AITA for not wanting to pay my boyfriend to build a computer for my son?

I have been seein this guy i am with for a bout a year…i asked him to build a computer for my son if i got all the parts…(he does this for a living) he agreed…and then said it would be $75 an hour for him to do this…i already spent 1300 on all the parts for him and hes still asking for money from me to put it together and i feel this is unfair considering we live together and he should be doing my a favor…AITA…he seems to thinmk i am


Immm no you aren’t, if he wanted to be paid for it, he should have said that up front, and saved you from spending all that money on parts and you could have just bought a computer

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. AITA for not wanting to pay my boyfriend to build a computer for my son?

I’am making over $145 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19760 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>

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I personally think he is an AH. who tf makes their spouse pay for thier work, especially that high of a price.


Uh If you bought all the parts he can fuck off. You’ve been in a relationship for awhile. He shouldn’t want to be paid for time for doing something for your child.

I’am making over $145 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19760 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>


I don’t think so, and in my opinion it kind of tells me that he doesn’t really care about your son all that much


Yes, you’re the ass. You asked him, he didn’t offer to do it. Just because you live together doesn’t mean he should have to spend however long it takes doing something for you for free. You should never ASSume that someone is doing something for you for free.

You are asking him to use his professional skills to your advantage. He should be paid for that, his skills are not free.


NTA. I think it’s a little weird he doesn’t want to do the favour for your son, he should want to. He could at least give you a discount lol


If he’s going to charge you for his time, start charging him for sex. He’s a total asshole and definitely not worth your time! Someone that loves you and cares about you isn’t going to charge for his “time”and if he does, leave his sorry ass.

Yeah actually. I’m a mechanic and I don’t fix my friends cars for free. If I did I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills. I find it extremely rude to take advantage of people’s time because they have a trade. Pay them for that knowledge or learn to build it yourself.

find a new bf,he sounds like ajerk


My dads a computer tech whenever I had a computer issue he’d take care of it no problem. Surprised your boyfriend wouldn’t wanna help you out.

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I mean I’d probably ask for money too tbh. It’s time consuming and not always the easiest thing to do putting it together properly. Go look to what someone else would charge. Also $1,300 is still really cheap for a pc. :woman_shrugging:t2:


R feels taken advantage of

That’s nuts. Don’t pay him. He is bf and you live together. I’m sorry but what an ah. :pensive:


Isn’t this the same post that said you guys were only together 4 months? Literally Posted the other day? How do you go from 4 months to know a year. I don’t think he’s an asshole and I would probably ask for the money too. You’re acting entitled. That’s not his son and you aren’t his wife. Yes, you are being the ass hole.

Sounds like a missed opportunity for them to bond. How cool would it be for them to do it together :blue_heart:


I’d be very offended if my live in boyfriend pulled some shit like that on me. What a jerk.

It would have been cheaper to buy a computer and not have to deal!


You’re other post says you have been together for four month’s. So, yes you should pay, just like the majority of the other post said.


Honestly I would be taken back if my husband asked me to pay him for using a skill that would save me money- theoretically saving us money. If your husband/boyfriend can build a deck or bake an awesome cake or lay carpet well and it could save us money if he does it…I would expect him to assist in our family financially. Will he charge you to put together toys for Christmas? Or a birthday present?


Wooooow. Some of these comments are ridiculous :unamused: you’re definitely NTA

Do you cook him dinner? Do his laundry? Bet he doesn’t contribute financially


I would Pay someone else to do it- before I paid him a penny!


I would think if it was a husband should do it for free but he’s just a boyfriend. I would imagine expecting a discount would be normal but expecting to get it for free, I don’t think so. He should have been upfront about it before you bought all the parts though.


Peace out … forget him if he lives in your house tell him to find a new place…

I’d go find someone else to do the job and pay them lmao


Wow what a douce he is

You spent $1300 on computer parts??? You could have purchased a brand new computer


Have it built pay him and then put him out


DNA computers on woodman call them

Tell him you found someone cheaper.


Assuming you cook, clean and do HIS laundry…does he pay you for that?


Next time he wants sex tell him 75 dollors an hour,see how fast he builds that computer then.

That’s a yikes. Mine put together a computer for my son while teaching my son how to do it. You need a new guy.


So, you’re wanting him to take unpaid time out of his work week to build it? Or unpaid and do it outside of work hours?
Did you ask him from the get go to do it as a favor? If that wasn’t communicated that’s where the misunderstanding came from :woman_shrugging:t2:


Your other post says you have been together 4 month’s


He does for a living so yes should pay but that’s me. I never ask anyone do anything for free for me.


He should do it for free.


