Am I being dramatic? Need advice

I would be worried about why he likes my daughter more!!! That sounds like a pedophile to me… Never choose a man over your kids!!


You are not being sensitive. I’m not saying anything bad about him but you need someone who will love them both if he is in for the relationship forever.

oh hell know sorry but you treat and get for both my kids the same never make or give a child a reason to feel unloved the same
as the other

He gone :wave:
Don’t put up with the mind games, your kids will be hurt by this when they are old enough to see it.

red flag y ur daughter not ur son was he like this straight up or is there another reason no no. Absolutely no . Bye,bye.

Run. And never look back. Him saying that is very creepy and I would not let him around your children whatsoever. If I was you I would tell him to get lost.

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How is that not strange to you ?

Is that not a giant red flag to you??? Cuz it is to me and probably everyone who’s commented so far

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Woman wake up this is a straight up NO & the dude favors your Daughter over your son…??!

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Absolutely not and for him to come out and say it!

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That’s grooming behavior


Groomer. Get him out of your life and away from your kids.


I’ve literally ended a friendship because of favoritism. I absolutely would not tolerate it from a potential life partner.

Negative. You can do better. She’s only 10 months how is she a favorite already :laughing:

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You need to drop him. If he can’t love them the same.

Get rid of him now hes probably a pedo and by the way he is mean to your son he bought a gift for the girl and not him seriously something is very wrong with him


BYE!!! This is absolutely not okay!! The fact that he’s favoring the girl is creepy!

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Nope. Get rid of him. And I definitely wouldn’t trust him with your daughter.

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If he cannot treat them the same you donot need him. Always remember it’s a package deal.

Your son is part of you also…

Not mean to him??? He buys things for one and not the other! He openly admits not liking your son. Sounds mean to me. Put your kids FIRST…LEAVE


That’s strange as fuck!

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You are and will always be a package deal ; and they need to realise this !!! The kids always come first as they have known you first and longer :joy: but in all seriousness my sister does this with her two kids 1boy 1girl; sister always has new relationships and her son is always left out while they always spoil her daughter ??? It’s real fxcked up situation, but always remember your Love for your babies first and foremost; and he can slip in wherever you need or see fit; or NOT… he’s no good for any of you mama x leave the rubbish In The bin to keep out streets clean x

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Why is this even a question?:thinking: He said he doesn’t like your son. The relationship should’ve been over right at that moment. Whoever made the excuse that he is just young and things will get better, is out of their damn mind. You need to move on. This behavior is giving red flags :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

There is strong risk of this developing an ongoing sibling hate & rivalry that would not likely be present otherwise.
This man seems too immature to be around children & if he can’t see the damage this behaviour can do & how questionable his thinking & actions are, you as their mother need to be aware of this & do what is best for you & your children.
Make space for a worthy & loving partner to enter your lives beautiful.
All the best xxx

Goodbye , only likes one kid and not the other. He ain’t the man for you. I wouldn’t continue to stick with him if he doesn’t accept my kids.


I wouldn’t even question that, my kids come first and will always come first.

THINGS DO NOT GET BETTER WITH TIME! Put your kids 1st! You are their mom. Stop chasing men and raise them, first. Then you can find any man you want. I speak from experience. My kids, 33 and 26, think I’m a good mom because I put them 1st.

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:roll_eyes: y’all are quick.
Talk to him. My friends have kids and I have favorites lol but I’d never verbalize or show it. Maybe he doesn’t know better. Tell him he can have a favorite but he needs to not show it. Nobody should be able to tell at all. If he opposes or keeps showing favoritism, THEN leave him. If everything else is well between you, then give him that chance

Also that’s kinda creepy


Run!! This is a serious RED flag. Your children are yours to protect!!!


Have a serious talk before things go any further it’s either both or none at all no favorites


Take it SERIOUSLY!! He needs to treat your children the same…or he needs to go!! My Opinion!


That’s fucking weird. Don’t be with anyone who favors one kid over the other. Please be careful.

No it’ll likely get worse your child will pick up on it.The man’s not mean yet but only been month already saying he dislikes a innocent kid he barely knows.And you shouldn’t be waiting for him to be mean, he’s verbalised it already, that should be enough .Im sorry someone doesn’t like my kids they are gone, my kids are first. Your children are both young aswell. That’s not a good man and not an example to be around kids.


Why the hell are you even questioning this? It hurts your feelings? For you to feel the need to write all of this out screams out that even your not 100% sure deep down!

Protect you kids and wait for someone when the times right. Your children are still babies enjoy the time with them.

