AITA for getting mad at my husbands compliments?

I’m kind of the same way … I appreciate my man is still into me despite the repulsive amount of weight I’ve gained but … when I’m cooking or doing the dishes or busy in general DO NOT grab my boobs or my ass … like I’m BUSY!! I don’t go grab your c**k while you’re mowing the lawn or chopping firewood do I!?

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My husband is constantly eyeing me and grabbing at me and I love it.

Honestly, i think that you might need to look inward and figure out why that triggers you. Cause I don’t see a problem with it, he’s admiring you… and you hate it? Maybe seek therapy and figure that out. Cause I think it might be a you problem, not a him problem. I’d be upset too if I was trying to loving to my partner and they kept shutting me down. One day he’ll just stop and won’t do it anymore, then maybe you’ll realize it was a good thing.


My husband Michael does it all the time and I love it

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Keep up with the attitude and he’s gonna trade you for one half your age who likes to be slapped on the ass and get complimented!!! You need to go to your gynecologist and check your hormones and go from there. :roll_eyes:

Sounds like you’re less mad about that he’s complimenting your body, and more bothered that he’s not complimenting you on anything other than your body. Like your mind, or a smart decision you made, or something nice you did for him, etc. I’m sure he admires you in other ways too. If you ask him what all he admires about you and tell him it can’t have anything to do with your body, it might make you feel better. And I’d initiate it by writing out a list of what you admire about him that has nothing to do with his appearance


If he never touched you, would you be mad?


Are you serious? This is a huge compliment. It’s different if he was out in public grabbing your boobs and butt but he’s trying to show affection towards his wife. If it’s overwhelming then calmly sit down and tell him maybe reduce it a little bit. But yeah you are definitely being dramatic. 

:rofl::rofl::rofl: the man went to bed with that boff oui. That would have been the last compliment to come out of my mouth towards you. Good luck with everything though.


Wow. I wish my husband was still alive for those compliments. You will miss them if he stops. Accept and enjoy.

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So when he stops commenting there will be another anonymous post complaining about no compliments lol


Wow, that’s so sad. I mean, I get being annoyed by being touched all the time but damn it’s not like he’s constantly grabbing you. You’re married, that’s his way of showing affection. Be thankful he shows it to you, there are so many people who wish their husband only had eyes for them and wanted to touch them. Men will always be excited about naked women, no matter what the age!!!

You have a right to feel that way. But you need to understand that might be his love language. You need to sit down with him and explain how you feel. Try to come to an agreement, maybe see if he will not do it so often. But he has a right to be upset over it too, he probably feels that you love it also.

In a word: Yes. Be grateful he finds you attractive. Be grateful he says so.

I can’t with this! :joy: Poor hubby…

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Some women would beg for those sort of compliments and daily too. I wouldn’t stop him but ask him to tone it down abit maybe if u need to. :woman_shrugging:


I wish I got compliments like that :joy:

And I would get upset when my girl said stop touching me too but after a while I’d get over it (never really stopped just gave her a break :rofl:)

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Get over it. Wait till he doesn’t care anymore, then how will u feel

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You would get upset if he wasn’t interested in you and giving that attention to another woman. Be thankful your man is looking at you. Most women aren’t that lucky

Don’t be mad he he starts looking at someone else’s body

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I think it’s awesome he compliments you. His way of letting you know he’s still into you lol.

Girl be happy he’s saying these things to you and not randoms on the internet. When he stops you’re going to be on here crying asking for advice because all of the things he used to do and say to let you know he’s still very much attracted to you he’s not doing anymore, and you’re going to swear he having an affair.


2 kids , 19 years together and hubby is still this way and jiggly bits apprently he loves it. Sometimes ut and other times its flattering just talk to him he just needs to find a medium level.

Ummm, you’re upset that your husband compliments you daily?……I think the last time my husband complimented me was on our wedding day, 10 years ago. Be grateful he knows you still exist


You’re kind of the a$$hole :woman_shrugging:t3:


So when he stops complimenting theres gonna be a post of “omg is he cheating “ . Be grateful .

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I’ve gotten mad about the same thing, time and place Is a wonderful skill to have. I’m not a sex toy and shouldnt be treated like one

Dude get mad when he compliments someone else’s body !


Sounds like your stressed out or something. Maybe you need a vacation. But don’t be mad at your man cause he adores you. Go to the dr get your hormones checked or something and maybe take him with you so he can understand how your changing due to being pre-menopausal. Work it out.

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you should leave him, and let him find someone who appreciates and enjoys him.


Oh wow. He needs a more appreciative wife.


Because no woman wants her man to be attracted to her… :roll_eyes:


Just be thankful that he loves you and not someone else.

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Some women are just never happy. If it were different your post would be bashing him thinking he has another woman because he does compliment you.


Go to therapy hunny, that’s what affection looks like

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And when he stops you’ll think he’s cheating :roll_eyes:


Omg! My husband never touches me. His love language is NOT TOUCH. be careful what you wish for.


OMG !! Be glad he still finds you attractive & tells you ! Stop being offended !! He could be shaming you but instead chooses to build you up ! Grow up !!


Okay so yes, you are somewhat the A.
Are you maybe craving him to find more about you attractive? Do you feel like he doesn’t comment your personality, or positive attributes?
I do get annoyed myself being in the same position as you. I appreciate that he finds me attractive- but it gets to be annoying at times. Especially if im low or hormonal and its constant. But yeah to be upset is the A.

Honestly I’d have a conversation with your Dr. There might be something else going on, that you might be unaware about.

So imagine how you’d feel if he didn’t compliment you at all, you’d be complaining about that too. Or how would you feel if he took those compliments and said it to another female?

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I definitely feel this as well. I get frustrated with my partner when all he does is comment on my physical attributes in a sexual manner. I had a conversation with him and told him while I appreciate those comments there’s a time and place for that kinda stuff. And I gave him examples of that and told him I would rather he complement other aspects. My intellect, my hair, my eyes. While the sexual comments make me feel uncomfortable the comments about other parts of me make me feel loved and cherished rather then just a piece of meat to him.

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I think you need to consider that words of affirmation or touch might be his love language and he’s needing that from you. Try giving some attention back and see what happens?

At least he hasn’t called you round my hubby did yesterday. I’d be grateful if my hubby loved me as much as yours does you


Yes you’re the asshole.

Be happy he’s so attracted to you instead of someone else! Try to find a way to accept it. One day you may not have him around anymore and you’ll miss it. He, obviously, isn’t doing it to upset you.

I’m sure it’s your hormones but hubs doesn’t say this but more of I love the way you look but he usually wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a kiss, I’ll also walk by him and grab a feel in the the front lol or I’ll smack his butt, but now my ex didn’t do neither and hated if i touched him

This appears to be a really long yes or no question.

So the answer is YES!

Yeah your the bad guy here. How long have you been married? When he does those things smile, give him a quick kiss and say I love you or someone else will do it for you

Yes, you are the asshole. If he didn’t do it you would be mad too. There’s no winning for this dude.

I get it! It makes you feel that the only thing he likes about you is your body. Try to explain to him that it’s ok once in a while, but you would like compliments on the food you cook and how nice you look in an outfit or Thanks for taking such good care of our kids and or our home. I lived this with my ex and it is very hurtful to be loved for your body and sex alone, There are so many other things he could say that would make you feel loved not lusted after all the time,

Wtf is wrong with you


Communicate. Thank him for him expressing his love for your body. Let him know you would like to here a change up in compliments.

Be thankful you’re husband loves and compliments you.


Girl……I’m over here praying for a king and complaining that you get too many compliments. Since you don’t want them, he can give them to someone else that way you don’t complain


I wish my husband would do this! He doesn’t notice when I get a hair cut!


I feel like, you’re the assh0le in this situation lady.

Just keep on dishing him. Pretty soon the compliments will stop and so will his desire to be with you.


Take the love language test. It sounds like his is words of affirmation and physical touch, if it is do what he does to you and he will feel like the most loved man on earth. Have him love you in your love language, it’ll help you both.

It’s like the over use of say’n I LOVE you,…actions speak louder than words!!!

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yea big asshole here lol

A woman would like to know she more than the some of her body parts. I’d rather be valued for my intelligence, integrity, etc I GET YOU. Superficial praise feels insincere and suspect. So many women settle for crumbs tolerant the minimum


Seems like you two have different love languages. I would suggest reading “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts” by Gary Chapman

So I can get the same way. It’s because I’m so over stimulated by time he comes home from the kids. I don’t get mad on the compliments though it’s butt grabbing and usually after like the 6th time lol but I don’t snap or anything I just explain to him and ask if he can chill out until later when kids are in bed and they been hanging all over me all day and I just want some time of the day to not be touched he always understands

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Girl, U should feel lucky. Not all men compliment their women.


Be glad he’s still attracted to you! For fuck sakes! Get over it! Would you rather he not want you!

I don’t blame you, he’s only complimenting parts of you sexually.


At least he looks at you…my husband ignores me!!

You don’t deserve him!! Let him go to find someone who will appreciate the compliments!!


what the fuck are you on about? you can’t be serious.

Girl be grateful you got a husband who’s highly attracted to you. There’s soooo many women who would love to have a spouse who compliments them in a good way about their body and who touches them.

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At least he compliments you & shows that he’s attracted to you. Plenty of men don’t do that these days.

Yea you’re the a-hole here. He’s attracted to you. After what seems like a while. But y’all need balance

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Maybe just ask him nicely to tone it down? Personally, I’m not bothered by my husband’s complements and touching. But if you are, just ask him without pushing him away. He may just have wanted to make you feel beautiful and sexy. A lot of women would do a lot for that.

I don’t think you’re the bad guy I think you have boundaries that he’s disrespecting. In his mind though he’s probably Trying to be a good husband and make sure that you still feel desired because he’s probably aware that you are premenopausal Just have a conversation


You’re nuts. Crazy lunitic

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At some point you have to wonder if someone isn’t making this stuff up.


I’m sad for you and your lack of appreciation for a man that trys every day to let you know you are sexy


My hubby is obsessed with grabbing my boobs and butt I love how much he wants me and makes me feel sexy…be glad he is grabbing on u and not looking elsewhere…maybe you are not into him no more that’s why it’s annoying u🤷‍♀️

Yep you’re definitely the asshole

His love language is physical.
You need to be open. Say you appreciate the comments but sometimes they can be excessive. Then maybe learn about love languages together.

I am not same way. I am not an overly physical person and there are times I want to be recognized for more than my butt or boobs. Just be open

So you are mad your husband is into you …

I totally get it. My husband constantly  sexualizes EVERYTHING and it gets pretty annoying. Especially in front of our small girls. Like I get it you’re attracted to me but like one comment I saw in this post saying… what about my smile? Be nice for a compliment on my hair, or maybe my decisions, my thoughts, my brain. Compliment something on the inside and not just constantly pointing out what’s on the outside. I completely get it girl!

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I think you need to really sit down and work out WHY this bothers you so much.


If I had expressed myself, in a serious manner, especially if more than once, I’d probably be on my way to see Johnny Depp attorneys, lol, but I’m serious, because I don’t like or respect being “lusted after” . There’s a huge difference in being passionately desired, and uncontrollable lust, it’s base, what animals do. Sounds like a bit of pornography may be in the background.

You get what some women wish they got on a regular. Lol


You feel like an object and that is normal he could compliment your smile or your eyes vs making you feel like piece of meat. My love language isn’t sexual or touch its spending good quality time. Explain to him how feels


Wow…it’s basically another way of him saying he loves you. It doesn’t matter if he isn’t 15 anymore. You’ll miss it when he stops because your acting the way you are and possibly start questioning if he is still attracted to you


When you wake up one day and he has gone to God, you will really, really miss him saying all that!


And when he stops doing that what you gonna say “I need y’all help, my husband doesn’t find me attractive anymore, what should I do”

Be happy some women can’t even get the time of day from their husbands.


He’s trying to show you that he loves everything about you and you’re just being rude to him. You have no idea how many women out here would love for their man to show the same affection. Please check your hormones!!

I actually understand this. It’s annoying when it’s constant and makes you feel like you’re nothing more than a sexual object.


Are you bragging or complaining?


Learn to pick your battles…be happy your Husband still finds you attractive! My Husband is exactly the same, better me he be complimenting than some other chick…:v:


I understand where you’re coming from. Those things are nice to hear but not to the point where you feel like an object or the only thing he notices about you is your body. That would annoy me also. I don’t think you’re an asshole for feeling this way. Compliments should include more than just the physical, you’re more than a body. And I imagine you feel like he only notices your physical aspects.

Sad he’s trying to be close with you , don’t push him away if u love him like u say, men take things very personal from the woman they love


I guess that isn’t something you’re into but I looove the compliments from my husband. Grab my booty and look at my boobs lol.

He’s looking at you not anyone else!! Accept the complaints!


This is my every day life too and I wouldn’t change it for anything! He makes me feel loved and wanted every single day! And I hope he continues to make me feel this way until the day we die!