AITA for getting mad at my husbands compliments?

Maybe he’s just trying to make you feel better. I struggled with my self consciousness for years until I talked to my husband about it and he makes sure to let me know every single day that I am beautiful and perfect in his eyes. I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe communicate this to him instead of here.


Wtf I wish my hubby was constantly doing that. Why is it wrong to have your hubby attracted to you?


Wait?? What? You’re complaining that he’s super attracted to you and shows it?? Lord Jesus take the wheel. There are women out there that would literally love a man like that. Like count your blessings that you have someone so into you. Cause you could be on here whining about how he don’t pay you no mind at all. Good grief I feel bad for him.


Sounds like he wasn’t taught much respect for womanhood…


Maybe you’re looking for a different kind of expression. Instead of the ‘man, your boobs look great,’ you want a ‘you are a wonderful woman. I love who you are.’ That kind of compliment. Not one that means ‘we should have sex’ but one that says ‘I would have no other.’ Could that be?

Geezus. How can you be mad at that. You need to seek help. Menopause really got you paused on men… faark I hope I don’t feel this way towards mine when I get it… coz I love it when he grabs my ass lol

Lol I’m the same way. I would have said stop ur not 2!!! Even my 2 yr old has given up on the boob

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Feel lucky, not everyone gets compliments like that, he is appreciating you, you’re the one getting his attention not anyone else

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My husband is the same way and I appreciate it!

Believe me I’ve seen the way some guys treat their wives, and don’t notice or compliment them. So, I’m very thankful for my husband.


My guy does this too constantly. I love it. It’s a huge ego boost knowing I turn him on so much.

My husband makes comments like that EVERDAY multiple times a day. Why would you get mad or upset because he thinks you are beautiful and he wants you to know this? And all men love BOOBIES. Mine thinks he has to touch mine every time I get out the shower or undress around him . But he also knows my worth and what I bring to the table so I know I am valued in every aspect of the word. It amazes me the things women get upset about.

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What a weird thing for you to get mad about. He’s complementing you, letting you know you still do it for him and how into you he is. If you’re not about it, do that man a favor and let him find a woman who appreciates him the way he appreciates you :roll_eyes:


Wouldn’t you rather him compliment you than not ever again. He will look elsewhere if you don’t appreciate it. I wish he would talk to you about it and him not do it so much. Have you ever thought about maybe he’s trying to make you feel good about yourself. Do you ever give him compliments? If not maybe he would appreciate it if you would every now and then

Check his phone. You’ll thank me later. Could be a cover up to get you annoyed so you’ll deny him… bet he was in the bathroom later with his phone while you were hot and mad in the kitchen. It’s a possibility… just say’n !!


Maybe just let him know how you would like to be complimented instead. If he is focusing too much on your boobs and butt just tell him nicely. Putting him down isn’t likely to solve the issue since there is no explanation involved and is likely to push the two of you further apart.

I didn’t even finish after the first couple sentences.

Careful what you speak into existence… don’t all of sudden become insecure when he stops because honey, he will, count your blessings. Him loving you and your appearance for what it is, is one of them.


I would love that kind of attention. You should concider yourself lucky to have your husband so attracted to you still.


what does AITA stand for?

I guess he’s your husband but I also don’t like being constantly sexualised as well


Be thankful he still finds you attractive !


I wish I got compliments like that your lucky


He’s complimenting you…He’s truly just showing you how much you still turn him on… that’s love language for men. Embrace it…sometimes it can get annoying sure, but honestly be pleased he’s not looking at other women.


Really! He’s not doing anything wrong He’s just admiring his wife

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Til he stops completely and then you’ll complain he doesn’t say nice things to you anymore :rofl:


He appreciates you :woman_facepalming:t3:

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Mine is the complete opposite. I’m never get compliments, flowers or anything except from our kids every now and again.

Be happy he finds you attractive. You make him feel like a 15 year old ! Be happy he is happy. Isn’t that what love is?

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Yes, you’re probably crushing his spirits too. I’d expect to not get any more compliments

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Jeeeez! Dudes probably just trying to keep life fun and light hearted, an make u feel good about yourself and here u are complaining about him to a bunch of strangers :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: yes, you are the as*hole

Girl if you don’t shut the hell up :joy::skull: this is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve read on here.


Find you a guy who doesn’t appreciate you everyday and you’ll be wishing for this back :ok_hand:t3:


Heaven forbid he compliment your beauty and body, how dare he. Is this for real? Accept the affection. Might be some things you need to work on in yourself. If he thinks you’re amazing and obviously loves every inch of you how much more do you want? I don’t get this at all. Lots of ladies would love to be ogled by their man, you kidding me. He’s trying to love on you lady.


Okay so she’s pre menopausal and if yall even thought about this aspect yall could see this may have a lot to do with how she’s feeling and reacting. Her hormones and other things are probably out of whack. So.

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You’re complaining about the man you married reminding you daily that he still finds you attractive?


This might be the first post I’ve ever seen where someone wants LESS from their husband :joy:


Ohh wow. If you’re complaining wtf is wrong with you? Or maybe it’s your husband you’re not attracted too and that’s the problem. How could you be annoyed that he feels and tells you he’s attracted to you!? That’s every girls wet dream. Who wouldn’t want their SO to compliment them?

And if you’re bragging well then that’s great, woman deserves to feel wanted and attractive to the man they’re with.

Him telling you how he feels about you infuriates you? A lot of women would love to get that kind of attention

Girl,smh go to the doctor and get medicine for your menopause.i was a crabass myself going through it.but , his complimenting you should NOT be an issue.count yourself damn lucky he’s still attracted to quit complaining and show that man some love.


Oh, poor me. My husband still loves my body,. Ugggg. If he could just stop telling me constantly how much he loves me I’d be so much happier…


My husband does the exact same thing. Don’t really have any advice for you.

I miss this…… :disappointed: I wish I still got the attention like that. :broken_heart::pleading_face:

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I would sit down and have a conversation with him about how compliments on your body are nice but you would prefer if it wasn’t the only thing he complimented. For instance tell him you’d like to be appreciated for your personality as well or the things you do for him rather than just him complimenting your beauty or talking about your body.

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I wish my man would :roll_eyes: that’s called luxury problems

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I get what she’s saying. The compliments are nice but it gets old makes you feel like that’s all they see you for. I know exactly how that feels because my husband is the same exact way and I’m 59 and he 65 lol.they can compliment without being so disrespectful about it


Wow you’re way backwards

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Be happy he still does that

a lot of men don’t comment nice things about bodies anymore it seems like. You’ve got a good one!

Here I am wishing I could get compliments from my guy period. I haven’t heard a compliment in maybe 6 years (it stopped after I had our son) .


I can’t believe anyone would complain about this. Most of us married women do not hear any compliments at all.


I get annoyed with those comments too. Especially if they are frequent. It’s nice every once in a while but every day is just obnoxious. I’d let him know how you feel


My husband is the same damn way :woman_facepalming: lol

I think you are a bit tired of being treated as an objective by your Husband. Every woman wants compliments but they want sincere, affectionate ones. Your Husband has not matured emotionally to understand that risqué comments every day get annoying. It is sort of sexual harassment but coming from your Spouse. I would explain to him that you appreciate his focus on you but to be a bit more respectful/romantic instead of vulgar. Understand that being pre-menopausal your sex drive is down. Explain to your Husband that instead of a butt grab perhaps he can kiss you or stroke your hair. That communicates that he finds you attractive but it not like he is giving catcalls to a stranger. Communicate what you feel and what to do to help it without criticism of his ways. Just tell him what you would prefer.

You are being sensitive. You can always tell him the grabbing makes you uncomfortable but take the compliments as flattery!

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He finna cheat on you​:clap:t5::clap:t5::yawning_face: why marry a man you don’t want looking at you or touching you :thinking::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Leave him he obviously deserves someone who’ll love his complements etc go get a bonding vanilla ass guy

I’d bet hard money that if he stopped doing it tomorrow you’d start giving him a hard time as well “Why don’t you say anything about my boobs/bum anymore?? You used to do it all the time…you’ve changed!! Don’t you find me attractive anymore”

I know you’d do that and as much as you may try to deny, you know you’d do it too.

Decide what you really want and speak to him diplomatically about it…otherwise pick your battles and have a word with yourself.


You’re mad because your husband is attracted to you?


Honestly, I don’t find anything wrong with what he’s doing. I think it’s just hormones getting you irritated. I say this because I’m pre-menopausal as well and sometimes the littlest things can set me off.

53 years of marriage and he still pinches my butt. Accept and enjoy that he is so in love with you and all your assets.

I feel like this sometimes. I have a toddler who’s super clingy and needs to be touching me 24/7. So when my SO comes and touches me it triggers me. Like I just need a second. I expect him to understand more then my 3 year old.

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My husband is the same way… I’ve noticed I go through seasons where I’m annoyed with it. It’s usually a self examination thing… when I’m not feeling myself, feel ugly, or have put on a few extra pounds then the compliments hes always given me are harder to accept and be grateful for. Try a little bit of self care… get ur nails done, maybe a spray tan, or a cute haircut. Buy a few new outfits and take a nice long bath.
You need to love u before he gets to.
I’m not judging u and I think the people that are on here just don’t get it… I do. …

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My husband’s nick name is Shark because of it :joy:

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I don’t think she’s mad at compliments . She feels like he’s over sexualizing her . There’s a difference between you like nice vs ooh boobies :woozy_face:. Just talk to him I feel like your anger built up and snapped on him so maybe explain what bugs you about it to him


I can sympathize with you! I’m post menopausal and have lost any desire to participate in sex with anybody on this earth! My husband would engage in sex twice a day everyday if he could and I now hate it. He may divorce me over it before it’s all said and done… I will every now and then and I think he should be grateful that I do that much considering I don’t WANT to!

What the?? Would yOu rather the alternative & Your Husband be thrOwing them cOmments arOund elsewhere??*


Yikes! Many women wish for this (:raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman:) be careful what you wish for!


I’m right in the same boat with you and completely understand yes it is annoying. It is a form of sexual abuse when they are grabbing your body parts without consent. I finally went to a counsellor and spoke with police about it and yes it sexual abuse. I came home and told my husband that and he has since quit and started asking for permission before touching me.


I’m confused…
You’re mad your partner is telling you he finds you attractive?

People moan when their parents don’t and now it’s an issue when they do. Can’t win :joy:


Or you could have to beg for nice comments and get this bs


I’m going to go the opposite of most of these people commenting, and not bash you for this question. But instead ask, are you uncomfortable with your body possibly, and hoping to not draw attention to what YOU don’t like?? Do you maybe not get enough time to yourself and feel like when he gives you these compliments he’s just hinting around for sex and feel upset? And I also have to ask the biggest question, are you actually still attracted to him and enjoy sex with him?? :thinking:

Nah girl. You’re not crazy for thinking like that. Sometimes as women you just don’t wanna be sexualized, and you don’t wanna be seen as a “sex toy” that they can touch and grope and play with at all times. It comes down to wanting to be seen as a human not just a play thing. Take some time with yourself and learn your own boundaries for that and then sit him down and explain them to him.

Men don’t get it that these are not necessarily compliments. Just sit n have a gentle talk with him about your feelings. See if it helps😊

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Um embrace the compliments. He loves you and is showing you his way


:scream:You should feel beautiful, admired, wanted, sexy,…
… Most men once married, give up on the attention and affection. He obviously loves you very much. Age doesn’t matter. If your husband loves and adores you. Let him.


Makes you feel like an object and not a person. My ex was like that, it turned me off and grossed me out. I told him I felt like just another hole he could f*ck, and I was right. I know what love is now, and what he fed me was not love.

WOW. Sorry but yes, you AITA here!!


The feeling you are going through could be part of peri-menopause. Maybe talk to your dr.

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Are you feeling over sexualized? I would just talk to him. Explain you appreciate the compliments but you want him to compliment you in other ways too. Not just your body parts. Just be open w him, it doesn’t have to be a fight lol.


If he didn’t do that it’d be complaining that he don’t. Be thankful?

Agree it can be too much sometimes.

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Be thankful… Bc if he wasn’t doing it u would be pissed and hurt! SMH


What exactly do woman want? This right here is exactly why relationships don’t work or last… No relationships last in today’s time


For everyone that’s saying ohhh you should be grateful? Why? Bc you supposedly would be? If a man (husband, boyfriend, etc) is ONLY complimenting you on your body, it does get old. We like being complimented, but ffs compliment us on something other than our bootys or tiddies…compliment us on dinner, or something we thought of/figured out, or even just a nice dress that we put on. Yes, it’s nice to know that your significant other is still physically attracted to you, but there’s gotta be more than just the physicality of it


You’re crazy. You’re lucky to have a man that loves you, likes to be playful with you, and enjoys your body so much.


I would give anything for my husband to be like that with me. Enjoy it because it can change real fast trust me.


I’m the same way!! It gets annoying

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Tell him thank you but can you please pick something different to compliment cause I’m starting to think you only want me for my boobs and ass. I had to tell my husband that its nice to know he likes mine but I don’t think you(him) like anything else about me…sometimes you have to be blunt. Maybe give him only two comments about his body see if he gets the hint

I get that every day from my fiancé and honestly I love it :heart:

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My husband is the same way, and I love him for it. I’m not by any means a beautiful woman but he makes me feel that way everyday


Men are visual and he loves you… Do not dismiss that. Take it as a complement and get the hell over your mind set. What if he died tomorrow or today? Trust me I know. And of course he could find a women that would love that. Your choice , but don’t be a fool.

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Yes. Yes you are in reference to AITA.

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Would you rather be ignored?




Are you serious I wish this

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Yes…yes you are the a*shole!

Maybe you are mad because you want compliments that have more substance than just looks? Like “I appreciate you” or “Your mind amazes me”? I think it’s worth getting to the bottom of the irritation yourself then having a convo with him.

I wish my man looked and said these things to me all the time. Idk what you’re complaining about so much.


It’s so sad to be in a marriage where your significant other is unattracted to you and doesn’t give attention. Count your blessings.


Yeah I’m premenopaused" you know we tent to say menopause is pausing men out especially if we feel disrespected by men!