Am I a bad person for not liking a baby?

I would say they aren’t friends! Cut them out completely!! I’m so sorry for your loss ((hugs))

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Your problem is with the parents and not the child. You don’t like them and they don’t like you. Understand that and cut all communication. The baby had nothing to do with this. As a woman that has dealt with infertility and loss while my best friend’s girlfriend was pregnant, I stood by them because I loved and cared. I knew my time would come and it came years later but it came. Those ppl are not your friends so again cut the line of communication. Each loss hurts and none hurt less than the other but when it’s time yours will come. Keep hope and get rid of stress.


Your feelings are valid and normal… your still grieving, and will be for quite a while.

It’s not that you dislike the baby, you’re hurting and grieving. Not to mention it sounds like the baby was a way to keep their relationship going. Personally I’d cut them out. She probably knows how much it hurts you and is doing it on purpose because your boyfriend treats you so well. But that’s just my opinion.


Jesus what has this page become?


You should have told your boyfriend everything they said. Thats why u ended up fighting. Always be open with your partner. Honestly it is hard to lose a child I pray you do find peace one day. Don’t post everything save it for yourself. Focus on your relationship and your kids

Sorry for your loss…its not the baby you dont like…and yes you are still grieving…I went through a period where I lost my mom n spirled out of control in the drug scene…im great full for fam that stepped up for my kids when I couldn’t be at my best for them…but during that time…I couldn’t be around any children without feeling sad and guilty…not even my own niece’s and nephews…it is a big thing when you lose a child or have to be separated from them…give yourself time…and definitely let go of this couple as friends…she sounds so petty and is always going to be in competition with you…even if your not competing. This friendship won’t end well if you continue it…id just stop associating with her…an if she asks why? Which she probably will. Just be honest…:woman_shrugging:…id say my life isn’t a race n dont have space in it for anyone who acts this way…it only creates unnecessary drama.

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So sorry for your loss! They don’t seem to be real friends. Stay away from them.


You need better friends. Had a similar friend who is very jealous of how me & my husband are very loving to each other and I burned that bridge. No it’s not the babies fault…but your grieving and it will take time. Burn that bridge doll, she is NOT good for your life


Its hard not to project our pain sometimes. It sounds like its best to seperate yourself from these people. Cause i can tell you dont want to harbor ill will against a baby, its just grief talking. Step back and take some time to grieve properly, away from these people who seem to suck

I don’t think you dislike the baby lol. I think you dislike the narcissistic “friends” get rid of them . It sounds like you have an amazing man , and who cares what his family will pay for I would have stopped them at your race division … none of their damn business friends or not , live your beautiful life together and move on from this as I can tell it’s causing you some uncomfort and it is not worth any more of your time …. As these people sound like they are on cra** also sorry for your loss , grief has no time limit .

And you count those people as friends???
Maybe reevaluate what matters to you guys in a friendship. I let go of the "friends " in my life who were always jealous of my happiness. It is not good for anybody.


Hun you just need to heal I’ve had two miscarriages so I understand. I couldn’t go around anyone with babies. While I was still in the miscarriage process we had a mutual friend come over to give her sympathy and she ended up talking up with my then boyfriend leaving me to watch her wild ass toddler cause she was to into her conversation to do a thing. I was still in pain and bleeding. My pains and process similar to labor because my body was trying to expel the baby which I ended up needing a pill to help it along. My body just didn’t want to do its job. Anyways the friend actually comes to me and says she would be a surrogate for me. Very heartless. Some people are cruel and don’t see the damage they cause. Very selfish people. You do what you need to to heal. These people don’t sound like good friends at all

I’m sorry for your loss and completely understand why you feel the way you do. Also you’re bf’s “friends” seem like very creepy and horrible people who act very entitled I would definitely distance myself from them


My fiance doesn’t want anymore kids and I want just one more … I envy all these women who did terrible things to him to make him feel I am not worthy of it … that it will be just like the rest … it’s an awful feeling … I envy all my friends who accidentally get pregnant because oh how I wish I could have one pregnancy where my man loves me … but that will never happen and I feel your pain and anger but being jealous eats you alive don’t turn into her at all

They aren’t ur friends,they’re obviously jealous of the rship that u have


Sorry but they dont sound like friends

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The grass isn’t always greener. Set boundaries or move on.


