Advice on adoption?

Omfg. People get mad if a woman wants an abortion, and now yall are saying adoption isnt right? Smh. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


If you can handle three you can handle four. Children are not THINGS, you don’t just give them away. This is not the kind of circumstance that warrants that. How awful of you to even think it wld be an option. You have a family. You choose to be a stay at home mom. Your husband has a job. I really don’t mean to sound awful but come on. Women in way worse situations work their asses off to raise their children. Wake up!!! You’re dealing w a real life here.


Unfortunately babies,children dont get adopted as easy as people think and it’s not always good homes.Maybe you can have a relative adopt it’s easier as long as they can pass background check and have a home.They dont have to go through near as much as a stranger and it’s cheap if uts just between you and them and courthouse…Also then you guys know your child is in good hands…If you both feel it in your hearts you guys dont want to do adoption that’s ok to and you guys come together as a family and move forward.Parenting is hard rather its 3 or 4 and there’s no perfect parents just do your best ask for help in anyway you need it.Just know you are not alone and theres help out there just dont be afraid to ask for it.As family you can get together think of ways that you guys can help each other to make things easier ask friends and family for help to.Whatever you gotta do just like you do now…YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS…BEST OF LUCK IL PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY


Just know you can get help with things but you have to do what is right for you and your family. But if neither of you truthfully want to give the baby up. Think positive and know you can do it. I know stuff is expensive but you can always get cloth diapers. But dont be afraid or embarrassed about asking for help. Ill be praying for you and your family. Wish you all the best of luck


I first off want to tell you that I can tell you want what’s best for your children. The fact that abortion is not an option speaks volumes for the love you have in your heart. If you truly feel that adoption is what’s best for your baby I hope and pray you get the support you need for that endeavor, but that being said please remember that fear is a liar.
If fear is making you believe you cannot care for this child, then you need to talk with God. He will give you the strength, the confidence and faith to do whatever is His will.


Im a strong believer that God doesnt give you something u Can NOT handle … yes your are probably scared n its def not easy but if u can w 3 u can do 4 . If you in your heart have any hesitation along w your husband than dont . There are many that do work from home n make it work . Think about it in the long run if u know u will feel regret chances are u will .


I went from having three children for nine yrs to having my fourth, then fifth. Sometimes life gives us blessings, and we are so wrapped up in fear, an what others think that we doubt ourselves. Transitioning from one or more child is hard, but not impossible. If God would bless me again even though I have terrible health issues and I could possibly die this time, I would still pick my child over my health.


I agree with Elizabeth Hall. My sister when younger was going through a hard time and gave her baby girl up for adoption. She had a wonderful life but always wondered why she was not accepted in her own family either her mother or her father. She was never close to her blood siblings and cried a lot at school. It really does take a toll on a child knowing they could have been with their own blood parents. We all go through hard times in life, pray hard on this one because you will one day regret it like my sister does this day. She wonders why her daughter she gave away has nothing to do with her does not want to see her. God bless you your husband and family!

If you can do it with 3 one more makes no difference in my opinion…their your babies and parents who care and truly love their kids will do anything and everything possible to provide for them… I understand people do go through tough and specific situations where adoption is not an option but necessary…however, I as a single mother of 3 managed to get up n make ends meet for them regardless of how lazy I can be…I will clean houses when necessary to make money to provide for mine when I don’t have actual steady employment something so they don’t go without life’s necessities…no I don’t have a big house or a fancy car but we have food shelter clothes and my bills get paid…I was taught “ you are responsible for your own actions you reap what you sow”…and if that’s bringing 10 kids in to this world that means busting my ass to provide for those 10


You were blessed with 3 children and going to have one more. I only could have 2. Cherish the new baby and allow your older kids to get prepared for it. Never know until you try.

I’m a single mother of 4. I had no help. My children are now 25, 22,19yr old boys and my girl is 13. I swear the only thing that got me through Our life was God. Someone commented here God doesn’t give you more than you can handle… it’s TRUE. You ALL have each other. It will all work out, never be afraid to ask for help. ANY resources lead to others, Please don’t give up. I’m going to put you on our prayer list. Through God All things are possible even situations that seem impossible. He’s all around you. Yes it’s scary it is I’m not going to lie. But it will be ok you will be ok somehow someway.


