AITA for getting mad at my husbands compliments?

Wow soak it up, what a great way to compliment you


Be thankful I wish I had that


Idk my fiance and I have been together for alksot 5 years and I enjoy when he compliments my body. Especially after 2 kids… the fact that he still wants a desires you is good in my opinion. If you don’t feel comfortable tho I would definitely talk to him and make sure his romance is at the same level.

I mean he is showing you how much he is still attracted to you which is a good thing. I do understand getting kinda aggravated when you are constantly being pawed at and being leered at but without having a conversation with him about why you feel like you do, he isant gonna know bc he’s not a mind reader. I do think that its very good to have your man still fawn over you and it’s way better than having him ignore you

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Wow…yeah, you’re definitely the asshole

Everybody’s feelings are important. But damn he is so into you and not looking elsewhere- that’s a blessing. You said your pre menopausal so everything probably irritates you. Don’t complain when he starts to think your being a moody cow and stays away…

My spouse does something similar. I think it’s his way of showing love. I’d rather him tell me I’m pretty or a kiss and a hug then being felt up. My spouse feels me up and gets his feelings hurt if I don’t convey I like it. I worry about the kids walking in the room most of the time and I don’t feel comfortable with it. Maybe just try to find a balance or compromise. :heart:


Wow and your mad at him why you should be lucky he still interested in you he has every right to be mad


Yeah. You’re TA. I get not wanting to be sexualized and maybe being uncomfortable with sexualized compliments so maybe you can talk to him about what he’s saying and how it makes you feel. But honestly, he’s trying to show you he still has a sexual attraction to you and maybe trying to get a spark back. If you have no connection to him and it’s starting to feel like a roommate atmosphere there will potentially be more issues down the road than him just making sexualized comments.


You should start saying the same to him on the regular that’s what he is waiting for


I felt like this my whole life! Especially about my ass. I don’t have a husband but I have made it clear to my fiancé that he can say my ass looks great but if that’s all that he’s attracted to then we have no more time together. I made sure he knew it was a turn off for me. I think maybe u jus need to express urself in a calm talking tone. Good luck chicky

Um is this real. You’re lucky af don’t take that shit for granted

Some people in these comments not realizing there is a difference between real compliments and just being sexualised. I’m sure if OPs husband said wow you’re beautiful/smart/caring it would be a different story; but having someone touching or making sexual comments about your body can be wildly uncomfortable


Oh shut up, who you trying to fool your just bragging…

No one wants to feel they are little more than body parts.

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Mine does this too I feel the same as you I just bite my tongue and say nothing

FFS how are you gonna be annoyed that your husband likes your body so much he compliments you every day. Yeah you’re TA :woman_facepalming:


Honestly you are the ahole, you should be grateful your husband makes you feel attractive and is that attracted to you…


Wow!and you are complaining??? You just don’t realize how lucky you are!!!


Continue being annoyed by him showing you affection and going you compliments he will eventually give up and think how you would feel then.


Don’t listen to anyone saying you should be thankful. If you don’t like it YOU DONT LIKE IT. You’re allowed to have likes and dislikes, however instead of snapping at him I would suggest having a conversation with him. Tell him you don’t like it, he can’t know how you feel if you don’t tell him.

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You’re upset because your husband is attracted to you and makes sure you know it?! YTA


I don’t understand why your husband being super attracted to you would ever be a problem? My husband tells me all of the time how beautiful I am and how good I look, as do I with him. We both touch each other’s bodies all of the time. We have been together for 13 years and I absolutely love the fact that we’re both still insanely attracted to one another. So I cannot relate


No I get this. But for me sometimes I feel like crap and I know I look like crap and I’m like Stahhhhhhhppppppppppppppp

Sit down and talk to him about how you feel about the things he is doing

It sounds like you are annoyed vs. Angry.
Maybe talk to him about HOW he compliments you. Let him know that you are feeling over sexualized. You’d prefer compliments like
“you look very nice in that outfit today”
or “your hair is very pretty”
or “that decision you made today was very smart”
or “I think it was very brave to ___”.
Also, let him know that it may just be hormonal and not actually a resentment but you are feeling this way and need him to stop.
He may be looking to 'spice things up so if it’s the wrong way, let him know what will work! Maybe it’s a date night or chipping in on a chore he doesn’t normally do, buying your favourite wine/dessert, or even giving you space.
Don’t forget to ask what he needs too.
You’ve got this! Just communicate about it no matter how uncomfortable.