With friends like that, who needs enemies? Seriously


Does anyone have a movie of the week script? Very weird to say the least. :face_with_spiral_eyes::woozy_face:

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So sorry for your loss. You are still grieving. Allow yourself to do that. It takes awhile before it starts to lessen. Take care of yourself


It never gets easier even after you have a new pregnancy. I hated people who had babies where I had lost mine. It wasn’t fair and you didn’t get to know the little bean growing inside of you. It sucks!!! It’s not jealously or not wanting to have anything to do with them. It’s you still trying to get over the loss. I give you props for even going to the baby shower. Please take your time grieving. Rushing grief only makes it worse.


No. You’re not selfish or weird for feeling this way.
As you can see by people’s comments: that couple is not your friend. True friends don’t compete with you.


I would block them and cut them off completely. I’m sorry you’re struggling


You’re still dealing with the loss. But let me just say: these people you are surrounding yourself sound incredibly toxic and shallow. Not you or your partner, but the people you are talking about in this situation. You both need to lean on each other and less on these shady sounding friends.


Sorry for your loss and yes you are still grieving. Don’t let your grieving cover up the fact that these are not true friends. They are selfish and jealous. I would move away as far as possible from them and start my life over.


You’re not a bad person, you’re just grieving still. I lost my 5 month old daughter to SIDS so I get it. It was hard for years to be around babies at all. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Don’t be mad at other people for having a baby because you lost yours. That’s not right. Get some new friends n maybe some help for you to properly grieve your loss


Uhhh, maybe insteado of disliking a baby who did nothing you should dislike those “friends” and put distance between you guys and them. Your negative feelings are misdirected. They have not been there for you, they are those people who always look for something to be jealous about, always looking for something to bring you down & will never be happy with what they have. You can buy a house next &, they’ll be jealous you did. Drop the friends who bring negativity into your life &, the healing process will begin.


I would make a lot of distance these ppl are really toxic and bad for you. Also, I’m a mother and there’s plenty of babies and children I dislike.


That couple is WEIRD and TOXIC. Cut them off ASAP!


Personally after the racist talk they would have been cut out. Delete them from social media, block phone numbers, move on with your lives.


It’s ok to have boundaries. None of that was ok for you or your family. Sometimes having a social detox helps. After my miscarriage, I needed a break but I didn’t want to give up. It’s not giving up when you need to to heal. Build your family, have your priorities and let the messages be mute. I had to do that during birth with my first as well. I wasn’t doing good, all I cared about was me and my baby. I needed to focus, be present and it’s not easy. No one will ever walk a day in your shoes, you don’t need anyone to live your life for you nor destroy your happiness for theirs. That’s toxic. It’s not bad to resent the child but realize the displaced anger then address it. I set boundaries in all areas of my life. I’m not doing to give an inch for someone to take a mile. No one’s selfish is worth my time. No surprise I divorced a selfish man. All relationships needs mutual respect, trustworthiness, honesty, morality and understanding. All relationships come and go, sometimes you make better relationships and sometimes the good ones fade. Nothing wrong with it. You’re in a new place, respect the growth and also know this behavior of nagging doesn’t go away, I’d address it before you’re doing everything you can to keep another family (that’s outside of your family) happy.

I would get rid of fiends like them their not healthy people to be around they seem get jealous and toxic to be honest I lost my son at 18 weeks pregnant I know how it feels only 2 of my friends where their for us not any of my family came to my son’s funeral only my mam dad and Brother and my son who was 7 months old and my cousin I didn’t want anyone at it I was so mad at the world all my friends where having babeis aswell I was happy for them but I was still lost and broken 3 months later I had a miscarriage left 100 times worse gave up trying and cut all the negative people and focused on my son and partner 2019 I was blessed with twins boy and girl their 20 months now I still to this day miss my son my oldest son always talks about his baby brother it dose get easier I promise but you need good support of friend and family around you and they don’t seem like good friends to me get rid of them


I’m am sorry for your loss honey and I see where you are coming from. See I was never close to my real family but at the time I loved my step family. I found out I was pregnant very shortly after moving in with them. I told them and while they seemed happy it didn’t really seem to matter, and I know I’m not biological but blood doesn’t matter, but it all seemed off to me. I lost the baby shortly later and it was just like another day. Almost 2 months later my step sister gets pregnant and they are over the moon, as they should be obviously, but absolutely clueless as to why I started distancing myself. It’s been 4 years and I can barely talk to them. Idk why really but I just can’t. Maybe because she can have babies so easily and I had always struggled for years till I had to have a hysterectomy

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They are not friends. Cut them off…


I don’t even think it’s the child that you don’t like. It’s them and all the BS that comes with them. DROP THEM!


