Advice on handling family about my son being gay?

If they are truly Christians they will love him no matter what. And if they don’t pardon my wording but screw them! If they can’t love him no matter what then they aren’t worth being a part of his life.


Give him all the support and love you can and you need to choose his feelings over theirs.

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Love the sinner not the sin…All Christians sin!

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I’ve dealt with this. The best thing you can do is love him and accept him for who he is, and let your family know that anything less will not be tolerated. If they are true Christians, then they will love him whether he is straight or gay.


Just love him. If your family can’t that’s their problem.

Educate him… and them too if you can.

Stand by your baby!!! They don’t deserve you guys!!!:gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart:

Who cares what they think or what any one thinks

Just love him no matter what - ps i say i am glad you posted this - its hard and you should be proud of him no matter what.

If your family are true Christians, then they should be supportive and non judgemental. God didn’t judge them.

If they are truly Christians then they may have their own opinion but will love him as Jesus does none the less bc whatever they consider sin in their eyes is no better or worse than their own sins… in the end you won’t be able to change their thoughts or opinions though. Just love your son


Christians are supposed to love everyone. It wouldn’t affect me

You’re really jumping ahead here. He’s only 12!


Love your son and always support him. He is your son no matter what and who gives a darn it others do not agree with his preference.

Whatever your family feels negatively is their problem not his which is what he needs to know and that no matter what your gonna keep being a great mom to him no matter what or who!

Tell your Christian family that God loves everyone and dosnt judge.

Love him through it :heart::heart::heart:

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Judge not lest ye be judged

It’s nobody’s business but u and him love him unconditionally

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Parents need to learn this, good job Nola Darling

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Support & love him when others choose not to. Not everyone is ok with it & you have to respect them as well as long as they aren’t hateful to your son. You don’t have to agree with it to love someone. Just be there for him & defend him if anyone says anything hateful. I would def talk to him & see where he’s at. He maybe gay or he maybe confused. I’m honestly not sure what age most gay people know for sure. Just ask him & go from there.

just love him who cares what they think

My youngest son is gay. If I remember correctly, he came out in his freshman year of high school. (He is now married to his husband-high school sweethearts) He already knew before he told us that our immediate family would be loving and supportive. As for the rest of your family, when/if he officially comes out, let him handle them the way he decides to. Be there to back him up if they’re anything less than supportive and loving so he knows he has someone in his corner.

True Christians don’t judge others. It’s not their job it’s God’s. I for one believe that God is all powerful and doesn’t make mistakes so your son is made exactly how he should be. These people who make snotty comments will have their judgement day too.


Jesus came for the broken. My daughter is gay and I am a Christian. That girl is my world and I am proud of her. Be prepared for judgement you didnt see coming and just make sure to remind him constantly that you love him and proud of who he is. None of us are perfect we will all have our judgement day. Remind your family to leave that up to God and remind them that we are to love eachother. Good luck Momma


Just love him and tell them that his being gay doesnt change who he is. That he is ypu33r son and that you love him for who he is. He is lucky to have you.

It’s his decision to tell the family that he is gay. Don’t pressure him. Just love him for who he is.

Your son was born the way he is. His being gay is not a choice, it is what it is. I am constantly amazed at what some people think is “Christian.” Acceptance, kindness and love are supposed to be traits of those who claim to be Christian. Support him, love him and the rest of the family may surprise you. If they don’t accept your child, they need to do some soul searching.

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How the hell does a12 try old know anything about sexuality?


It sounds like you are already a great mom. :clap:t3: I am also a Christian but I follow Jesus teachings to love each other as we were made. God says He knew us all before we were born I trust He loves us through our thick and thins. Show your son a mother’s love. That is our holy teachings.