Adoption is great for a lot of people! But watching my Mother go through what she did I would think twice! See my mom had a great life was adopted she knew she was and knew who her birth mother was had a great time with both mothers and sisters but in her mind she always wondered why she was giving away she was the youngest and her birth mother did not think she could handle three! She would cry so often over this so that being said please pray and think hard on this! A child’s life is at stake!


Youve already seen your a wonderful mother with the other Children. You can do this. Maybe move back to where family and friends are if your so afraid where your at. You will regret giving up your Baby. You can do this. Trust yourself. I can see you love Children. Just a Suggestion move back to where family is. They could help you in your time of need. They would probably love to help you. If your scare where your at. That’s your sign. Move to where you feel safe. Don’t raise any of your children where your afraid. Think about it. Don’t give your Baby up. It will hunt you in yes to come. All said out of the Love of God

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I was 21 yrs old with 3!!! If I could do it at that age back in the 80’s!!! Just blows my mind the way babies are being thrown away without any hesitation…God have mercy on all the children these days!!! I do though want to give you a thumbs up just for this one thing!! At least abortion is not an option?! And to hear and see on the news DAILY of parents/step parents/boyfriends/girlfriends murdering a child!!! Pure evil and full of demons!!! So very glad that thought never crossed your mind! Think AHEAD to when you conceive… What will this child go thru in a world like we live in now!!! So many foster/adoptive parents failing these young children…I’m not saying that every adoptive parent is bad, but do we really know these people?!? Do you so easily TRUST them!!! GOD HAVE MERCY


Honestly going from 3 to 4 kids won’t be a drastic change. I mean it will, but doable. I find it odd to adopt out a 3rd child. My advice, raise your baby. Let him/her know mom and dad and it’s siblings. Then, get on really good birth control. Tell your OB before you discharge from hospital that you do not want to be pregnant again, and you need the most reliable method of birth control out here.


Choosing adoption is being a good parent, if it’s what’s best for the child, sometimes is the best decision you can make, and a noble one. You’re not giving her up, you’re not a bad parent, you’re a mother making the best decision for her child. You, a strong mother, get to chose her family whether it’s with you or some other loving family. Head up momma, you’re a super hero. :hugs:


I have 2 adopted sons and honesty I didn’t realize I could love :heart: them as if I gave birth to them. My 11 year old son knows he is adopted and is the happiest most good hearted boy in the world. Grateful every day :heart:

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I would hate for you to give your baby up if you nor your hubby really want to. God can make a way when there seems to be no way. Take a deep breath, search your heart and pray.


I know of a couple that would love your child and give her a wonderful life.
They lost their son to a terrible accident, no fault of theirs. And can’t have another.
You can bring love and joy to others by the gift of the child you carry. And if you are lucky enough to be able to know about the child as she’s grows, it can be a win-win.

I’m an adoptee, and will be forever grateful that my biological mother thought of what was best for me. 16 years or so ago, I found and spoke with her on the phone. The first thing I did was thank her for giving me the opportunity to have a wonderful life. 60+ years ago, adoption was not as difficult as it is today, but in most circumstances, it IS the best thing for the baby. Relative adoptions are dangerous, and may not necessarily be the best option. Just because your cousin is family doesn’t mean she’s the best choice. Open adoptions are hard on the bio mother, frightening for the new parents, and can be confusing and/or scary to the child. God bless you for having the baby’s best interests as your main concern. The people who adopt him/her won’t be strangers, you know. Well, maybe to you, but not to that sweet baby. You’ll be in my prayers.


You’re not sure you can give her the life she deserves? Having two parents who love her sounds like more than enough to me. And the three siblings are an added blessing. Yes, it will be busy and stressful but they don’t stay babies forever. Reach out for help, get connected in your new community, find a church for support, or move back near family if possible to get the support you need. She may grow up to be your best friend one day.


