Bartenders and waitress are being taxed on a percentage of your bill and the State seems to think that everyone tips at least 15%. So if you don’t tip she is paying to serve you. Wrong to confront but there is alot of people out there that just don’t tip. Please be more informed on tipping. They provided you a service. If they were shitty tip poorly but at least leave something.
Every waitress job I’ve had we have made minimum wage or just over minimum wage. Tips was allll extra. If someone didn’t tip then that’s okay because you literally can not count on every single customer tipping 15% or even just 5%. It’s not plausible.
Tips are also for a server that cares about their table and ensures they are doing their serving job to the best of their ability
He shouldnt have tipped bc she did that crap also call the restaurant if he remembers the name give them the name of the waitress thats unprofessional and most people would refuse to tip if a waitress does that
Doesnt matter how much you make, the customer is always right. She was in the wrong for doing that and she made him feel like shit for not tipping. Honestly i dont tip unless i feel like it. If a waitress comes to me and ask for her tip ill ask for her manager. No one should ever ask for a tip. If its giving be happy if not go on.
Lol I never tip and if I was told about it I’d tell them to fuck off u cnt demand a tip xxxx
I’m a bartender, Have been for 8 years. NEVER have i called someone out for not tipping. I make $2.13 an hour and i could care less if i get a few 0 tips a day because i know i make plenty that are more than the normal. How disrespectful to call someone out for it.
Not ok. A tip is voluntary. Your Son forgot but what if it was a customer who didn’t like the manner in which they were served?
I remember years ago that while waiting for the table my Spouse and I were at the bar. We had a couple drinks and when the table was ready, we left our tip on the bar for that portion of our bill so the bartender would get it. After eating we tipped on the food portion. The bar portion was much higher a we had 2 drinks each at $10 a glass. The food was two dinners at $25 total.
The Waitress tried to shame us as we walked out saying really loud as we were leaving, “look that couple only left $7 for a $65 bill!”
I turned around and saw her pointing at us. I stopped my Husband because I wanted to talk to a Manager but my Husband said he really didn’t care and let her think what she wants to think. We left but personally I have never forgotten such rudeness.
This makes me chuckle being a kiwi and never tipping in our country…however in 2000 we went on a family trip to the states and I’ll never forget the taxi driver at the airport hitting up my dad for a bigger tip, dad was like “what for mate I put the bags in the boot myself”…The guys face was priceless. Dad wasn’t paying him to stand there and look pretty that’s for sure
As someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder, I can understand how he forgot. My minds constantly racing and making sure I remember everything and also trying to engage in conversations. Let your son know that it’s ok to let the people he with know he needs a moment to gather his thoughts and focus on paying the bill before he can rejoin the conversation.
I was a server for a long time and never confronted any one about not tipping. I have told someone who gave me 2 cents as a tip that it’s ok they can keep it.
The owner of the restaurant where i work would of asked him why, to find out if there was a problem with the service. If he was just blatantly not tipping, he woyldve been asked to not return.
She shouldn’t have done that. It was unprofessional on her part. I have worked in the restaurant industry, as has a good portion of my family, so I can definitely understand the waitresses frustration, but under no circumstances should she have approached him. I have social anxiety and am very shy. So I also get where your son is coming from. That being said, the general public should not have to tip toe around me, or anyone else who suffers from anxiety. It is up to those of us who struggle with it, to figure out how to manage it. We can not look to society to hold our hand and coddle us. The waitress had no way of knowing his struggle. Nor will anyone else he comes across. He really needs to figure out a way to get his anxiety under control. Has he sought help in that area? I like to keep a marker or a pen in my pocket. When I’m feeling a bit anxious I pull it out and pop the cover off and on with my thumb. That seems to help me in those situations.
Sounds to me she didnt deserve a tip.
I was a Waitress/Bartender for over 30 years and cannot in my wildest dreams imagine doing something so rude. Most people tip but it is optional. The person who approached your Son has no manners and should consider another line of work. It does happen where someone doesn’t tip and you just have to grin and bare it.
I mean idk how you forget when it literally says TIP when you sign the credit card slip and you have to fill it out lol, but I’m a waitress and I would NEVER do that. I would be fired if I did. I would contact the restaurant and let them know what their server did bc no that’s not ok.
I tip based on how the waitress does her job. This waitress shouldn’t have went out after him over it. And after that little episode I wouldn’t have left her anything. Did he get an apology for how she acted about it?
In the UK we don’t have to tip and we don’t get questions why we don’t tip! I think that’s cheeky to do so!