My oldest son came out to me at 16. I always knew he was gay just like you said as his mom I knew. The advice I can give you is to just be supportive and make sure he knows that you love him unconditionally and that you will always be there for him. I hate to say it but if your family can’t be accepting and love him for who he is they don’t need to be in his life. It is hard enough for kids to be comfortable coming out about there sexuality and don’t need the added anxiety about it. Good luck momma! :heart: :rainbow:

I’m sure you know your own family, but not all “huge Christians” hate gays. The last three churches I’ve gone to have all followed God’s command: To love him, and to love others as ourselves. The Bible specifically tells Christ followers that we are NOT to judge others. That is the job of Jesus only at the judgment. We are ALL sinners in some way. Even if being gay is a sin, no one has the right to cast the first stone. As for myself. I’m not so sure it is a sin…

Well…this is just me…I was raised up Christian, I solely believe in man and woman. However, God says, “Love one another”. He did not say unless they are black, purple, gay, straight, bi, whatever. That’s what wrong with people these days, they throw their own religion on others and try to make it sound like it’s something it’s not. I’m not saying that being gay isn’t a sin, I’m saying no matter what you’re supposed to love your neighbor. If it were my son, I would still love him unconditionally and tell the rest to get lost or respect my decision to love my child just the same. They can act Christian as they portray themselves or they can be gone. Simple as that. You can’t spend your whole life loving your child with every beat of your heart and then not love him and support him as you always have just because he chooses his own sexuality. It was inevitable, and you have no control over his personal preference at all. So love him as you always have and I pray the rest of the family does as well.

I have more than 1 family member that is gay and more than just a few that don’t accept them for who they are. So sad. And unchristian. The New Commandment (11th) Above all, love one another. It appears 13 times in the New Testament.

TRUE Christians, will love & accept him no matter what, just like Christ said. He said love one another. Not love another except…gay, black, Jewish, republican, etc. Remind them of this if they say a word about it. It is not their place to judge. Only to love.

I am a Christian and if one of my kids said they were gay it wouldnt change my love for them one iota. Just be there for him.

yes love your child unconditionally and the bible said love one and another but god also said women and man not women women or man man and it is a sin and you will not enter heaven i have gays on my side and i get along with them and love them but i don’t except there ways just saying how i fell god bless

Honestly, watch stuff like “Love, Simon” with him. Teach him LGBTQ isnt something that should be stigmatized.

Here’s a simpleton answer. How about just LOVING your son no matter what? If he decides down the road he is or isn’t, just keep loving him. Stop worrying about what might happen, or might not. The time you waste worrying is better spent loving.

If they were huge Christians, they would love him either way. Otherwise they are not real Christians, they are the type that give Christians a bad stigma. Jesus said dont judge and love everyone. You dont have to love what they do, but you do love on them. So your family sounds confused on their own lives and should probably worry about that rather than about anyone else’s sexual preferences.

You know it’s also OK to tell your kid that they are not gay. That they are allowed to love their male friends and loving your friends doesn’t necessarily mean your gay. Educate your child about all aspects of the gay lifestyle including the bad side. Some boys are just tender and meek doesn’t mean they are gay, just means they are softer like girls who are tom boys, doesn’t make them gay, just makes them tougher.

What Christians fail to realize is we win people over to Christ with love. When we love others unconditionally like Jesus did, then they come to him. My husband and I told our daughter we don’t care. (They’re still gonna be gay behind our back if we don’t like it). It could be a phase? Kids are going to do what they want. And I would rather know about it then them struggle without help. And if he has questions about his salvation, tell him that it’s ultimately up to him and his relationship with God, because it is. But I don’t like that Christians “bible beat” gays because all it does is shoo them away. We need to win them over with our love.

They may call themselves Christians but no where in the Bible does it say being homosexual is a sin. But the Lord did say judge not lest you be judged.