As a someone who was only able to become a mother through adoption, I think it’s a wonderful thing. It shows your love for this child even more than you probably realize. There’s so many families wanting a child of their own who would love and raise them as their own.


Keep that baby it yours God choose you to to be this baby momma no body else ( think about this Look at the baby’s you have now and chose one of them to be adopted out How would that make you feel inside ) KEEP THE BABY :baby:


I’m an adoptive mom of 8. If your not sure…Don’t. they deserve to be loved unconditionally

I’m a mom of four … we were not going to have anymore after the third … when I found out #4 was coming I felt like the world was coming to and end … my mom I told she knew the way I was telling her I wasn’t wanting this … she told me god has but that baby here and knows you can do it … guess what four is no different then three … I’m thankful I have her …


Your family has gone through a rather drastic change. It’s not as easy as many think to move states and leave everything behind.
Take a month or so and get comfortable in your new place, reach out and meet some new people, admittedly scary, but all those friends you left behind were people you never met at some point, you’ll make some more friends.
You’re also not the only person to consider adoption of another child. Some go through with, some don’t. It’s an incredibly personal choice for your family.
Honestly, my personal opinion, which may count for zilch, it’s not hard to add another child.

All I can say is from experience 9 out of 10 kids do not ever get adopted they stay in foster care until they’re 18 and then they get kicked out and also nine times out of ten they become drug addicts or prostitutes or something .but what I would do is take on babysitting for a couple months depending on how far along you are and see if you can’t handle four kids


I’d suggest looking into an open adoption that way u can still be apart of the baby’s life you just won’t have a parental role but would get to be like an awesome aunt type figure

But would suggest not telling the child untill it is old enough to understand


Inhave four. You can do it. We are strapped but we find ways to make thier life great and get what the need and want. You can look in to help at the beginning through WIC, and classes for car seat or what have you. Really going from three to four was not terrible. Good luck

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Please keep the baby. One more is not going to change anything except hurt you and the rest of the family and the baby. You can do it. Its your own flesh and blood and deserves to be with her parents. If are stronger than you think.


Don’t give up the baby, please there is so much bad things that could happen, some are lucky and blessed,but majority isn’t.

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Why would you give up your child for an adoption it being your blood and adopt a stepson who isnt even your blood doesn’t make sense at all


I am a single mother of 4 and God won’t give you more than you can handle. I will say my soon to be ex-husband was adopted as a baby. His mother had 4 kids before him and a son after him but he was the only one put up for adoption. He resents her. Just something to think about as well. If y’all want to keep the baby then you probably should. It is a lot to deal with but it is worth it…


A lot of people are commenting some stuff that honestly doesn’t need said she isnt saying she wouldn’t love this babies, they may be having financial problems emotional problems medical problems that they may not be support another child


I have 4 kids on my own. We don’t have a lot materialistically but we have love. It’s a challenge every day but we’re making it work.

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My husband and I adopted our only child at birth. She will turn 2 on Tuesday. I’ll help answer any thing I can

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Adoption is amazing. I have adopted 7. And adoption is by far better than being in the foster care system!

I understand but you had preventive measures you could of used I dont believe in adoption but adopting

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First and foremost whatever you decide to do I am proud of you to admit you feel this way and that’s okay but you are praised by me for not even thinking about abortion and that alone says alot about you . Pray for guidance and let the holy spirit guide you . I’m sure your a good mother and this has to be hard for you to post . Whatever you choice to do you will do with love . I raised 3 children which are all grown now and my husband is 70 and I am 62 we adopted our greatgrandson when he was 8 months old he is now a very loved 4 year old toddler and I can tell you .We love him as much as our own children even if he weren’t blood related . Just a suggestion are there family members that would want to adopt ? And no God makes no mistakes . Just pray for guidance dear I will be praying for you as well God bless

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Adoption is the most loving thing a mom can do. It shows you want what’s best for your child. With that being said I don’t think another child would be more stress. But you know what’s right for you. For me I don’t think I could deal with someone else raising my child and not all that adopt are going to be good parents and I’d wonder every day if the child was being treated right . Also going through the pregnancy and feeling the baby kick and sharing that with your husband you grow to love that child. It’s a tough decision and you and your husband can know what’s right

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I am a foster mom and currently in the process of adopting a 2 year old little girl, that we have had since birth. If anyone needs anything my door is always open for children in need.