Just be glad he still notices and admires you!


You are over reacting so bad. Like wow. Most women would die for this attention. I do t know why you get mad. Id laugh with him and bounce them some lol. Take a chill pill honey.


You’re ta. You’re really out here mad that your husband is attracted to you, and genuinely paying attention and complimenting you. Yikes


Communication is the key.

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He still desires you that’s great but tell him you’re uncomfortable 1st of all second of all he’s got a butt and balls and nipples beat him at his own game when he does it to you you do it back or just randomly he will get annoyed faster than you ever did and hopefully he see how annoying it is for you I would bust in on him in the bathroom and say Look at the meat and 2 veggies on this guy smack his ass and leave I’m petty and have a sense of humor it helps​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Wow… :woman_facepalming:t4::rofl: you must not know how luck you are, smh…


Be glad he finds you attractive. I work my ass off in the gym and i don’t get constant compliments or noticed.

If I were you i would rather he say something positive about my body (like he has been) then negative. But if it urks you then talk to him

Yea there is something wrong with you being upset about it

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I feel this! Sometimes when they only comment on physical and a lack of complimenting anything else, it’s hard. Makes you feel like a piece of meat.


well my hubby used to just fondle me a little aggressively whenever he wanted, you know grab my boobs and etc. It was fun for a while but It was so much that it started to feel like sexual harassments lol I told him and he stopped. It is possible to feel this way even with your significant other. He understood and now keeps his hands to himself . I think I would have felt the same way with only comments. I am not just a piece of meat you know.

Woooooooooow. He deserves better :rofl:


Anything too excess Can be annoying But personally I’ll take all the compliments I can get


:woman_facepalming:t2: I feel for him! How about appreciating your husband loving you, noticing you, and giving you compliments?!:woman_shrugging:t2:


I don’t see anything wrong with it my husband does it ! Alot lol but we do it to each other but we also give other compliments like what he is wearing or him saying I smell good. Girl be glad he is still into you but just sit down and tell him how you feel in a nice way !!

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Omg lady, I bet if you were in a marriage with some guy who showed no love for your body you’d complain about that too. Geezzz. Be grateful that he obviously adores you and thinks your stunning. Are you sure your even attracted to him?!

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Don’t blame him for going to bed


I would appreciate the fact that he loves you& wants you because he can just as easily find it elsewhere. My husband does the same everyday & I love it. I have horrible self esteem & it makes me feel good & loved. Especially after having 2 kids & my body just isn’t the same anymore.

I am 67. There will come a time when you would give almost anything for your man to see you as desirable. Enjoy it while you can!


Please tell me this is a joke please!!!

Yeah. It’s you :grimacing::woman_shrugging:t3:

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N he’ll be looking somewhere else


I think it’s the way he compliments her. It’s more raunchy as opposed to being complimentary. Maybe that’s what upsets her.

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I would love for my man to do that! You’re complaining your husband COMPLIMENTS YOU!!! You should feel lucky. But be careful what you wish for cause one day he may stop and it’ll make you wonder… trust me

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Damn it’s you it’s all you , most people like affection and flirting from their spouse , most complain they don’t get it and here u are complaining that ur husband loves u and fines u so attractive that he shows you in a daily basis :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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Is the issue that he ONLY compliments you on your body? If so, that would drive me nuts, too.


I do not think you are overreacting. It doesn’t seem like a compliment or affection when it is constant. When I am just trying to change and he makes comments like “I see your boobies” it does feel like you are dealing with a gawking teen. If it bothers you then you are not being over sensitive. Just because he is your husband doesn’t mean you should just deal with so many “compiments” if you don’t like it. I know it sounds great to others but I understand how you are feeling and it is valid to be upset.

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Yep. You’re TA in this situation

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So…despite what this awful comment section is saying you’re 100% valid in not wanting to be endlessly felt up and constantly have your body commented upon.
I also get the vibe that it was like a minor annoyance that you’ve just put up with for so long that the pressure has built up so to speak…hence the snapping.
If he’s half decent then just set him down and have an adult Convo about it. Maybe a butt slap every now and then is ok…but not every day. Maybe he could make an effort to compliment more than your body. Maybe next time he’s all like BOOBIES you can feel relaxed enough about it to wiggle them about before putting your shirt on bc he’s put effort into acknowledging more than your body
Idk the exact Convo but I think you get the idea.

