Advice on going through labor and delivery alone?

Don’t sweat it! Back when I had my kids, the dads were only around to give one of their hands to squeeze when you had a contraction! We did the rest on our own with the drs. and nurses

woman having been giving birth for many years without men present.

Maybe look into Douala before you get much closer. Many insurances now cover them.

Remember that you have spent all this time growing this amazing little human inside of you. You have done that all by yourself. It’s an amazing thing as you know to bring babies into this world. Put your smile on, breathe and do lean on your nurses. You got this! You are strong and just keep thinking about the joy of holding your new little life. Good luck to you💓

I had my 3rd child alone! And we are fine

I had my last baby alone at the hospital and it was fine. It was Kind of like a mini vacation :joy:

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The men are useless anyway. Women are stronger and can this situation hands down. You’ll be fine!!


I was alone for my fourth (ex was army) we was stationed in Germany and it was the best thing. I got to bond with him so much more than I did with my other three and the nurses and doctors was awesome during the whole time. Baby and me stayed in the hospital for two days while my friend kept my other three.

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I was not completely alone the entire time on my last delivery we had noone to watch the kids so he wasn’t able to be apart of it all. However we moved again further away and Definitely this time i won’t have him there since we have noone with the kids anyways… The time my son was delivered yes the nurses we so supportive more than when my husband was there with our first. They checked on me more even chatted about things not involving the delivery kept my mind at ease. You’d be surprised on how supportive they are, and you can always ask them to help you of course through it all! Plus it’s like a mini break and you can spend time with your little one alone :heart:

Just remember when others fail you jesus knows all about you and he’s with you and you can do it


Nurse will be there for you.

We met in October. I got pregnant in November. He left in December. I did the whole pregnancy alone (except for texts full of nonsense, abuse and BS every few weeks when he’d be super drunk), I was hospitalized at 29 weeks and she had to be born at 31 weeks and 3 days. Then she had a 3 week nicu stay. I did it all alone. No family. No friends. None of my stuff. And I’ve raised tmher to a 5 month old also alone, no help, no backup, nothing. It’s not easy but you can do it. It’s better than dragging someone unwilling along who would just ruin the experience. At least you have other kids so you know what to expect etc, I was a first time mom at 37 going through this. Because I was there so long the hospital became my home as did the nicu after. Nurses/staff became friends. The nicu nurses even gave me a mini shower because they loved me and my daughter so much.


The midwives and nurses should support you and you should ask for or look for a doula who can also advocate for you and babys wishes

You must have a friend who can come with you at least. I get family will have your girls but everyone has at least ones friend surely? You don’t need to do it alone. He’s not worth your thoughts if he can happily let you do this without him, regardless of his feelings for you this is still his son x

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I was alone with my last i was so afraid but with Gods grace i made it thru and dont regret it one bit!u got this girlie!!

I gave birth to four kids n I was alone…just pray… wishing you a safe delivery…

I gave birth alone my last child and it wasn’t that bad. I think it depends on how much you need or want someone else with you and the nurses around you.

Tbh I went threw my labour alone and it was fine. Baby dad we’re only there for about 10 min before she was born .

You’ll be just fine without him… But you should trt to find a friend or someone to be there for support

Get a doula if you can…while u may be able to do it alone you 're currently going thru a lot.

If you can find a friend, other than that all i can say is stop thinking you need a hand to hold. And i mean that in the most endearing fashion because you are only disappointing yourself and stressing yourself out trying to rely on a hand to hold. I was forced to deliver my son in a new city, with no time for an epidural and my husband had to stay at the house with our 18m old daughter. It was all way too fast and chaptic, i almost delivered my son in the middle of the hospital as they rushed me to the birthing floor. It was winter and the hospital was too far of a walk. Sidewalks werent plowed. It was traumatic. Im due again in april and i keep having flashbacks and panic attacks and nighmares. I hope youll have a better atmosphere atleast. Im so sorry you have to do this alone. Im also really sorry for the complete lack of compassion and support im seeing on here. You got this and god will send you an angel if youre scared. I had one nurse who once i saw her and she spoke to me, this enormous feeling of love and security rushed over me and i was able to deliver my son, i cant explain that feeling.

Ill fix your crown without having to make it known it was crooked to begin with. Praying for you and baby, mama. :blue_heart:

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The nurse was a bigger help to me then anyone else in the room


You’re going to be ok. As long as you trust your OB and the L&D staff will take care of everything! I went through the delivery and recovery alone because my husband have to watch the other kids. You got this momma!