I feel for you. My son came to me at the wrong time it seemed. I just started working as a CNA and was going to go to school to become an LPN and then I found out I was pregnant. I’m a high risk pregnancy. And all I could do was cry and ask why? I already had 3 children in school, so I could go after my dreams, and then another child was “dumped” on me. But after I got over the shock and the fact that I would have to put my career on hold, I pulled my big girl undies up and did what I needed to do. I’ll tell ya, raising 4 kids is hard. My husband and I don’t qualify for government help, but some how we make it work. There are programs that can help you get things for the baby, I use washable nursing pads, and I make a lot of our things to save money (laundry soap, fabric softener, coffee creamer, etc.) it is doable it is just hard at times. You and your husband will do what’s right by the baby. And you always have all of us here as a support group. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

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If I was in this situation I’d seek Gods advice, a child is a gift of Gods, for me I would never give up any of my babies I would of had 6 children but my body wouldnt let me have all my babies, so I am blessed with 2 living girls. Please dont give up your babies they are precious, your regret it if you do

I know there are lots of great agencies and you could even do an open adoption if that is something you would like.

You already have 3 kids I honestly believe that you guys will give this child a great life too. You have your other children to help you, you are already at home with them. I would keep your baby. I know you feel overwhelmed now but it will work out! If you need resources then call local WIC office, or libraries, or financial aid offices. You could probably find support groups for moms of multiples too. GOD GAVE YOU THIS BABY.

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Follow your heart. It may be rough at times (I know…my four youngest ones are 6, 3, 2 and 6 months) but your good days will outnumber your bad.

No one is ever ready it’s never the perfect time I am not against adoption but you already have 3 kids you love so dear it’s easy to find room in your heart and your home for one more it happens without worry things fall together

Take a breath. You have had a lot going on from the sound of it but you need to ask yourself if you’d be able to live with giving up your baby? There is usually a way, even though it’s hard to see, especially when we’re scared and stressed out. Maybe someone from your family from out of state can come stay a bit to help you out or if you have a church you can reach out to for help. Check with the neighbors on who they use for babysitting when you need a break or help. First things first give yourself a minute to process and regroup. Take a breath, say a prayer. Maybe things will seem clearer or a way will just appear and all this will fix itself. If not and adoption is really the best option for your baby just make sure you’re prepared to accept it. God bless :pray:t2:

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You can do All things threw Christ I’m just saying no keep your baby so they can grow up together maybe you can get a job where there is a will there’s a way try a Jesus Christ he can work it out pray about God Bless I’m :pray::pray::pray:

Does the child growing up without the siblings, and the feeling of not belonging or mattered?..this is a tough situation.

Being a parent of 1 is hard, being a parent of more than 1 is hard. It’s like when you have one child and then have another one, you may question how will it be possible to love another child like u did the first, and just like that your mother instincts kick in and here you are loving another human being the way you didn’t think was possible. Definitely the fact that you’re having reservations about it, means that you know deep down that you can handle it.

Once you have 3, four doesn’t make a difference. Sometimes it makes things more balanced. I had 3 and wish I could have had a 4th. Please keep your baby. You won’t be sorry💕

I don’t think I could in my situation or in a worse one, but if you feel that is what you need to do and have prayed, I would do it. Adoption is not a bad thing in any way, so if you feel led to do it there is a reason. :heart:

I now have 4 children. We too dont make alot of money and but we get by. I was scared to bring a 4th child into this world much less into our home. However we did it. My baby is now 17mths old. He is so loved by me and his daddy and his older siblings. He is such a loveable baby and brings balance here. Its not easy at all we have good days and bad days. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

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Keep the baby hun. You can do this! I have 6 kids ages 6 and under. Im a stay at home mom as well. Its challenging but completely worth it!!!

You do what’s right for you and don’t let anyone tell you different. Statistically there are many more parents wanting to adopt than there are available. Only 1.7% of mothers choose adoption. The process is difficult those of us wanting children thru adoption, but very worth it. You’ll figure out what’s right for you when the time is right.

This is only a decision they as parents and God can make finale…praying for the rite decision for all involved here

Truthfully the choice is best left up to u and ur mate. We can tell u all our inputs but truthfully u have to live with ur choice. Look into adoptions. Go onto sites that lets u 2 talk 2 others who have adopted out. That’s what I did (I am a single mom of 4 and that’s always my 1st thought until I fully accept my pregnancies) and u will be surprised with what u find out. Just remember u 2 r in it together. Make sure it is what he really wants and that he ain’t telling u yes just because he knows that’s what u want.

You can do it!! I had 4 babies in 2 years. Yes 4!! I had a baby born valentine’s day 2017. 2 months later I got pregnant with twins! They were supposed to be 11 months apart but I had complications and they were taken out 9 weeks early. So my oldest baby and twins are only 8 1/2 months apart… they were born November of that same year… when my twins were 6 months old I got pregnant again! Didn’t even know till I was 4 months prego. Didn’t tell family and close friends till I was 5 months prego. I was ashamed, worried about what people would say, etc he was born January 2019. So in 2 years we had 4 babies! Was I scared? Terrified! Is it hard? Extremely. But we take it 1 day at a time. There are days where I wanna pull my hair out it’s so hectic. But I just keep reminding myself that this too shall pass. And they grow quickly! And we’re gonna be ok. And I believe that so will you!

Why are you adopting the step child where his mother his mother needs to have her own child

Nope…if u managed with 3 u can make it with 4…dont let fear take over…mature a little more…everything will be ok…u dont have to buy new stuff for babies,there are so many cheap places…what is done is done…move forward…good luck…im still single mom of 5…my youngest is 3 months…my oldest 16 yr old,i work hard,is not always easy but i wouldnt change it for nothing…

One thing I’ve learned throughout my life is “everything’s gonna be ok” it will always work out. No need to stress.

I have soon to be sick. In all honesty after 3 I didn’t even notice a difference.

I have 6. Birthed 5 adopted 1

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Where do you guys live and when are you due

That’s why after 2 my tubes done!

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You might just surprise yourself with what you can handle. I’ve got 4 kids. It’s a struggle some days because my son has a mood disorder. Parenthood is hard no matter how many kids you have.

You would adopt you stepson. But give your own flesh and blood up. Help me understand that

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adoption is better than abortion. adoption is better than feeling like you’re not wanted…

For all of you, who are criticizing this post, are being opinionated! This parent is literally speaking volumes here stating she “wants best life for her child”, acknowledging that she can’t afford nor wants this child…at least, she’s not wanting to kill the baby while being pregnant, or even when baby is born, kill the baby or drop her on someone’s doorstep because population wants to criticize her and say that she should’ve used protection. Newsflash, protection does not work 100%.

For those of you who will try to respond to my post, I’m ignoring you! so do not waste your time on responding, because I will not respond back.

ok so adoption this time? what happens next time?

I had 4 kids and I never planned it but honestly it wasn’t any harder than having 2 ; I can’t imagine giving up any of my kids ( they are all adults now ) it goes by so fast I really hope you don’t give up your child .

God doesn’t make mistakes. A baby is a gift from Him. Good luck on your decision.


Pray for God’s guidance. He will give you and your husband the strength for this new child. Just trust in him.

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Good advice Angel Meadows!

Prayers all works out best for all of you including the unborn baby

Trust God to take care of y’all - everything will work out just fine

Dont adopt the stepson. Keep your own child


My son and daughter in law have tried for eight years. They’ve done insemination and have had miscarriages and are headed to trying in vitro.
I admire your selflessness. Adoption is a wonderful thing for those who can’t conceive and/or carry their own child.
Many prayers for you and your family. Whatever your ultimate decision, thank you for giving your baby the gift of life.


I’ve been wanting to adopt a baby for so long.

