A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

She rude asf for that tbh

No the waitress should not have confronted him. I deliver pizza and they are so many times the drivers dont get tipped. We make 4.65/hr. Use our gas and wear and tear on our vehicle and put up with rude people but you should never confront them (I may grumble in the car or when I get back to work but never say anything to customer). We have people order $50 pizza and not tip and no one want to deliver to them but we suck it up because we take turns. We would probably be fired if we confronted a no tipper). I’ve delivered in pouring rain, horrible snow, high winds, through all the months of covid, etc. Some people wont tip.

We once ordered pizza for delivery and the guy that did it was rude and the food was cold when we got it and he was pretty much trying to make us feel bad for tipping him because he only makes so much but failed to say he makes more when he’s in the building and less when he’s out on a delivery and the only way I knew that was because my husband used to deliver for the same place. It’s not professional to call someone or make them feel bad for not tipping or in your sins case forgetting. If I feel the service isn’t good or they were rude I’m not going to tip them.

That was highly unprofessional of the waitress


I’m a mom AND a long-time server… in a state that pays servers less then $4 per hour, so we def depend on our tips. However… it’s not ok that she confronted him about it! That’s unprofessional. And considering it was a genuine mistake makes it even worse on her part. We get stiffed sometimes, it sucks, but you get over it and go on about your job. You never harass a customer!


Regardless, a tip is not required. She didn’t deserve a tip after that action.


You are being overprotective. I hope it truly was a mistake on his part but tipping is pretty standard in this Country. The waitress was bold for confronting him but she deserves a tip as long as service wasn’t horrendous.


I would not have tipped after that.


I would be on the phone with management! That is totally unacceptable behavior. Tipping is not mandatory


Times they are a changing and yes servers are free beings to do as they please. I’ve never personally called a person out but I’ve had my manager gently mention that they didnt tip and ask was everything ok with service, many do add a tip and simply forgot. Tips are a servers livelihood and we take it pretty seriously

Wow u all really work 2 to 3$ a hr ? Servers ? I’m shocked… dang


She had nothing to lose by asking for it :woozy_face: he didn’t tip anyway :tipping_hand_woman:t3:


I would call her manager. That’s completely out of line.


First of all that was rude of the waitress, she made herself sound like a begging asshole.

i would have told her to shove it up her ass then told her manager about her attitude problem if she wanted a tip she needs to earn it waitresses don’t make shit and nothing will change that until all waitresses quit and demand higher pay bc most servers are mothers most bussers are fathers who are just trying to get paid for their kids and it’s not ever enough until they make that movement real nothing will change but her attitude ain’t the way to get more money from fellow minimum wage people we all out here barely surviving

As a former waitress, you are not supposed to go up to someone because they didn’t tip. They could tip 2 cents, or nothing. They just have to suck it up. On the other hand, teach your boy to tip. If you can’t afford to tip, stay home.

Food servers do work hard rely heavily on tips as part of their income.
But, tips are meant as a gratuity for good service.
If the service is poor then there would be no tip or a very small tip.
The better the service, the bigger the tip.
You cannot tip more than you can afford.
Tipping is not a requirement of the customer, it is a choice.

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I don’t think you should call for him. That’s overprotective, he’s 18 not 8. And IF he wants to call and complain then that should be his choice and his action. You can also give her some grace because as much as your son forgetting to tip as an honest mistake she could have been having a rotten day. And as a former server, getting stiffed by a customer can really be the cherry on top and she could have just had a breaking point. I don’t know the when story but we all have bad days and we all have learning experiences.


If I get good to great service, I tip. If I have a server that does a horrible job. I don’t tip. And I don’t tip at places where I have to do the the job, like get my own drink and pick up my own food and clear my table.


This is not or okay and was a form of harassment. To chase him down to get a tip out of him. I personally would call the restaurant and complain. Explaining the situation and how unprofessional that waitress acted. We all work for our wage, not just her. And she shouldn’t go out of her way to embarrass someone!


WOW! The world is so totally screwed up now. I’d recommend that he tell the manager to pay his people better and let them know he will not be returning. Word of mouth complaints spread and in this market no one can afford to lose business. Being a bitch isn’t tip worthy.

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That’s unacceptable I would definitely call that restaurant

She was way out of line. I would have asked for the manager right then and there.


For all those saying maybe she was having a bad day…

So what, that doesn’t give you the right to take your frustrations out on a customer or anyone for that matter…It doesn’t excuse you from your actions. There are still consequences regardless.

She should lose her job, not work in customer service and perhaps get some manners.


The places that I worked would fire you if you asked for a tip.

