AITA for not wanting to pay my boyfriend to build a computer for my son?

I get he does this for a living but I don’t see why he has to charge you so much after already spending that kind of money. At least give a discount to your significant other geez! My husband does all the maintenance on my car & has since we started dating-Never once charged me. I’d ask for a discount, if he can’t even give his GF of a year a discount then pay someone else & decide if your wanting a partner that’s not even going to consider helping his own love out.

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heck for $1300 you could have just ordered a great computer!


Charge him by the hour when ya cook fir him or his laundry or any other time spent on him.


Everyone sucks here tbh.


I just went on my local Craigslist services and without even reading the whole list found more than a dozen people who were $50 an hour or less with a 1 hour minimum, most computers are quick to assemble so dont get snowed

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There’s not enough information here for me to say

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Start charging him 75 dollars for pussy now.

I would write him a bill for everything you do for him then… y’all won’t last. I would also hire someone else to do it in that case


Pay someone else to do it and see how he feels. :woman_shrugging:


Ask him how long it would take for the computer. Down the last hour . Charge him 10$ an hour for the cleaning up after him , the meals and laundry done for him . Then tell him he can take it off the top .
Start charging him for laundry , cooking , and cleaning his mess .
Girl how does he treat your son ? Have you actually paid attention? Because if not willing to want to see that child smile there could be something wrong . I hope not , but there could be . I wouldn’t waste time with a :clown_face: like that .


Tell him yes , yes I’ll pay you, that’s fair, walk away,turn around really quickly and ask wait for how many hours? Agree again. Let me know how much I owe, when he gives you the hours, deduct meals, time in bathroom, glasses of water,

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You’re not, he is though! What kinda relationship is this! It’s not a transaction! Let me charge my husband for every hour I have carried our children, taken care of our child, done laundry, cooked, cleaned …… now how stupid does that sound!! Doesn’t seem like this guy is building a life with you seems like y’all are roommates! That’s the only way I’m charging somebody for something that I already know how to do but it would at least be at a discounted price if I was a roommate.

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Definitely not an a-hole! That would be like paying my husband(even when he was just my bf) to change the oil in my car or the tattoos he does on me.


I’d personally hire someone else to it.
Then I would neatly pack up all of his things, create and print him an invoice for packing and changing the locks. Then, I’d place the items and the invoice in front of the front door. If I was feeling particularly salty, I’d add cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc fees as well.

Detailed. Hourly. Rates.


I mean. You can start charging him for stuff you do for him. LoL. Not the A. The fact that he won’t invest his time in your child or you to do this, is a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: to me. :woman_shrugging:t4:


He is TA!! He should absolutely be doing this out of the kindness of his heart and his love for you.


Yea I think your being used . If he can’t do a kind thing for your child when he lives with him , you need to reevaluate your relationship.


How would he feel if you paid somebody else to build it? I’d mention this to him to see if he’ll reconsider. It could be his Christmas gift to your son


Sad. Run - if he lives w you and doesn’t think of your children as his- let him go. Not worth it!


I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13955 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitles


pay someone else to do it

WTF??? You could have purchased a gaming desktop for cheaper than that… also, what is his deal?


It’s fair lol you would have to pay someone else to do it. That is his job and it’s going to take away from him being able to work on other tasks. You can’t expect someone to give you they’re time and work for free and if it is a problem hire someone else and trust me they’ll rack up on you fr.

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Where r you located my husband builds computers,won’t charge you, depends how far you are…
He should not charge you, that’s bull crap, especially if you all been together that long, does he live with you…charge him…


I would tell him to go eff himself and pay someone else


Depends. How much is he paying in room and board?

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Kick him out. And stop moving bums in around your kids.


Seems like he doesn’t want to do it so he gave you that price knowing you won’t want to pay it.


A favor? He does this for a living. It’s NOT a one hr job. It takes a long time to build a computer. My brother and step dad both build them.

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what is AITA ?
yes he’s being a jerk

Y’all both wrong. You, for expecting him to work for free & him for not immediately referring you to someone else.


Tell him than cooking his meals is “x” amount .doing is laundry is “xx” amount next time he wants to"fool around"
It’s a $$$ minimum anything else is extra .he will get the message


ESH. He’s TA for charging family after agreeing to do it and obviously not mentioning his fees upfront. YTA for assuming that he (or any person for that matter) is willing to do what they do in their career in their spare time for free for you just because you want it. People do their jobs and work because they get PAID for it, not just because they can. Even if it were his hobby, he’s under no obligation to give away the fruits of his labor for nothing. If he had wanted to build the computer for your son in the first place, he’d have done it without you asking.