Good not going to give you something you can’t handle

If you love your other kids then you can do it pray about it

One more won’t make a difference.

Please inbox me I am a child that was put up for adoption

I’ll take her from you. Pm me.

I gave birth to 2 girls and 1 boy. All are grown and married. My sons ex wife got pregnant and wasn’t sure who the daddy was of the baby. The baby was born with cocaine in his system. DSS was called and she had to find a relative to take the baby until she completed a drug program for 45 days. She asked me to take her son until then. I brought him home from hospital when he was 5 days old. He went through withdraws and other things. After a year she still hadn’t completed anything. I love him as if I gave birth to him and knew I couldn’t give him back up. I hired a lawyer and was given custody of him. He is my son and love him so much. When he was around 10 years old I told him the truth. His biological mom has finally quit with drugs. I’ve allowed her to see him. My son knows I’m his mom I’m the one who loved and cared for him. He will 16 years old 0n january 22. I’m 67 years old and not in good health. I wouldn’t never change anything if I had to do it over again. He is my pride and joy. I don’t know what to say on your situation because I could never give up one of my kids no matter how hard it was. I think in the end you will realize you love this baby very much and will keep the baby.

I gave up my first born when I was 17…gave birth at 15…we are now in contact with each other as friends! I gave up my child through the Mormon Church…they took custody the same day…you can contact them before birth too! they will guide you through it! Contact Deseret Industry’s at their thrift store or by web page or phone numbers to any Mormon Church near you…or go through any adoption agency …they can hook you up…DO NOT USE PLANNED PARENTHOOD! I have heard horrible things…selling the babies…or their organs!

God will provide and see you through another child. Just look to him for guidance!:pray::heart:

3 or 4 kids are not much of a difference, you’re going to regret it later. I would say think carefully before you do anything that would break your heart and soul later. Mom’s heart can grow with each child and is never filled.

Your heart expands. Plenty of love for all :sparkling_heart:

Never say never be cause you can just saying God bless you to have children thank you Lord there are help I’m praying for you trust in the Lord He Love you and will work it out just believe in Almighty God :pray::pray:

Keep you baby!! God chose you, there is a reason. Feel blessed, and keep the baby.

God blessed you with her for a reason, sometimes life gets hard but he will see you through.

I have personally done this plz do message me

God doesnt give us more than we can handle. Pray about it.


I am an adoptive mother of two beautiful girls :heart:
That being said, it gets extremely stressful at times, so as a parent I can understand how you feel overwhelmed right now because me and my husband have discussed the what ifs of me possibly getting pregnant as we’ve never used birth control our whole 14 yrs of marriage & to be honest I would probably want to pull my hair out if I were to find out that I was expecting but I would welcome that baby with open arms because despite all the struggles and all the stress and all the frustrations that come with being a parent there’s also all the snuggles and all the I love yous and all the slobbery kisses and smiles & giggles that I wouldn’t trade for the world. So while it may seem like its the end of the world for you financially & mentally, once that baby is placed in your arms everything that your worrying about now will seem small in comparison to the love and connection that you will feel with your little girl and if you give her away there will always be a hole in your heart that may never heal. There are resources out there where you can get the help that you need and if you believe in God, I have found prayer really works for me when I’m feeling stressed amd frustrated. God has opened so many doors for me and has made a way when I thought there was no way. My husband has been out of work for several months now and yet we’ve still managed to make ends meet and provide a decent Christmas for our girls, so when everything seems bleak there is always hope.

Trust God to provide. You’ll regret it if you don’t.

Unlike most of the people responding, I DID place children for adoption. I have NO regrets. First check a few adoption agencies, interview them and when you feel comfortable you will have found the right place. With a private adoption you call the shots, you pick the parents, you decide how much contact. What a feeling to know I gave parents their children and in doing so made them as happy as I am with my kids. While pregnant I did not think of the child as mine, I was just babysitting.


You should go to skylark (women’s sexual health) clinic they have counceling and can help you work through it no matter what decision you make!

Where do you live and when are you due

Her best life is with you. You can do it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: