Of course your not, don’t let anyone make you think otherwise. Every child is different. My youngest has just started using the toilet all the time for wees, still doesn’t use it for poos and she was 4 in june… don’t worry
Of course it was the mother in law. They always have opinions. I’m sorry girl.
On a different note, my nephew showed no signs of wanting to potty train around 3 and he was in pull-ups as well. I remember my nephews parents used to have him help “change” himself. Like get a new pull up, wipe himself clean, put the new one and throw the old one away. It helped get him interested in potty training for them. I don’t know if that will be helpful but it’s some advice! Good luck mama.
Tell your mother in law to stuff it
You’re the mother
My son just turned 3 when he was potty trained they do it in their own time my mom tried to push me to keep on him but when he was ready he did it
It’s not when your ready it’s when she’s ready plus make it a game . If it fun it might get done
When my daughter was almost 3 I potty trained her. I stuck her in my little brothers t shirts all week… She got tired of peeing on herself and started going on the potty. Kids learn at there own pace. I’m still working on potty training at night time. You’ll get there momma.
My daughter turned 4 in August, and is just now really catching on. They all get it when they’re ready.
Every child is different. My daughter was potty trained at 1½ years old, my son learned to pee in the toilet at 3 but was to scared to poop in the toilet. So he didn’t poop in the toilet till 5, and that’s cuz his uncle bought him underwear he didn’t want getting dirty.
Our last boy said he would use the toilet when he was five, and he did. Before that he would go when we asked him to, or a couple times at school with reminders.
Hell / tell your mother in law to take her for the weekend and potty train her herself since she’s so worried about it
I was on the same boat with family putting their 2 cents. My son was potty trained till 3 1/2 or so. He wasn’t interested, he didn’t grasp the idea of it, and simply he wasn’t ready. The little beings are human too. Do you just automatically learn something when you don’t want to? People expect that you can order your kids around and “do as I say” method. But, they fail to realize they are beginning to learn life. Take it 1 day at a time and don’t force it.
What?? No. Idk how people start so early but props to them. Both of my kids didn’t start till they were almost 4.
I potty trained mine when she turned 2. There were no cues, I didn’t wait for her to be interested in it, I just took the diapers away, no pull ups, straight to big girl panties. Took her to the bathroom every hour for about 3 days in a row. It was tough, but aside from all of the expected accidents, she was fully potty trained within a couple of months.
I think pull ups confuse them. Like it’s ok to potty on yourself sometimes but not all the time. I’ve only potty trained one child and this worked perfectly for me. My next one will arrive in April so I’m hoping in a couple of years it will work again
I wouldn’t stress or push it it’ll create a negative feeling towards using it and making it longer for them to use it
My daughter told me when she wanted to start using the toilet. I was in no hurry. This was a good thing as there was no bed wetting or accidents. So don’t feel bad
Same situation, but it’s my husband who is giving me a hard time about this. My son is currently 3 and is potty trained BUT he stopped for some reason. He can pee but it’s the pooping he hasn’t gotten down. I’ve tried everything but nothing has work. Ive said she. He’s ready hell do it. Especially when he’s going to school. I’m thinking maybe being to spoil by grandma is what’s stopping him.
Throw out pull ups! Go Cold turkey with underwear!
My son is 4 and just really getting good at peeing on the potty still scared to poop it’s hard but you can do it if your mil says anything that you dont want to hear just let it go in one ear out the other but putting your child in underwear during the day and pullups for bedtime is a helpful way to start it’s just going to take time stay strong mama
My son was almost 3.5yrs old when he decided to be fully potty trained. Hed go 1 but not go number 2 on the potty. The thing that helped the most was when he went to 3yr old preschool. My old preschool teacher gave me tips and he was out of pullups by the beginning of October.
Nah my first was 4 and my last still had a few accidents at kindergarten kids can feel your stress I just reminded myself that it will happen eventually Hugs mama
I always got over excited when I needed to go toilet to make my kids feel like they were missing out. I’d talk about how pretty and cool my undies are with so much enthusiasm. I’d jump up and excitedly say “Yes! I need to go to to the toilet”! and skip off. I’d leave the door open and just smile and be happy the whole time. I’d talk about how much toilet paper I thought I needed and ask my kids how much they thought I needed. I’d talk about much better and cleaner I felt once I’d been and now I could pull my fantastic gruts back up! They will want to do it voluntarily if they think it’s fun and worthwhile (not for treats but self achievement) but you have to lead by example.
Have you ever seen a high school student in a diaper? Of course not they will get it when they are ready. Relax it will work out
I can honestly say I have never had this problem. My Son potty trained himself at 18 months and when my girls were 2 they wanted to use the big girl potty. Every child is different. It does NOT make you a bad mom. You cant force a child to be potty trained if she herself isnt ready. Just relax.
My 5 year old will be one year fully trained next month. I tried forcing, I tried rewards, I tried everything. He didn’t want to. Then last year just before Christmas, he decided he was ready. And we haven’t had a single accident. Every kid is different. Encourage, don’t enforce. I would take him to the bathroom with me, I would tell him how nice it feels to use the toilet and have underwear, not diapers. Good luck!
Try taking the pullups away
Better waiting until they’re ready… just leave potty out and ask her now and again if she wants to use it… less stress that way… my daughter was 2 1/2 and my son was 3 1/2 before they were potty trained.
Tell your mother in law that since she’s such and expert, your child is coming to stay eith her for a week so she can train her
To be honest, your child will let you know when they are ready to use the toilet. You just look out for the signs they are ready for toilet training mainly when they start telling you on a regular basis when they have done something in their nappy and asking for it to be changed or if they ask to go toilet even if they have done something in their nappy but what to feel that little bit of independence by cleaning themselves. Another sign is less wet nappies and more dry nappies through the day. Night time may be a bit of a struggle and yea there will be plenty of accidents to start with but depending on what you choose if you put pull ups on your child or not; you can show your child that pull ups are a little bit like underwear so they can still use the toilet when wearing one .
But if you keep you keep trying to force her when she’s not fully comfortable with going to the toilet yet; it can create fear in the child’s eye because toilets can be big.
You get a toilet training seat with a step on it she may feel more at ease.
It is good to encourage your child to use the toilet; but it is best not to force them and let them do it at their own pace.
My youngest brother was not toilet trained till he was 4.5.
Every child learns at their own pace .
As for your mil, you know what your child is and isn’t comfortable with and you know what’s best for your child. So don’t pay attention to it even though it’s easier said than done. But you know your child better than anyone