Just make sure he comes out on his own terms when he is ready. I think That is fantastic that you are supportive because it’s scary coming out, even in this day people can be cold and mean twards gay kids. Thats including school mates and friends. Him knowing you support him is huge. Remind him that being gay is ok and normal, and that you love him no matter what. I personally came out at 15 as bi at first bc I was scared to even admit to myself that I was actually gay, and got picked on so I went back in the closet for a bit. Thats with having supportive parents. Having a good and loving support system can make all of the difference. I’ve saw what has happened to friends who have come out to family who wasn’t ok with it. It was aweful. Especially for the gay boys and how they where treated. As far as your family that isn’t ok with him being gay, let them know you won’t stand for him being treated badly or ridiculed. He needs to know that there are going to be people and sometimes even family who arent going to like him because who he loves, and that just because they share the same blood doesn’t mean theyre his people. You’re a good mom for being accepting and preparing yourself for how to handle this situation :purple_heart::raised_hands:

When my son was young and I perceive he was gay. I confronted my family and told them they were not allowed to ever miss treat my son when he got older and came out as gay. They were not happy, but with my statement they understood I was going to support him and what they thought or felt about it was their problem not my son’s. He is now 27 years old and he is about to Marry his Fiance in September of 10 years. They waited until my son finished his college career. I am so proud of him, but like you I waited for him to come out on his own before I broached the subject with him. Your son is so lucky to have you :heart:

My 2nd cousin is gay.i still love. If your family can’t expect him for who he is. Then the heck with them & Move on.he is your child not there’s. Whatever he decides. Is his choice not there’s.

As a mother of 5 boys and 1 girl, with one son being gay, I say FUCK WHAT YOUR FAMILY THINKS! The whole family knew he was gay before he came out at age 19. I told him GOD gave him freedom to choose whom to love and that, I, a humble Christian had NO RIGHT to question GOD’s gift to choose. I, did, however, explain to him, that while his significant other would always be welcome at any time in my home or any function I throw together, that some people may have an opinion to voice. I also told him to tell me when it happened, and that person would be escorted to the door. I, also, had a talk with him regarding that if others were worried about his soul, to tell them they were welcome to pray for his soul, but while they were at church, they should pray for their own as well. You know, with their gluttony for eating McDonald’s everyday for lunch, and pre-marital sex with their 6 baby mama drama and such.

You stand with your child and if they do not you disown them

I am a Christian and I would totally accept a grandson who was gay, but I understand your issue. Some people are very closed minded. :pensive:

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I straight up asked my son of he was gay. He asked me if I would be mad at him if he was. I told him the truth. I’ll love him no matter what and I’ll always have his back. I asked him why he thought he might be gay and he gave me a few reasons. Mostly it was thinking guys on YouTube were so awesome and nice looking. I told him that I felt that he may be confusing envy and admiration for lust and love but that if he still felt that way in his final years of high school I would help him navigate the family and his friends. I love that my son and I are open with each other and I fear I will lose that one day :frowning:

Hmm. Just mussings…" if the adolescent brain isn’t developed enough " for teens and preteens to be charged for “adult” crimes how can those same brains be developed enough to make this and transgender decisions. It is either all or none.

First I applaud you for having ur sons back n accepting him as he is :clap:cuddos mom n its no one’s business if he decides to come out do it on his terms just let him call the shots only my opinion and again great job Mom :two_hearts:

Just be on his side no matter what!! He’ll remember that. Btw, where in the Bible does Jesus ever speak anything, good or bad, about homosexuality? Ask them that…because he doesn’t!! Good luck, God bless:):pray::heart:

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he is 12. Normal boys play with other boys this age. Doesn’t mean he is gay. He should not be thinking of having sex with another 12 year old, boy or girl.

Girl, when/if they treat your son badly because he’s gay that’s when you remove yourself and your little family from those toxic people. I have a daughter who’s gay & she left the house, called me and told me over the phone because she thought I would be mad at her or not accept her… It broke my heart. I don’t nor will I ever allow anyone that belittles or speaks badly about gays around us. It’s really easy to cut people off when your child’s heart & mental stability is at stake. Good luck!! :blue_heart:

If there’s ever a subject comes up about gays/lgbt, like on tv or something, throw out a comment like i would support them or you know what, i have no problems with gay ppl. Make sure he hears you say it so he can feel more comfortable about coming out to you. He’s gonna need a sign that your ok with it.

Stand behind him if they do say anything. Show him your there reguardless

Here’s how you handle it, if they don’t like it, you remove them from your life. Your child is #1 priority above all and everyone else.


If he does come out to you, dont go telling the family yourself that he is. That is his job to do when and if he is comfortable to tell any of them. I for one wouldnt have a problem if one of my kids said they were. But some family members wouldnt be.
Support your child and and dont push him to come out to everyone until he is ready.


Some of your family members may surprise you, I hope. But if not, of course, as I think you would, stand by your son like any mama would. You’ve got this


Just say “Okay, and?” More than anything do not tell him you love him anyway. The less big of a deal the better. He’ll already be feeling as if it’s abnormal, the more normal you can make it feel, the more accepting and just meh no biggie about it you can be the more he will feel the love you have for him.


I dont talk to my brother because of how he treats my son. I dont regret it at all…I would never disrespect his kids but he is all about putting down my child so it’s his loss.


Your son needs your support more than anyone else’s. While he will feel betrayed by them If they do treat him badly shame on them. It is sort of a good lesson for him to learn the people who care most about you arent always blood or related. Walk away and find those with your and his best interest at heart and accept you for who you are. They will have to answer for their sins one day.
I do sorta think 12 might be a little young though for him to really know and understand. Hey might be extremely confused about how he feels and what he wants so you definitely want to shield him from that negativity for when the time comes if you are correct about him.

A true Christian should love and show God through LoVe, acceptance, and tolerance. Let he who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone, etc. You can’t worry about everyone else. You tell them, if they love you guys they’ll respect his choices. You don’t have to like me or what I do to love and respect me. Period.


Make sure he knows you live and accept him. Defend him when people say negative things about him, don’t sit silent when it happens.

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Had the same concern with my 12 year old daughter. A lot of people in my family and her fathers family or devout Christians. My family has been very supportive, her fathers side ehhh… TBD. But when we did discuss it I explained to her that if are asking them to be accepting of how you feel and they are not… how can you not be ok with their decision? If you are going to take issue with their opinion aren’t you being a bit hypocritical because you are not accepting of their opinion? Just because they are not ok with it, does not need to be an issue unless they become abusive or disrespectful. We preach loving of all, respect people for their opinions whether you agree with them or not and always stand up for the little guy even if no one else will. She is now one of the best tiny humans and is working on trying to get a gay straight alliance club established at her school. Good luck to you momma… he is gonna be just fine with you supporting him!

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Just be the mama lion the universe made you and don’t take shit from anyone about your baby!

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Honestly hun…who cares what they think. If your son is happy and healthy. That is all that should matter

Protect and support him,That’s all you can do…
If they don’t accept him,remove him from the situation (them).
It is a huge mixture of emotions and feelings for him and he only needs to be surrounded by love and support.

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True Christians know that we are to love and pray for all. Regardless of what the Bible says, Jesus loves and prays. It’s no ones place to judge the lifestyle of others. Surround with love and the rest doesn’t matter


Be understanding and as a mother u should never treat him any different. He needs u more now than ever.God will see him thru

First of all, you’re an amazing momma❤️…
He’s lucky to have you!
Second, it will be a shock to some, but he is still your son and apart of the family. If some have enough of a problem with him, to make it a problem, remove them from the equation.


My son is 16, he came out to me when he was 14. I already knew and said “ooookay, you’re still my son and I love you”. He cried and I cried and I dont care what anyone says! He knows that i will forever be in his corner.


I would expect my family to be accepting of my child. If they weren’t, I’d cut ties with them. I would never want my child to question my love and loyalty to them.


Just be his mother like you are right now… If they can’t see what he really is, a son, a cousin, a nephew, a brother… Then they are the issue… The Bible teaches us to love everyone. My sister is gay, and I am a Christian. When I look at her, I don’t see a lesbian… I see the same person that I grew up with.

Exactly what everyone said. Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world with a lot of hate and hypocrisy. He’s going to have to learn how to navigate through it all. As long as he has your support and love ,he will be fine. Teach him to be proud of who he is and who he’s becoming. You got this Mom. :rainbow_flag:


My aunt live in the closet til she was 30. But always made drama about it

If they are true Christians they will love him regardless. Does it change who he is as a person? No. So what difference does it make? He’s still the same person he has been the last 12 years. Or however old he is when he does tell you. Nothing changes.


I’m assuming your a Christian too. So why not ask God to guide you through this. Put this in Gods hands. He can handle this.

Best advice watch the coming out episodes of 1 day at a time it covered everything your worried about . best part your already an amazing loving momma so atleast y’all got that going lol ! You got this momma just throw love at him.

You just love him and stand by his side. Defend him if need be. Can’t have others. You just be the support system he needs:)

It’s not up to us to judge others. just be there for him and love him

I’ve never gone through this but that’s what I’d guess I would do

Well I think you’re on the right track already by being supportive of him! As far as your family goes, you can’t change people. But you can try to educate them. Use the Christianity views against them. Don’t let them be hypocrites.

  1. God doesn’t hate any one. He is not a hateful God.
  2. there are plenty things said in the Bible that we don’t do now a days…like slaughter goats and lambs for sacrifice and such. Tell them there are many parts of the Bible that are out dated! We don’t stone people anymore either!
  3. love thy neighbors-enough said.

And like others said…if they don’t support you and your child. You might have to cut ties. Your child and his mental well being are more important than what could be toxic family.

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Do you or the family expect everyone to come out as straight? It should be a ‘ok…’ no big deal. If he’s comfortable with telling them, cool (in the future) if not, then he shouldn’t. It’s NO ones business what he does with his significant other behind closed doors. The thing that gets me that I got ‘shamed for’ was when my friend came out to her family I said “yeah my dad didn’t like it that I’m into bdsm & choking but ya know, that’s more dangerous than being gay”… no one laughed. I did tho.

Regularly talk to your son about being himself and embracing his own identity…whether it’s gay or straight. He should know you will always love and support him. Let him know that there will always be people out there who are not supportive and as long as he’s true to himself nothing else matters. Self happiness is the most important thing in life :v:
Prepare your son…not your family…being in his life is a privilege not a right!

Be happy he not on drugs
And as for wat to do be there for him.dont turn in to a judge and jury and attacàk wat he stands for

As a mom its good for him that nothing will change and as for family they must just except it and if they have comments then you as his mom will just have to let the know it is what it is and if they love him then they must support him

God Bless you! Don’t worry about what others think or let them bully your son

Thank you for sharing. You are amazing. Protect your son from the hatred of the world. If they can’t accept him build his a family/community that will. XOXO!!!

I got screw the night at 15 n mental hospitl don’t know if it was a patient
Well I know you all hav lap top type PCP and that was my reliev from depression your daughter 17 how much pain à

Religion is forgiveness, acceptance. If they shun or mistreat him…just remind them it isn’t very Christian like. God made all people. If they can’t accept him, they can’t accept you. My aunt came out 25 years ago…she acted like everyone was against her an is all about creating drama because she doesn’t like herself. Don’t let that happen to him

I would like to wat is a true Christian omg
Well then am a awesome Catholic did my catacisma holy Communion was baptized n saint Joseph church so that means am not like you

Cos depending on the school he may get picked on

Wat the hell is he on dope

Give him all the support and love you can give. He is your shinning light in your life.

Keep doing what your doing! Your his MOM and your opinion I’m sure is most important. As long as his parents are there he will be OK! Kudos to you for being understanding and letting him be who he is. That should instill in him the confidence and strength to deal with whatever else comes. Good luck

I’m a Christian, and I have gay friends and family. I love them regardless of their choices. That’s what we are supposed to do. If your family has a problem with it, it’s not because they are Christian’s, it’s because they are misinformed. Just love and accept him. You are the one that will matter most. :blue_heart:

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You support your son and you don’t support your family if they don’t 100% support him and his lifestyle (if he is in fact gay)

You shouldn’t have to prepare your family.

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All you can do is reassure your son of your love and support. I don’t think you can do much about others!