Am I a bad mom to go out on a Saturday night to meet a guy?

Im sure others have said this but this is a major warning sign that he could hurt you. You gotta get outta there, as fast as possible. Im so sorry this is happening to you! :two_hearts::sparkles:

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You shouldn’t even have to ask anyone about this. You know in your heart that he is not good for you. Your child together is all that should matter to him. You know you’re not a bad mom. Stop letting his narc mind tricks fool you. It sounds like he has been controlling you for a while. Cut the cord. Be totally free of him except for co parenting if that can be done. Stay safe

If you’re “Single” you have every right to do what you want! It’s none of your exes business what and where you do anything! Stop telling him what you’re doing.

That’s your mistake, move out

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Go out! He’s trying to guilt you into not going…go!!!

Why do you care what he says?

Why are you telling him and making it his business?


If he threatens to kill himself call 911 and hand it over. He is trying to control the situation by making you feel guilty.
If you can I would suggest you start looking for a new place to live as well. He will continue to try and control you as long as you still live together.

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None of his business. And get your own place problem solved

As long as you live with him he will always think he can control you. Move out

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If your not together, now would be a good time (past time) to Not live together. It never works out dating and living with an ex. Close the book on that chapter and start a new one!

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He is not going to kill himself. Are you still living together? Why do you even tell him?

You need to move & have a life as a single mom :heart:

Don’t tell him. :woman_shrugging:

If he doesn’t live in your home, if he doesn’t have a wedding ring that belongs to you and if he doesn’t pay your bills…why tell him. The less he knows the better. If you tell him every time you’re going out with someone new it’s obviously going to cause a huge issue! Do not allow him into your bed again either, don’t lead him on. If it’s over, it’s over and the only thing being discussed should be the welfare of the child you share together.

He is abusive. Dont tell him your business.

Moving out is the best idea " not good living in same house " move "

Major red flags. If possible move out if not, It’s none of his business. You don’t need to tell him where you’re going. But if you can I’d recommend getting someone else to watch your son when you go out. All the best mama

Develop your independence and move out, if you can. Old habits die hard. You keep taking it by allowing access to your private business. As long as you live together, consciously or subconsciously, he might think he still has a chance with you, until you burst his bubble. Maybe all of it can"t be avoided but the less you let him consume your life, the more of you there will be to share when the right one comes along. Best wishes. Truly hope it all works out for everyone.

Why tell him what your doing? Why fuel the fire?

Why do you feel the need to tell him tho? If y’all aren’t together why does it matter

Yeah a couple of idiots lmfao

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Move out. Or tell him to move out. Depends on who’s name is on the apartment or house. Don’t deal with the drama .

Don’t tell him, just go out when it’s his time with yalls kid. It’s literally none of his business.

He sounds as though he wants to control you by using emotional blackmail even if he doesn’t want you for himself as in a relationship. Move out if you can, you and he are better off apart, him on his own and you with your son.

The possession of you is the freak’s obsession to control you. So he can have his harem of nieve hoes.

Move now, don’t tell him you’re going out he doesn’t need to know.

Your allowed a life. He wants control.

He needs to move out first of all,especially if you’re never getting back together. And yes you deserve a night out just like any other mother. 

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Why are you even telling him? None of his business.


Why are you even telling him you’re going out? If you’re not in a committed relationship with him, what you do is none of his business as long as it’s not affecting the child you have together. Why aren’t there ever more details with these posts? Do they live together? Do they have a co parenting plan? And what’s with all of a sudden I see posts both from moms and dads talking about this or that being unfair and it’s usually related to having a child. Life isn’t fair, fair is a relative term, you have a child, that doesn’t mean your life is over, it means your life changes and having alone time or dating time is different than before.


Please move out and find your own space. It will only get worse and you dont want your son to think this is normal healthy relationship behaviours


Mama, go do you. Please go out and have fun. And don’t tell baby daddy crap about you going out for a date. It’s none of his business anyways. You two should only be speaking about the child and the child’s needs, not what goes on behind closed doors.
Please, go get all beautiful, be a show stopper for the night. You truly deserve it.


First up: move. You are living with the man and are the mother to his son, but going out with other guys? Those are some mixed messages you are sending. Move out. If you are not together it’s better for everyone that there are clear boundaries. It’s none of his business, but you can avoid the issue entirely if you move out.


Hell no… I have that same kind of male b.s. go out. They always want to control things when they are messing up instead of actually fixing the problems

Why tell him? Also threatening suicide to control someone is signs that he has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


You need to move out
Him telling you he wants to kill himself because you’re seeing someone is him trying to control you and he’s manipulating you
He’s a narcissist
Move out asap he’s not a good person


Not his business. Does he tell you when he goes out?

Fuck him. Tell him nothing… it’s not his business

That’s his own issues

thats pretty toxic behavior, please leave, you deserve to be happy, and that wont happen if you stay there. good luck momma


Do you feel bad for doing it?

He sounds like a narcissist

Hes just a cooked cunt plain and simple

Why do you fell it necessary to tell your ex when you have a date ???


Not his business so don’t tell him when you are going out or seeing someone.

Also keep evidence of it as you can use it in court.

You need to move away from him. Tell him the next time her calls the suicide card your calling 911 and having him put on a 72 hour hold for his own good. Your the only one who can stop the control

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Sounds like a very toxic situation


First of all you shouldn’t be living together and second you shouldn’t be telling him your business. Until you or him moves else where your problem will stay exactly how it is.


Wow poor kids it sounds like you to need to grow up

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Don’t tell him :woman_shrugging:t3:

For one, you SHOULD not be living in the same household. Men like him are on investigate id or snapped. Nope

Is this the way you were brought up? Is this the way that you want your child to grow up, that this is how you’re supposed to live??? Get out of that so called NOT LIVING TOGETHER-COMMITMENT and GROW UP!!!


Idk why you tell him what you’re doing anyways and you need to get him out of that house or you need to leave.


First get out of that living arrangement. Second don’t tell him you’re going on a date. None of his business


Ummm don’t tell him what you’re doing? Just do it🤷🏼‍♀️


I admire u for able to still live with him after breaking up with him. I’m assuming for the benefit of the child??? If me, I wanna move away as far as possible with my child. In my view, it’s going be confusing for the child to have his parents living together and not stand one another or not being together. It sets a bad example for the child and set him/her to have a negative mindset about relationships in the future. I’m all out for ur kind of arrangement if the 2 of u are mature and able to work together. But from ur post, it seems toxic. Not really sure how’s ur situation so can’t really give accurate advice. The best is to move away from ur ex, being along ur child and when u wanna go on a date, hire a trustworthy baby sitter. And like I said, not really sure what’s ur arrangement. If u have no other choice and have to live with ur ex, then u have to think of alternatives.


Why tell him in the first place :woman_shrugging:t4:


Many people do not agree with me but when I was single I waited until the youngest turned 16. I wanted no blended families, I didn’t want any man to try to come between me and my kids so I waited and it was the smartest thing I ever did. I got to be the best mom. It was me and the 3 kids and we were a family unit, we knew it and we loved it. I really don’t anyone to tell me what to do and I don’t want my kids mixed in it.


It’s none of his business, yes you deserve to have your own adult time too!! So fuck that dude, move out and start moving on with “your life”! You’ve got it hun

He could snap on you, he sounds a little dangerous.


Tell him to piss off. IMHO
He missed his chance

First off why do people get on here and the first thing they do is say we are not together??? Knowing the whole damn time their living together so just Incase no one has told the ones that can’t figure it out you are together. So one of you needs to be packing your bags and moving and stop telling each of what your do.

Move out. There’s no need to be living together, you are hurting yourself and your child.

you should have added that you still live together in the beginning. thats your first mistake. move out. pay your own rent lol

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Kick him out and he’s jealous and that to is normal

Then don’t talk to him about it. It’s not his business.


Stop discussing your life with him. None of his business.


not his business what you do. and it’s time to get your own place.


First of all you need to move out!He figures your still his as some people want their cake and eat it to! You are the only one who can change the controlling problem but until you are ready to leave it will never get better! Threatening suicide is a mental illness and next time he does it call the hotline and have him commented for a hold time and they will evaluate him, maybe that will help him or teach him a lesson! Either way move you and your child out and make a better life for all of you!


My ex was the same way he trying to control you still even though ur not together …red flag majorly …get out now

Sounds like a very toxic environment to have your kids in. Sometimes two parents under the same roof isn’t always best.

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Because you keep telling him your business :roll_eyes: simple as that…


No, and your ex sounds like a narcissist.

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First of all if you aren’t together as a couple then one of you needs to move out. Second if you aren’t a couple then why tell him that you are going out on a date or whatever

O hell no. You do you momma.

Tell him there is no playing your married. Tell him you will do what you want and he needs to mind his business not yours.

Don’t tell him tour going on a date why does he need to know?


Him threatening to kill himself is emotional abuse. You need to get out as soon as you can, your son doesn’t deserve to be exposed to toxicity like that, and when you move out he doesn’t need to know where you’re going or why. Put your foot down.


For one, move out if you aren’t together then you don’t need to live together point blank. Secondly he thinks if you’re living there he has a claim to you so he has you and he gets to go out and do whatever and you can’t do just move.
Secondly, go out don’t say who with or where if you aren’t together it’s not his business but you won’t get to be happy especially living there. Also how do you expect to go out and date but live with a ex nobody will go for that

Stop telling him what your doing… it’s not fair on your son and yourself as your stressing while out .

yeah you 2 can’t live together any more move out and then go out without him knowing

Don’t ask for advice that is clearly clear… that you voiced. You already know, don’t stick around to see what can happen.

You need to move out. If your not together then you can’t live together. It just doesn’t work. One of you needs to move . And his opinion on your dating doesn’t matter. The only thing that may concern him is to make sure that dating partners aren’t introduced to the child too soon and make sure they are a safe person. Other than that it’s neither of your guys business who or when the other person dates.

Oh man…living with the father of your son is a red flag.

Why do you tell him?
It’s none of his business if you go out.
If it’s not strictly abt the child, there’s no need for you to speak.


Weird living arrangements!

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you need to get the hell out!!

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You’re allowed to go out on dates to meet someone new. The old dude doesn’t need to know anything, so stop telling him stuff thats none of his business. Next time your ex gets pissy, tell him to hire a lawyer.

Just don’t tell him your business. Just get ready and go out.


first you need to get your OWN place he will never change if its truely over move on


Stop telling him. My ex purposely tried to sabotage my dates & would back out last minute on taking our kids. I quit telling him & I’m happily married now because it’s NONE of his business if the guy isn’t around the shared child.

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I would move myself as fast as I can to a save place. I didn’t fully understand if it was your son or his father you live with, but it don’t matter. YOu are going to be in danger as this male is going to go past angry and take it out on you. You are in verbly abuse now.

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Sounds like my husbands ex. She has even kept the kids away from him until he leaves me. Married now, she lost.
Go out and be happy and you do not have to tell him you are going out. Not until your serious and don’t introduce your kid until your sure.

You can’t live with an ex. He’s possessive and controlling because he can be and feels he owns you, but he’s free to do anything. Don’t sleep with him ever again, move out, and never tell him you have a date again. Just leave.


By living together you are giving him false hope. I know it is cheaper to split bills and child care but he isn’t going to let go as long as you share a roof


My ex did this to me. He even set up cameras in the house and sensors on the doors. Run!
Wait to go out until you move

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Not his business. You don’t need to tell him a thing.

Move out ASAP!!! Coz I doubt he will leave to make your life easier… That sh*t is emotional abuse/ black mail, whatever you want to call
it, he is narcissistic and toxic, also, be prepared when you do move, he may get worse… but for the meantime, he has no business, knowing your business… if you want to go out and let your hair down, you do NOT have to explain anything to him. And you are doing an amazing job as a mum. Don’t let him or anyone else tell you otherwise

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He’s a jerk, tell him he’s to much of a coward to kill himself.

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