What was the original agreements? Or were you just assuming? I wouldn’t work for free either and I’d hope the ppl that love me would keep that in mind. At some point everyone would start expecting free sht if I do it once. At a discount, ok , but straight up free? No way.


You didn’t spend $1300 on the parts for him. You spent that for your son.


Yes, you are the asshole in this situation. His time and skill is worth money and computer builds are not easy or everyone, including you, could do it. Just because you are dating him, doesn’t devalue his time. You don’t support their business by asking for discounts, handouts and freebies; you support their business and their growth by paying them their value. If you valued and respected your boyfriend you’d value his talent, time and worth.

That’s shit that’s he charging you. I would kick him out and move on. If I was dating a mechanic and needed my brakes changed I wouldn’t expect to pay him to do it… you’re in a relationship and imo he should do it as a favor for you

Ummmm he lives with you??? No you should not pay him. He should want to help


I wouldn’t expect anyone to do anything for free unless they were the ones who offered. If I asked, I would expect to pay because the time he spends doing that, is time he could invest in a potential client.


You shouldn’t have to pay him but also if he really doesn’t want to do it, which sounds like he doesn’t, then ask him to refer you to someone else

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Depends how you look at it. It’s wrong for him to agree and not mention wanting to be paid until after you bought all the parts. But I think it was wrong to ask/expect that of him in the first place. That is his job but that doesn’t mean he wants to do it 24/7, especially on his own time and idk anything about computers but I don’t think it is a light task to completely build one from scratch. I think you both should have communicated better. He obviously wasn’t comfortable doing this as a favour and he should have been up front about that but on the flip side the way you approached it may have made him feel like he was unable to say no. My personal opinion I think it is wrong to expect a discount or to get services for free from someone just because of your relationship with them like that’s their business their income etc. idk just seems entitled.


I’m gonna go with he’s the asshole here simply because that is essentially supposed to be like his son/stepson that he is helping you raise in a father figure role
I don’t know a single father, stepfather, or husband that would charge their partner to do something for their child
If he doesn’t see your son as his own he shouldn’t be in your home

I think it is wrong . I wouldn’t be with a guy like that . My man has always done any and everything for my 2 sons (that I had when we met) from day one …going on 7 years and we wouldn’t have made it this far if he wasn’t so willingly involved with them as well

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He should have said in the first place he will not do it for free… it isn’t like building a computer is simple it is his job why would he want to do that in his FREE time for free…gotta see ware the guy is coming from…


Tell him to kick rocks! You do it yourself! It’s all plug and play and pretty easy to do… it can be done in less than an hour. Installing windows takes a little time but easy to do


My S\O built one for my son outta his own pocket and gave it to him for his birthday at this point with the upgrades we’ve done there is well over $1000 into his pc and he can do whatever he want’s and play ANY game (it’s a big deal) Way better than xbox for sure! It also depends on what he put in it! The prices went sky high with covid they are just now starting to go down. Even so still way costly. We have 3 built pc’s in our home and we all 3 game. Had to spend over a year paying for things just to make them happen. So yeah if he put in the types of things we did I can see it easily being $1300 or more to build. But being he is you bf he should cut you a break on that labor! The labor really isn’t that intensive making sure everything is properly running can be timely though. Go on youtube look up liustech (spelling) watch some videos do some homework on pc builds

I would be looking for another guy to assemble the computer I’d be shopping around and if he didn’t like it oh well you don’t want to do it I’ve already bought the parts so I’m looking for somebody to do it

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I’m not paying anybody I’m sleeping with for a thing. If that’s the case, charge for every meal you make, load of laundry washed, don’t loan money, and he can live somewhere else :woman_shrugging:t4:


How much are you charging him for sex per the hour? I’m sure you can work something out.

If you asked him to do it, you should be paying him for the labor. If he offered then you don’t owe him anything.


Wow! There’s your sign! :triangular_flag_on_post: scrape him off. I feel bad for anyone that thinks this is normal, because it’s so NOT

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I’d personally get rid of him. He lives with you and isn’t willing to do something nice for you? Sorry but he needs to go


Why didn´t you just buy one? But at least you know how he is now.

Why wouldn’t you offer to pay him for this type of thing? Building a computer isn’t easy (I mean, for most people it isn’t lol.) He also should have said something from the beginning.

Why didn’t you just buy your son one instead of spending that money to buy parts and then he expected to be paid?

He shouldn’t be charging. Get rid of him!

Wow what a jerk. That’s ridiculous. He can’t charge you that unless you thru his actual company. That’s bull


Why did you ask with the intention to pay if y’all live together…smh . He wouldn’t still be there . It should be a pleasure for him to help your son and y’all live together

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RED FLAG GIRL leave him

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I would hire someone else to do it while he’s home


Your right who pays the rent

He’s definitely the A hole , what’s he getting for your son for his birthday, I hope you charge him for rent and bills


I’ll do it for free! Tell him he is useless


start charging for your services whatever they might be


Meh that’s his livelihood. He gets paid for that. Maybe it shouldn’t be assumed that he’d do his JOB for free.


He lives with you? Nope he’s a user…


That’s crazy!!  I mean do you guys pay the bills together?? Does he help take care of your son like that?? I mean he’s been around a year he should want to do something for the kid for his birthday. Definitely not step dad material I’d kick him to the curb!!!


What?! My hubs was a mechanic and as a friend I paid. It was for his time and really discounted BUT when I became his girlfriend I never paid again. Not for parts, work, etc. I know I am extremely lucky bc the parts sometimes were expensive but if you bought the parts he should be doing it for free. And this should’ve been discussed beforehand. I couldn’t imagine being with someone petty as to charge his gf…no I would be gone


Wow that’s crazy! I’d dump him


If that’s the case, hire someone else. See how that goes over…


I feel like if you live together isn’t that like paying yourself I’m sure he would use the money to live off you live together

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So if you are a chef, does that mean you should charge your SO for cooking dinner ? If you are a landscaper should you charge your SO for mowing the lawn ? Do you charge him for doing his laundry or picking up his things (if you do any of those ?) if not , start charging him and see how he likes it !
My husband said if you lived close to us, he’d put it together for free as it really doesn’t take that much time if you’re experienced . He said the guy sounds like TA.
my older kids are not my husbands biologically . Even when we weren’t married, he still did for my kids whatever he could . That’s what a real man does.


Wow!!! Hell no I’m not paying for that

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what a dick. smh.may as well charge him everything.

Uh- no. He’s definitely the Ahole.


My ex boyfriend from 20 years ago still does things like work on my car for free


What a douche to charge his live in girlfriend to do something for her son. Whether that’s his job or not, this is a child. And you’re dating and living with and sharing a life with his mother. What kind of an A-hole charges to do something for your SO’s child?! I’d toss him in the trash since he wana act like garbage. :kissing_heart:

HE is most definitely the asshole here!

He’s an ass. I’d hire someone else to do it just to spite him.

If you have to pay cash… he can’t get no a** :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: :rofl::rofl::rofl::pinched_fingers: sorry I had to… lol


He knows what his time and labor is worth. You just found out. You really wanna put this man to work and not pay him for it?


Honestly, the parts are all pretty much plug and play and fairly common sense to put together on your own. Just make sure you ground yourself so that you don’t have any static discharge on the electronics of the mother board and visual/sound cards etc.

Then start telling the boyfriend that the things you do for him cost $75/hr.

Shit, my EX boyfriend helped my son build his computer, tutored my other son in algebra once a week, all for free YEARS after we broke up. Sounds like you need a different boyfriend

I would think that you could have gotten a pretty decent computer for 1300


Pay him to finish the job, and then kick him out. You’ve already invested $1300. Don’t forget to hand him an itemized bill for everything you’ve ever done for him as you push him through the exit door.


You definitely need a new boyfriend :joy: This post just left me with more questions. What was like the conversation when you asked him ?


That’s how he makes a living? It’s not his son? When he’s working for free he is turning away paid work.


You should pay him something for his time it’s his profession. My man does hvac work do I expect free ac hell nah I also dont work for free either.


He doesn’t have to do you the favor. It is not easy building a computer.

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Your boyfriend is a drug user

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Tell him ok but it’s 300 dollars for each time you have sex with him

Charge him for his washing, food, all thr cleaning you do…what a douche he is!


I think you need a new boyfriend he sounds both selfish and cheap


I do it for free for my friends and family. I love doing it. No need to charge someone for something I enjoy


Start charging him for things that you do for him that others would pay for. Like making him food, doing his washing etc. Either that or wait for him to finish and then kick him out. Like that’s rude

Are you living with this guy or "seeing’ him?

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He agreed to build it without payment for his time. You have a verbal agreement and he’s going back on it. If I lived by you’d I’d get my dad to throw it together for you but I have no idea where you are :sweat_smile:

He agreed to build it without payment for his time. You have a verbal agreement and he’s going back on it. If I lived by you’d I’d get my dad to throw it together for you but I have no idea where you are :sweat_smile:

Thats weird he should want to help out


I’am making over $140 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18967 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>


He’s being a jerk tell him every time you do his laundry it’s 50 dollars and see how he fills