Am I being dramatic? Need advice

My boyfriend & I have been talking since February. He’s been over when my kids were sleeping but we just made things serious about a month ago. My son is 2 and my daughter is 10 months. He favors my daughter. He told me she’s his favorite and he doesn’t like my son. He bought my daughter something but not my son. As a mom that hurts my feelings. At the same time, someone told me I need to realize he’s young with no kids and eventually things will get better with time. I’m mentally struggling with it. I love my kids the same and the thought of someone favoring the other hurts. He’s not mean to him at all. But I don’t know if it’s something I should take super serious or if I’m just being sensitive.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I being dramatic? Need advice

You’re not being dramatic. If I were you I would tell him there’s no favorites here. All of my kids will be treated the same, period. Orrrrr you won’t be around :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Take it seriously. He says he doesn’t like your son? Goodbye.


I would not be with someone that didn’t treat all of my kids eith the same respect. That’s a huge red flag.

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Danger. Red flag warning.

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Very bad start. Bye bye…

I’d leave him :woman_shrugging:t3: when you allow him to show favorites, your kids will think you do the same.

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What happens when u move in together and he still doesn’t like your son


Ditch his ass. Best case scenario he just doesn’t like one of your children and is a shitty adult by displaying and saying that. worst case scenario he’s grooming your child

Dump him quick. Sounds like trouble. Anybody who favors a girl and tells you to your face he doesn’t like a boy is most likely a pedophile. Your son is 2. WTF. That’s a huge flag. As a Mother of 2 kids you better never bring a gift for only 1 of my children . Nope and nope.


I’m wondering if he just bonds better with older children. Let him know he can’t buy something for one but not the other and give it time. 2 year old boys are especially difficult

I’m just going to flat out say it!!!… if he can’t except both of them and love them the same; throw the whole Dude AWAY he AINT for you boo-boo!!!


red flags right there! treating the kids different, not right at all.


Not worth your time!! Bye bye!!


He sounds like a predator
You need to put your kids first lady


He actually said “I don’t like your son” and your asking strangers what to do???


Sorry but that’s messed up. If he can’t buy for both then don’t buy for either of them.

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:triangular_flag_on_post: for sure. Especially bc it’s your DAUGHTER. As a mom I hate going to that spot, but there’s some messed up people in this world and you never think it’ll be people you trust. If anyone doesn’t like one of my kids, it’s bye bye for me. Period. Being young and not having kids isn’t an excuse. If you date someone with kids, you treat the kids the same as you would your own, period.


Uhm this is insane.
Get rid of him. How can anyone be with someone who doesn’t like their child? I could never be with someone who didn’t treat my kids with respect and didn’t like them. That is a huge red flag.


Not being sensitive at all, i wouldn’t be able to not say anything. I remember one of my moms boyfriends growing up, he was an amazing man and really truly treated me and my 2 brothers like his own. Christmas gifts, trips to the movie theater, clothes and shoes when we needed them and i remember my mom was always laughing and smiling. He even stuck around when we had no electricity in our home, bringing hot food and letting us go to his apartment and shower.

He doesn’t like a 2 year old? He doesn’t like A PART OF YOU BECAUSE THATS WHAT YOUR SON IS. Don’t settle just because he makes YOU happy. Kids don’t just get trauma from not having a man around. They have trauma from being favored too. He will grow to realize this and think there’s something wrong with him and YOU allowed it. Be your child’s advocate. There are so many people out there to make you happy and quite frankly the fact he told you that and didn’t see an issue shows he doesn’t think of anyone but himself. Stand your ground and stand up for your kids. Keep your standards high so they can know how they deserve to be treated. Allowing this is only going to be toxic and traumatic in the long run


I bet that’s how it started with the mom from Texas whose son was killed by the boyfriend and the other kids were just left there to live with their dead sibling.

How red do the flags need to be? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Rach Russ the girl is 10 months old. A baby, not older.

Well first of all. A red flag to me is that he said he doesn’t like your son. I can understand with your daughter she is at the age of where bonding is easier . We all know that 2 year Olds are a handful but saying he doesn’t like you son. Ummm BYE! No amount of love for a boyfriend is okay with the damage that would do to your child.


