AITA for not wanting to pay my boyfriend to build a computer for my son?

Why in the hell did you spend $1300 on a stupid gaming computer parts? When Alienware’s cheapest version is roughly 1300 (there’s even the option to pay in payments) with a great gaming capabilities. And now your mad your boyfriend of “about” a year, not the child’s father may I add, doesn’t want to do it for free? It was wrong of you to expect it without first taking the time to respectfully ask him for his help. So many women quick to want to get rid of a man without giving him the respect and consideration you expect in return is just baffling.


I mean I can see both sides here. It seems unfair to you because yall are in a relationship, yall live together and I assume pay bills and household expenses together so you feel you shouldn’t have to pay. I mean if this is supposed to be a joint gift to your son from the both of yall then your BF work is just his part of the gift. But I also understand his side of wanting to be paid for work he’s doing. My brother has built several computers and he says it’s time consuming and aggravating sometimes. It’s not something he would do unless it’s for himself or he’s being paid. I don’t have an opinion. I guess unless he’s living in your house for free then tell him he needs to do it or get out. That work is his part of rent for the month


No. Thats hard to do. Takes skill and you should have offered to pay to put it together. For free you should put it together. Cant be that hard, AMIRITE!?

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Nah he sounds like the asshole.

Prob would’ve had better luck just buying a computer.


It’s not even a favor he should want to do it to bond with your son… throw him out!!


Red flag is waving. If your living together then I would expect not to be charged. You do things around the home for him which you don’t get paid for. You might reconsider this relationship. He is probably a tightwad and expects more money in the future for things he does. That’s not a good relationship. The longer you stay the more it hurts to end it.


“Should be doing me a favor” yikes :joy: he does it for work. Why would he want to do it outside of work hours unpaid.


That’s a con-job if you ask me! Who
Pays boyfriend to do
That! Get another boyfriend that will
Do it for nothing!


Cheaper to buy computer!


I mean my partner builds pcs and we’ve built them for our sons…they help under supervision fit parts and learn things. Could be a good bonding moment for son rather than expecting money


Oh wow! Time to get a new boyfriend


That’s extremely messed up. My husband is a mechanic and he fixes my vehicle for free. He fixes a lot of people’s vehicles for free. I would never charge my man for anything, that’s insane to me. I could understand if it were for a friend or extended family, but it’s for your son. That’s just wrong


You could’ve bought one for that price and no he shouldn’t charge you if you love together,smh


1300 in parts :woozy_face: coulda bought a new computer and avoided all the stress!


Hahaha no no no that’s not the way it goes


That would piss me off and I would seriously consider your relationship. Would he want to be paid if it was a bio kid? And to ppl saying well pay him its his job well my husband’s a mechanic but I sure the hell don’t pay him to fix my truck and he would never ask me to pay him.

If he agreed originally to do it for free then why is he now asking for payment ?

Maybe if it comes down to the bottom line that you do pay him, ask for a reduced rate or…you could stop doing all the nice things you do for him that you could be charging g him for…sexual intimacy, cooking, washing, cleaning

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This isn’t about whether you’re a jerk or whether he’s a jerk.

This is about true colours and compatibility.

He’s showing you who he is and what he values, believe him. Don’t be mad at him for that, don’t try to change it or repaint it either. You accept this or you don’t.

Personally, I would not waste my time with someone who had a talent or profession that wouldn’t bestow that upon my child willing and because that’s the point of dating for me- to select a partner who values my children and actively wants to participate in their lives to their benefit.

I was willing to be alone, without drama, until I found that.

It sounds like their desire for money to do something for your kid is insulting to your sensibilities and that’s valid. Their desire to be compensated for their time is also valid, the fact those two things are not compatible is ok. He’s probably just not the one.


He’s a jerk. He’s with you so he should look at your son as his so he should be doing it for free. I’d leave him if I were you


Yes, you are. Having paid for all the parts already is irrelevant. He’s not charging for parts. He’s charging for his skill, time and labor. None of which you’re entitled to, regardless of his living situation and/or y’all’s relationship status.
Get over yourself


He should do for free…you got all the parts for him to build it for you!!!

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Just from the way you worded this post, It comes off entitled and ungrateful. If he feels like you aren’t grateful, and in turn he feels used and not appreciated, then I could see him charging you. What exactly does he owe you? Why do you feel like he should be doing you a favor? It seems your attitude say a lot about him wanting payment.


does he pay half the bills? if so n if this is his income then yes if not then no


So his time, effort and energy aren’t worth anything? Lots of professional people have the client buy the parts and you pay them for their labor.


Wait what??? Do you each charge each other for tasks done around the home too??? What a little “B-a**” to be asking for that for your child.


If he agreed to do it for free, okay. But if your are assuming because your together and live together hes going to do it for free, than that’s unfair to him. That’s his job. That’s what he gets paided to do. You may have bought all of the supplies and everything but he still has to put it all together.


There’s a flag going up here. Some underlying issues. Be ware.


Oh hell no throw the whole man away


Then no :peach: for him… Period :joy:


I’ve been telling him to build the door and leave


Absolutely not TA a loving partner does things out of love


:joy: I’d be pissed if my husband were to try and charge me for anything he makes. :rofl::clap:t2::clap:t2: we spend the same money from the same account for the supplies we buy. Silly.


Pay him & get rid of him A good :boot: out the door :door:


I think you should give him a bill for all the things you’ve done for him that people generally charge for. Brought him food? Delivery fee. Cleaned his clothes? Laundering fee. etc

As a talent that he has this should be a non-issue, but what it means is that you need to keep looking. He’s not the one.


He needs to hit the road, that’s not fair!!! I would get someone else to build it $75 per hour is premium rates.
He sounds like a dodgy tight arse :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The seggs would cost him $75 an hour. FOH


Damn! If my other half asked to pay for him to service my car I’d tell him to f*k off! Same thing really…if he is living with u and is playing stepdad, he should be doing it for the boy…not u. Sounds to me like he was a homlessexual and u gave him what he wanted. Does not sound like an actual relationship to me :woman_shrugging:

I’d say dnt worry about it il gt sum1 else


Kick that loser to the curb.


Pay him and then start charging him for the meals you cook and the laundry you wash at the rate if $75.00 an hour.


I’am making over $140 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18989 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>

In my opinion, he should just do it for free, the fact that he even mentioned any amount of money is just seriously messed up!! You are in a serious relationship, and you guys live together ffs meaning he’s your sons step dad so therefore he should just want to do it for the sake of his step son… kinda messed up if you ask me


He’s not as invested as you or he doesn’t know what he’s doing


Lol that shows he doesn’t consider u long term because if he did he would consider your kid his future kid. I doubt he would charge his own kid :unamused:


Charge him 18.75 for dinner, 9.65 for breakfast every day. Laundromat also cost :rofl:


It would have been a good teaching moment got your son. He should have done it out of love for both of you


Re-evaluation of the relationship is necessary. He is showing you who he is. You decide what the deal breaker is.


To go and buy a desktop or laptop
Brand new


Maybe a nice homemade dinner but to charge you?? I had to re-read that I didn’t realize it was your boyfriend asking for money… wow. 


I feel like this is not a partner you want to keep around


If he is serious than start charging for all that you do that benefits him.:slightly_smiling_face: .


Girllllll, you should’ve had his stuff outside BEFORE typing this. :weary:


You’d be better off buying a computer. It would be cheaper!


He is the ashole not you. I would start changing him for everything I do for him. Oh you want a sandwich and a drink that will be $25.00 . You want sx that will bee $300.00. You want head that will be $250.00. You want me to wash your clothes that will be $40.00 and so on.

No way this is insane…

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So he cant do something for you without charging you? And you been together a year and hes like that? Nah hes a entitled pc incel tech guy. you need to DROP like a potato and knock him down A Few pegs.

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it’s funny how first a lot of y’all assume this man doesn’t help around the house like cooking laundry etc. Second if he wants to be paid for building a custom computer then he wants to be paid there’s nothing wrong with that. there are two sides to every story. for all we know he told her up front she would need to buy the parts and pay him and she got the parts and assumed she could talk him out of charging.
i would charge family to for a service like this. it’s not a “normal job or a skill everyone knows”.
Neither of y’all are an Ahole. y’all just need to have better communication. if you want the computer built then pay him to build it.
if not then don’t pay him and get your son a normal computer after selling or returning the parts you got
or see if he’d be willing to teach your son how to build the computer then your son would be able to appreciate it more.
it’s a little crappy for anyone to expect anyone to do anything for free just cause y’all related or dating or even married.
We don’t know these people. Maybe he has done stuff like this for free for friends, family in the past and had negative experiences and so how he charges everyone.
sometimes the most entitled people are your own family/friends.

I would rethink my relationship with him.


Just pay someone else to do it :joy: then carry on about how your so glad they did it and what an amazing job they did :clap:


If he’s asking you for that, he doesn’t view your relationship as serious. You need to realize that now. If a man loves you and wants a future with you, he would never even consider charging you for assembling something, just because it’s an expensive piece of equipment that requires skill to assemble.


Maybe $5 an hour and sex when he’s done but that’s all I’d offer :joy:

This gotta be a joke ain’t no way

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I’m sorry but, his an ass. I would have (depending on the age of the son) built the computer with the son and called it bonding time. I would only ask that you buy lunch or something small while we worked.

Time to dump the louse, and move on if he moved in with you kick him out.

Well you said he does this for a living soo

Do you do things for him? If so start giving him a bill the day before his payday. Then kick him out. He’s not being the type of man you expect your son to grow up to be, hes just not ‘family togetherness’ orientated.


Oooooh showed his true colors.

Sorry but I would have never gotten the parts!! 75.00 an hour with live in benefits?? Sorry but you know what needs done!!!


Imagine what you could buy that’s already built? Get him a MacBook. You’re not asking too much. He should want to do it. You’re not a client.

Nah, don’t do it. I’d just take the stuff back. Because for 1300, you can just buy a computer…


Why not just buy one for cheaper?..…


You asked him to build that computer. Building includes his time. Sis he put it together or not? It is a shame that he did not give you a break on the cost of assembly but you do owe him $75 an hour for the work he did.

If he hasn’t already assemble it, see if you can take the parts back and get a computer in the fall before school starts.

If you need other help, hire someone else. If he’s already done the work, you are TA for not paying him when he told you it would be $75 per hour.


Just do it yourself. There are thousands of videos that show you how to do it. It doesn’t take but an hour or so to get one together.


I bet you and your son could look it up on YouTube and do it yourselves as a project. I had one built for me but then had to uninstall the whole coolant system because the one I was sent was bad and reinstall a new one. The company walked me through it and it really wasn’t that hard. Boyfriend will get frustrated watching you guys and will end up helping for free anyway. And also, dump him once it’s built :crazy_face:


If you do any of his laundry, wash any of his dishes, clean any of the shared living space, cook him any food, do anything other than what you and your child would need done if he didn’t exist…. Charge him. Look up what it would cost to have it done and that’s what his bill will reflect.

If he thinks that’s stupid or doesn’t like it just let him know that’s how it sounded/ felt when he asked you to pay for a service.


You sound like an entitled pain in the ass. Imagine thinking anyone owes you their professional services for free​:rofl::rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

$75 for one hour… if he does this for a living it should take him 40 mins to one hour to build since he didn’t shop for parts etc.

Seems like a cheap price to pay to find out right now that this guy isn’t worth the rest of your life. Give him the $75 and dump him. That’s not a partner, that’s a roommate. Boy, bye! :wave:


Oh hun , did you know cooking dinner is $50 , and lord you should see what dessert cost… nuts!


He could kiss my ass and I would charge him for pantyville time as well

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Thats not your man girl . Ur fuckin the computer guy

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You can buy a new one less than that

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What’s with all the Joshua Bunker comments? Is it even relevant to the post???

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I would return the parts & buy a new computer and deliver it to the house.


if you don’t want to pay for putting it together why buy the parts?

As your boyfriend, he should be willing to do that for your family. If he wants to date someone with a child he has to step into at least a father figure roll. My husband would do anything for our girl, without money and with no expectation of anything I return but the joy on her face. Honestly if it’s even an argument whether he should do something nice for your child than that’s a deal breaker. He won’t change if y’all get married either. Sometimes it’s better to start fresh with someone worth investing in than saying to yourself “but we’ve been together” for however long it may be. It is a hard choice, but at the end of the day it’s about your child and how they’re treated. Even how you’re treated. Honestly I would take the whole thing as a big slap in the face

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Set him free. He’s not the one for you.


That’s awful. You are not wrong in how you’re feeling!!!

He’s definitely not your man.

Wow!!! Imagine life if you married this guy…you’d be broke paying him for chores around the house!

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Yeah he should asking maybe for a nice dinner or a extra fun favor in bed, nothing serious, not being paid by the hour at the rate. He obviously values money over your and your sons happiness. Not saying leave him over this but watch his actions more closely before considering your future.

dump the asshole fast

Pay someone else to do it :slightly_smiling_face: fuck him