We are not our children’s playmates. Of course we give them our time, sometimes! They need to learn to use their imagination and learn to be creative. She could also spend time with you doing things that you need to get done. Like folding towels!
I get your a busy Mom But you made the choice to have kids They need time with you as well, Before you know if she will be grown and you will be sorry you didn’t do what they wanted you to do( Not being mean it’s a fact)
Your not a bad mom and I know how crazy life can get I work full time as well and go to school and raise two kids on my own and I sometimes work a second job and I sometimes work a second job and being my kids with me and I don’t have any help but in my opinion even if I don’t want to I still do it because it’s important to make them feel important you don’t have to do it all the time but find time for her it will mean the world to her
Not judging. We a 28, soon to be 17 year old and our granddaughter will be 6 very soon (we have over 1/2 of the time. All three have their own emotional challenges.
The one thing kids love quality time with their parents. When the 28 year old was little she loved going to the grocery store. Our soon to be 17 year old enjoys helping me with taking things to the recycling center (we do this for the elderly, injured, those with physical disabilities) or granddaughter loves to help me clean.
It’s about quality time as a family that your children will remember.
Only you and your child can truly know what is best. It’s okay to say, mommy is working on homework I am setting a timer and we can play for a little bit.
Hang in there.
Little ones need to learn to play independently as well. I’m going through the same thing with my three year old. We play, and play, and play, but sometimes I want to do my own thing or NOT play with barbies (and be the mom taking care of the babies lol). It’s ok to give her time to imagine and play alone
Make time for her… Before you know it she will be grown! As parents. Sometimes we have to play stuff with them that we don’t like! 🤷
Teaching her thru playing is a awesome way or her to learn how to treat others i worked two jobs and still made time to play dolls wasnt my favorite thing but i wouldnt do it any different today i have two of the most loving and sweet hard working young women and now i play dolls w my grandaughters…
Try steering her to some very easy crafts. I did homemade play dough with my daughter baked it then she used water colors to paint them. Ornaments…hearts…whatever the season.
It happens it was hard playing with my daughter at that age once i start she would not let me do anything else and would cry if i walked away you have a lot on your plate maybe 5 minute cuddle times could do it i love cuddling my daughter now
Better make time before you know it they will be grown with kids of their own and you well revert it take time and enjoy your precious babys
I don’t think you’re a bad mom. But as a daughter of a mom who wanted nothing to do with her and the mom of 2 daughters who I missed the entire childhoods of; you’re going to want those memories and so is she. I only have a few good memories of my mom and even those are getting fuzzy because I was so young. Time is one thing you can never get back. And regret sucks! You need that time as much as your daughter does. I can promise you that
I was going to college full-time, working 20 to 30 hours a week, was divorced, my kids were 4, 5 and 9. We all did my homework together at the dining room table. They colored, played barbies, memory games, etc. They did not feel deprived of my attention. Their father lived in FL and we were in IA so i didn’t have every other weekend off. And I graduated with high honors with 3.87 gpa. Do what works for you. God Bless.
No you aren’t. My mom rarely played with me. I survived. My children weren’t really into toys so I didn’t really play with them either. My daughter is 13 and still entertains herself.
Well your a parents it’s your job to entertain your kids. They come before you do. Maybe you should drop downtown to partime in school. That’s what I did. I worked full time no choice since I am the one that carried health insurance. I went to school part time I did a lot of it online. So I wouldn’t miss out on things did a lot of homework and test when she was aslepe
No your not a bad mom. Its exhausting working and school ect. Make a certain day for play. A weekend day devoted to her.
Play is very important for learning and connection is essential for her development. You won’t be disappointed if you make it a priority.
As a child educator children learn best by playing.
Maybe play in small
Doses. As a mom watching things you don’t like or get very tired of, playing games you find boring and such is part of the program. Just because children want to play all the time doesn’t mean you have to play all
That time. You can also introduce other activities and games you can play together, but play you must. They are only little for such a short time…enjoy it while you can. You will miss this stage soon enough
I used to put “Mommy and me” dates on a calendar - gave us both something to look forward to and it made it more special
No. I don’t play with my daughter all the time either and I only have her. Sometimes we just don’t have the energy to play pretend
You are not a bad mom, part of being a mom is doing things you don’t want to do. If your other child may have autism then you should spend as much time with your daughter now. Play barbies make up games. Just do it.
You’re not a bad mom!! But they will remember when mommy used to play games with them. Even if it isn’t every day… take 1 day a week and play with her… she’ll appreciate the time and you’ll love the connection
What I wouldn’t do to go back and play barbies and whatever with my girls. Of course you need some you time, but always make time for your babies!!
Teach your kids that they are best friends. I did that with my sons and they are so close, they do almost everything together. That will help you out with keeping them occupied as they grow up. It’s all about balance when they are little
Time together is important, what you’re doing together depends on the two of you, play dough, Barbies , watching Movies together, reading stories, building blanket forts, bake cookies, just be together
It sounds like your plate is EXTRA full. It may be time to either schedule play time, or perhaps ease your burden of responsibility.
Not bad at all. You’re simply human.
Maybe she needs some children to,play with . You could have her a play date with others or take her to daycare or preschool.
Sorry if you dont spend that time with your daughter you will regret it one day when you need her she needs to have that bond with you
I am also a mom of 6, and my youngest is 4. I work 2 jobs, and when im home I’m exhausted. But i make sure to even if its 15 minutes, to give each one my time cause i will regret it if i don’t. They don’t stay small forever. They will always remember it if you do. My other 3 are 8,9, and 12 and i play board games with all 3 at the same time it makes it so much easier. My 9 and 4 year old love to play barbies, i hate it but i try my best lol. You got this, and I don’t know about you but im a single parent and you can do it. Good luck.
No your not. Let her learn to play alone. Kids today seem to think they need us to always entertain them. There’s absolutely no harm to her playing by herself or having to play with her sibling instead. My daughter was the same way at that age. I played with them occasionally but I had other things I needed to do so they had to learn to play alone or together. I still read to them and did spend loads of time with them. And now they are 16 and 19 and we are super close and have a great relationship. I even talk to my daughter everyday as a college student.
Find something you do enjoy doing. We read, colored, did puzzles, watched movies and played board or card games. I suck at play that requires an imagination.
Why don’t you get a tea set or a puzzle or matching game and set aside a special time just for her? Or play restaurant and have her help with setting the table or taking orders. I bought my granddaughter who is now 7 a check tablet the old fashioned kind that waitress use. She still plays restaurant. At first she couldn’t write but now it’s precise. I taught her Red light Green light, Mother May I. Oh yes we do Barbie’s but once in a while
Kids need undivided time with you. but not all the time. The book 123 magic helped me see things from my girls perspective. Barbies are cool. but try setting up a “big girl study area” for her next to you with books and paper and make her feel part of your study sessions like a game
Its tough juggling work school kids and sleep - try making an effort to do things she likes - it will validate her self worth - im not a cat person but i have a cat for my eldest daughter as a therapy pet. I love her and i make the sacrifice to help her in any way i can. - if anything - say let’s watch a movie “u pick” and pop some popcorn and cuddle
Not at all. I feel the same way about my seven year old. Hes an only child and we live way out in the country so there are no neighborhood children to play with. Time with children is important. So even though we dont play daily we make it up to him and try to do lots of family activities.
P.s. We work full time, and I’m also a full time student. Plus we have an acreage to maintain.
Do you like to read stories? Its way better than Barbie! I agree with the suggestion about baking too.
No your not a bad momma, you are tired, but please take the time to spend with her. Find something you both enjoy because before you know it she will be too grown up to want to hang out with you. Enjoy the time that she thinks your the coolest person ever.
Sometimes we do things we don’t like. 10 minutes out of your day with her will make her day.
I try to engage in some way we both enjoy. If not barbies just play w her however…she might find she likes playing legos or blocks or something else u can engage in.
I would also take advantage of it I use to play different things with my sons and now they are 12 and 14 and old to play toys
Yeah take the time when they hit that age where they dont want u to walk them 2 the bus stop r walk with them and their friends at the mall youll wish u could play barbies
I didn’t play all the time with my girls when they were very young but now I try to find something that they like to do an do it with them. They are now 13 an 6 plus I have a foster daughter who is 15. I take them all out to eat or go get something they like or go to a school thing with them all.
Even if its just 10 min its something they are not going to forget!
I also have a 4 yr old daughter. There are things I don’t like to play but do it any way. Time is very very precious. They grow up so fast. My boys are 21 and 18 now. Both my parents are gone now so all I have is memories
Try to set 1 day or night whichever is best to spend with her like make a familygame night or movie night or craft night etc…the rest let her free play
Play with you child. They grow up fast and you’ll regret it.
And dont let any mother of the year types make you feel any other way either.
No your not a bad mom at all❤️
Find something you both like to do to spend time together
Play 15 to 20 minutes a day.
Make time to play you’ll never regret it
Make time for her. Life is short. She won’t stay little for long.
I feel your pain. I worked full time while in a full time accelerated RN program and raising a teenager all at the same time. Worked 16 hours every Saturday, 12 hours every Sunday and 8 hours two days per week after class lecture. The rest of the time I was in clinical training. Just as I was about to crack wide open I graduated and was absolutely freaking exhausted. Nursing school is not a walk in the park. It is hell. Working and going to school plus study and raise children at the same time is hell. Is there no one to help you? You sure need it!
But, know that this is temporary and one day you will graduate to enjoy the paycheck and other fruits of your labor.
Yeah you are suck it up n do what moms do.
Suck it up and play with her.
Then you’re too tired to be popping out babies. Only a selfish woman has kids she doesn’t want to interact with.