Am I a bad mom to go out on a Saturday night to meet a guy?

Just stop telling him what you’re doing

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You need to find your own place or kick him out of yours.

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Someone needs to move out.

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Number one mistake-why tell him #2 do you want him to know??—#3 none of his business. My ex babysat when I went out. The key is”YOU ARE NO LONGER a COUPLE!

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Don’t even tell him he don’t have the right to know until it’s get serious and your going to introduce your child to them and even then keep it short and sweet and don’t engage.

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No your are not bad. If he threatens to kill himself dont leave the child with him. Do give him some info on mental health. Maybe a phone number or where to go. If need be record conversations. For future possible court.

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He’s not your owner!

He’s extremely controlling/abusive and sees you as his property by the sounds of it. Move out and file for custody…

Leave. Asap. That is NOT okay

WHY DID U EVEN TELL HIM ? I don’t understand why u told him if he isn’t your bf or partner like why for the life of me find it stupid ppl telling their exs about stuff that doesn’t concern them or any of their business whr tf u go EVER. To me it seems as though u were trying to brag and make him jealous and guess what u won he’s both pfffft get bk with your ex cuz your lies here are done!

  1. Why do you say what you are doing or why you are doing it?
  2. Why are you living with a man who uses emotional blackmail to get what he wants?
  3. Move in with your family until you can get a job to support yourself and your child.
  4. If you cannot move in with family, call a woman’s shelter and tell the, that your former partner is threatening violence against himself and you need help to get away from the emotional abuse before it becomes the physical abuse that has been threatened - killing himself.
  5. Good luck to you. You are in a controlling and abusive relationship. Please get out before your child learns to do the same things your former partner is doing.

Stop telling him you’re going out. It’s really none of his business if you’re not “together” You’re creating your own drama.


Oh you need to get out now!! You staying is making him think you can be the “wife” and he can control you.

Don’t tell him anymore and just go do you. It’s NONE of his business what you do anymore he’s not your boyfriend he’s not your husband he’s a guy you had a child with that’s it. He’s not allowed to control you anymore either. If he threatens to kill himself cause you want to date then that’s on him not you. It’s time to move out asap too cause if you do decide to go out Saturday night and he’s still in the home I can guarantee you that he may try hurting you when you get back so be careful.

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Move away from him & dont tell him your business!

Manipulative, possessive, controlling and jealous come to mind…take the baby and RUN!!

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I got 2 words for him. It’s none of his business what you do and the same goes for him. Enjoy yourself. You need to answer to no one but your self

He wants his cake and eat it too!! It doesn’t work that way. You guys are no longer together, so he cannot control what you do in your personal love life! Tell him it’s none of his business and do what makes you happy!

He is toxic!! Advise him to seek therapy since he wanted to be controlling. He will try to control your child!

Block that man, he doesn’t need to know your every move. I used to let the fear of mine cause me not to date. But no. I’m a woman who has needs.

Why are you telling him?? NO reason to until it gets SERIOUS and you decide to introduce your son to him.


tell him to piss off

These ARE the signs to look for! This IS Coercive Control! This is soon to be illegal in Australia and part of the package to combat the rising domestic violence numbers we have…this ain’t no joke hun. Stop playing with fire. Get out of that house and go somewhere he doesn’t know of…please!
You know…in all cases of domestic violence homicide, coercive control was the common sign they ALL SHARED.

Get you and your daughter out of that situation

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Move out he can’t say anything.

Honestly you should leave before you try seeing someone new. It’s going to be hell if you try seeing someone new with living with him. He’s going to make scenes and honestly you and your son doesn’t need to be around that

One of you has to move out. I know some people still live in the same house for practical reasons and manage to behave like adults. Obviously not the case here.
He continues to control your life and that will only get worse which will affect your mental health and your child.
Get custody of your child sorted out, find somewhere to stay and get on with your life. It may be a struggle to begin with but you’ll be much happier and so will your child


It’s stupid to try to live together for one. And for 2 get out and don’t tell him anything


As long as you are living together he will try to control you. One of you need to leave.


Id stop telling him who you are with. He doesn’t need to know


You need to move out n get on with your life and with your son. Will be the best thing you can do for you both. Things will not change. They will probably get worse. Him threatening to kill himself. Sounds like a ploy to keep you around. Hope things work out for you n your son. You deserve it. Goid luck.

He needs help that you can’t provide. Your first step should be moving out.

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You has to move to your own place , and you had the right to live your life and go on dates .

The next time he tells you that he will kill himself , just tell him that you can’t control his actions and he can do whatever he wants  with his life .

