Am I a bad mom for not wanting to play with my daughter?

An hour a day of you palying fully with your kid will impact them in such a positive way ! Its bonding time. It’s what kids do… they want to play with mommy! Come on. We as mothers are ALWAYS tired ! Tf. That’s something included in the term “Motherhood” it wont kill you… make a schedule…jot it down… set aside an hr of your day for playtime. You’ll most certainly regret it in the future.


They need your inter action I am 58 an I play with my grandbabies barbies trucks an cars. It dont take much time. You dont like barbies play something else with her. Do a craft. Bake together do story time.


I work almost 60 a week, and I’m in school on an accelerated schedule, though I’m happy to say I graduate in May. I’m beyond physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. But I still make time for my 4 year old.

Maybe that doesn’t make you a bad mom, and God knows I’m nowhere near perfect, but it certainly says something about your priorities.


If your life is to busy to take even 20 mins to play barbies then maybe you should have thought twice before having them. It’s not fair to them that you don’t want to play with them. I work full time and I’m exhausted but I still play with my kids because tomorrow is NOT promised so I know if something happened I’d have an extreme guilt that I didn’t make time to play with them.


I don’t Feel like playing with cars or getting attacked by stuffed animals🤷 but when he’s ready to play even if I’m tired and or sick I’m over there playing unless I’m doing a chore you make time for your kids and if you don’t wanna play barbies or act out games find something else that she thinks is fun

Not bad at all. I’ve had so many days that I’m just too exhausted to play. We usually read a book and maybe watch a movie together instead

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Don’t feel bad for doing the best you can. Play with her when you can, but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t. You love her and I’m sure you try to do all you can for her. I feel like a lot is expected of a mom. Any time a mama wants some empathy for not being the “perfect mom”, people get “judgy” lol! You do you, mama! I’m sure she’s going to turn out great whether you play Barbies with her today or not. :heart:


No, you’re not a bad mom. I think we’ve all struggled with having enough energy or imagination to play. My son went through a transformers phase and I hated those things because I could never transform them right and he’d get impatient with me. Something I heard that made me see it differently, though, is that’s what they’re into. When we redirect them to play something we want then it sends the message of “okay I’ll pay attention to you, but only if we’re doing what I like”… Which when you think of it like that… :confused:
I do time limits and it seems to make everyone happy. Like saying yes I’d love to play barbies but in 30 minutes I have to start homework then we can play another 30 minutes after I finish dinner etc. It’s just compromise. Plus reminding yourself that you truly will miss this age. My son is 8 now and doesn’t ask me to play as often, he likes to hang in his room… It gets kinda sad. I wish I had another day with him at 4, I’d figure the transformers out <3


If you never do it, then yes. It’s not about what you want, but your childs needs. I have a daughter, and yes, it can be boring as hell sometimes but hey, it’s part of being a good parent. We all get tired, but we can’t ignore our kids. She will remember the time you spent with her, not the reasons why you didnt.


As a mom of teen girls, do yourself a favor and play with her now. The less you “want” to spend time with her now, the less she will want to spend time with you later. It doesn’t have to be hours at a time, it can even be very small amounts of time- whatever you can give her- each day. Listen to the small, seemingly insignificant things now or she won’t share the things that are important later. Just my two cents.


Lol I lay in bed at night and play the noodle game with my son we take a pool noodle and I swing it around while I lay in bed and he pretends it’s a dragon or giant snake and he pretends to beat it up lol I just lay there he enjoys it but it’s minimal effort from me and it tires him out with all his little karate moves he’s 5 lol find easier things that work for you where you can relax but still interact with her your not a bad mom your tired and you gotta find stuff she enjoys that’s let’s you relax a little

Your not a bad mom. Just remember she will stop asking you for your time and you will miss it. I have four older boys waited 14 yrs to have my girl. I work too and I know it’s hard and tiring but there is a few minutes out your day to give her that she will remember her whole life. Trust me on this you blink they are grown up. Be in the moment don’t let it pass you by.

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When your kid grows up… and has kids… You can do cool shit with them also… Life is short… Take Advantage!!!

Play with the Barbies for even 10 minutes.

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Hey, we’ve all been there. My SO won’t get down and play with them but will do stuff outdoors like fishing, hockey, etc. What if you found other stuff to do? Like ask her to help you cook dinner when you get home? Or cuddle up and watch a movie with popcorn? Find some arts and crafts that you guys would both enjoy, read books, make cupcakes, etc. Also, occasionally just play with the barbies. Even if it’s just 10-15 minutes.

I come home exhausted daily. I’m gone 14-15 hrs a day including commute time and have a very excited, energetic, 2yr old at home as well. I give him my all and just load up on caffeine tbh. I do what it takes to be awake, and there for him. He’s my #1 priority

You need to still make time for her

I know this feeling. I’ve a daughter and two boys who love for me to sit on floor and play barbies or cars. But well I didn’t care for that. So instead of playing some thing with toys I stocked my house on board games!!! So when my kids want to play with mommy we play clue we play chess uno gold fish etc!!! And guess what they absolutely love it. And you can even let little one join. Doesn’t understand the game? No problem give them their own deck or few cards from something else and let them feel like they are playing!!!

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I turn on music while I’m cooking dinner. My kids come in the kitchen and sing and dance with me for the hour that it takes for me to clean/cook. Ive noticed that it’s their favorite time of the day. Also, I don’t get asked to play with Barbies :joy:. I was awful at that as a child and I’m definitely no better as an adult.

You could ask her to make up a play puppet show and she gets to be all the characters and you will watch.i Don’t always want to play either.

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I know you must be tired but you need to make a day to spend your time with her n play barbies remember your making memories that she will always remember n no your not a bad mom

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You always make time for your child. And you never leave a child out!

Grab a Barbie, sit on the floor, and play with your kid! It’s not about what you want


A lot of these comments are harsh. I am a full time mom and student. I do not work right now because I am trying to get my education. I am also pregnant. My daughter turns 1 in 5 days. I am tired ALL the time. I cook, clean, take care of my daughter, do school work, etc. You’re not a bad mom if you do not want to play barbies with your daughter. As long as you make time to care for her then you’re good. You might regret it as she gets older but NEVER let someone tell you that you’re not a good mother because of it. If your kid is clean, fed, has a roof over her head, etc then just continue doing what you need to do. People are ridiculous with the insults and judging of other moms. NONE OF US ARE PERFECT. Also, my advice would be to take a day out of the week or just a few hours out of the day to care for yourself. You cannot properly care for a child if you cannot properly care for yourself. Don’t let yourself go crazy!


My mom sent me to my aunts house to play with my cousins :woman_shrugging:t3: your not a bad mom you’re working hard getting you’re education so you can help your children succeed!

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Ehh I can’t into that type of play either. Instead I try to get a board game going, craft, read a book, puzzle, dress up, etc

You can yeah her colors of her abc’s

My four year old son always wants to play me minecraft with him. And I never want to. I’m finishing nursing school and when I’m home I’m busy doing school or housework.I feel you mama.

YOU are not a bad mom. Just DON’T cut it off completely. Maybe here and there for a few minutes? She’ll remember certain things from her childhood, and you will never get this time back

No, you’re not a bad mom for not wanting to play but if you never do it anyway then you may want to seriously examine what’s going on. If you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, etc then you need to do some self-care or you will implode and then you won’t be a help to anyone. What are you doing for you? How’s your mental health?
Can you devote 30 minutes of 1:1, unplugged time per day to playing with your daughter? She probably wants to play all the time because she needs more love and attention from you. Even just 30 dedicated minutes would probably help that a lot.

Should find time or even pick one day a week you and her can play …find time

That is what she will remember the most :heart:

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You don’t necessarily have to play Barbie but find something you can spend a little time together and do

If your talking about spending quilty time with her. Doing things she wants to do? You won’t get a repeat on these years. Enjoy them anyway you can.

Not to be rude hun. but if you got time to be on Facebook an make this post, you got enough time to play with your baby girl for 15 minutes. They are only young ones try just letting her have a bit of momma time here an there.


Set a timer 10 min reading,10 min coloring, 10 min barbie time!

Her joy should be your everything


Do it anyway. Build the memories. One day you will look back and miss these days. And you don’t need her to look back and wish you played with her.

U should make time for ur kids even if It’s for 5, 10 , 15 .20 , min, they will remember who was there and who wasn’t !!


We are always tired but yet still find the time to play. Don’t have kids if you can’t do anything with them!


Make more time for her. I have a 3 year old son and I don’t like playing with half his toys, but the smile and laughter that it brings makes my whole day. One day she will just stop asking and when she’s older, she’ll be more independent and probably won’t want to include you in a lot of things. Working full time and school full time… she doesn’t understand that yet and she probably thinks or will feel like it’s her that you don’t want to spend time with. My kid comes before all else, even if I’m absolutely exhausted.


It’s important part of their development! It isn’t easy but man when I force myself the way my kiddos face lights up!!

I would say you need to add some balance!! We can’t just live to work! But I know the challenges

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This was posted on a different group…

Yes and no. If you don’t play with her at all then yes… but if you do from time to time then that’s fine. Kids need to learn to play alone. I don’t play with my son all the time… I do everyday but not all day. (He is only a year)

Please try to balance between you time and time spent with your kids
I understand life is hard but your daughter won’t. All she sees is her favorite person and is inviting her to something important to her.
I’m not saying drop everything your doing every time she asks, I’m just saying be aware :grin:

I wouldn’t say a bad mom. But I will say that you should attempt to set aside time once a day to specifically play with her. It seems you’re putting everyone and everything else before her, she needs to feel as important as everything else in your life. Coming from the heart of a mother who lost a child at the age of 2, spend time with your child. You NEVER know what might happen the next day.


If you’re worried about being a bad mom, then you’re a good mom. So you don’t play Barbies; I’m sure there are a million things you do with her that are going to bring her many smiles through her life. You’re doing great!

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It’s ok to be exhausted. It’s ok to not feel like it. But I promise you will be sad if you miss it all. Try to pick a day of the week to be yes days or play days. You will both be better for it. Hang in there. hugs


Yes. You are wrong. It’s okay to be tired. It’d not okay to push through and make time for your children

Not a bad mom but ur daughter is gonna grow up to feel neglected. It’s not always about you anymore: you’re a parent now and should be a good role model. There will never be a time where you’re not tired lol

Every day, 30 mins of your undivided attention

Honestly even if you don’t like the game or toy, it’s not about you take time to play with her



Kids need to entertain themselves. We don’t need to play with them 24/7.


I don’t like playing with my son all the time…but it’s not about you! Play with her! Do you really want to be remembered as the mum who never had time for her? You will regret it.

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We’re all tired. I’m a single working mom with 2 boys. I played whatever they wanted, even when I was tired. That’s part of being a parent


I feel the same way about Barbies and stuff that take imagination because I don’t have a good one. I taught my 5 year old how to play checkers and ride her bike because those are fun for both of us.

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im just gonna leave this here.


Shes only going to want to play with you for a couple more years. Then poof you’ll realize you missed out on all that time playing with her. I’m a single mom, I work 40 hours as a preschool teacher. I play with my students all day and come home to play with my daughter. Lay the foundation for a great relationship now before it’s too late.


If I could go back to when my now 8 yr old and almost 13 yr old begged me to play with them and I used every excuse under the sun… believe me I would do it all differently regardless of what was going on at the time or how I felt. Those little ones grow up over night and those were memories I should have made… so believe me when I say you will regret not playing with them.


Find a balance that works for you both. Sometimes playing her way and sometimes her helping clean up with you. It’s not wrong to be tired.

Imagination is awesome. I think it’s fun seeing them and playing too.

It’s also not okay to say you don’t have time for her because you made the choice to have another child. I always resented my parents not having time for me because my brothers had special needs. (Both autistic) kids don’t understand that those things require extra attention it just hurts.

As the big sister in this scenario, it does hurt.

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I mean never wanting to play with her? Then yes. No matter how tired or busy you are give her attention still. Doesn’t have to be nonstop but don’t neglect playing with her. You’ll feel like you missed out when she’s older and it’s sad for her

Maybe find an activity you both enjoy instead of barbies.

You need to play with her sometimes. Show her attention.

My mom had 3 kids that were my dad’s she was rasing they expected her to play all the time be careful that your child doesn’t expect this I played with my daughter’s play food it was easy she just brought it to me made a menu of play food that was the best as we get older what kind of emagonaton. do we have?kids need to be able to play alone it’s good for there development

No. Toys don’t interest me, so mine play independently as far as toys go. But, you do need to do fun things with her so she knows she’s loved! Cooking and baking, reading books, cuddling together on the sofa with a fun movie, go to the park and swing together, go for a walk, go swimming in the Summer, etc. Spend lots of time together with other things, and most importantly, talk. If she needs more interaction in her toys, find a play group or a neighbor with a child the same age to play!

I lack the creativity with toys at my age that I had as a child, so I find myself trying to figure out HOW to play with dolls. Lol. When I was a child, my mom read while I played with dolls beside her. I have no negative memories about that. She actually taught me to love reading by demonstrating it. She was into crafts and antiques, so she took me to craft classes with her (I loved ceramics), antique stores, flea markets to find things to repair, refinish and fix up. I was constantly with her, and treasure that time. But I have no recollection of her playing with toys with me. Just involving me in everything she did, and I loved doing those things with her.

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You’re not a bad mom! But be don’t always have to fully enjoy what our kiddos want us to do, but we do it for them… They’re only little once and we don’t get this time back with them. Grab a Barbie and play with her!
Growing up my step mom would always play barbies with me and I will remember that forever, those are the memories that matter most.

Try to get her more play dates! But set aside time each day to play with her and talk. You made these babies and they need you more than anyone else right now.

Of course you have to play! I friggen HATED play-doh but it’s what my daughter liked so I rolled colored balls til I was blue in the face! Suck it up mama, we’re a long time dead! Make the memories :roll_eyes:

Wow!!! Some are being EXTRA in a big way tonight :weary:. Of course you love your daughter, and no you are not a bad parent. I’m my opinion, the focus some put on being their child’s best buddy would be better served by being their parent and role model.


You do you…
Whatever it takes…maybe there’s something else you can do with her that you don’t mind so much

I totally understand, but you will regret that time you didn’t get with your babies! Maybe find something you guys can do together that will be fun for you both like bake sweet treats and dance around the kitchen or read books! You don’t have to play barbies, but there is lots of other things you guys could do together.

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It is important to her…go play. Set a time limit and let her know that you love the time you share with her. Maybe even reading books would make her happy.

I’ll balance our “us” time. Look, I understand it’s boring and you’re not interested and being so tired, it’s hard to try and find fun in it. So I offer other things usually and OCCASIONALLY do things they want. I don’t like Barbie’s but I like playing with hair. I don’t like slime, but I like card games. I LOVE playing house, make clean up fun, drag some music into it. Yeah, once in a while I do what they like, it’s important to understand how she plays with her toys and imagination, but it’s really it’s about spending time together cause that’s all she really wants. Remember, she loves Barbie’s so she think you could too. I use that argument sometimes. We did what you love, now let’s clean which is what makes me happy

it’s not my favorite thing to do but it’s important and I force myself! one day they wont and you will miss it!

I totally understand where you are coming from. I am struggling with this too with my almost 2yo. But, playing with a parent is super important. It is building the foundations for a secure attachment relationship with you. She needs to know that you are there and that you are willing to sacrifice your time to be with her. Playing with her now will build a strong relationship with her in the future.


I have taught my daughter independent play since she was a year old. She’s 4.5yo and plays alone with her toys or with her 2yo brother. It’s not too late to teach her to do this.


If you don’t ever play with her, then yes you are. Part of parenting is being selfless and doing things we dont want to or we don’t feel like doing because it’s what is best for them.

You’re not a bad mom. You’re a tired over worked stressed out mom. But you do have to try. Believe me, I know HOW HARD that is. But your daughter needs that attention. You have to try and play with her at least a little bit each day. Sit on the couch and play barbies. Or lay in bed if your relaxing at night and play dr. Let her play restaurant while you make dinner. Little things like that will be all she needs! She deserves it and you can find a way to play with her that fits into your routine.


Play some with her if course, but also know its important for kids to have some solo play to keep their imagination going. So don’t feel guilty if you aren’t entertaining her every moment of the day. I am in the same dilemma. I usually come home and get dinner started. Then I play for a little bit while things cook. Then it is homework, and I usually encourage solo play while I clean up dinner.

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Find other things you can do together. Bake cookies, set the table. Everyday things.

I feel y’all might be being little to harsh… I’m a single mom of two girls and I work full time so with that being said yes I might not play with them but I do make sure that I spend some time with them so they know I’m always here for them you don’t to play with a kid to prove ur love it’s more about keeping your word to them so say if to tell tomorrow we are going to go to park then make sure you take them to the park etc

I just make the kids play what I want to play at the time. Lol. Mostly it’s tickles and raspberry to the tummy and teaching them stuff in fun ways. Because I think their imagination needs to develop by itself and not be infringed on. So if they are playing with a toy I won’t play with them cause they want me to lead then

Not a “bad mom”, no. But you really should give her time. That’s all she wants. And it’s what children need. Especially if you are gone at work all the time. :confused: :woman_shrugging:t2:

I dont 🤷 i stick to reading, art activities, and puzzles. Those are my interests. I have 5 boys, if they wanna play action figures and make believe, they have brothers for that lol

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I feel ya. It’s tiring when you have a child who want to constantly play all the time. That said you do need to make time for her and play with her some. Not all day, but a few hours a day would be good. Let her then play with herself the rest of the time.

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You are fine. I don’t always play barbies or trucks with my little ones but I paint, cook and do other activities with them. They get plenty of attention and don’t mind playing amongst themselves

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Crayons and coloring books are great to do together

I turned my daughter’s love of her barbies (which were not if fun or interest to me) into magical tea parties and live dress up. That was much more fun to me.
Just try.

You will never get this time back with her. I have 4 children, 3 are special needs. My 4 year old daughter had brain surgery and between the therapies through out the week between her and her brothers. I am EXHAUSTED. I am also a full time student. I felt the exact same way as you, literally last week… my husband is in the navy and is always gone… so I’m pretty much a single mom when he is away. But my 4 year old kept asking me to play with her when I was trying to do my homework last week. Alllll day. Thursday night she came up to me and as blunt as a four year old could be… she said mommy you make me sad because you don’t play with me. Holy hell did I start crying. I felt so bad. Seriously. Our children will only be this age once. Don’t let her memory from her childhood be that her mommy never had or made time to play with her. Just because you might have an autistic child doesn’t mean you get a pass for being tired or just not wanting to play barbies with her. That is not fair to her! I’m DEAD tired. Been diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, severe depression and anxiety. But after last week… no matter how tired or how I just don’t want to play with her… I’m going to suck it up. Good luck. :heart:


You could play with her for about 15 min. a few times a week,

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My 4 yr old has been diagnosed asd non verbal hypo sensitivity processing disorder
And I would give anything in the world to play barbies with her… play make up… hell have her ask me a question about anything… most days she just wants to sit by herself n watch tv I am unable to engage with her on any level
I also have a 15month old a house a husband n work to do…
perhaps make a schedule n go play barbies for an hr a day… then choose a different game… or instead of saying I don’t want to play barbies take them both to the park n sit n watch that way u get to relax on a bench n they get to play…

Sometimes what u find exhausting is what others can only dream of… good luck…

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Are you not playing with her at all? … My son dont like playing by himself so i relate to the ALL the time wanting to play… And that not being logical to do all day everyday. But a certain amount of time should be being set aside to play what she wants. Set a time limit with her. When the timer goes off tell her now it’s time for a movie or for her to play by herself for a little while

Just give her 10 mins she is little she needs that. Kids don’t say I’ve had a horrible day, I was picked on, I have no one to play with. They express themselves through toys. If you can just hold the Barbie up and ask her “what was your favorite thing about today” then let her respond and then, “what was your not so favorite part of the day” the answer might surprise you. My daughter had said when you got home. Then when you leave for work because she missed me even though I was yelling and a bad mood she still wanted to be with me. It made me sad. I do this a few times a week with every one of my kids with a toy. It makes a difference! I also tell them every day that they are my favorite 2,3,6 and 7 year old Because I have to remind myself and them that they are only that age and I need to remember they think differently, feel differently and they need to hear it to boost their confidence when they are older. Even if it’s the you talking to them.

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Feeling shame for the simple truth that I don’t like to play with my almost four year old daughter nearly destroyed me and my relationship with her. It absolutely matters that you find things to do with her that you BOTH like. The point is to ENJOY time with her, not fake it. Since I stopped forcing myself to play with her and started thinking in terms of what I wanna show her and teach her, she now helps me cook, she helps me clean. It always makes a mess but I’m happy to watch her grow and learn. She goes and plays on her own and comes to get me when she has accomplished something she is proud of and I stop what I’m doing to go and be excited with her of her success. It’s all genuine, no need to fake it. Find what it takes for YOU to build a relationship with YOUR daughter and don’t let the sanctimommies shame you for caring enough to reach out over concern for a shortcoming.
All that said, I do occasionally suck it up and do what she wants to do because no relationship should be one sided.


Balance is always important. I mean, I’m sitting here right not breastfeeding my 6 week old (after spending a few minutes gazing lovingly into his beautiful eyes :grin:), surfing Facebook and my 2 year old approaches me with her Magna Doodle wanting me to write letters for her to learn. So, I put my phone down and did it. We made it to “H” before she walked away to watch Bubble Guppies. She’ll be back in a bit with her water coloring book and I’ll do the same thing :joy::joy::joy: I’ll also gaze down at my son every few minutes because all of this is so temporary. So, either play Barbie with her for a few minutes or suggest something else to do that you would enjoy, but find something. I don’t like playing pretend for long myself, but reading a book, coloring, building a tower with wooden blocks… I can do that :grin:


I never really comment on anything but it’s very sad to read others OPINIONS. I know she asked for advice or thoughts but damn ! You moms who are being so harsh need to sit back down because I’m sure other mothers will not agree with ways you might parent. I myself love to play with my kids and I’m that person who will sit on the floor and run around with them but not everyone is like that. I know a lot of moms who don’t do that and I don’t think any less of them. Instead of being so ugly with words and making her feel worst how about you bring her up. Some women will forever break each other down to feel better about themself. Do what works for you girl ! Only you know your kiddos ! If you don’t like playing there is so many other ways to bond with your kids which I’m sure you do :heart:

I would NEVER post a question on this thread… you are doing a great job!! Just do the best you can❤️


All ok… try ro get her to reading and other activities that you don’t have to physically participate…

I won’t usually play barbies and stuff with my 6 year old girl but I’ll find other stuff to do with her. I didn’t really play barbies when i was a kid bc my imagination sucks and it stull does lol.