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I wouldn’t have tipped her :woman_shrugging:t4: feel how you feel

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Not say he shouldn’t have tipped but I’m pretty sure that harassing a customer would be grounds for termination.


Super rude of her. And it’s not anyone but the food service industries fault that servers get paid so little.

How rude of that wait person…needs to be fired!!@

I waitresses for 14 yrs and I would NEVER have done that. It may be frustrating yes of course but I wld say that is wrong.


Had this happen to me and my now husband around thirty years ago, I took him out to dinner In Greek town, I was only 16 paid for the dinner and was walking out and the waitress approached us about a tip. Being young I pretty much laughed in her face and left

That was 100% wrong of her. Sounds like she is a bitch and doesn’t even deserve a tip! Just my thoughts

Wait staff should never confront a customer. I always tip but your son simply forgot. After that she deserved nothing.

A tip is optional. Waitress should have let it go.


Wow I would have given her a penny. It is not the law and alot of people work minimum wage and don’t get tips. I would have went to her manager


Waitress was out of line and should be ashamed of herself. I would call and speak with the manager.


I as a mom, 18 or not would be making a trip to the restaurant and having a word with the manager. Bad day or not she had NO right to ask that. If I had been him, I would have let her know it was an honest mistake but then let her know since she made a big deal about it, her tip would be to find a different means of income! Cause waitressing is not her cup of tea!


I wouldn’t tip. I’m on lowest income and just going out for a meal would be a treat. I’m not paying someone else


No she is not supposed to say a word about it.

He shouldn’t have went back in & tipped her she was way out of line.


While I give kudos to your son for going back since he forgot and wanted to make it right…I would have told the waitress “it’s not MY problem you choose to be paid minimum wage where tips are optional and convenient for you. It’s not always convenient for me to tip :woman_shrugging:


Waitress and waiters make way less than minimum wage.


Severs DONT even make minimum wage. Also he’s 18 time for mommy to stop fighting his battles for him. Maybe she has issues too and that was the tip of the iceberg! Have you ever even been a server? Getting stiffed by a customer; specially when you don’t even know why, breaks some servers mentally. It’s frustrating.


I would not have given her a tip. And personally I would make a complaint about that waitress


She should be fired!!! NOT acceptable!!


She didn’t deserve tip. If u ask for it, then u r in the wrong. U never ever ask someone to tip. It’s plain rude. Someone who behaves like that, they are selfish. This server deserves to be fired or at least written up about it.

Federal minimum wage for servers is 2.13 an hour.
Do what you want with that information.


Uhhhh no that’s not acceptable! What if he was intentionally NOT tipping due to poor service?! That server was out of line big time!


Call the restaurant, and complain because I see that as belittling your son in front of other people. She needs to be spoken to because the whole world is going through hard times not just her. Shame on her and most likely she singled him out because of how young he is. I doubt that she would of done that to someone older and if she did well she is pretty Arrogant.


She’s in the wrong tips are not required if I had been him I woulda went back put penny on table


Waitress was out of line


I think it was ugly of her maybe she did not derserve a tip.

She was out of line - he should have told her - I make minimum wage too and I never get a tip.

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I wouldn’t have tipped her at all. Sorry but not sorry .


She was wrong for saying something, but your son was wrong for not tipping too…


She had no right to do that to your son! How dare she assume he could afford to tip her let alone confront him about it! That is disgraceful! She absolutely deserves to be brought up on that! A tip is just that a " tip" it is not a required payment!


Also what exactly did she say to him? In exact wording? Did she ask him WHY he didn’t tip trying to figure out what she did wrong; and now you’re blowing it out of proportion?


The three parties involved were wack out of line.

I get people are trying to urge restaurants to pay servers an actual wage versus the 2.13 or 2.33 minimum for tipped employees, but it’s not going to change anytime soon. You’re not directly hurting the restaurant (but you’re hurting them by making the servers quit to find higher paying jobs but then the other people there suffer because they get less in tips because you needed your coffee refilled right now but 3 people came in through the door and everyone else’s sections is full) by not tipping but you are directly hurting someone who waits on you hand and foot while you eat, while you ask for a bajillion refills.

Plus if you tip well if you’re on a first date with someone new or decide to have a job interview at a restaurant it makes you look good even if the service wasn’t all that great.

So if you want to be waited on hand and food but you dont want your overworked and severely underpaid server to eat that night because screw them; just think about how good it makes you look, because I see too selfish people in the comment section here.

Especially these last few years it’s been incredibly difficult and will get even more ridiculous to find work that actually pays decent wages and allows you to have a healthy work & life balance.