It seems like you dont think he is being sincere and being hormonal you atectaking his actions wrong. Talk to him tell him how you are feeling ask what else he loves about you. Tell him what you live about him he may also be fishing for complements with wanting to know if you still find him sexy.

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I don’t understand this. He’s attracted to you and loves to let you know. I think it boils down to how you feel about yourself. I think that his admiration/feels about you should be taken with great consideration as a compliment. But if it also hurts your feelings, maybe explain it to him versus slapping his hand away.

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Honestly if that’s the worst thing he does I think I’d let it go. I will say if you’re doing something it can be startling to have someone come up behind you and grab your ass when you least expect it. But I think it’s his way of saying he still finds you attractive and loves you. Not all marriages are like that, far too often I see wives saying their husband doesn’t make them feel attractive and they worry their husbands have lost interest.
I would probably explain to him that when you’re doing something like dishes it can be frustrating when he does that or maybe that you feel like he only appreciates you for your looks and not who you are.
And as far as going to bed I’m sure he probably felt discouraged and frustrated too and his response was to go to bed. Being upset is exhausting especially when you don’t understand why the person is mad at you.

It sounds like you and your husband speak different love languages. Are you an asshole for being annoyed at his expressions? Debatable. Are you an asshole for not communicating the ways that make you feel loved so he can work on them? Probably.

Wooooow girl you need to check yourself, he’s meaning all his comments and grabbing your butt as a compliment. :woman_facepalming:t3: There’s definitely something wrong with you if him grabbing your butt makes you made.

I wish my husband told me he liked my boobs or butt and just randomly grabbed them :roll_eyes:

I only get negative comments about my hair or the clothes I wear. How much weight I need to lose. But then he wants me to be intimate with him. Everything is about butts and boobs like a 12 year old boy. He admires other women. The first question he will ask if I mention a woman is if she is hot. You can’t tell me I’m ugly & fat but still want sex. I have no desire to be with you after you treat me the way you do. I get it…everything being of a sexual nature sucks.

So my now ex fiancé used to do this, I got overly tired of it too. Honestly, I feel like it makes the compliments less special. I was only 24 and annoyed when mine acted like this. I started to feel uncomfortable even just changing in front of him. (Tho he would actually try for more all the time too) I wish I could say what the reason I got truly annoyed was, your feelings are valid, but also try to figure out why it’s annoying you

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you are being silly I consider that love talk!

Be happy hes doing it to you and not someone else. Ungrateful.

Your husband is complimenting you and that’s an issue? He’s going to start giving those compliments to someone who appreciates them. Good luck.


I would be super appreciative, honestly.

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I think a lot of women would love to be you. They crave attention from their husbands. Maybe have a long conversation and ask him to dial it back a little. Have a long conversation with yourself as to why it bothers you more than it should.

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I definitely feel u I love my husband but he does this stuff to and once in awhile cool but it does get annoying I do the same and try and play it off but it gets to be to much

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I understand not wanting your butt touched, everyone has their own touch preferences. I don’t understand why this bothers you though. Have you asked yourself why it bothers you so much? Maybe you have some self love you should be working on? If there’s anyone we should be able to take unlimited compliments from it’s our partners. He isn’t being unhealthy about it he just wants to worship you. I don’t think he’s the problem.

Be glad he’s enjoying the scenery and menu at home not outside the home! Girl relish in that! I’d be playing trying to entice him more! You do know 1,000s of women seek that right? All our bodies might not be what we want but if it what he want… enjoy it!


thank God he cares so much

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Sometimes you just can’t win with woman lol. If your husband isn’t your number one fan you have the wrong guy. So with that being said take the compliments because if they stopped you would feel he didn’t love you like he used to etc. Stop acting 15 like you told him.


You seem like a blast in the bedroom :rofl:


I completely understand what she’s saying and where she’s coming from. Too much sexual based type of attention can absolutely be TOO MUCH and leave you exhausted and infuriated. Especially when it isn’t coming from a place of love and adoration, but instead just an overly lustful person making you feel like a piece of meat. Pay NO attention to the people who don’t understand what that feels like.