Do not fall into his manipulation tactics

Do not second guess yourself. You two are NOT together for a reason… you are Free to see whom ever you choose. The only way it can become his business is if you put your son in harms way which going on dates does NOT do that… Never let an Ex dictate who you are and how you feel about yourself! He’s either jealous or just doesnt want you to move on and be happy…Do YOU girl! :kissing_heart:

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Why do you tell him your personal activities, if you know gets that way? :crazy_face: if you know he acts like that and you still tell him….you might be part of the problem….


I get paid over $ 126 per hour w0rking from home. I never th0ught l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21601 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.

M0re lnf0…

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Stop telling him. It’s not his business until it’s serious enough that the new guy would be around your son, and even then he has no say unless new dude is hurting his son. This is narcissistic, toxic behavior.


Run as fast and far as I can


You are the drama queen and game player, why you telling him your business…:thinking: to make him jealous…:thinking:…grow up!!!

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Don’t tell him about dating till it’s an actual relationship! Tell him your meeting other single moms for support or girls night anything! Idk where you are but there is housing for those fleeing abuse and that’s exactly what this is! Or if you can save up and find a small place for you and your child! You’ll be able to start living then but as of right now trying to date will make your environment toxic what isn’t good for anyone! You shouldn’t have to tip toe around someone! I hope you get out soon!


Repeat after me, “Anything that doesn’t affect our child is none of my ex’s business. I give myself permission to make friends and spend time with them as long as I have left my child in responsible hands with emergency contact information.”

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You live together but you’re not a couple? But you used to be at some point, right? Theoretically, sure you can live with your child’s father and have a separate life but in reality that’s not always the way it works out.
For you to be broken up completely, you have to separate physically. He’s not the type of person who can understand boundaries or respect them. For those who can, it can work. But for you two - absolutely not.

Also, why can’t you just say you have plans? Why are you telling him about your plans?

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Leave and quick,if he still trys to control you after living apart get court orders in place. Live your life,you deserve to be happy x


Life goes on. The less he knows the better. Your a bad Mom when you leave your child with everyone or have different men around your child. But I don’t think your bad for seeing a guy.

Don’t tell him who you’re with. It’s none of his business…

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Time to seperate, getnyournown places are you divorced?Itseems likeyou both do not knowwhat you want.

Don’t feel bad do you why do you live together lol?! Either way don’t feel bad if you ain’t together then do you.

Screw that POS and go have some fun

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You shouldn’t be living together if you’re not a couple. I tried this with my ex husband for a few months and the exact same thing happened. He expected me to be his wife while he was single. This relationship was just as toxic as the toxic marriage was. Move out so you can move on with your life.


Wow!!! Move out fast!!! Don’t tell him when your going out with a guy!! Meet him somewhere and don’t have him come to the house! You deserve to have your own life!!! MOVE!!

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Love all the judgement…cost of living is high…or perhaps they both want to be there for their child. There are many different reasons ppl live together, and that’s up to them. Stop shaming!
I’d say simply don’t tell him what ur doing. Say ur meeting a girlfriend or have plans with friends. It’s not his business what u do.


Why are you even telling him? Stop doing that. He has zero right to any info about your dating/romantic life unless it’s directly effecting y’all’s kid. So unless there’s a new guy coming home with you every night meeting your son, it’s literally none of your ex’s Business


Mmh I don’t think you guys should live together that would give anyone mix signals but to each their own. Has for him threatening to kill himself that definitely a big warning sign. Think you should start talking about moving out see what his reaction is. If he get away from just stopping you finding someone else where is the manipulation end. Good luck on whatever you decide.

Your biggest mistake is living with him. Clearly he is not over you or the relationship.


Find someone out of your circle or someone he doesn’t talk to. To watch your son. You don’t have to let the father know what you’re doing, where you’re going, or when you’ll be back. It sounds like he doesn’t want you to see anyone. But he can. And the "I’ll kill myself " threat. Is most likely just words so you don’t go. So if you have someone he’s not aware of. Watch your son. Go enjoy yourself. Take control. You’re a single person now.

They are right…,he is trying to control you , and he is not going to kill himself that is a control tactic, move out =get a job,!
Don’t leave your son alone ,but get a sitter and go on a date, have fun !!!:smiling_face:

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So don’t tell him. Get a good sitter and have fun. You’re getting out of the gouset. Dont give him a reason to go after you physically or legally

Step 1. Get your own place


Why are you telling him your business?! Discretion is everything.

Stop living together :woman_shrugging:


Stop telling him your going out


Smh why you still living there? Girl gtfo. Dude still has feelings for you. Duh


You definitely should not be living together. Move out and set boundaries.


It’s none of his business who you go out with or who you hang out with! He is just a control freak is all.

Lol uhm. Move out. If you’re not together, why are you still there. Get an apartment and a lawyer. Tell him you’re going out for the night. Don’t need to tell him anything other than that.
" im going out for the night. I’ll be back at 1-2am emergency contacts are in your phone as 911 if you need to call them. Have a good night, my phone will be on silent " kiss your baby and leave.


Move out he is still controlling you just reading this probes it


So live somewhere else. He’s a hypocrite. Get someone else to watch your son. Do what you want, he does. Or next time you wanna go out don’t tell him your plans. Not like he needs to know.


these are the type of girls you hear about on unsolved mystery lol


Why would you tell him? Also why the hell would you live there still? I’m confused.


So stop telling him lol. Your personal life is not his business wtf.


That’s manipulation. Tell him go ahead and kill yourself​:smirk::joy:. Just find a baby sitter and you go out and don’t tell him

Stop telling him your business. Just let him know, you’re bringing your son over to him to spend time with him. And leave it as that.

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The only reason you tell him your going on a date is, because his reaction gives you a high it makes you feel special when he nuts out because in your brain you truly believe he still loves you and he’s jealous, well sorry to burst your bubble thats not the case Lol if he loves you he wouldn’t be having sex with other woman and the Only reason he nuts out is because he still wants that control over your life and guess what? Your falling for it Ahahaa

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How fucked is this???

Don’t tell him your going on a date tell him your going out with freinds

He will only have control of you let him

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Move out, find a sitter and keep ya mouth shut while you making moves


Quit telling him it’s non of his business and basically your telling him your business so quit telling him


Do whatever you want you don’t owe anybody any answers especially him

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It’s your life— go live it!

you should of moved out or he moved out as soon as use broke up he thinks he controls you an he sounds like he does more then you think your son can only be happy if you are happy his fathers actions are not your responsibility cause he wont take it easy when you start to leave him fully :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Get your own place and why would you even think to tell him you’re going on a date?? Too much drama!!:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

I can understand living together for security, being a single mom now a days is tough. It isn’t worth your mental or physical well being to stay with someone who has double standards and manipulates you. I’ve been there done that. You need to seek help and find somewhere to go away from him where you can live your life. If anything you should just tell him you’re going out with a girlfriend rather than another guy for your safety. My grandmother was murdered by her ex husband for going on a date… Be careful :disappointed:


Stop telling him stuff & move out :roll_eyes: Co-parent with defined boundaries coz it sounds like he’s just dating other people to make you feel some type of way & YOU keep telling him as well to make him jealous. Both of you are not good for each other, just stop it.

You really need to move out… that’s a big step into fixing the problem… I have been in your shoes! Living together they still feel the attachment to you … in order to completely separate you need to physically separate… then don’t tell him your plans … what you do is what you do … your personals are non his business … only about the kids

He’s not mentally stable…


Why would you tell him you have a date??? Just because you don’t seem to have problem with him dating-with I don’t totally believe - you and him have a past and it’s hard on some men to think they can be replaced. You don’t have to discuss every Sat Night with him just because you still share a home together. Living with a so called Ex as just a roommate is a big pill to swallow. Never ends well exspecally for children around. Your children will always remember what goes on at home and may think it’s OK to live with your ex and still date. Just my opinion.

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He needs to go. Find a sitter for your kid. Go out and have a good time. You owe him no explanation on what your plans are

You are living with your baby daddy, but you aren’t a couple? Honey, you ARE playing at being his wife. How often are you wanting to go out? Do you have a job, or is he supporting you? You sound young.


Stop telling him. None of his business…

First I wouldn’t live with the man. Does he support you financially? Do you share a bed? If your answer yes to these then you are essentially together. How do you explain this to the people you guys date? We live together but aren’t together? That’s a red flag for anyone. To me it sounds like you’re both looking for some drama. I’d consider moving out and growing up.

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Move out and stop telling him details about your personal life. If he threatens suicide, call his bluff.


You need your own place and your own life.


Simple thing to do is don’t tell him, I can’t understand why you would in the first place as it’s nothing to do with your ex. He is your ex for a reason.

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Next time he threatens to kill himself, call 911, hand it over to them, knowing with a clear conscience that you sought help for him, without endangering yourself, or pandering to his manipulation tactics. Had to do this with my sociopathic narcissistic ex husband, and after his 72 HR psych hold, he never did it again.


Your Living arrangement is the root of your problem


We all got something wrong with us we cant please everybody not even roommates

If you can, stop living together. Totally toxic


Honestly you need to move on without him.

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Get out! You need your own place and he needs to just butt out of your business. Some people can do the together but separate thing, but in most cases one of the parties get jealous or resentful.

Why are you telling him your personal business? The only business that needs to be discussed is your child.