I will b there for u if u live n lynchburg praying for u


Reach out to churches, social services, Parents without partners.

I did it alone 13 years ago… and it was great just make sure you dont drive yourself to the hospital if you need to get there fast take a cab… you will be fine and you are a ROCK STAR… I will be thinking about you!!!

I’m going alone… the dad is staying at home to watch the older kids. He was there for the previous two. He was cool… like he would sneak me in food past the nurses station. Otherwise… the anesthesiologist and the nurses knew how to actually help.

The nurses will be your support! They’ve seen it all before and I’m sure you won’t be the first or last women they have that’s doing it alone


I did! :raised_hand: I chose to do it alone, I wanted it to be about the baby and no one else. No one had been there throughout the pregnancy so why did I need something else to worry about? I went alone, had a c-sec & steralisation alone…and it was the most relaxing, liberating experience of my whole life. It was just me and this tiny little life I’d gone to hell and back for whilst carrying him. And it was all over! I enjoyed every single second, and would change it for anything. He is my 5th baby and by far the most memorable enjoyable experience of them all, I savoured every second and felt so strong, the only thing I was sad about was the worrying myself half to death beforehand. :heart: Feel free to inbox me :heart:

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Pray God’s all you need🙏 Have a blessed delivery💕

Look into a doula. Otherwise I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job!!

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Awe sorry to hear that. I have not personally experience that. Some nurses can be nice. Some can seem like you bother them too much.

My husband’s was less than supportive. The nurses picked up on this right away. They were very attentive and kind. He was basically just in the room.

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The nurses are amazing, I swear they are made for that job. I have 2 kids (11years apart) and both times the (different nurses) were so sweet and helpful. Only one delivery nurse in the surgery room gave a huff/sigh when I accidentally touched my sterile belly before my c section, but for that one, there were so many nice helpers :slight_smile:

Get a Doula and or Midwife. Their job is literally to be there for you and support you. Absolutely the best decision I’ve ever made! If you can’t do that, then absolutely believe in yourself and be confident that your body is made for this!


Your gonna smash it, your a queen and you have got this so fix that crown and stop doubting yourself!! I have 11years between my 2 and had split with there dad when finding out I was pregnant with MY DAUGHTER. I done all scans and hospital appointments with family as he was to busy with what turns out to be his new bit of stuff!! I had him at the birth but he did not speak two words to me the whole time and spent it on his phone BUT I sailed through this birth and was completely in control from the min my contractions started (3weeks early) and the bond my girl and I have now is un breakable. YOU GOT THIS FELLOW QUEEN xx xx


I did it alone. Do not let it stress you out. You’ve got this. You will be too excited to see the lil one.

I did it Hun and had a wonderful nurse who was with me the whole time, you’ll be just fine :heart:

You will be fine. In the past nobody was allowed in the delivery room. I’m glad they do now but if you have to do it alone you’ll find lots of support and encouragement from the nurses. All 4 of mine were born without any family in the room. It’s better to go it alone to have negative energy in the room.

I delivered my last baby alone. The nurse goes, oh honey, where is your support system? I said, he hasn’t come out yet! Loll but in all reality its not that bad. Enjoy the quiet time with your baby


Always. Remember years ago men an family were not allowed in the room while birthing was going on. You will do fine. As women always do. Good luck.:smiley:


Did my last delivery alone, you’ll be okay

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You go girl you got this

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Hey momma … you got this first off!!! I am a mom of three ( 11, 5 and 3) on my last one … I stayed alone in the hospital without my husband or family … they took care of our already two children … the nurses were Amazing… and I know this sounds terrible , but it was kinda nice not having anybody there but the nurses lol. Good Luck . :heart::pray:


I’ve done it alone, but it was a quick delivery

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I did it with my 1st child. You will be ok trust and have faith.

I went through it alone with my son, I caught my husband cheating and threw him out didn’t know I was about 4 weeks pregnant. That’s okay I gave birth by myself with no one with me my kids have always been mine!

Out of 5 kids I had 3 Alone it actually easier

When my first child was born father’s were not allowed to be there. The nurses were very pleasant and thoughtful

Hate to hear your in this situation but if it can in anyway make you feel better. These pictures of supportive men with their laboring women really isnt the case most times.
He tried but then it was like he was just there. One nurse i had was kinda edgy at first. I told her i didnt want the epi and she was kinda like what? But when labor started she was right there. An super present for me. Women can relate to this men cannot. Hope all goes well for you. Im sure it will❤

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Anyone live in her area that can meet up with her and support her?? I would if I was close!


Is it possible to hire a doula or maybe a doula in training could assist for free? A doula is worth their weight in gold :heart: Mom of 5 kids. Family wasn’t really helpful for labor and delivery, but a doula YES!


Had my first alone. In some ways, it’s easier. You got this!

I’m not separated from my husband but I had to deliver my twins fast and he couldn’t be there. Even though my mom was in the room with me Nicole, my care tech, held my hand through the whole process.

Nurses can be amazing

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Pretty much the same I went thru. The birth of my daughter was started on a happy and positive time. Didn’t have him around to bring me down :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. You will enjoy this birth and have help from those great nurses.

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I had a friend show up just before the delivery of my third daughter, but I went through labor alone… the one and only time I had an epidural… don’t be afraid to get one because in the moments of unbearable pain, not knowing how much longer it may be, having that little bit of relief is a life saver

I have done this , too. An easy birth (natural) and family to pick me up afterward. You can do it, for with crisis comes opportunity to find strength you didn’t know you had.

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My nurses were amazing! In fact I told my mom and husband to shut up and was only talking to the nurse during my labor😂

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My mom was there for me but there were two nurses there specially up by me, one was holding a leg and the other had my hand. They honestly got me through it. They were so sweet and the one got me to focus on nothing but her and got me to push so much harder than I had been. I hope that you are blessed with the same experience :purple_heart: in most cases the labor nurses are the realest, best people you can have by your side.

Just say where you live Sweetheart & I’ll bet you’ll have more support than you could ever imagine! Too many think they need to go thru this alone & you don’t & you shouldn’t!


I had my second alone, the nurses were very sweet and helpful … especially when they realize I was alone for the process !! I will admit that once the pain set in well ( induction) I had a moment where my mind started a pity party of going though the process alone … darn emotions :joy: I had to stop and reminded myself … your in labor and don’t have time for a pity party woman. If you feel you need support or just someone to have a conversation with, please feel free to inbox me. We can exchange numbers :heart:

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Embrace the moment! All your happiness will be focused on your baby! Try to ask all the questions before hand for reassurance… you got this

U will do just fine! Just remember it does end. U know how your body takes over. It knows what is required. Try be peaceful, and own the pwer of the moment. Will be with you in spirit. :two_hearts:

I was alone !! At 21 n it was my first…alone alone alone not one person there but the nurse n doctor …u will be okay …

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I’m sorry that he doesnt wanna be part of his babies beautiful entrance into the world. I am so very sorry. I dont have advice as I’m an adopted mama but my whole heart is with you during such a beautiful birth.

Where do you live honey? I live in Las Vegas and if anywhere around you I’ll be right there girl. Right by your side!!!


I’m so sorry what a pos of a man🤦‍♀️ I hope he doesn’t try for any custody! Tell the judge all of this!

With my 1st I only had a friend come with me. She was nice and supportive.

I did for my first 2 boys nurses are amazing u got this momma

I had both my babies alone and it is a memory only I have after all these years I can say I was the first and only to see their beautiful faces you will do great and just remember this is your memory and no one elses

Darling I can honestly say I’ve been there done that! Thank God for my family! Then I meant a man that loved me and my children, and you will too!

I had my first child alone, dad was in army in Germany

I remember the lady in the bed beside me got flowers and cards for husband visited her one day with flowers which made me cry because I was so alone he asked me what was wrong and I told him so the next day when he came to see his wife he brought me flowers to


I was a surrogate and alone until the parents could fly in. The nurse I had that morning was my advocate. She fought for me so I didn’t have to have a cesarean and so the parents could be there for their daughter’s entrance to the world. They ended up getting there in the last few minutes, but before them I had her and would’ve been just fine with that. I also like to be alone. If you don’t, reach out and see who you can have by your side.

My nurses were awesome the nurses and doctors will take care of you and baby and they will help you thru it you got this you are a strong women and mom and you will do amazing I am sorry your going thru this with the guy if u need to talk I am here for you

Back before anyone was allowed in the delivery room except the doctor and nurses, we all did this “alone”.

I gave birth to my son with just hospital staff. Baby daddy & I weren’t together but I was really irritable that pregnancy lol

I would suggest a doula. I don’t know if I could do it alone but a doula is a comfort-focused individual that is there only for you. Nurses are often very loving and supportive but may run out of time to truly be there for you when you need it.