The fact he “favours” your daughter over you son too has serious red flags. Sounds completely wrong from the off. Your still healing from recently having a baby protect them and yourself!!


This is a joke right? Choose your babies. And also, major red flags… love makes you make excuses for some crazy shit. I wouldn’t leave my daughter home alone with him. Or your little boy.


Tell him to watch the door as it kicks him in the ass on the way out !’


I’ve been with my significant other for 3 years. He has 2 kids. I’ve known his daughter since she turned a year old. She’s 4 now. His son is 7. I have a 5 year old son. I have favored his daughter, I have always wanted one. I haven’t showed any favoritism towards her. He had NO PATIENCE for my son for the first year. AT ALL. Now, they do everything together. But his girl is his baby.

I guess what I’m trying to say is “daddy’s little girl” is a real thing and there is more to do with a little boy as they grow. JS.


No you come as a full package the three of you not just two . He needs to understand that


Huge red flag! Most of the time when a man favors one child, that child will be molested. Get rid of him now! Also, do you really want to me that mom who chooses her bf happiness over her children?


Sounds like he could be a child molester…


Disfavored child status is long term harm that extends into adulthood, and is also quite harmful to the “favored” child as well, unfair rejection or unwarranted entitlement, not anything you want poured in the foundation of your childrens psychology


Naaahhhhh. Get rid of him girl that’s no good

No no no! All kids in a family should be treated equally! Maybe he’s not for you.

If a man favored my daughter over my son, I’d be a lot more worried about why than anything else. That’s not normal, and a HUGE red flag!! Also, always always put your babies and their feelings over your own. If it hurts you, it’ll hurt them, and it’s not worth it. I had an ex tell me he was having issues “coping” with my 1yo. Needless to say, that’s why he’s an ex. My baby deserves someone who loves her as their own, not someone who’s just there because they want to be with me. Just the same, your babies deserve someone who loves them as their own and wants to be apart of their lives as well as yours.

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Keep the creep away from your daughter and run!!!


He needs to understand that if he wants things to ever be permanent with you he can’t play favorites with the children ever. Your kids are a part of you and either he accepts the entire package or you need to move on before it gets any more serious.

Get rid of him ASAP , we don’t need to hear anymore “boyfriends “ hurting / killing their girlfriends children and how did you make things “serious”

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maybe he meant more like he’s always wanted a little girl? idk…? but for him to say word for word that he doesn’t like your son? that’s strange.

Don’t ever choose a man over your children. Next Thing you know you’re gonna end up on the news as the mother who let her boyfriend kill her child

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Huge red flag for a lot of reasons. You should think about this long and’re babies come first

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RUN now … smh … doesn’t like your son huge red flag there. He should accept both equally if he doesn’t choose your kids over anyone anyday

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When I got with my partner my daughter was nearly 2 and my son was only 2months old, it was easier for him to bond with my son at the start cause he was so little, and over time my partner and daughter formed a bond, he is the best step father to both my kids now and loves them the same amount …

He’s a creep. The fact he said he doesn’t like your son is a :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: throw the whole man away and don’t look back


He would have to love my kids as his own. If not he’s not the one.

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Ummm ewww…Thank you, NEXT


If he didn’t love both my kid’s he would definitely have to go. No man comes before my kid’s


Red flag right there. He needs to go


Run sis he’s a creep if he prefers it daughter over your son


Why doesn’t he like your son? I’m wondering if your son’s is in the terrible 2’s and he can’t handle it . I have been around kids I can’t tolerate. I also have 6 kids myself. It is concerning. I would ask him why. And not immediately assume he’s a pedophile. He may be struggling to bond with your son. Many questions should be asked

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Tell him good bye. Not good to tell you he doesn’t like your son. I don’t know but something doesn’t feel right.

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Dont ever leave him alone with ur kids please


It won’t get better, there’s an odd reason he prefers your daughter, DO NOT leave them alone.


Some of you need to see it from the perspective that maybe it’s because he is young and doesn’t have kids or just doesn’t have kids… it’s easy to prefer a 10 month old child over a 2 year old child no matter their gender… for someone who doesn’t have kids a 2 year old can be overwhelming…

I would be finding out why he prefer the 10 month old over the 2 year old… if it feel like it’s a gender thing then sure run…
If not I would sit him down and tell him, it’s a package deal, if you can’t treat them equally then it’s not going to work because kids know when they are being treated differently and your son will grow up to resent him which will cause further problems.

Either way you aren’t overreacting and you need to a conversation with the guy


Red flag man. Get him the hell away from your kids.


I would be hurt too if one of my kids was being favored. I’d consider leaving before relationship gets too serious.


I’d probably have a serious talk with him.
A lot of people lack empathy, which is another whole issue. Best to try and say, “what if your Mother had a boyfriend that knowing disliked you when you were my boy’s age?” And listen to his answer really well.
If he refuses to change and/or his favoritism doesn’t improve—choose your son’s mental health over him.
PS—I’d really watch his interactions with your daughter. Calling someone a pedo is serious accusation but it’s terrifyingly common. Best of luck with your decision. :blue_heart:


If he cannot expect your children he’s not it sis

Be very CAREFUL!!! He sounds like a pedophile!!! You need to DROP him now!!!


That sounds weird af. Can’t be the age because 2 year olds are easier than 10 month olds id know.

No that is not cool. You, son and daughter are a package deal. He can’t choose one over the other it’s just wrong don’t put your kids in that position. Huge red flags

Dump him hun, your babies are equal to you and should be the same to him, in time your little boy would notice hun xxx

Are you kidding me? This shouldn’t even be a question. You’re a package deal. The kids come before him. And if he’s openly favoring her, he very well could be grooming her for abuse in the future. Be smart about this!


Get over it and take care of your priorities!

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I sure wouldn’t have let anything get serious!!! That’s a big deal breaker!


In my personal opinion this sounds super weird!

He favors her, buys only her something. I swear it sounds like he’s grooming her at such a young age. She can’t talk or protect herself and he knows that.

Maybe I’m wrong but it’s just my opinion.


Get that man away from your babies asap.


Naaah that’s a red flag. Even if he’s not favoring her for some malicious reason it can create problems in the future for your son that doesn’t seem fair.


When .y kids was young Iet the guys I dated I had 3 kidsY the time that we came as a packet. If he couldn’t take all four of us to move around

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That is a huge red flag and sounds a lot like grooming. Especially since she’s at the age where she doesn’t know right from wrong and can’t communicate well enough to explain to you if something happens. I would keep him far away from my babies!


OMG he tells you he doesn’t like your kid and you don’t know if you should take it seriously? Are you kidding me??!


Absolutely not! This is exactly why I am uncomfortable with dating while my son is still so young. Sounds like he’s grooming you daughter, and what happens when he starts hitting your son behind your back?? ABSOLUTELY NOT.


If he said he doesn’t like your son u should leave


LEAVE HIM. you are your children’s protector

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Na. Leave. You’ll find a man to love all three of you


Ma’am Iam a Certified CPS Foster/Adoptive parent. The FACT this guy has flat out told you your LITTLE GIRL is his favorite and dislikes your TODDLER son is a HUGE RED FLAG! The gift giving is a Predators 1st step of GROOMING thier intended victim. I would get my babies far away from this dude immediately!


Yea don’t do that to your kids they deserve better! Either you love them the same or leave!

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That seems fishy. I don’t want to be bad but for him to say he prefers a young girl in this case is not good. I wouldn’t date him anymore. Your children need to come first.


Umm. Who told you things like this get better with time.
H*ll no. Do not stay with someone like this, very bright red flags here.

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Girl, if I smack you with a sandwich, is it hard or soft? :thinking::thinking: he must be great if you still have him around after he plays favorites to kids.


:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: saying that he straight up doesn’t like your son and that your daughter his favorite is super sketchy and very fishy I agree with some of the other comments I saw above I would get your babies away from that man and immediately don’t even bother pursuing it yes there’s like a small chance that he could grow attached to both your kids and the whole thing is just innocent because he himself doesn’t have kids but the fact that he started only liking your daughter and giving her gifts that’s a very clear sign in the beginning of grooming I would just be really cautious if you continue with that relationship never leave him alone with either of your children I hope you and your kids stay safe


It should be a package deal! There’s no If’s, but’s or maybe! Take it serious!

Leave. Why doesn’t he like your son but likes your daughter? Maybe warning signs. Or she’s too young to speak back. Be wary


Kick him to the curb.


Oh no no no. Cut that dude right off!

That’s a red a flag!! Run fast and don’t look back.

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Dump him…Fast! Your children are your first concern.

Walk away . Your children come first. If that hurt you it will hurt him . Tell your dump as there 2 children here and I love them more then life . And if you can’t love them as well just walk the fuck out of our life . I do not need are fuck boy in my way I need man . That make me so mad :angry: I would have to ask question on here I told him fuck off you pick of shit no one Treat my kids like this walk the fuck out .