain’t there for the customers they are there for the money only and if this is the case then they are in the wrong trade! You pay for what you intake on that visit. You don’t pay for service that comes with the job role if you wanted to go out of your way and tip as an extra thank you then that is very kind of you, If a waiter or waitress comes to you and mentions about you paying an extra tip I advise you to go and seek management straight that way and make them aware, and hopefully that worker will be sent home immediately! As a customer you are only advised to pay for items and food received nothing else don’t feel like you have to pay extra!!


That waitress was out of line. Tips are OPTIONAL based on service.


I had this guy waitress follow us outside once for not leaving a tip, my man was embarrassed and gave him a tip, but I wouldn’t have it’s not mandatory to leave a tip especially if u suck at your job which he did lol I think it’s ridiculous some waiters do this. I only tip if service is good

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i would not go there again and i would tell the manager why


I work 3rd shift and when my kids were young teens their friend ordered pizza delivered while I was sleeping. I asked how much they tipped and they told me nothing. I told them next time wake me up for tip money

I would have told her I honestly forgot to leave one but now because of your attitude I’m definitely not leaving one. I was a waitress and her behavior was way out of line. She needs to be reprimanded for it.


That is completely unacceptable. A tip is earned and not ever demanded. I have been in some form of service for most of my working career. If someone doesn’t tip maybe it’s because of my lack of service.


If I get tipped cool, if not whatevers…I don’t expect the customers to tip me, that’s why my job pays me. Anything after my pay is a bonus…


Since when is it acceptable to voluntarily go out to an establishment to be waited on hand and foot and expect this for free? Spoiled much are we! Servers make less than minimum wage depending upon what state you’re in, most make 2.13 per hour and that’s just to cover taxes on the employer part, so these checks come out to zero a majority of the time because your tips are taxed as well. Could the server handled it in a different manner, absolutely but to expect a service for free, is just as terrible. Just my opinion along with the others so don’t come at me. IJS🤷🏻‍♀️


I understand your frustrations but I hope he takes this as a learning experience. It is absolutely NOT okay to leave nothing for a tip. Servers minimum wage is something ridiculous like 3.75 an hour so the comments that tipping is optional, it actually isn’t. The amount you tip is your choice. Crappy service: minimal tip. Great service: best tip you can afford. I worked in the industry for many years before becoming a teacher and it is never okay for a server to demand a tip but I also never worked during a pandemic when there is a worker shortage. The workers who do show up are so overwhelmed and understaffing is so detrimental in restaurants.


Unacceptable. Some people tip, some don’t. Some people tip well, others poorly. If the waitress hasn’t figured this out by now, she’s an idiot.


A tip is not mandatory I would report her to management.


I’ve worked as a waitress you get tips and sometimes don’t. Yes it’s very minimum wage i made 2.50 an hr plus tips I’ve had a small party tip good and a big one with no tip you don’t ever go off asking about a damn tip cut your losses and go to the next table simple as that.

Not acceptable some people tip some don’t .

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No. It was WAY out of line for the waitress. He needs to Report to her boss how she chased him outside in the rain to berate him. A tip is a gratuity. Not a given. I refuse to tip a bad service, and if i forget to tip, sorry but too bad. i will tip better next time.


This happened to me and my mom and step dad once. The waiter ran after us and made a big scene cause we forgot. I understand their frustration, but no they shouldn’t say anything. I was a waitress before and would just leave it as it was.

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Her behavior was out of line. I have left money on tables with no tip and tipped the person who fried my wings at the local beer store, but if you don’t it’s not wrong. He forgot, shit happens, maybe he forgot maybe she didn’t deserve it. I have never not tipped but I have tipped less for crap service and she was way out of line.

Honostly, I would contact the manager of the restaurant, let them handle the employee and decide if they should be reprimanded.


It is extremely wrong to confront a customer. Period. No excuses.


The same thing happened to me at red lobster. I spoke to manager. He fired waitress which I didn’t want to happen but he did anyway and we got a free dinner for four next time we went


Providing a tip to a server is called gratuity for a reason. I’ve had fabulous service and my “tip” always reflects so. I’ve had horrible service and for that, no gratuity. Giving money to a server is optional and a thank you for a job well done, not mandatory because they’re doing their job. Not should I feel bad to supplement their income if the service stunk. (However, I always take into consideration the staffing and or restaurant situation and don’t hold servers accountable for poor management)

This person should have never approached your son, it’s beyond unacceptable!


I wouldn’t have tipped her. If he forgot it’s a honest mistake. And speak with the manager of the restaurant and tell what happened. So they know what this waitress is doing.


I would’ve been finding that manager n telling him to keep his/her employees in line


Completely out of line. I’ve been a bartender for over 11 yrs and have never asked for a tip or said anything to anyone for not leaving one.


Thats unacceptable. After that I wouldn’t of gave a tip

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Servers are not entitled to a tip! Speaking as a server/bartender ! That is completely unacceptable! A tip is the choice of the customer and not obligatory!


The waitress was wrong .


Those who don’t tip are scumbags. My tips reflect the service.

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I do know that as a waitress in Texas we make 2.13 an hour and I have to pay a percentage of the tab to the bartender so if someone doesn’t tip I actually lose money. I would never confront someone about it though


unless waitresses are in a union they make less than 1/2 of minimum wage.

Without tips i literally make $90 a week

No they don’t get to do that. :rage:


One question I have is does your son eat there frequently and so is the server familiar with him. If he’s there often and typically leaves a tip, maybe that’s why the server asked about it. Still like of weird but more understandable.

If you can’t live on your wage and depend on tips then get a skill and find a job that pays better. McDonald’s pays $15 an hour.

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