Bruh ft me on messenger I got you all day shits mad east to put together like legos that are expensive

Get a whole new man . :woman_shrugging:t4:


It’s his job. Sleeping with him don’t mean he doesn’t still need to eat. Yes building a computer takes a lot of time. If you don’t wish to pay him you can go to someone else who may or may not be higher.

Weird he asks for full price like why nit a discount. But once again bs gotta be paid


He’s your boyfriend so no you shouldn’t be . When you come together in a partnership it’s becomes you both together and you help each other out as much as possible . I can’t even believe he’s asked you to pay him . I hope if he stays at your house you start charging him for staying there or if he asks you to nip to shop he pays you absolutely ridiculous


Start charging him for your services :woman_shrugging: £10 for dinner £5 for washing pots £10 for laundry etc… will soon balance itself out


If the agreement was that you “only pay for parts” that needs to be the case, as that’s what he agreed to do.
But if you said you’d pay him as if you were a customer, you need to pay him as if you were a customer, like you said you would.

Sounds more like roommates


As someone who also builds computers. It isn’t hard to assemble, LoL.
I personally don’t see why you would ask your SO for 75. :clown_face::grimacing:
And an Hr? Boy why would it take over an hr. :rofl::sweat_smile:


It’s a hard no for me. I would find a new boyfriend :expressionless:


Put on a YouTube video and do it yourself with your son make it an activity chances are he’ll jump in :joy: I promise it’s not hard


I feel like you are wrong for assuming he owes you something. He does it for a living and obviously not something he wants to do in his free time. I don’t know the dynamics of your relationship but I would say you two need to sit and discuss your expectations. Maybe don’t assume just because they are your partner that they owe you something.


Start charging him for everything u do for him


It sounds as though you just assumed your boyfriend would build your child a computer and that you didn’t feel as though you needed to ask…so you didn’t ask as much as you told
That for me would be strike one.
I wouldn’t put up with it.
Neither would you.

Given how much you spent on parts, you don’t want a run of the mill computer (those are half the price from the local department store). You wanted a specialized computer. That takes more skill and more time. By building that computer for your son may mean putting off other jobs or foregoing other things.
That for me would be strike two.
His time is valuable…but it goes beyond that. His time at home is his time away from work. Someone not understanding or caring about that would really bother me.
Would you want to come home and someone demand that you do your job for free in your off hours when you’re trying to relax?


Did he mention his hourly cost before or after? Cause if it was before and you still bought the parts with the thought of 'he should be doing me a favor because we live together and he’s my boyfriend" is toxic as hell. If he did it after, then he’s an asshole for not bringing this to your attention.

Sounds like he is struggling at his profession. I’d hire someone else and tell him that they had a better rate and came highly recommended.


I know can take fair time doing it as I’ve friends do it. So he’d be taking time out of work no pay or building in his own time no pay. I’m assuming you’ve not been together long though as I’d imagine if had bond with your kids he’d not Want paying as could be time with your kid doing it


Get an estimate from another technician and see whose cheaper. Take it to another professional if you are going to pay, then it will be done faster and he won’t benefit from your pocket. If he works a full time job and then comes home and works hours more doing what he gets paid to do all day long, then I would compensate him to a point. If the child is old enough to work, he should be paying for his skills, not you. If boyfriend is a couch potato that you are paying, with no real job, then start charging him for everything you do, take it out of his fee. Either way he sounds like a turd.

How old is the kid? How is his relationship with the kid? There’s a lot that’s missing to make a call on who is the AH here. If he is a “father figure” to this kid then yeah, he’s kinda an AH But if your kid is older or has a rough relationship with him I’m not surprised he would want reimbursed.

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Ditch the LOSER! Have your kid watch YouTube tutorials and build it himself! It’s really not as difficult as it seems.


Time for a new boyfriend


Was it communicated if he was doing it on the clock? Bc if it’s his job then that time would come out of his pocket. Building computers is tedious and time consuming.


Hire someone else to do it.

He’s being absurd and greedy. Don’t pay him a dime to build a computer. He should like/love you enough to build a computer. You two are in a relationship and living together. Don’t let yourself be robbed financially by this man about anything. So sorry he’s being so disrespectful of you.


Maybe he’s joking because he can do it in less then an hour. Tell him you’ll make him a nice dinner in lieu of payment.

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If you don’t want to pay him take it somewhere else then and pay somebody else.


If he does it for a living, he’s within his rights. Is he being a bit of a tool, yes.

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I’d be petty and start charging him for any housework that involves him like doing his laundry, washing the dishes he used, etc


Pay him. He will need the money when he moves out :v:t2:


If that’s his source of income and by taking your project on prevents him from taking on another than yes youre the a$#


I mean kinda? Ya it would be nice for him to do you a solid, but at the same time it hasn’t even been a year and that’s his job. It’s a jerk move, he has the right to choose it though. Especially if he needs some cash and knows it won’t take over an hour.

You’re also wrong though for expecting him to provide a service for free just because you’re in a relationship. I’m MARRIED and I still find ways to pay my husband for his fixes around the house. Sometimes I give him money, other times I make him a nice meal or a game. He doesn’t ask for it though so it’s a little different. Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean it isn’t work, and it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be paid in some way.

Entitlement is a plague, get rid of it. That isn’t an insult. We’ve all got work to do on ourselves. Your entitlement should be your next project, and he needs to work on his random acts of kindness.

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Takes a while for someone to teach a child to swim or ride a bike he going to bill you for that too?


Sorry, I’d be instantly turned off by this guy. A year with him and he treats it like a job… bye bye


Wait…u spent $1300 on parts for a Frankenstein machine?? Why???
When we made comps back in the day, it was partially to save money.

He would not be my boyfriend anymore


You are the a-hole, why would you assume he do it for free when it’s not his kid and y’all have only been together 1 year!! How dare you assume his time isn’t valuable. You can buy a laptop for $1300. Maybe he should give you a discount or the $75 an hour is the discount. But come on, people don’t work for free.


Depends on where he’s doing it at. If he’s doing it at home on his spare time hell no don’t pay him. But if he is doing it at his job using his works tools that’s probably why he has to charge you.


Yeah super not cool of the bf

Wow. The entitlement in this post and these comments. He isn’t required to do anything for you. If my partner was a mechanic or a laborer of any sort. I would never assume they should fix my car for free just cause they are sleeping with me. That’s messed up, selfish, and very unsupportive of their career.


:triangular_flag_on_post:He needs to go.
I have a lot more to say about it, but I’m gonna just leave it at that.


I had a boyfriend that did the same thing to me about a car. I was a single mom and needed the money when I sold the car. He wanted part of it. Needless to say I booted him to the road. He was willing to help me and never once asked for money. So my opinion if I have to pay you can leave that’s bs he asked that!!


He should at least do it for less money.


Ok so you live together no you probably shouldn’t need to pay him for the work but it also shouldn’t have to be something he rushes home to do especially since he does it for a living. On the other hand he needs to log his hours attached with labor and show you and the son what it cost for someone to do this service it will in the end make your son realize this is a labor of love and anyone else would have cost a fortune. If he still won’t compromise yep charge him for cleaning and cooking and all other maid services. Until he realizes that’s kinda dumb


When someone truly loves a person , things just naturally come from the heart. This isn’t a cousin or a brother or sister . While i am all about supporting everyones hussle , This is your live in partner. While I get that your son may not be his… you did the right thing by buying all the parts and not expecting him to just foot the bill. He should genuinely want to build this. Not around his work schedule but maybe on his free time .

Even if it takes longer than expected. It’s the fact that he has created a bond with you and your son . Don’t allow the disrespect. You and your son are worth much more and will eventually find what you guys deserve :heart: Best of wishes xoxox


Yep, YTA. He deserves payment for services rendered. Relationship doesn’t matter. This is his livelihood.


If he agreed to do it and then changed his mind and wanted money yh thats a bit of a dick move but tbh i wouldn’t of expected a boyfriend to do this if look into getting someone else to do it and pay them or learn how to do it yourself their are plenty of guides

My husband also does this for a living . He would never charge anyone in my family to put it together . He’s also put friends computers together for free. It’s not that time consuming if you know what you are doing . It’s gross he wants to charge you . My husband builds high quality gaming computers in less time than it takes me to do a load of laundry :rofl:


If he’s living with YOU then he should be wanting to do it for free. Kick his ass to the curb.

Yes. You’re a f.u.cking asshole. That’s his income. He has to take time, most likely out of his workday, to build your fatass son a computer. And it’s not even his kid. Gfy

I would say $75 an hour is pretty steep considering he is your bf but it depends if he is just doing it on his spare time or if he has to do this asap or at work. If this gets in the way of him making money then yeah I would offer something but to be honest I never would have spent that much on parts for a computer. Just return the parts and go buy something that is ready to go

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Dump his assAre you kidding me

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Why are most of the women up here that are giving relationship advice SINGLE?


Anyone saying YTA isn’t in any type of relationship I’d want to be in . Partners should be partners in all things.


Wow! He’s the A-hole!

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No lol. That’s not being a partner. You’re not a customer. That’s insane.


NOT AT ALL. According to your bfs logic apparently you should be charging him for your sexual services, cleaning services as well as cooking


Thats odd… especially if youve been together a while and live together. Its essentially just taking money away from something else in the household…


How about don’t give him any sex until it’s done

My husband has never let me pay for a single thing since the moment I met him!
If he asked for anything in return, it would be a back massage lol