Advice on adoption?

I have 3 biological children and fiance has 6 himself. If you truly believe it is the best option, go for it. Just hate to have you regret your decision. It is tough, but we manage.

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You could do open adoption where you can be in her life. Never let anyone tell you what to do it is yours and your husband’s decision only.


You’ll find a way to care for her, just as you are the others. I have 4. And honestly, there’s not much difference going from 3 to 4. I think based on what you’ve stated here, you both would regret giving her up.


If you honestly feel like it is the best choice than thats your choice. I had four girl, my oldest two stayed with me and the younger two I gave up for adoption. I was using birth control and protection but somehow still got pregnant. I was not able to raise four small children on my own, so I made the choice for adoption. I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do for all four of my kids. I couldnt stretch four kids and yes it was hard and it hurt but in the ens it was the best choice. Now all four of my girls are happy healthy and have everything they want. I chose to stay in touch with the familyand my girls all know each other and know about the adoption. It is important to think about the childs well being and the other children as well. Doing what is best despite your own feelings is the right thing to do. Follow your heart , and try to think about every bit of it before you decide

I just want to put it out there so for awareness. Please please DO NOT use the term “give up” your baby you simply “place” your child for adoption

Also I am not saying this meanly so don’t come at me with your bitchy comments, I am adopted so I Know TF I’m talking about


I’ll hold you in my thoughts! It’s a hard decision to make. You & your hubby need to sit down & have a real talk about the family, life, budget.
I can tell you it’s no harder raising 4 then 3. I got custody of my now 5yr old niece a year ago. Yes of course at 1st it’s a struggle but when you have a routine you stick to it’s alot easier.

What ever you choose to do will be the right answer for you…
But you never know what you need till it comes to you

I’ve always been told 4 is easier than 3. Even numbers or something like that. And I’ve read articles where they say that larger families are happier families. You may not be able to afford all the luxuries, but if you can find love, you will make the rest work. I wish you all the best for whatever decision you end up making though

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It may be tough when they are young but it’s always worth it. I could never live with giving up a child. I think you will regret it all your life and she will wonder why you did give her away.

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Some of you “women” should be ashamed of yourselves. Judgemental cows.


If he doesn’t want to give the baby up and you do, it will eventually cause problems between the two of you, I understand you are scared and that’s natural.really talk to your husband and share your feelings with each other, I truly believe that you will be just fine if you keep your baby, yes it will be hard but once you hold her in your arms you will know you made the right choice

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I was scared as hell when I became prego with my fourth, even tho she was planned. She makes our 5th all together (I have 4 myself and a step daughter). Step daughter is only over like once a week for a couple hours, so that in itself doesn’t change any part of my daily routine. When babygirl entered the world at the beginning of October, I was pretty overwhelmed at first and my anxiety kicked into overdrive. It took a good couple weeks of figuring out life with a new baby again on top of my other kids, especially since the second youngest is only 2 and my stepdaughter is only 3. The older 2 are 10 n 12 so they’re easy peasy. Whatever you decide to do, just know you’re making the best decision you can for her. On that note, please keep her. There’s just something unfair to me to keep all the others and give one away

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I had 6 kids 6 and under. It is tough at first but oh so worth it as they grow as they were all the best for friends.

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A lot of times when an unexpected pregnancy happens it can be very stressful and it can also feel like it’s never the right time… If you have already decided to keep this baby till full term then chances are it will be harder for you to give her up when she’s born… And if that’s the case to be honest if you’ve already has three… really what’s one more? If you’re already staying home with the other three, then there are ways to make your life easier well at home with a new baby… Mostly it’s just getting into a routine everyone can get used to. Ultimately the decision is yours mama

As moms we do what is best for our kids no matter how hard it is on us.
I would sit down with your husband and figure out what the 2 of you think is best and go from there.
I wish you and your family luck on this decision.

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Most who have three always say 4 is sooo much better

That’s rough, I had my 3rd baby November 2018 and gave him up for adoption, but it’s open and I get updates and stuff whenever I want, I sometimes regret it but concieved him while on birth control. I think in your instance you’ll want to keep your baby, but only you and your family can make that decision.

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I am someone that is completely for abortion. That being said, I think you can handle more than you think. Things have a way of working themselves out, and we/our families adjust. It seems terrifying right now, but it’ll work itself out. My friend had the same thoughts with her third kid. She was going to give it to her aunt that couldn’t have kids. But, that child is now 13 and she is bummed she couldn’t have another.

Yes you can do it i raise 5 and we were real poor and my kids were only 1 year apart you can maket and naw i am 80 and i raisin my granddaughter

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You may be scared and I understand that but you can do this youare stronger than you think with Gods help yo u can do anything

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As long as u love her and u have that it will all be good.

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No judgement here, but I don’t see how you or him would be able to follow through with giving the baby up for adoption being that it is your child, a sibling to the others, and would have to explain why when or if you do meet her again. I only have my son so I couldn’t place myself in your shoes at all. Just think about it and you still have time. Things do happen for a reason and maybe the reason is for one of y’all to get clipped… I know, too soon, but it took my sister having to go through IVF to get pregnant when I could by just looking at my now exhubs. If he isn’t ok with giving your baby up for adoption and you aren’t, what is your other option? Don’t do anything if you don’t know what to do. Sit on it, pray about it, and make sure in your heart of hearts that it is the decision that you know that you will be ok with. God bless you and your worries and may HE give you guidance throughout this stressful time.


Don’t…thats not fair

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I don’t think anyone can help you make this decision. It is something you and your husband will have to discuss and decide on. With that being said, you are NOT a bad mom for choosing adoption. Only you know how much you can handle responsibly. Also, if you were to choose adoption, you will be giving someone the gift of life, something that some couples can’t do for themselves. Adoption is one of the most loving things a birth parent can do for their child when they are unsure of being able to give their child the best possible opportunity in life.


Why give up your kid to adopt another


You can do it. She only needs your love. Everything else will fall in place. Give your to Jesus and let Him speak to you. Stop listening to the world’s opinions. They are like belly buttons…everyone has one. God bless you in your decision.

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You have the biggest heart ever.

I’m shocked at all of these judgmental comments. Some of yall are absolutely hateful… now, my advice is to not rush into any decision. Don’t give the child up unless its what BOTH of you think is best. If one of you have doubts, it will undoubtedly put a strain on your relationship. If you decide to keep the baby, there are resources available.


It’s the most loving thing a mother can do to place a child with a loving family who maybe cannot have children. In addition I think it’s respectable that you are deciding to give that baby a chance at life. I have never given one up but have adopted but for different reasons then some. I know people who could not have children and if it weren’t for people like you they would not have children.
Think it through and know you can do open adoption through an agency.
Do not let other people sway your decision either way.
Sounds like you are a loving mother and I’m sure whatever you choose will be right. Hugs to you


I never thought I could handle 4 either my oldest is also adopted. Here we are killing it. We aren’t the richest people in the world either. These kids are loved, fed, have a home, and they are by far the biggest blessings ever.

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You’re adopting your stepson and getting rid of your own child? Im sorry but i am going to walk away from this post without even reading the whole thing. All i can say is WOW poor child!


Oh my gosh hun don’t torture yourself. Trust me we have 5 beautiful kiddos and I wouldn’t change a single thing. Don’t put yourself through the heart wrench of giving away your own flesh and blood just because you don’t believe in yourself… girl I believe in you 150million%. Don’t make decisions you will regret later…

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I would keep the baby. You will be fine. You all will figure it out. I think you both would have deep regrets about giving the baby up. Babies are a blessing


I know you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, but you can do this!! It’s not easy raising children, but telling you from experience…4 isn’t much different than 3. It also sounds like your husband is a willing contributor. Love is all every child needs. No parent is perfect and as long as you love them all they will all turn out just fine (and so will you!)


Your at 3 whats one more honestly? Is there gonna be some tough times?? …yes but you will do it and get through it and in the end you will be ok :heart::100:

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What’s one more? More love.


If people always gave up their children because they were scared, or didn’t think they could handle it then everyone would be giving up their children. Lots of moms don’t think they will be able to handle another child, but guess what it will work out. Keep that baby and raise her with love. If you give her up you will end up regretting it for the rest of your life especially sense neither of you want to give her up.

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I was put in this same predicament and I kept my little girl because I was adopted out and always questioned why I wasnt good enough for my parents luke my sister was. I never want my babies to feel that ever again. My middle child was 7 months old when I got pregnant with her. I got my tubes completely removed so I never had to go through it again. And now I regret that too everyday. My little girl is the light of mine and my husbands life along with our other three.


I don’t have much experience but my parents have 7 kids. They always told me it was stressful at the beginning but with time you get into a routine, it gets easier as time goes by and the older they get

Why have your kids now and give this one up.?!! Adopt one that is not even yours! Dosent make since. How can you choose which one you want. Never ever!!! Maybe none of them!!

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Wow … so you’re adopting your step son but willing to give up your own baby because 4 kids is too much ??? TF. You’re a stay at home mom which means you can care for them and not worry about paying for daycare of finding a good one. Maybe you guys should look into vasectomy and tying your tubes so you don’t continue giving up kids… smh .


You can do this mama!!! I’m doimg it alone with 3 kids and no support. I work a part time job
…itll all work out…i was going to give mine up too… But I chose to try it out BEST DECISION EVERRRR!!
HE’S 5 now. He’s so smart and loves me more than life! I am able to provide all they need… Y’all will figure it out


I had four kids by age 22. Its tough but it’s worth it. All my kids have their needs met, not all of their wants. And they all know they are loved.

Keep your baby… That’s my advice. It wont be easy but im sure you were just as afraid before… Kids are never a cakewalk. Good luck.

How could you get rid of one of your children… so you’re going to take on a kid that’s not yours but give up on a kid that is yours before their even here…
This seriously makes me sick if you can take on someone else’s child and raise it why not keep your child too? Or is it that your husband doesn’t want a child with you so he’s not stuck paying child support when he leaves?


This post just wow… people seriously need to stop coming to facebook with thier bullshit cause it just makes you lose more and more faith in humanity. This is so sorry.

My daughter is a mom of 9 all of which she has given birth to and she just recently found out she has baby number 10 on the way … and before anyone says anything yes she knows what causes this and yes she knows what birth control is … she has 6 with her first husband and now on bay number 4 with her second husband no their not rich no their not living off the state … they make do with what they have and save where ever they can … all I can say about this is … if you can do it with 1 you can do it with 10 … its choices you make in life and there are places that do help if you need them … all children want in life is someone that loves them unconditionally and fed daily the other things are just materialistic


I had 4 boys in a row, and first 10 yrs of their lives they were incredibly spoiled. Out of the blue their dad was in an accident and that year they didnt get the first thing… guess what they didnt care. Your power bill and basic expenses wont dramatically change and it’s about more than what you can supply other than basic needs and love. I could not imagine keeping 3 but not my youngest. Just saying dont let yourself be asked in 18 years why that child wasnt kept because material things they may have gotten over those years isnt going to matter.

If you have two biological children and are adopting your step son then you must love them a lot. Believe me when I say every child is a Blessing and work but one or four is really not any different. Since you know the Love of a child and When ypu have this child which you said is a girl A DAUGHTER your Heart will be so full of Love. People, Love one’s, Lives are forever. Money is temporary, Incomes usually Fluctuate during our lives… There is always Hope, and Faith and God will provide for you & your children. Even if you don’t believe in God , doors open, opportunity’s become available and ways to provide for your family is endless in this day & time… I was a single parent of two children by 18 & half yrs old. I had one at 16, one at 18 and was poor as it gets… We struggled, but we made it… My Love was strong my determination was strong and whatever storm we encountered we did it together and it was very hard at times but my Love never wavered ( I did consider adoption for them ) but, I knew that NO ONE ON THIS EARTH WOULD EVER LOVE MY BABYS THE WAY I WOULD … No doubt in my mind… There’s no way I would be able to sleep, function or have any Normal life knowing that my child (ren) would be out there in the world somewhere without their Momma and not knowing what they would be exposed to and whom, if they would be treated good or abused if they would be hungry or feed, loved or mistreated… because there is NO GUARANTEE that whom ever adopts the child(ren) yours , mine or anyone’s even if you know them, you really don’t know what will happen to them now or then or later on, life changes, circumstances change , it can turn on a dime… If you & your husband have second thoughts then I definitely would Not do it because you will spend a Lifetime with a broken heart - hurting and longing for your daughter. It’s a tough decision but, i think if your willing to adopt your step son than you have love in your heart so ,ask your self what is the difference in the step son and your own daughter . It is a total contradiction. If you can love, attend to and provide for the step son, your two kids then you can provide for the baby. Children grow up fast… in A blink if a eye they are grown… Don’t miss it, don’t miss the experience, the love the laughter and the gift of family. God Bless.

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If you don’t think you & your husband want to give the baby up then it’s probably better if you don’t. This decision shouldn’t have a speck of doubt in it or you’ll more than likely regret it forever.


Mom of 4 here… u can do it… I promise u… gather strength from God… with Him ALL things a possible… I’m a SAHM… I’m 43… I homeschool… my oldest is 16 & my youngest is 5 months… the 2 in between r 5 & 2… u got this… sending encouragement & prayers


Is that a decision you could live with?? Not quite the same boat, but the 2nd time I found out I was pregnant (also my last time), I was helping my husband raise his 3 kids from a previous relationship and we had 1 together. I was asked by 2 people to abort. I was still young & could have more kids later if I decided I wanted too. I could not live with that decision. What was I supposed to tell my son when he grew up? He was ok to keep with the other 3 but that pregnancy wasn’t ok? I cried for a week about it. Then I decided I wasn’t doing it. Told my husband I could leave if he couldn’t deal with it and the other person I just told no it’s not happening. 4 weeks later we found our we were expecting twins!! I didn’t know then how much I needed them. They just turned 5 and all 6 kids live with us full time. It’s hard, not even going to lie, but I’m so glad I didn’t give in to that decision. Think this through long and hard. That baby may come looking for you one day, and while you have the best of intentions with that decision, all they may see is that you adopted 1 kid, kept 2, and gave them away. Good luck with what ever you and your husband decides.

It’s brave of you to do this. I applaud you. It’s a tough decision. Best wishes.

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U gonna regret this.because u want to give up ur own baby and adopt someone else’s. U hav to look deep inside ur heart before taking a decision that might destroy ur relationship with all of ur kidz they dont stay small.this little angel didnt ask to be here its gods calling.maybu should question ur hubby .does he realy wants this baby.?.alotta things dont make sense here.every child is a blessing .Don’t give up ur baby.

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If you want adoption look into maybe open adoption. Ive never been in your shoes but i know this must be a hard decision for you. And there is never anything wrong with wanting what you feel is best for your child. And only you and your husband know what that is.

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You are her mother. What is wrong with you. If you can take care of three you can take care of four. I suggest you go to your OB and get your tubes tied. Don’t bring anymore children into this world that you don’t know if can or will keep.


Look I’m not one to judge when it comes to these things but seriously wtf? Keep your damn child. If it’s going to be that much work for you then you need to either (a) give all the kids up for adoption (b) or get an abortiondepending on how far along u r because it’s unfair for you to keep all those other children yet get rid of only ONE. I have family who went through that bullshit and it fucked up their whole damn life.

Some people always have to bitch about something. She’s asking a question. We do not know the whole story, so based on this small synopsis of what’s going on there is so much hostility. I know I am not perfect so I have no room to talk. Everyday you hear about adoption in the abortion debate. In this situation adoption is a horrible dirty thing? Maybe this is her journey. So many people can’t have children. Waiting for a baby to come into their lives. Whether or not you own your story it is what created you. I have every faith that everything will work out.

I would keep all four. Would never think of adoption.they will grow up before you know. And you will never regret.

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Don’t let that baby grow up wondering why she was given away.
Don’t give her up for adoption. Material things are not that important if you have a really loving family . And you could look into working part time to help things a little.
Don’t worry mama, you got this.


Why take on your partners son but not take on youre on. He or she will hate you for this keeping 3 other kids but giving him/her up because lifes hard for you atm. Why are the other 3 anymore important then this one seriously. Keep your baby. Doesnt matter how many kids u have its always going to be hard. Stay strong!

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God gave u all these babies for a reason so if he believes in you and your husband being able to raise them all then then u both need to stop wandering and believe in his decision as far as being scared I’m sure u are I dont think there are any good parents out there who isnt scared for there children but if he feels u can handle it then u can trust in him everything will work out !!!

Mothers find a way. You think you can’t handle it, but you will, with very little trouble. If you do think you want to go the way of adoption then you and your husband need to sit down together after the kids are in bed and weigh the pros and cons of adoption. You will make the decision that is best for your family. After this pregnancy, whatever your decision, you need to take precautions to not become pregnant again.

Family is more important for that baby then the “things” you think you need to give her.

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All kids need is love and necessities. U can do 4 if u can 3

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You dont give up your kids I raised 7 one was my sisters but I love him like mine no difference if you get pregnant you keep your baby


How can u even think of getting rid of it what do u think this baby will think whens she’s older a d comes looking for u to find out out u couldn’t look after her but u could for a son that isn’t even urs how do u think she will feel and ur giving away your children’s sibling they might end up recenting you aswell xx

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Hi I’m sorry your scared and please don’t think you are not a good mother your trying to make the best decision for all of you.if you really are thinking about adoption I would love to tell you a true story and it starts with my beautiful daughter who wonts nothing more in this world then to be a mom,she had 4 miscarriages and she been told that she will never be able to have a baby and that breaks my heart because I know that she will be an amazing mom she is getting married in April there would be no greater gift then the gift of a child.what ever choice you make I know it will be the right one it already sounds like your an amazing mom

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You do what you feel is right and what you can live with. People can be hating on you all they want, it’s your choice. It’s not selfish to want a better life for your children , as parents that’s what we all want and if this is how you do that then that is your choice.
Good luck with your choice.
Consider your choices wisely, make the right choice for you and your baby. There are those of us who wish we could have more children and for whatever reason can not or have been able. All the best to you.


You can do it. Breastfeeding is free. Baby wearing is easy. Keep your babe.

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Keep her then get your tubes tied?

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I have 4. When I found out about my last pregnancy I panicked a bit. Any more than 2 kids is a handful. So what’s the difference? You’re worried now about you’re existing children, I get it. But since you have already had them it’s going to be way too painful for you to let this one go. Do what’s best for your family but don’t promise this baby to someone else to just change you’re mind. Raising any amount of children is hard. But I think it would be harder to wonder for the rest of your life where this one is and how you made him/her feel.

Completely normal thoughts. Being scared is completely normal for the both of you. My 2 youngest are 14 month a part. Was it easy? Some harder than others. Was it and is it worth it. Yes!
I say, pray about it tho. If you truly feel this is the only option, then I am sure there are plenty of adoption agencies that will help you pick a perfect loving family.

This sounds insane to me. Already have 3 kids, why are u not on birth control? And adoption is not the solution, y’all got pregnant again so keep your precious baby then get your tubes tide. Geezzzz

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Do you know a couple that has been struggling to get pregnant but can’t? If you must give the baby up Give to a couple that actually wants a baby and ready to provide everything the baby could ever need or want. There’s no shame in giving your baby a better life than you can offer. But if you do give the baby up, you’d want to make sure you’ll be able to see the baby and don’t want it growing up thinking you just didn’t want her. But because you wanted better for her.

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Adding another one to your family isn’t gonna change anything it’s still gonna be hard but that’s how it is when you have kids and you already have 3 so 4 isn’t gonna change anything. Use your kids old clothes and breastfeed the baby . There are many places that donate baby clothes for people that don’t have enough money and they give out diapers and toys . It’s all free I’ve been there done that.

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You are being very smart however make sure its an open adoption that way you can still be in her life.I have adopted 5 children and every parent is still able to know and visit there child.I love each one of my parents they gave me the most beautiful gift in this world and I wouldn’t take anything for them.If you feel its more then you can handle then thos is the way to do it.My children know they have w mommys and 2 daddys.Not all choose to visit but they know 100% they can.I want my children to know there other family.

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talk to both a lawyer & a adoption agency & if you do give your baby up , someone would love to have her. This is the most unselfish gift a mother could do for her baby. You also could do a open adoption or write a letter to this baby & explain why. & her adoptive parents can give it to her when she is ready. Today, everyone can find out who their parents are when they grow up, so if she wants to find you, she will & you can explain why

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I truly believe god only gives you what you can handle … birth is such a precious gift :heart:

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I went from having 3 kids to 5 (gained 2 step kids) and then 6. We had a baby together. I was just as scared going from one to two kids as I was with each one. If that is the only thing holding you back, you always find a way to figure it out. Take time to clear your mind. You’re not a bad mother for having these thoughts. Just dont make any decisions you will regret :two_hearts:


3 hardest number I’ve got 5 after 3 its easy they tend to help each other 4 easier than 1 or 2 or 3 have baby spoil with love


If you both have reservations about putting the baby up for adoption then you will both regret following thru with it. That could cause allot more damage to your family and your relationship then it’s worth. That is a lifelong decision and you will have to deal with the consequences of it either way. Make sure this is what you both absolutely want and it is what is best for the baby (which I completely understand) so that neither of you will hold resentment toward the other… I have a friend that went thru a similar situation, not saying this to happen to you and your husband as everyone handles things differently, but it ended up causing allot of issues they weren’t able to resolve.

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God does not give you more than you can handle! JUST KEEP THAT IN MIND!!!


If you are having reservations then do not give her up. You WILL regret it for the rest of your lives and it will at some point cause a division between you and your husband.

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I always wondered how a mom could give up a baby UNTIL we started the process to adopt a baby. We are still searching for a baby to adopt but our advisor said something in the beginning that has stuck with me "imagine loving your baby so much that you gave it to someone else to love ". The right decision will come. If you find the right adoptive family they will always let your daughter know that you love her. When we find a birth mom we plan on becoming friends with her and keeping her involved in her daughter’s life (we will be adopting a girl) God does everything for a reason and you have to go with your heart. You aren’t failing her no matter what you choose :heart:

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That is a hard one I pray for the best for u and ur family.

I have 8 kids and my last 2 are 101/2 and almost 2 I’m turning 50 I love every min. My last one I adopted from my daughter cause she couldn’t do 3 kids with her career. I love it, but like my daughter she felt she couldn’t handle it but it was her decisions to make do what u feel is right for u and ur family

…All the hate when you’re trying to give your kid a good life.

Birth control doesn’t always work for everyone…to get either gender fixed is $$$$$…

But you might not be able to provide the best of things for this baby but you will be able to provide love and happiness. Thats the scary part of adoption you May just never know

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What? You’re in the process of adopting a child, while planning to put your own child up for adoption? This doesn’t make sense. See a therapist maybe.


Family of 5 here, you and hubby will do just fine!! Maybe a vasectomy for husband? Birth control isn’t working for you. In my family I am the eldest and 15 years to youngest!!

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I placed my twin daughters up for adoption… your welcome to message me with any questions. Sending love your way babe!

I had the same fears going from 3 to 4. Every big family I know has. For some reason #4 is always the most stressful and feared. I have 7 now. At one point, I was a single mom to 4, working full time and going to school full time. If I can do it anyone can. Ultimately I could not bring myself to give mine up, and now almost 10 years later I thank God that I didn’t. I have since moved to a new state, gotten married and had 3 more children with my husband. Does it get hard and money get tight? Yes sometimes. But it’s also the most rewarding thing I have ever done and I couldn’t imagine my life now had I given one of them up :blush: However, if it’s really what you want to do there’s no shame in that either. But no one can make that choice for you. No amount of advice is going to make the decision easier however you decide. :blush:

Everyone is telling you should keep the baby however this is a call that should be just yours and your husband’s. There are many people out there who are unable to have a baby like my self who would love to give your baby a home if given the chance.good luck and best wishes no matter what you decide.

i,d keep the baby, your baby deserves her mother and father, you guys can take care of her love cost nothing a kid would rather have their parents who love them then the best home the best clothes ect, celebrate the bundle of joy you are bringing into this world, i knew someone who had 14 kids they didn,t have the best clothes on the block but they had lots of love good food a roof over their heads, good luck and congraduations,

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I couldn’t do it… I know I’d regret it I have 3 and don’t want anymore, but there ages are changing. I’m fixed but my tube isn’t healing and I have endometriosis. If I some how came up to be pregnant we would make the adjustments necessary.

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Also, in the long run the child would feel like your home was full and you didn’t want her…

I look at it like this, if I was the child and I was old enough to want to know who my family is as a child and young adult I wouldn’t understand. I would feel broken and resentment because I wouldn’t understand that I was given a different life because my birth parents didn’t think they could give me the best life, all I would see if that my birth siblings got that and I didn’t. And take in mind not all kids that go thru adoption end up having a good life…

If I was in this situation I would be stressed and scared to, but i couldn’t do it knowing how I’d feel later and how my child would feel when they found out.

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How could you possibly even think of giving up one of your own children if you already have 3? What is 1more? Think of what the child will think when she’s older, that you kept all the others but gave her away!? I could NEVER give up one of my children just because I fu**ed up! I’m not trying to be an ass but damn, you should have taken precautions! JMO

Do what you feel is best in your :heart: there are options for open adoptions where you get to see the child if you feel adoption is best… You have to find the adoptive parents you feel are best and if you wait until after baby is born to sign you can decide to change your mind at the last minute up until the paperwork is signed by you .

Adoption can be the most amazing beautiful thing you can do for the baby for yourself and for someone looking to adopt I know of a pharmacist who is unable to conceive and would love to adopt a new baby that baby would have a amazing life with her and her husband they both have amazing jobs DM me if you would like to know more you have options in the end it’s your choice no one can make it for you your heart will tell you what to do

I would love to have one but I can’t have anymore my son is 18 teen now about to graduate high school I can’t have any more but if I could I would have one more baby if I where you I would keep your baby