I’ve been a waitress before and would have never done that. It’s super unprofessional
I would be calling the restaurant and complain. Wait staff should not do that
It is not acceptable to beret someone for not leaving a tip. Leaving a tip is optional. She had no right to confront him about that. She doesn’t know what his situation is. I would be VERY tempted to call the manager of said restaurant and let them know her name and that it happened. Please let him know it’s okay. Things happen but she had no right in confronting him about a tip
It’s completely unacceptable! Tips are not required and if the service permitted then she didn’t deserve a tip anyway. To come out and confront a customer is gross and very poor behavior. She should honestly have gotten in trouble for it. A talking to or something. She sounds ungrateful. Some people don’t even have jobs right now. Count yourself blessed and take what you get!
She shouldn’t have confronted him. But he should have tipped the waitress. Let it go.
We live in Nz, this doesn’t exists over here and I’m so fricken glad it doesn’t
Worked as a waitress for years and never once did i do what she done I was just happy if teen agers never made a mess for me to clean up and what if the person had any money left to tip with.i feel she was wrong and rude
She was wrong… I believe in tipping, but waitress had no right confronting someone who did not…
I was a server for 16 years and I couldn’t imagine confronting anyone over not leaving a tip. If I was chased down and confronted as a customer, I would tell her I wasn’t tipping and would not be back to that establishment for that reason. I wouldn’t call and get her fired though. We don’t know what’s going on in her life and she may be depending on tips to pay something important. She could also just be greedy. The point is, we don’t know.
Your son is 18 though and you can’t be going at somebody over something as silly as this.
Why should he tip her for doing her job,she chose to be a waitress,nobody tips me for doing mine and I also serve the public,it’s the job you chose to do
That waitress had no right to complain to a customer. He should report her. She was rude doing that. He does need to make sure,if has good service,to at least leave a $5 tip. Only for good service though.
As a waitress this is never okay! Sometimes people are barely making it by and treat themselves rarely to going out to eat or generally forget! Things like this do happen but it’s not your job to force people to tip you! But as a waitress myself and making only $4 an hour it’s great to tip! My income does depend on tips!
Waitresses in my state make $2.14 an hour plus tips which they are taxed on 20% whether they actually get it or not. If you can’t afford to tip, go to McDonald’s
But did the waitress say hey you left the tip.line blank…with that i think it’s ok
That waitress would not be getting crap from me.
That’s not right and bang out of order tips are optional if she is that unhappy with her job and wages she should look for something else rather than taking it out on a customer
Yes, it was ok for her to say something and your son responded in the right way! You’ve raised him well!!
Tips r n curtouse if customers want to
If she feels she isn’t making it in minimum wage there plenty of jobs out there.
A lot of people have been servers before . I know in some states servers pay a certain percentage on the sales they have rather they are tipped or not. It was not right for her to chase him out the door but if he didn’t intentionally tip she just paid a portion for him to eat as she will have to pay taxes on the balance he aquired. I feel as if you don’t want to or don’t have money to tip get your food to go because in the end she is paying for him to eat out and I would be pissed also.
If I were the boss she would definitely be fired who does that
Yea no. You should call the restaurant to complain about that waitress. The bill had already been paid and were no longer in the building, she went out of her way to find him and harass him. Tips are not required nor mandatory. And after that she definitely shouldn’t have gotten one.
It wasn’t right of the waitress, but I bet you he won’t forget to tip next time. Lesson learned
After being confronted like that she wouldn’t of got shit from me. Especially if i truly forgot to leave a tip. People are just bold now
I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that waitresses/waiters have started feeling it’s okay for them to confront people and/or call them out on social media for not tipping or not tipping what they consider a good amount. Tips have always been optional and, IMO, based on the service received. This sense of entitlement has gotten out of hand. You’re not entitled to a tip. Now, with that being said, I do appreciate the fact that most of them work their asses off and deserve to be tipped accordingly but I feel it’s extremely rude and unprofessional for her to have approached your son and demanded a tip and I probably would’ve refused, at that point, to give her anything.
I think her approach was wrong but I also think your sons “I Forgot” story is also bullshit. Which makes me wonder if she really approached him the way he said. He didn’t forget. You don’t just forget a tip especially when paying with a credit card. Miscounting cash, I’d believe. I also think if it was the other way around, you’d be defending that as well. You’re being protective of your son and that’s ok!!
The comment make me so sad for kids being raised …
Can’t afford the tip, don’t go out. The mothers in this group raising kids to think tipping is an optional part of dining out here in the US is so sad!
Now to the situation - the waitress would have no idea he suffers social anxiety and “confronts” sometimes means different to everyone. My daughter suffers from it and someone can ask her something directly and because of her anxiety it feels way more conformational that it seems to me. The feeling is very real for her, but being right there and seeing what happened I know it wasn’t the intent. Said he paid with a card maybe he didn’t sign it and she asked him to fill it out. I don’t know sounds wild. A waitress chases them outside? Complains about her wages? Has him refill out his cc receipt?
… seems like a misunderstanding happened but no, I don’t think it went down like this. Not sure anyone in the restaurant industry would do that because it’s instant termination. Don’t know weird stuff happens all the time I guess.
No your not and I would have call the restaurant manager and told them about it
I think you should always tip IF THE SERIVE IS GOOD. if it’s not then you not gonna get anything. And no, no server is suppose to confront anyone. We dont HAVE to tip.
If he actually just “forgot” why would he be mad that she reminded him?
She had no right to confront him like that. Demanding a tip.
He forgot. The moment she demand was wrong
To err is human, to forgive divine. We all make mistakes and we all forget. We are human!
no it was definitely NOT ok for her to demand a tip. Tips are not mandatory, they’re giving willingly. That lady was WAY out of line and I would’ve demanded to speak to the manager
I’d call and complain. No waitress should ever follow someone outside and start nagging them over a tip. He’s a better person than I am because after I explained I forgot to tip, I would have followed with “so don’t play in traffic. There’s your tip”
I did a pick up order once and had the waiter go outside saying I needed to tip him
Most restaurants have a policy that if wait staff confronts a paying customer over a tip, it is automatic firing.
No. That was very rude, to say the least. The manager should be notified of this woman’s behavior. I’m sorry your son had to be embarrassed like this. I forgot to tip hone time also. When I realized that I had forgotten to tip our wonderful waitress, I went to the cashier and apologized for my mistake and gave her her 20 per cent. The cashier said to me, “ thank you for coming back and leaving her a tip. She came and told me that she was not left a tip.” That waitress never said a nasty word to me.
Stop making excuses, at 18yrs old he should know better. My guess is she was tired and really needs the money. No one knows what she is going through either. Tell your son to always do the right thing. This is how they learn…sad but true.
Amount of tip is calculated by quality of service. I usually tip pretty well. If the service sucks so does my tip.
No one should be force to tip anyone, its up to the customer if they decide to tip a waitress or not
For someone making minimum wage or Less…it is not unusual for a waiter/ waitress to confront someone either walking out w/o paying or w/o tiping.
Hopefully this will be a learning experiance for your son and yourself.
When she says minimum wage she means $2.13/hr. I’m a bartender/server so I can understand the frustration but I would never confront someone for not tipping. Just remember faces for next time.
I’ve been a waitress and I’ve had crap nights. One table not tipping is not going to break your night because usually you have a great tipper in the bunch. Someone said go to McDonalds. That is crazy. I order to go food and you pay for the food but then you have to pay a tip for them to package it. I honestly feel like restaurants need to pay more to their servers and this wouldn’t be an issue. Never it is OK to follow someone outside. That’s harassment. No tip still sitting at the table maybe ask if they didn’t like their service as a reminder. Not every waitress deserves a tip. Some deserve extra! Which I always give
no it’s not normal! she should have just moved on! she was rude! it is not mandatory to tip!
Also, to all of those claiming unprofessionalism… my boss, the owner of the establishment in which I wait tables, has said stuff to customers, teens in particular who regularly do not tip. He’s been in business over 35 years and is a fantastic boss and businessman.
Super unpopular opinion, but tips are earned. You get tips for good service. She shouldn’t have gotten that tip.
People don’t generally tip a cashier at a supermarket, clothing store or a hardware stores, who does she think she is demanding a tip. It’s a NO from me.
I would’ve called the manager and told them what happened!! She’s lucky she makes minimum wage! I hear most waitresses make under minimum wage! But regardless, she shouldn’t have done that!!
Minimum wage for a tipped employee IS Not the same as minimum wage for an employee who doesn’t earn tips. Before you say something so asinine, look up your state’s wages for a server vs. an hourly employee’s hourly rate. The federal minimum wage is 7.25/hour for a regular employee. For A tipped employee it is $4.40/hr. Servers pay taxes on tips whether they receive them or not so when you don’t leave a tip, the server pays taxes on a tip you never left anyway.
And also for all the people saying if she “doesn’t like her pay, get another job”… news flash, that’s how it works in America, if you go to a restaurant and get served, you tip aka “pay” for the servers service to you just like you pay the restaurant for the food. If you don’t like that… move to another country where they don’t tip or serve yourself at home.
If your son makes minimum-wage and can’t afford to tip then he shouldn’t go out
I think your son forgetting is something anyone can do when they have things on their mind. sorry the waitress confronted him. He is human tell him to cut himself some slack . It was not intentional.
Yep, beacause what you dont realize they are automatically tax 8%, last I lookrd probably more. So she is out 8%
Normally the waiter or waitress will go in the back and complain or ask the customer if the service was bad and they normally pick up on why the question was asked
She’s shouldn’t expect everyone to tip… if she has to be unprofessional and demand tips then she should get a second job or a better paying job.
She saw him as an easy target since he is young. Unacceptable behaviour, I would probably call the restaurant and inform them of the unprofessionalism.
If she’s making minimum wage that’s actually more than most servers make. Not saying don’t tip just impressed that she makes minimum wage.
If waitress was good ya
That waitress didn’t deserve a tip with that attitude. I once gave a waitress only the change I had in my wallet because she treated my family as though we could fetch our own needed items to enjoy our meal and when my kids asked for refills politely she giggles and said yeah okay. Never brought them refills. I’ve also paid a waitress the same amount we spent on our meal! I will pay according to service. If you don’t treat a customer great then why should you make anything more than minimum wage?
Omg…I wouldn’t have tipped her AT ALL after that one
If you cannot afford to pay your employees a livable wage, don’t open a restaurant.
Maybe he does have issues but you don’t forget to tip. If u can afford to eat out u can afford to tip…
And if u pay by card it’s pretty hard to forget since it says TIP right there…
That being said… she is WRONG… you don’t do that… I worked in the Service Industry for over 20 years and she would have lost her job for doing that.
Now if she would have asked if there was a problem with the service that would be a different story…
I’ll be the first to say that wasn’t right for her to demand a tip, but I’ll also be the first one to stick up for waitresses who get stuck with the ignorant broke assholes who dont tip. Not that your son is one as he innocently forgot.
Tipping should absolutely be mandatory. Waitresses literally come out of pocket for EVERY meal and drink that you and anyone else order in a restaurant, and waitresses have to pay out busboys and bartenders out of our tips at the end of the night. Do you expect them to dip out of their savings to pay these people for your meals? Would you dip out of your savings? You would absolutely not. The moment you walk into a restaurant to be served, you’re paying for service on top of food. If you’re too broke, cheap, or ignorant to understand that and leave a tip, order Take out and pick it up, go to a fast food restaurant, or stay the fuck home to cook clean and serve yourself. If the service is good, that’s all that matters, regardless of how the food comes out because a waitress is not a cook.
You are not being overprotective mama. He should have gone straight to the manager and demanded an explanation of her behavior. He made an innocent mistake! He’s frickin 18 years old! Anyone thinkin they want to do that to this kid… I hope the world will be as tough on you as you’re wanting to be on this boy. In short Mama, you are NOT overreacting. This should never have happened.
If a waitress came and started jumping down my throat over a tip I would of told her “well it was a accident I didn’t mean to not tip you but with how rude you are currently being to a customer you don’t deserve a tip and I would love to speak to management since you came outside and demanded me to pay after I left and see what your manager has to say about it”
I think she had her nerve I very rarely tip most of the time it’s just not good enough (service)!!
No, she shouldn’t have done that and I always tip but if I forget and you come yell at me I will not tip you and from then on I won’t sit in your area
Some people on this thread - tell me you’re a cheap POS without saying you’re a cheap POS lol
This story sounds extremely exaggerated! I’m a server now, and have been off and on since 2007, and I can tell you this isn’t all the way true. Her son has social anxiety. Let’s say the server did go outside. I HIGHLY DOUBT SHE “DEMANDED” A TIP!! Maybe she inquired if her service was good and if it was why no tip? The son who has social disorders probably FELT attacked because of his disorders, even tho most likely he wasn’t. He was JUST EMBARRASSED and ran to tell mommy and exaggerated a story so mommy can coddle him and agree with him about that mean ol server.
The server was wrong however for confronting a customer. But please remember a confrontation doesn’t only mean to be aggressive. The server could’ve been super sweet and just asked about her service OR asked about her tip (which is wrong). Doesn’t mean she went out there to attack that man.
Where I work the minimum wage for a server is $2.13/hr. I SOLEY rely on my tips to make it through life. The STANDARD is to tip 20% of the total bill. Now, I understand some server provide horrible service and should be tipped accordingly. However, if you receive good service, then leave a minimum of 20% of the total.
If you can’t afford to tip, eat fast food.
You pay for the food, you tip for the service.
Hold tf up, now I’ve been at a restaurant and left a minimal tip because good tips are earned. It’s unprofessional and rude to demand someone give you a tip. It’s not fair service workers aren’t paid a fair wage, but instead of getting the customers asses for not tipping, we should be fighting for a fair wage and end tipping all together. tipping just gives business owners the right to not pay you a fair wage. I say that shit needs to end now.
And don’t even comment on here about “I should stay home” I got my opinion and I do tip, but it’s based on your ability of providing good service. So instead of attacking me for my opinion, attack the whole service industry for making that shit the norm.
Tips arent mandatory. If the service sucks I would never leave a tip. Sorry not Sorry and her demanding a tip after the fact would have definitely not landed her a tip. Matter of fact I would have went to her management after she got a piece of mind… Smh. And it’s not being able to afford a tip or not… it’s principal and respect… Your son shouldn’t feel bad, that lady demanding a tip should… The nerve of some people. I could never…
I don’t think that it’s appropriate for a server to approach anyone about that kind of stuff. Regardless if it was forgotten or they didn’t like your service, tips are not a requirement, yes that’s how a lot of servers make their actual money, but to chase people down is ridiculous.
WAITRESS fault SOLELY . Yes I believe in tipping but like it or not ITS NOT MANDATORY. P.E.R I.O.D.
Thus she was wrong no one should feel bad for not tipping on purpose or not. Again I take the personal stance of if I can avoid to go out I can afford the extra tip BUT it’s not required… go and complain
Contact the management… servers shouldn’t be demanding tips, and shaking down customers for money. Your son forgot, it’s not that big of deal. I’m more embarrassed for the waitress honestly.
Why pay extra for a service that’s already been paid for by the establishment through wages. Even though tips are Xtra income 4 who are on a low pay it should be up to the person paying if they want to give a tip or not. Why do people think it’s compulsory to pay a tip on top of a service I don’t understand. Here in New Zealand we are not expected to pay a tip. A tip is paid if the customer feels like someone deserves it. That waitress should not be putting her problems on our customer in regards to pay packet. She was very rude and he should not have paid her it’s up at all. Is it a tip compulsory when you go out in America because it should be something that is not always expected by a person of service.
That’s HIGHLY unprofessional.
Wrong of her in soooo many ways
Wrong Brittany Martinez. Customer service is gone down in our country. That customer did help pay her wages and help the restaurant survive. I would have sent her home at least
1-star Yelp review coming right up
First of all, I give tips for good service. If you demand a tip of me, that’s bad service and you don’t get one. You’re not entitled to a tip. If you don’t get one, deal with it and move on or get a different job.
Nope, if you know her name I’d contact the place if business or a FB review comment…if she’d confronted me, I’d go back and leave a pity tip ($2-5; minimal- I don’t know how much dinner was, but I would not be leaving 10%)
I do tip when I eat out usually more than 20 percent but I have never thought it was mandatory nor should a waitress ask for a tip .