For the “kid” you’re 18, you’re an adult, good chance you have a debit or credit card, if you paid by plastic there’s a line on the receipt where it says tip you write down x amount of dollars. If you paid by cash and you probably have lived in America your whole life, assuming you’d eat out once a week from the day you were born you’d know that tipping is customary. I myself have pretty high levels of anxiety and I can be quite forgetful myself. If I forget for whatever reason I’ll always go back and right them a small apology note with their tip on it.

For the over bearing mother, he’s an adult, and sure he still may need your support (everyone does), but you gotta have faith that you did your job as a mother right and it seems you did because he felt some remorse for it. Feeling sorry for being forgetful is not a bad thing; he rectified the problem.

For the waitress in this situation there are ways you can go around this without being grossly confrontational and bringing back . You could just ask as they leave the restaurant,

“hey, how good was my service, and if there was anything wrong, what could I do in the future to improve?”

Good personal interactions will bring back a returning guest.

Here’s how I tip roughly

If I’m getting takeout and it’s a full service sit down restaurant: 5-10%

If I’m dining in and my bill is small >15 bucks: 50-60%

if I’m going to a diner for a cup of coffee and some toast and the total is less than 5: ill always tip around 200-300%

If I’m dining in, and the service wasn’t all that great or even terrible: 20% just because you have an off day at your hourly job that doesn’t make tips, doesn’t mean that your boss will cut your pay that day from 15 an hour to 7.26 an hour.

Good service: 25-30%

Exemplary service; 35-40% and I’m not difficult to please so I’m frequently tipping higher.

Also if you can’t afford to tip go to McDonald’s or make food at home.


For that bullshit I’d call the manager and inform him/her if waitress conduct. Tip means to insure proper service. It is not a mandatory thing. I’ve had waitstaff ignore us until check time. Our glasses or coffee not refilled. We’ve had to flag some down to even order!
I’ve had one confront me about no tip. I told her to do her job and she would get one. No service, no tip!
Accidental or not, the waitress was way out of line.

Wtf! Tip is not mandatory.

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She was totally wrong! I’ve waited on a lot of tables and if I didn’t get a tip, so what? It use mandatory. She should have kept her mouth shut. If she isn’t making enough money, she needs to get a different job! Maybe some people can’t afford a tip!


I have 100% went up to customers that had really big bills and didn’t tip me good and asked if there was something I did wrong. When you are a server you have to tip out the bartenders and bus boys so if you don’t tip your server they are literally paying for you to enjoy your meal.

Honestly I would have complained on her and still not tipped her cause that’s completely out of line
No one is obligated to tip

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its just plain rude on her behalf. One thing i didn’t like about the american culture when i visited.

Hell no a tip means “to insure prompt service - T-I-P-S” no one is entitled to a tip


That’s ridiculous… your kiddo should have not went back in for a tip. That’s not ok

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As a parent of 4 teenagers I have taught all of them how tipping works. They know who to tip and the correct amount. If they can’t afford it then they don’t go out. Simple.


She was totally in the wrong I would call the manager and tell them to tell the waiter this are no a rule all the time


Um… you don’t have to tip.

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I mean it’s a good lesson learned and it makes us feel terrible when we don’t get tipped I feel like the server over did it and should have just moved along people not tipping happens a lot more often than people think but honestly tell your son she probably just had a bad day it’s not his fault and the server way over stepped her boundaries

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You’re being too dramatic.
Your son didn’t tip because he wrote zero on a credit card slip so that in itself is wrong

Morally it’s wrong of her to confront but it’s more fucked up your son didnt tip.

I’d report her to management now

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I am a waitress and a tip is in my opinion never expected, it’s earned. And I am never upset if I don’t get tipped because not everyone can afford it. I always give great service and it’s not looking for a tip, it’s because it’s my job.,and it’s what people deserve.


This happened to me once. I forgot to tip when I got to the car I remembered, ran back in to tip but before I got a chance to the waitress confronted me saying I was rude for not tipping her. I laughed right in her face and walked out. She got no tip from me. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Tip is an acronym for- To Insure Promptness. It is now assumed that everyone should pay a tip. Sometime the wait staff does not deserve a tip.


I’ve been a Waitress. I’ve given excellent service, been thoroughly praised by my tables and told, we will ask for you each time we come back, and they do! And sometimes they tip, sometimes they don’t. Had 2 regulars who thought it funny to tip their waitresses in about $0.28 change, all pennies. It was rude when they ordered a table full of food! Tips, unless you go somewhere fancy and they are Included in the bill, are NOT a given. That is the price you pay for working the food industry. You give excellent service and let it go. I would never have confronted a patron. It’s on their conscience whether they tip or not

these comments are disgusting. minimum wage for tipped servers is not anywhere near the minimum wage for other jobs. that’s literally what they live on, and if she asked nicely what she did wrong not to get a tip i’d understand. as long as she wasn’t rude about it, i get why she would be upset that she just wasted all that time for literally nothing. have none of you seen a servers paycheck? they get literal pennies. if you can’t tip, don’t go out to eat.