You never ask for tips ! Regardless of the situation
Its not ok to say anything but it’s even less ok to not tip, intentionally or not. Forgetting is a poor excuse.
if it were my business and I knew she did that I would fire her
He’s nicer than me. I wouldn’t have tipped after that.
I get it’s hard right now but I’d have fired her for that.
You have to watch now even if you leave a cash tip on the table and pay your bill with the card some servers are adding a tip to the bill on their own, just happened to people I know . Make sure to check your account to make sure this doesn’t happen to you…
I would call and speak to a manager. Unprofessional for her to do and down right rude. Tips are not mandatory. I tip based on service quality, not because you make minimum wage and think you’re entitled to one. I know I wouldn’t have left her one after that nonsense.
No it was inappropriate
Not ok call the manager.
You arent being over protective. She shouldn’t feel confident enough to go and ask for a tip. I get pissed when someone doesn’t tip me, but I’ll just reject them next time and it’s my choice to do the job I do. Same with her. I would literally go tell her that she needs to eat some dicks. EVERYWHERE is hiring.
I’ve had serving jobs. Yeah it’s frustrating to not get a tip BUT You know your pay, & you know not everyone tips when you apply to take the position. If you can’t make ends meet being a waitress find a better job. Don’t get mad Bc someone won’t tip. Half the time they don’t deserve it any way.
She wasn’t supposed to hound him for a tip
You’re being an overprotective mom. Minimum wage for your son and minimum wage for a server are two different amounts. Her minimum wage covers taxes. His minimum wage pays him. Completely different. If I stiffed my waitress I’d expect her to say something.
Contact the manager. That’s not okay.
Her manager needs to be called. I am sure she gotten stiffed before. But that doesn’t mean she should of confronted him.
Very Unprofessional on her Part & Rude ( Genuinely forgot & he wasn’t being mean to her)…But she took it too far. Ive worked in the service industry too & some just don’t, but don’t act like she did.
Most likely she’s done this before and I’d call & complain to the Manager.
I always tip based on How good they were.
I would be pissed. Not OK to confront a customer at all. I understand her frustration, yes you should tip, but stuff happens get over it. that is so unprofessional, I would complain to management
As a waitress. It sucks when people forget to tip. Tips are what we live of off. But that’s the game of it. Some people tip. Some don’t. I couldn’t even dream of confronting someone about not tipping. Not paying, sure. Not tipping, never.
That was rude for her to do that
What she did was absolutely wrong. Rude and very unprofessional. After saying that though, if a person can afford to go out for dinner, they can afford to tip. “Most” servers work extra hard and go out of their way trying to make your meal perfect and enjoyable. They go the extra mile. They make minimum wage and most rely on their tips to survive. Unless a person has really bad service, which happens, a tip should not even be a question. People who don’t believe in tipping, obviously have never worked in the service industry. If I was out with a friend or family member that refused to tip, you can be sure I would be embarrassed and never go out with them again. How you treat your server says a lot about a person. A person who literally “serves” you, no matter what it is, should have your respect and consideration. I understand that your son is still young and he honestly forgot. A server should’ve understood this and been more understanding. I can’t believe she confronted him. That kind of unprofessionalism could show that that she really isn’t a great server to begin with. Smh
She was out of line.
I you still need to call the restaurant manager.
I don’t feel that she should have confronted your son. There are plenty of people who don’t tip for different reasons. To me it sounds like he honestly forgot. Personally if that had been one of my kids I would have called up there and spoke to the manager. Only because I have never seen a waitress confront anybody like that before and that is uncalled for.
The amount of entitlement many servers feel these days is exhausting.
Whoa a tip is in place for good service. You don’t have to tip if you don’t want to.
No. That is so wrong! I’ve worked in that industry and you should never expect a tip!
People need to realize that the real issue is that waitresses usually make a lot less than minimum wage… When I was a waitress I made a little over $2/hour. With a ridiculously laughable, barely anything minimum wage of $7.25/hour… Can you imagine living on less than half of that?? It’s insane! The problem is that they should be paid a decent living wage in the first place!
Nope! Not okay and not allowed in most places.
Once I had a large table, took good care. Pretty much expected to get a decent tip, they liked me a lot, drank, had fun. When they left, they stiffed me. I was bummed of course, but was hoping it was an error.
Said. Nothing.
Well the next time they came, they asked for me. Tipped me well and hit me off nicely for forgetting the tip last time (they remembered, I didn’t ever say a word). It pays to keep your mouth shut and be respectful. Most people would likely feel awful for forgetting, and make sure they make up for it. At least, in my experience.
Sounds like she doesn’t get tipped often probably for that reason lol
Call the restaurant. Totally unacceptable from the waitress.