Nope. Need to cut that off now. One if he is favoring your daughter you need to kick him to the curb. He maybe a sexual predator and he’s targeting your child. Let him go.


You get involved with an asshole like that you’ll be back in here asking for more advice. It will not change. Do yourself and your kid a favor… DUMP HIM

He needs to go. Your kids are your priority and you are doing them wrong by having someone who doesn’t treat them equally. You need to do better

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First off there are sick people in this world , why does he favor the girl more than the boy . That’s the first sign. Second do you think your son deserves that? No. He doesn’t . Your kids come first nobody should ever treat children that way excepically a man.


Tell him to kick rocks


NEVER should anyone have a favorite child or grandchild. All children in the family should always be treated as equals.


Um she’s a girl that’s scary runnnn

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Red flag AND grooming technique! GET RID OF HIM! Not to mention, that’s seriously going to damage you and your son’s relationship if you keep him around til they’re older, he’ll 100% see the difference in treatment and that you’re OK with it since you’ve kept him in their lives.


Ummmm nope that doesn’t sound right and that’s all types of red flags.

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Definitely a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:….take it as a warning :warning: before it’s too late.

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Of course you should take it seriously, that’s a big red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: he doesnt like your son and he is favouriting your daughter, it sounds fishy to me. Fr save yourself and your children some heart ache.

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Leave him an don’t leave your daughter or son alone with him either.


Don’t be stupid, walk away

Yeah no… don’t walk … run!! Seriously.

Girl that’s a huge red flag especially since he’s only favoring the girl. If that doesn’t scream red flags to you then idk what will. Also if I was you I would be checking his background information too.


Red flag, in the bin.

I would get rid of him … definitely something fishy there (my own opinion)

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Red :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Big yikes. Not being sensitive :grimacing:

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I would have put a stop to that,the first time that he bought one child a gift and the other child nothing!! And it’s child abuse to tell any child that you like them, but not some other child… especially their sibling… wrong, wrong all the way around…there’s red flags all over this post…Get the kids out of that situation!!


Get away from this guy ASAP.

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Huge huge huge red flag! Coming from someone who’s son was almost killed for that exact reason.


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::rotating_light: be open minded about it and listen to your instincts!! Leave him and find A MAN xx

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Take that to heart baby boo

No…he’s gonna mess up your son badly and your daughter…not good enough for your family. Also too fast usually is a red flag as well


I have found out that when you’re in a relationship with somebody besides the other parent of your kids they do have favorites but they should not show it all kids should be treated equal. This is a red flag on immaturity for him and just think in the future how does immaturity will affect your relationship

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Hell no. That’s A huge deal and he needs to GO

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You come with 2 kids, not one - he either treats them both the same or hes gotta go.


You are a package deal never forget that.

I would send him packing….along with the one toy he bought for your daughter ……I would tell him right out ….if he doesn’t have 2 toys…one for each child….than you won’t be giving any toys to either of them….that’s crazy!

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That sounds like GROOMING


Sounds creepy to be honest. While I’m sure it’s nothing, it just puts off pedo vibes. Sorry


Please get out of that relationship don’t live to regret staying with that man. Sometimes it takes a while to realize when someone is miss treating your child because you don’t see it at first. But just the fact that he would buy something for one and not the other is not good. That’s a innocent child. As a mother you shouldn’t even Have a question about this. Keep your baby safe


Never should one of your kids feel left out and not liked. Doesn’t matter how much you like him. KIDS COME FIRST!!

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He needs to go like NOW, you have two kids to think about, this story will end horribly if you don’t get him away from your kid


Let’s be blunt. Your “boyfriend” sounds like a pedophile and he flat out told you he doesn’t like your kid and you’re asking strangers if you should take it serious or not. Please think of your children in this situation. Also if you choose to stay with him please allow your kids to go live with someone else.


Big red flag! As soon as I was told he didn’t like one of my children his a** would of been gone, not to mention he favors the GIRL … You have to be extra careful these days & that would be a big NO for me & my children!


Take it super serious and dump him.

And honestly you shouldn’t even need to ask.


No. Just no. The fact that he even had the balls to tell you he doesn’t like your son and your son is only 2…that’s just no.