Sorry 4 the loss. Honestly there’s a lot of jealousy in this very long post. Dump the friends because the girlfriend sounds crazy and idk why the guy is still with her but his choice. U shouldn’t have kids just 2 have them 2 shut someone up. Losing a child at any stage hurts, grieving is OK, and expecting people 2 understand or have sympathy 4 u comes with loss. But on that same note it’s not as traumatic for others as it was for u. They move on quicker because it didn’t happen 2 them. U need 2 seek counseling and get passed this stage of grief where seeing others joys hurts. U will get ur chance when the time is right but that doesn’t mean u can take ur feelings out on a helpless child. U see that ur feelings are a problem which is a good thing so do something about it.

I mean, hate the friends…they’re shitty people, but you should hate a baby. Also, get rid of toxic people in your life, you’ll be much better off.

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Tyler Perry said it best.

People are like parts of trees. Some are like leaves, only there for a season. Some are like the branches. There for a good long while, but even they can fall off. The rest (and it’s a small number) are your roots. They nourish you and support you for life.

If someone is a leaf or a dead branch, let em go.


I fully understand why you would feel this way, but its misplaced. The other couple is clearly toxic and it sounds like you’d both be better off without them in your lives.

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Just cuz they introduced you doesn’t mean u owe them your friendship. Burn that bridge and move on with life. U don’t gotta explain yourself to anybody either. Sounds like they put some strong evil eye on ur unborn and your relationship and now they’re being real inconsiderate of your feelings. Ur right it’s not their baby’s fault, but those are some fake ass friends.

Being friends isnt a compitition, and comparing lives isnt what life’s about, im sure you have your own circle of friends,

Are you sure you want to be around these people? I truly don’t think they have you or your honey’s best interests at heart.

It is normal to not want to see someone else baby when u loss your baby I was the same. Just get on with your life and when the time is right u guys will have a baby

You have to make sure friendship relationships are as meaningful as a SO relationship. I had a friend of 10+ years that I had to cut off. I tried to talk to her and “fix the problem” but she didn’t see anything wrong with what she was doing. My relationship with her was too toxic for me and we split ways. It was the best thing I have done for myself. Ask yourself if it’s more stressful and hurtful to be friends with them. If it is then do good by yourself and cut ties. I wish you the best of luck!

You’re right, it’s not the baby’s fault. If it were me I would be the bigger person and congratulate them. Then I would also give them a wide birth. You and your bf have been through a rough patch and your both still grieving which is only normal. Neither one of them have brought anything positive to this friendship. The guy is at your bf’s throat for doing things for you and the girl is always calling him out for not doing what your bf does…mostly in front of you. It’s like a competition instead of a friendship. They seem to toxic. You and your bf just need to distance yourself from these so-called “friends.”

It sounds like you need to break up with your ‘friends’

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Oh let it go and live your life and be happy!!! Don’t worry about others opinions!!!

Its normal… You’re not a bad person you’re grieving. It is ok.

Look, distance yourselves from those narcs completely. Love each other and heal. Protect your peace.

I lost a baby when I was 17…it’s still hard even till this day even tho I have 2 teenagers…so I know how it feels…u guys just need to live ur lives and forget bout them…u don’t need them as friends

Sounds like a bunch of children, having children… petty, dramatic, bull crap honestly. Set boundaries, grow up, and simply don’t be friends with people who don’t act like friends…

Say bye to those very TOXIC so called friends And the 5 year Man learn how to buy things and be cute with your gf leave good people alone …p s you think every man bits things NO …9 years with mine and I do all gift and surprises

How you’re feeling is completely natural. Losing a baby isn’t an easy thing and for them to just do it out of spite for being together so long is ridiculous and honestly I would’ve cut them off after the very racist comment just because you’re Mexican and they’re white.

There is a lot going on here. But my first impression is that these people are not your friend. They are frenemies and are jealous and will only continue to hurt you and cause you trouble. Delete their chats. Delete them on social media. Delete them from your life. Grieve your child.

I’m sorry but you don’t sound like a very good friend. If you were 19 weeks and she is due four weeks after you were then it sounds like your friend knew she was pregnant when you miscarried and probably didn’t know how to share her joy with you since you had just had a bad time. Why someone has a baby isn’t anyone’s business so try not assume such a big discussion has anything to do with you.

…I’m sorry but yes you are. That baby did nothing to you…it did not ask to be here.
And what are you guys…you all sound REALLY young and immature.

It’s not about the baby. Just drop those people. Live your life happy without them