No server will ever confront the owner who’s paying em chump change but wanna be mad at the world for not tipping
Heck no. Hindsight, should have gotten the manager and told him how she embarrassed and pressured him and if the service was bad, leave 1 cent. No server has the right to confront over tipping. If she doesnt like it get a new job, that’s part of the career and it happens more than people know.
Absolutely doesn’t deserve a tip for that.
One does not simply forget to tip, you chose not to when you skip over the tip line and write the total, if you’re tipping with cash you may forget but never when tipping with card.
He should have just owned up to it and said “I choose not to” especially if he felt like she was bullying him into it.
It’s up to the company to pay the waitress she should never expect every one to tip. She sounds too rude to even deserve one.
No call the manager I had a pizza delivery guy ask me for a tip I called him in on it. He got told them same thing not ok not everyone can tip sadly
You are Not over reacting! I can not believe a waitress would do that!! I’m sorry that happened to your Son. Please show him these comments so he will feel a lot better❤️
We tip really well, Have even gone back when friends paid and we thought they tipped poorly. BUT I wish in US they had to pay minimum as they do in Canada. I still tip there. Sister is career waitress by choice so I always think of her. She tips well.
Intentionally or not it was obviously a mistake and who gives a s*** the waitress had no right to confront a customer who paid and forgot and I don’t care how much a waitress makes change the f****** laws it’s about time they always expect more than they deserve anyway I’ve been in the restaurant business 40 plus years time to change waitresses pay to minimum wage tipping accepted not added or expected do your job quit your sea hagging you get to eat free food everyday thank you
As a server I probably wouldn’t of said anything. But your kid should tip. And forgetting is a dumb excuse.
Just for that he shouldn’t have tipped her. Not his problem she only makes minimum wage.
I hope that post pisses a lot of people off maybe a change will happen PS I always tip very good
You should
Have taught your son better.
Call the manager talk to them that is not right.
Totally unacceptable for ANY waitress to do that !! I’d call her manager.
He’s a grown man. Let him deal with being embarrassed. I bet he won’t forget again! Yes it’s normal. He didn’t pay her for her service. Same as any other service provided.
The waitress what’s wrong totally unacceptable it was an honest mistake
For that I would of refused the tip. I always tip but if I had forgotten and someone approached me about it. I would walk away. Completely rude and unprofessional
When I was 13 I took my friends out to eat with my pop bottle change lol. I didn’t know you had to tip. I thought it was an option the waitress screamed at me and said I couldn’t come back again.
I thought tipping was optional as if the person did a good job you tip them. Not mandatory. It’s become extremely mandatory as wait staff don’t even receive minimum wage it’s 3.75 or less in many places. I know he was probably embarrassed but if she did so politely I would just take it as a lesson.
Sounds like she doesn’t deserve a tip to me
Your son is young. You have all the right to be upset. She should have respected him and known better
not right! you dont have to tip.
Call mang and headquarters repo Report her
I’m going to be the outlier here. I think she was wrong. 100%. Around here a lot of restaurant workers don’t care because everywhere is short staffed and they can walk out and have another job the next day. Again, doesn’t make what she did right.
Also your son is a young adult. He’s going to college, taking this girl on a date with his money…he needs to handle it. Let him call the manager if he wants. Confrontation isn’t easy but it’s something an adult needs to be able to do.
Not in England it’s not a have to it an option if you feel you got good service even then you don’t have to it’s just nice if you do but no one ever should ask that’s absolutely disgusting I wouldn’t just on principle definitely not your son shouldn’t feel bad at all she should for asking x
I would never ever do that as a waitress
People who don’t tipped should be shunned.
Lol “embarrassed”
Welcome to society and adulthood. Act without common sense or awareness, there’s a chance someone is going to call you out on it! He got called out…boohoo
A tip is a thank you for great service, the waitress is not entitled to a tip, you do not owe anyone a tip! I would have words with the employer and odds are by the time I was done there’d be one less waitress! If she doesn’t like her minimum wage job then she find a different job!
That was so wrong !! First off she could see they were young and she never thought that maybe all he could afford was the meal. I personally think the manager of the place should be called and let know what happened. Never should a waitress confront a person for a tip as that is for good work and not being made to feel awful.
You are being over protective of your adult son.
A T.I.P. is not a wait persons right !!! T.I.P. stands for To Insure Promptness. I used to wait tables while putting myself through school and I always worked hard to give my very best service --HOWEVER I would never have asked a customer about not getting a T.I.P. EVER that is totally classless. I normally TIP exceptionally well. I agree with Mary Hollingsworth that I would not have tipped her after that. You NEVER ask for a gratuity.