That could create an unhealthy bond between brother and sister, especially because they’re so close in age as well. I would sit down and talk with him about it, maybe a general rule of “if daughter gets something son gets something too” unless it’s their respected bdays or something. If the behavior doesn’t change or he doesn’t respect that, I would personally leave him. When you get with someone who has multiple kids you cannot pick favorites, it can ruin a child.


Tell him it’s over. Sorry. It’ll never change.

That is a massive and glaring red flag. I wouldn’t address it, I’d be done.

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Nope boy bye I got 2 kids were a package deal

Wow I would be leaving him that’s not right

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Men sometimes feel threaten by sons because often they look like their dad’s, it’s not healthy or fair on your son for him to be acting like this move on and learn from it

He’d be gone already

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Why is this even a question? Ur kids come first. Y’all are a package deal.


Nope .get rid of him thats just stupid


Sounds like grooming. Get out.


Nope been in a relationship like that in the past and it created behaviour problems with my son. I never saw it at the time but others did. It’s not healthy!

Dump him he doesnt like your son. He should love BOTH your children!

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Big RED FLAG!! I would be packing up! Bye Felicia!!


He likes the girl? And not the boy? And your daughter is young and cannot speak?


I married a man like that no understanding that when he was harder on the boys that it was a red flag. He sexually assaulted my 5 year old daughter.

I was married to him. I had ZERO clue that he was capable of that.

When someone shows you who they are BELIEVE THEM.


Your child is your number 1 priority.

Evil exists.

If you had to ask this to us YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER.

Sorry for seeming to shout it’s just I want you to listen so bad my head hurts and so does my heart.

If you do not heed all the advice and your child gets hurt you will never forgive yourself and your daughter will never forgive you either. Especially if she finds out you had doubts.


Take it serious for the sake of your son.

Try to remedy it. Don’t react on emotions when you speak to him. It’ll be hard!!!

Tell him you appreciate the love he has for your daughter, but it’s not okay to leave out the other child.

If he’s a grown man he will understand not to do that to a child. If he doesn’t, then walk away. Trust me! He won’t be worth it! If he progresses and it gets worse your son will hate YOU for it.

Your plan of action now will determine if you’ll be choosing your son or this dude if he doesn’t want to change.

I hope he sees he is wrong because it’s very sad!

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Get rid of him
You don’t do that buy for one and not the other that’s just wrong wrong wrong Get rid of him​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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It can be an age thing too. An infant isn’t as interesting as a two year old and a two year old recognizes a gift. This can be discussed

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Oh hell no he can go back out the door


Just my opinion he has got to go!


Not no but hell no! The fact that he came out and said it just rubs me the wrong way. I’d be cutting ties and letting it go. That mere statement just sends me all kinds of red flags


Why are you even still considering him as an option when he said that about your child? I mean… Come on…


Most abuse or neglect is by non bio parents and it can start with favoring and escalate. I would not be with a man who likes one more than the others



Even if he isn’t a creep, the fact he DOESN’T LIKE your son is a problem and not fair to your son at all


Tell that dude to kick rocks

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I rarely say this but dump him sis

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Take it seriously. How rude and immature for him to outwardly say he doesn’t like your son! I’d re think the “ relationship “.

Kick em to the curb . Ain’t no way in hell or heaven .

That’s a hell no from me.

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Not okay. :disappointed: if any man says he doesn’t like my son, that man would be G O N E…

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Listen to this now…get rid of him! Something seems dodgy with this!

No. No. No. I see very bad things ahead. Go with your gut! You are mom!!! Get rid of this guy!!!


don’t even know why you’re asking? Your child is forever, this relationship could be over in 6 months from now, you don’t know. So who do you think you should decide on? Come on why do mothers even question this shit!!! Your children come first, that’s it done and simple or don’t have children!!!

Uh no that’s not something that’ll get better with time

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Ummm, I’m sorry but with 7 billion people in this world please do not bring someone in your life who is already verbalizing one child over another. Those are you kids, protect them.
Maybe it is nothing, and things would get “better” but why even risk it?


If he literally told you he doesn’t like your son…
Huge :triangular_flag_on_post: Flag!!!
Dump him ASAP,
Follow your own intuition. This is not OK. One good thing is he admitted to you how he feels about your son. Wouldn’t you rather be single and know the people around your young children like them?