You are the AH, tell him what about it is upsetting you lately… maybe seek counseling for yourself? I get the constant body comments is tough when you don’t hear the non-body specific comments. Maybe you are just feeling like a piece of meat? Tell him you appreciate his compliments but you’d like to hear more non-body comments as well.

Really though? You’re annoyed with your husband complimenting your body “too much”. you could be with a man that doesn’t look at or want to touch your breasts or look at you when you’re naked or even notice when you are. There are men out there like that I can assure you. and after awhile being with someone who doesn’t notice you will eventually have you feeling really unattractive and you’ll start questioning the relationship. Maybe try looking at it from a different perspective :person_shrugging:

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I’m not understanding this like it seems like he’s very much physically attracted to you and as a woman who is 42 I hope that my husband still wants me that way years later
I’m not understanding I do get that it might be annoying sometimes but I want my man to lust after me and only moi absolutely so I’m not understanding this I’m sorry


Sorry can’t agree with you on this! He loves you,he’s there WITH you, not out running around, try making a date for an evening, talk to each other, Get the old spark lit again! I can understand if once in a while you’re overtired, stressed out but not day in day out! Count your blessings!

would you rather him look at other boobs and butts and make compliments to their owners??? That’s what might happen if you continue pushing him away

I think you’re right in my story Oh my God… It’s the same damn thing in my house

Be glad he’s that into you and not someone else. I love when mine does this it makes me happy that he likes what he sees. Idk how that would be a bad thing.

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I understand how you feeling like a sex object and not a person or wife … What can I say men will be men

That’s his love language



I would think that most women would KILL for those types of compliments from their significant others!

You should be happy he finds you so sexy/attractive and isn’t looking elsewhere. He focuses his attention on YOU and seems to genuinely feel that attraction.


You have a right to be offended. He is reducing you to his sexual desires. You are human and deserve to be loved and wanted for who you are, not how select parts and pieces make his pp feel.


Yeah I think your marriage will fail if you are not willing to find a solution

Pfffff I’m sorry but wow… please just enjoy the compliments !!!

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Im going to preface this with that I am EXTREMELY grateful my husband still is attracted to me, even after how much my body had changed after 3 kids.

But….I’m going to be the odd one out here. You’re not a asshole. I feel the same way sometimes. I don’t like feeling like I’m constantly sexualized. Because it makes me feel like it’s the only thing he’s sees me for. (Not saying that’s his intentions, but it’s my feelings in response to his actions) And another thing is, I’m a SAHM. I have 5 kids constantly with me non stop. And 2 with me during the school year. Sometimes by the end of the day, I’m tired, frustrated, and touched out from all the kids.

It doesn’t make you a asshole. Your feelings are yours, and not wrong. Feelings can’t be wrong, but perceptions and assumptions can be.

I think you should sit down and explain how it makes you feel. And let him know you appreciate his admiration, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. And that it happening less often would be less frustrating to you.

Communication is key. Good luck! :heart:

I suppose everyone is just different, there’s no right or wrong way, simply what you’re comfortable with :woman_shrugging:t2: I struggle with insecurities, especially my body, so I love it when my husband compliments me. It makes me feel sexy and it helps reassure me that he’s still just as attracted to me as ever.

Normally with alot of porn viewing men start looking at their wives like this … They don’t value the love anymore and focus on lust instead.

I wish my husband was like this!!U r blessed :heart:

I get aggravated too sometimes.its nice but we’re not born in the mood.not every time you lay eyes on us is a time to grab us or say something corny :rofl::person_facepalming:

My husband has the same “love language” he’s not a cuddly guy unfortunately. It’s how mine expresses he loves me I guess lol :laughing:

Wow I would personally love that.


I know where the woman is coming from. It’s nice to have compliments on the body… but every single day. All day? What about complimenting her sense of humor… her personality. A relationship isn’t just about looks… Sometimes it can make a woman feel like that’s all you want her for is the body of that is all you compliment her on…


I would kill to have a man that did that.


And you have a problem why?

Maybe she wants to hear more compliments about her personality…her accomplishments…some appreciation besides her body….


I think you have your answer, you’re pre menopausal and I hear that at times that could be worse than when you are in menopause. You could have mood swings, your hormones could be imbalanced. I would sit and reflect on why I’m feeling that way towards my husband and then explain how I’m feeling and let him know it’s not him. I’m going to guess that you may not feel as confident in yourself or your self esteem may be low.