She was outta line! Smh
If she makes minimum wage why is she expecting a tip? Servers at my place make $3 an hour bc they’re supposed to be tipped.
Your son is grown, so you need to stop. With that said, minimum wage for servers is significantly lower than standard minimum wage, and “forgetting” to tip is not ok.
I honestly hate the whole tip culture so much. It’s an excuse to pay your employees horribly
The waitress was disrespectful & rude.
That’s definitely unprofessional.
She was totally out of line. She pretty much bullied him to give her a tip. I would report her. He does not have to leave a tip if he does not want to.
Just for this and the entitled servers I shall go enjoy a $150 check and tip ZILCH today (just kidding, maybe) Can definitely afford to go out and eat but ur tip is based on performance to me
A tip isn’t to be expected its to be earned so what if he forgot she should of been professional about it and the way she handled it was wrong I’d be speaking to her manager
You dont ‘forget’ to tip lol
When I was waitressing there were many times I wasn’t tipped a lot by teenagers I would’ve never said something to them! It didn’t matter that I made 2 something an hour sometimes people forget or simply didn’t have enough but still needed to eat
In the US tips are not required and are not a given. When you work In that profession you know that. That being said, If you go out and get good service it is more or less expected that u will be tipped. I’m sure there are some folks that just don’t. It is part of the biz . But to chase a customer down and more or less demand it pretty much ensures that you either aren’t going to get that tip or the customer is just not gonna come back and even possibly report it to management. If I made an honest mistake like that and it happened to me you can hundred percent say I would either not go back to that restaurant or if I did I would refuse to be sat at her table.
I’ve known servers to go after a customer to ask them if there was a problem with the service for them not to tip. Awkward, but legitimate in a country where tipping is expected.
I don’t live in the states, no matter where I go I tip appropriately, I’ve seen waitresses do this and it really bugs me. #1 no one told you to work as a waitress #2 it’s not our fault you get paid the amount you do. I thought my son to tip as well, but sometimes he does still forget. I would have told her right the f*ck off and asked for her manager on the spot.
I’ve been a server, I make minimum wage. I’ve had young customers, age 18-22 and I never expect them to tip, nor do I hold it against them if they don’t. If I EVER demanded a tip from a customer my manager would have had my ass.
I bet he won’t forget next time
I forget to tip sometimes.
But usually when I “forget” to tip its because I got a rude waitress and I’m not one to be confrontational.
The fact that servers are paid like crap is on the business. Not your son. She isn’t entitled to a tip. It’s just extra and yes, it sucks that servers need tips to make a decent wage, but again that’s on the business.
Instead of getting pissy at your son she should get pissy at the business for not paying a fair, livable wage
She’s lucky she gets minimum wage! Most waitresses get lower then that! People like that make me mad. I wouldn’t have left a tip for her period! We only tip based on the service we receive! Yesterday going to a local restaurant my husband ordered a strawberry daiquiri drink. After he had already drunk half of it they decided to ask me for my ID! I didn’t know whether to be offended or complimented! He was just about finished with his drink. I’m currently pregnant so I couldn’t care less what they served him! We didn’t leave a tip because the service was poor and we barely got waited on. For the prices we had to pay they should pay their workers better or make better food
How do you forget to tip though…especially on a card where it says “tip” and then “total”
No it’s not normal for a waitress to do that but we also have people spend 100s of dollars and not tip or leave just $3 as a tip. I was a waitress for 6 years and that’s how I pay my stuff. I understand people forget but what she did was wrong.
Its acceptable. I would politely ask if there was a problem with the service or the food because I noticed you didn’t leave a tip. Or, I politely returned the pile of pennies and nickles that were scattered across the table to the rightful owner, on the street, that I definitely went out of my way to catch up to them. He didn’t forget, just embarrassed he got stopped . If he’s broke, making minimum. Eat Ramen noodles, at home. Tell him to pull up his big boy pants and get over it.
I am a server and I would never ask someone about a tip. I would however ask if there was a problem with their service today. Some people just do not believe in tipping. People make mistakes and get busy talking or focusing on a phone call, text etc and just forget. But to call ur son out is tacky and completely wrong! He should be the one to call not u. I knw he has anxiety etc as u explained but part of becoming an adult and growing into his own person is facing confrontation. It will make him feel more in control of the situation. If he was younger, mama bear would be out and I would be calling and stepping in!
I probably would have cussed the waitress out myself and told her that she shouldn’t be confronting someone over that. Because in this world you never know how stupid a person could get. Anyways. Your son shouldn’t be upset. It happens. But that waitress shouldn’t be a waitress if she is going to confront someone over that