Hang on its not law to tip, and some people can only afford to pay for the meal, he’s not responsible for her only earning minimum wage, that’s her choice to work for that money not his, and calling him out like that I wouldn’t bother tipping at all!! She sounds rude and arrogant and clearly getting tipped so definitely making up her wages!
I always TIP regardless of service because they have done a service… and maybe it was a bad day or the cook messed the food up … etc etc… some of y’all wild for not tipping or whatever…
However it was never okay to confront a customer about not tipping… chuck it up as a lose and normally some awesome human will make it up at some point in the day… its hard for me to believe the server demanded… maybe asked about why not… eekk idk this messy but your son is 18 now sounds like its a lesson learned and at most not go to said restaurant again
No you are not. It should be up to the customer, did she give good service?
I would write a letter to the restaurant but keep the waitresses name out of it so she keeps her job. If she knew how she made your son feel maybe she would do things differently next time. We’re all human so we need to let someone know how they hurt us and move on. Like I kinda get the waitress’s point because not getting tipped as a waitress really sucks. And idk how you forget that. I’m not your son though. I wasn’t there. People who don’t get tipped will take it personal and it’ll ruin their night. It feels like a waste of time and energy you’ll never get back. But you’re not suppose to confront the patron for not tipping. Not worth losing your job over. Which is what will happen if you identify this waitress. So ask yourself are you ok with that?
My husband and I leave a tip accordingly, if they arnt tending to us quick enough on refills and or have a super shitty attitude the whole time they dont get that great of a tip if they did a good job and were nice we tip generously for sure but he should trip that hard over it it’s not the end of the world and depending on how she confronted him about it he probably shouldnt have anyway, realistically she shouldnt have confronted him at all that’s a good way for her to lose her job cause now for all they know she just made bad experience for him there and wont return
It is wrong to call someone out for not tipping we don’t tip in Australia unless service is exemplary however I’ve lived in the US and UK too.
What this waitress did, regardless of minimum wage etc was rude. I would not have gone back in to process a tip for her but to complain to the manager for being run down for said tip.
My friends and I had a taxi driver in LA shout at us because we hadn’t given him a tip, where we’re from its not an expected thing so we just didn’t think about it, paid for the trip and hopped out. Gave his tip but he wasn’t nice about any of it.
That’s not professional
I have been told by 2 or 3 different waitress that I knew personally that you should tip regardless of how the service is I’m like oh hell no if I get bad service they are not getting a tip. That’s why you tip for good service, and if I get good service I will tip well. That waitress was way off key to address your son about not tipping regardless of the reason I would be calling the restaurant and telling them what kind of people they have working their
You are not being overprotective no. Tipping is not mandatory. I’ve been a server my daughter is a server yes we did and do basically live just on tios but me or her or anyone I have ever known would never do this. She should be sent home or something very unprofessional and if yall go again should not get tipped for sure.
The only time I don’t tip is if the service was horrible, but I choose the tip 90% of the time. I dont just hit the percentage button ans give the option amounts they have. I tip to what I can afford and feel is good based on service. If someone approached me and got mad I didn’t tip and told me to tip I’d say not thanks and walk away. They get paid regardless to work so if they want to be tipped I feel they need to earn it and not just expect it.
I love how everyone says “get a better job.” But you’d sure be crying if every waitstaff actually took your snotty advice and wasn’t there anymore to serve you. Yes, the system sucks. So let’s punish the people forced to work in it due to whatever circumstance because you want to be a cheapass.
Just have him chalk it up as an experience. He learned something and he’ll be more conscious of it next time.
She had no right. She chose that minimum wage job that barely supports her, not him. LOL I can’t stand that kind of mentality. Your poor son lol tell him to take his lady somewhere else next time!
If I were called out I’d chew her up, not tip Tips are not mandatory and we all work for our wages.
As a server my self no we aren’t allowed to ask or demand a tip from anyone, yes we do appreciate it, and depending on the restaurant depends on pay for example I only made $3 an hour for the old place e I used to work at. But each has different rules, but I would go and talk to the manger just because that isn’t okay
Assuming it wasn’t a huge order between the two of them I’m sure she wasn’t running herself crazy. Their also young she didn’t need to embarrass him like that and be rude herself. U should call and let them know how she acted
As a tipped Employee I would never ask for or demand a tip. That is not professional or acceptable