I will only tip if u feel like it, they are doing a paying job, why on Earth would I allow anyone to force myself to give them my money.
She’s wrong not you nor your son.


Sometimes the waitress ends up having to pay the tax on the meal or has to share tips at end of night with bus boy although it’s her choice to be a waitress probably very infuriating

The saying " tip" originally stood for. “To insure promptness” restaurants would have a bucket for people to drop money in to insure that they get seated and served faster than those that didn’t pay. Eventually it morphed into quality of service. It is NOT a requirement. It is supposed to be based on quality and speed of service. If that happened to me I would have walked out without giving her a dime… after i spoke with the manager!


As a past waitress that is NOT ok. That was rude and uncalled for. I completely understand why you would be upset. I’m so sorry that happened to him

It does truly suck that server’s are only paid 3.10 an hour.

No your not being overprotective it is rude and they think that they can do that. If I was you i would get her fired call up the restaurant or better yet go there and call her out . Its rude completely rude

A tip is a tip if you choose to do so. I hate when i go somewhere and they automatically add the tip on it.


I was a server for years and I would never have went out after a customer and done something like that. I always tip when I go out but it’s done according to the service I’m given, but granted having been a server I’m not going to cut down a servers tip because I can see they’re swamped, but maybe forgot an extra that I asked for. I don’t think that people should go out to eat if they can’t tip… even just a $1 or $2 could help a server, but since he really just simply forgot I consider the server coming at him as beyond rude. Tell him not to beat himself up about it cause it seems like that server could sure work on their customer service skills!

No it’s not acceptable. As someone who’s served 10 years that is a huge no no. Sometimes a stiff happens and life goes on. Sounds like a total bitch. Fyi to others saying waitress makes minimum wage, they make less then minimum wage flat pay. Your tips are ya check.

And that made your son feel bad and on top of that he was probably mortified in front of his date. :rage:

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In a lot of European countries, tip is automatically added at 20%. In Mexico, if you go to a corner store and buy anything, you are expected to tip. Only in this country do people feel entitled to be served and think they don’t have to pay extra for it.

When you’re working for $2.13/hr and so many kids come through, sit at the table for a long period of time and trash the area and don’t tip, it’s very disheartening. You have couples with small kids who come in and leave a huge mess and don’t tip properly. You have elderly couples who come in, split a single meal, get a discount and then a tiny tip. You also have large groups who’s bill is hundreds of dollars and they don’t hardly tip, comparitively to the work involved for the server(s) who served them. People can go on about how you don’t have to tip, but if you have money to go out and eat and you expect for service, then you should be prepared to tip or be prepared that someone might take it personally. If you aren’t prepared to make dinner for yourself and clean up after yourself you should factor in the costs. I understand someone forgetting to apply a tip but that isn’t common. A lot thoughtless entitled people replying to this thread.

As a former waitress, that was so wrong on her part!

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That really makes me pissed its not your sons fault she works a minimum paying job its her own and embarrassing your son thats horrible. If you do nothing which is fine shell end up getting hers at the very least tell your son thats its not his fault and she had no right to do that. That is so mean what goes around comss around you dont even have to lift a finger shell do that to someone else and itll get her fired. Just take care of your son and his feelings how dare these people

You could also call the restaurant without saying her name and telling them that your son went there and someone came after him outside and that you will never go there and neither will your family


A tip is optional, and I base tips on the service, if I get lousy service I don’t tip

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I have worked in restaurants and bars for 10 years. Most places I’ve worked for DONT ALLOW their employees to do that and will terminate their employment if they find out they did. BUT servers and bartenders minimum wage is typically anywhere from $2-$4 depending on the state and establishment.

Also if food is not great, but service is I tip a little not servers fault

When you say “my son also makes minimum wage” is he a server? Because regular min wage and server min wage are very different.


I was a waitress and I would NEVER do something like that! Totally uncalled for and unprofessional!


This event is a very plain case for proper wages.
Living on tips is demeaning. Depending on them is disgraceful.
And it is a case of ‘the personal is political. And the political is personal.’
So, next time you vote, vote for the candidate who promises respectable wages.


This is why the restaurants need to pay them more . Not our responsibility to pay all your employees.


Aw man I’ll never tip people that’s what their wage is for :joy: