’m trying to figure out if I am the one who has a problem or if my feeling towards this is legitimate here… I love my husband, I do, But every single day he has to either make a comment about how good my butt looks in my leggings or how he loves my boobies etc… he tells me constantly how attracted he is to me. I try to take it as compliment but I’m struggling here. I was washing the pots the other day and he grabbed my butt and it made me mad… I try to be nice and play it off but it’s infuriates me!!!Don’t get me wrong when it comes to sex if I don’t want to give it to him he will not try to push any further and I am thankful for that!!!but every frikking day the comments on my body!!! I just get so annoyed(especially more so now I’m pre-menopausal) this evening he saw me change in the bedroom into my pajamas and he happened to see my boobs out… he then said… Ooh boobies… and I replied with “You’re not 15 anymore stop it”. He got offended and after dinner he went to bed.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. AITA for getting mad at my husbands compliments?
be grateful you get compliments from your hubs & loves you… alot if women don’t get any of that, ever…
I’d be offended to? He’s just tryna compliment you. Careful or he’s gonna stop all together
You should be happy he’s still so into u like that. Rare these days. My husbands the same done bother me at all lol
My husband does this and I love that he tells me regularly that he still finds me sexy. Is there maybe a different reason this is bothering you?
Maybe try talking to him about how his comments make you feel. Explain to him what’s going on. He can’t read your mind love, you need to communicate with him.
I’m not a fan of being objectified either! If he only sees butts and boobs that’s how it feels.
Be appreciative that he still finds you that attractive
Lots of women crave that kind of attention.
Be glad he still compliments you!!
It’s annoying when they do that.
No, she shouldn’t be happy. It makes her uncomfortable.
Sounds to me like you’re the problem smh he’s your HUSBAND don’t be such a prude and be thankful he’s still attracted to you.
He could be saying this to other females… be glad it’s you!
Hahaha I swear I have heard it all now.
I think you are over reacting. Even though men age thier minds and sex drive doesn’t mean he is 15. Be grateful he compliments you and doesn’t look elsewhere.
Let em go. He’ll compliment another woman that’s grateful for his love and affection.
Had this yesterday with my one! Randy old git he is!
Sounds like ur a prude ungrateful wife. Wish i got that
Girl, stop. For real.
pfft wish my partner would give me compliments on a daily lol. Least he still does.
That’s the kind of attention most woman crave and definitely deserve from their husbands/SO be grateful he’ obviously loves the heck out of you
Need to find a happy medium. If he didn’t compliment you at all, you’d still be mad.
Talk to him about how it feels overwhelming sometimes and ask him to space the compliments out
I could never date/marry you I do the same thing to my wife
she also does it to me
you’re offended because he finds you attractive and tells you? I think you need to figure out what the deeper issue is here. Why does it bother you that your husband is attracted to you?
Encourage him to compliment you about something other than your body sometimes to spice it up.
Honey be glad he is like that!!! So many women wish they had that!!!
Yeah your the asshole in the wrong be happy and grateful he’s attracted to you in every way still but keep being way you are towards him and he will end up taking those compliments to someone else that ain’t you
Umm. Why would you be upset about your husbands complements? This doesn’t make any since.
Be glad its you and not another woman
Damn i wish mine still did that
I think I see what you mean, you want compliments on something other than JUST your body. I think instead of admonishing him the way you did, tell him you LOVE how much he loves your body, but that you would also appreciate if his compliments didn’t ONLY involve your physical self. Try to approach it that way.
I am currently at the beginning stages of a divorce after 10 years of marriage where none of this happened.
I would have killed for my husband to say HALF the stuff yours does!
Oh my. I can see how it would get annoying, but try to be happy that he finds you attractive!
Girl! Be grateful he’s still attracted to you.
WTF. What the ACTUAL F. How dare he be sexually attracted to you and showing you the attention most women crave from their spouse. You’re right. This is grounds for divorce. It must be so annoying for your husband to rave over your body. I feel terrible for you. Find you a good, non-attentive a$$hole to replace him. That should help.
I actually legitimately feel bad for your husband.
That’s so nice he compliments you all the time and makes you feel wanted and attractive.
A key to a lasting relationship is goofing around together and still being attracted to each other after so many years.
I would be so grateful if I were you.
I’d love if I had that attention
Girl, be glad he’s saying it to you & not to someone else, seems to me, you’re the one with the problem…
Lol do you not like him?
Everyone saying to be grateful she gets those compliments, she doesn’t like it and is entitled to feel how she does. Maybe she doesn’t want to be seen as a piece of meat by her husband.
You’re entitled to feel however you like about it, but maybe sit down with hubby and explain you don’t like it, and why.
Odd one out here…but I’m the same way thankfully I’m on a new antidepressant that makes me less irritable.
Seriously. I get why, but hes obsessed with you. Hard to come by sometimes. I would feel lucky.
Maybe you’re feeling objectified talk to him about it.
Your lucky. My husband died last yr and I miss all his compliments and everything I would get annoyed about is now only a memory. Enjoy it while you can.
That’s a compliment in my eyes. He wants you and is attracted to you. He could totally ignore you …. I’d love a man all up on me
lol be grateful for what you for while you have it
You must not realize how fortunate you are to have a husband who’s still very attracted to you.
I wish my husband would do this…
Yeah dude mine used to be like this, now I don’t even get compliments, let alone feel desired at all. But definitely take the time to talk about it so you two can come to an agreement or compromise
Sounds like grounds for divorce. I can’t imagine anything worse than a husband who constantly reassures you that you’re the one. Better get your head out of your ass before he sends those compliments to someone more appreciative.
It seems like you’re feeling sexually harassed by your husband. If that’s the case then I suggest some therapy to figure out why that is. Is this new behavior or his normal behavior that’s just started bothering you. Hormones could be a factor.
At least you get compliments and attention!!!
If that’s the only thing he compliments you on I can see how that would get annoying.
I think It absolutely disgusting! After a while, those are not just comments.
You definitely got the problem. You should appreciate that he is attracted to you and gives you compliments.
So u would rather not get complimented or touched? Just so u know u sound ridiculous . U better appreciate him before someone else does .
This page baffles me literally every single day
I feel like at least your husband is trying to look at you and loves and wants you! You know how many of these posts are about men not wanting their women???
In the off chance this is a legit post…
Perhaps he wrote in to a Dad or husband group with the complaint that “While I love my wife more than anything, and I want to still be physical with her and make her happy and all that, she is always rebuffing me. What can I do to make her see that I still find her very attractive and she turns me on, even though we’re getting a bit up there in age?”
To which people replied with, “Compliment her! Tell her she looks good! Make passes at her!”
If you are revolted by the touch of your husband, it’s you. You need to see a doctor about those hormones if you are pre-menopausal. Or you really need to take a step back and analyze your feelings and relationship. A guy, no matter what his age, is going to take notice if there’s boobies in the room. 15 or 50. Doesn’t matter! And the fact that he is still taking notice of yours is a good thing in your marriage. You need to talk to your doctor to see if it’s hormonal or something.
Ummmm. Why did you marry him if you didn’t want to have a husband that is attracted to you and compliments you? I’m so confused. This seems so backwards.
This is something MOST of the women wish for. Compliments. My hubby is the same way, I like it, because at least he’s letting me know he likes what he sees. (Even though I’m quite sure he’s very blind. Lmaoooo)
At least he’s not saying that to some other chick. And ignoring you.
Smack him on his ass back, and grab hard as you pull your hand away. Eventually, maybe he’ll stop that…downside for you, he might get turned on by that. Lol
My kids father is like that to everyday he does it ! And sometimes it’s so annoying because either does is front of the kids and I hate that , or also wen he makes me mad for not doing something I asked him to do . So now he understands that . So he kind of stoped
Crap I wish I could get mine (boyfriend) to say more things like that.
Maybe because you’re missing intimacy and compliments beyond the physical
This just makes me feel bad for your husband.
Hopefully you don’t push him away by being annoyed.
People are so fucking rude on this page good grief
Man. I would have killed to know my ex was that attracted to me. Count your blessings. At least you know he 100% is attracted to you.
Might be a cover up. Or he might be trying to make you feel good.
I think everyone’s love language is different. His may be physical touch and yours isn’t. I’m the same way I actually totaly relate to the annoyance of it BUT it’s his way of showing love and I think talking to him about it and letting him know you’d prefer if he’d scale it back a bit.
I know this feeling all to well , they think they are being sweet and it makes us feel like a piece of meat
Most of you women are just plain toxic
NO ONE needs to be grateful or accept things that make them uncomfortable
Like what is wrong with you people?
“Most women would love it”
So fucking what?
“At least your husband shows you attention”
And? There is such a thing as too much attention
Not her fault YOU chose a crappy partner
I totally get how you feel. He sounds just like my husband. I appreciate my husband saying things like that but the same thing all the time, switch it up some complement me on other things. I want to be loved for more than just my body. Especially when he knows how I feel about my body.
Tbh I want this in my relationship always
He wants you and loves you no different from the beginning and not all guys do that
U should b thankful he loves your body and that he is not looking elsewhere.
Mine does this all the time, I may not always feel like I agree with his compliments but they do make me feel loved. I find it reassuring that he still finds me attractive.
I think in your hormones being out of wack. He love you and finds you attractive. Take it as a compliment. Maybe explain to him that your premenopausal and his comments alget to differently these days and if he could just dial it back a little.
That’s his love language. That’s how he’s showing you he loves you. Don’t deny him that, then problems will really start. Maybe talk to him and work through it together. And if your husband can’t keep his hands off of you and is so attracted to your body like that, enjoy it!
Yeah you have the issue…may be premeno but id kill for compliments…he could totally ignore u and not be attracted to you…imagine how youd feel then girl
My boyfreind does the same thing, not going to lie sometimes when I’m trying to have a serious conversation with him it’s annoying as hell but I honestly would have him look at me and compliment me than another woman. It’s his way of appreciating you and your body and almost every man does this. They are men and it’s natural for them to appreciate your body! If you can’t handle it then maybe you should be single for awhile until you figure out how you can handle it instead of taking something that is natural for all men to do… out on him
Is it possible you’re resentful in another area of your marriage and it’s affecting your reactions towards him? Maybe get some good counsel and figure out the root cause behind your feelings.
Based just on what you’ve said, It seems he is trying to be affectionate and positive towards you, and it’s possible that words of affirmation aren’t your love language, so it’s bothering you, especially if you may not be receiving the love language that actually speaks to your heart.
Now may be the best time to figure out your love language and have a healthy discussion with him about what speaks to your heart.
Then try to allow him to express his love language his way also. He also may need some words of affirmation from you. Maybe he’s giving what he wants back? Good luck!
Well as I am I try to make it my goal to be literally obsessed with my significant other and I can understand it making one feel objectified, but my brother and I are the exact same way in our relationships
Lord have mercy
For Pete’s sake be glad he’s that into you!
My husband does this sometimes and I absolutely love cause I really hate my body but he loves it!
I believe at this point it just how he is, talk to him about toning it down a notch maybe
I’ve been with my husband for 22 years now 150 pounds heavier then when I met him and 4 kids later he still is this way. I accidentally move in the night and touch him he’s ready to pounce on me. I cannot get changed around him I can not even bend over around him. He is more in love with me now then he was 22 years ago. Lol he’s almost 60 years old now bahaha I thought it would have slowed down by now but nope he does it more now lol
So,….what’s the problem again? Lol
you made him upset bc he loves you?
Dude. I wish my fiancé was like that.
You’re so lucky to have a man that always tries to make you feel desired, instead of making you feel insecure about him rather looking at other women.
I’m going through the exact thing! I feel like he is being fake to get sex most times. Example: he sees some hot eye candy on tv or his phone and as I walk by he’ll say something vulgar or grabs on me. I’m hoping it’s the hormones and it’ll pass cause I love my husband also. I wanna make him happy but I think I’m broke🙄
What the hell is wrong with you??
Um….is she serious?? How about a “Thank you, honey!” The alternative is that he wouldn’t pay attention to you at all and then you’d be wondering what was wrong with you and mad that he never compliments you. I swear we women can’t decide what we want sometimes. 
Wow you sound like a total Yes you’re the A.
OMG you have a man that loves you and your body! My boyfriend compliments me all the time and I freaking love it! My ex sure didn’t and he was always telling me how fat I was and etc.
I can relate to this. There are sometimes I’m working around the house like in the yard and I’m totally in my masculine energy and then they say something sexual and I’m like, I’m not trying to be sexy right now, and im trying to get this task done, so why dont u just help me and then after i shower and put some smelly good lotion you can talk to me like that. And I’ve always thought I was weird for being like that.
I WISH my ex was obsessed like this with my body
Honestly that’s nice that he compliments you each day but I can understand where you are coming from. Have you recently had a conversation with him about how if he is going to compliment you, you’d like him to change things up and compliment OTHER aspects about you that he likes? Like your eyes, your smile, your intelligence, etc. i would start there!
Wow I feel really sorry for your husband. He should be turned on by your your his wife. Be grateful he’s attracted you and not out looking at other women.