Am I being over protective?

If that’s all you got to worry about your doing a lot better than most of us.

People sadly drink & drive around the holidays…so not worth the risk life can change in a second

He should already be in a forward facing carseat.

Loosen up… You will have a long tough road ahead being so uptight.

Yes you are. Around the lit houses hold him and go slow as is the usual case looking at lights. When finished looking, pull over and back in car seat

We drove slow and I held mine in the back seat so they could see.

stick to your guns…no front facing…he will still see the lights

Sit in the back with him… He can still see out the windows while rear facing…

We sat in the back of a pickup truck. No belts, no nothing. If he can’t see the lights, why go? You put him in a grocery cart and he’s okay, he’ll be okay tonight also.

My 3 year old is a bit bigger and I moved her to forward facing

Wrap him up and take him out in his stroller.

I think it’s illegal to have him forward facing at his age. Since it’s cold, and he’s so little, I’d skip the trip for this year, which he won’t remember anyway. Try again next year.

Also at 1 year in most states they are allowed to face forward.

Safety is paramount, but you have to live.

I would question the dad and say I quest it is ok to hold him it is just in the neighborhood

Its not overprotective. Its the law.

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Go to a speedway On lights. You can take them out of the car seat there. It’s one way and slow speed.

A toddler could care less about Christmas Lights.

Just dress him appropriately and walk him for goodness sake


Just bundle him up real good, and keep an I on him, and if he looks cold take him home

He’s not even 2 yrs old REALLY!???

How cold is too cold?

This is not even an issue. What are the laws in your area?

Omg, I cannot believe you would argue for a week over such a stupid problem. GROW UP…


Just around the neighborhood face him where he can see them!!

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I would hold him personally. Forward facing sounds like compromise.

You could always jeep him rear facing and do video on your phone to show him later

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Bundle him up in the stroller, he’ll be fine

I’m surprised we all need to answer this question.

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Yeah your being over protective…Take that baby to see the lights!!!

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Just do it! Bundle the baby up and do it. Life is too short!


bundle him up and push him around in a stroller.

He’s almost 2 years old!! Face him front!!!

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Stroll him through the mall…this is about you and not the kid

Just let him see the lights

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Forward face and drive slowly. Mom, relax

Just wait until next year

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Trust your gut. It might be telling you something for a reason.

Ha, he’ll be asleep in 10 minutes, so don’t fuss over it.

I think you are over reacting on this.

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You’re being overprotective,


put him
front facing with u in the back with him if it makes u feel

If youre just in your neighborhood put him on your lap

He’s probably as safe in the car as the stroller driving walking speed.


I would forward face a 21 month old.

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He will be fine facing forward!

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I think it would be ok.

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He can still see them facing the rear.

He is so young he won’t remember anyway.

Stay home is he going to remember or are you going to argue and fight stay home

Yes you are…he will be fine…

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Just bundle him, Let him enjoy it. You are being to protective.

Where I live that’s illegal so I say no :woman_shrugging:t3:

Cold wont kill him. Bundle and go!! Its good for him.


You’re being too overprotective… let him face forward as your husband drives 25mph around the neighborhood looking at lights.

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Just forwand face him for 30 min

I would not do it. I think you are right

Don’t argue over things that don’t matter that much. Figure it out together.

Save your petty crap for between the 2 of you. For goodness sake. Seriously. Wow

Yes, you are. Do it and have fun.

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I remember from a very young age, my parents driving us everywhere to look at Christmas lights. There were no seat belts in cars or car seats for young ones. Our parents held the young ones and the rest rolled down back seat windows to see better. Great memories.


He’s too little too be front facing. Even at a slow speed, people are even more reckless with everything going on. Just bundle him up like crazy and walk the neighborhood


I wouldn’t have a problem forward facing him for one ride around the neighborhood. On that part I would side with dad. However, keep in mind you may be opening up a can of worms. I wanted to keep my son rear facing until 4, but ended up having to forward face the carseat my mom uses in her van for him after he turned 3. Once he found out forward facing was an option, it became an issue. He wanted to forward face in my car too, and it was a huge PITA. So if you think he’s old enough for that to be a possibility I would probably side with you on that part.


Girl bye! I hope his daddy takes him to do fun stuff by themselves! It wasn’t even until 5 or so years ago they decided your baby had to face the rear until 21 years of age! Most of the children over the age of 5 or 6 were in front facing car seats at 1 year old and they are still here to annoy their parents daily! Poor kid will miss out on a lot of life with a helicopter mom! Hope dad helps him enjoy life! Poor baby

My kid could walk at 8 months. His first Christmas, at 11 months old, he unbuckled himself out of a rear-facing car seat. This was not an isolated incident. I looked back to see him waving at cars in the back window driving by. I switched him to front-facing in an attempt to keep him in the seat.
I kept mine rear-facing as long as I could, so I want to agree with you. He’s too young to remember the lights, but he’d like to see them. It isn’t likely to have consequences, but if he doesn’t mind rear-facing now, then, enjoy that for a little while longer.

Bundle up good and do the stroller. My first baby was born on Christmas day in 73. I took her out everyday even if for a minute standing outside she never got sick not even a ear infection. will do baby good just not too long

Use a stroller
Bundle him up and take him out
Run of thumb if you are cold…he is cold if you are warm…he is warm
He is a little human being just like you
Treat him like you he won’t break

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

No no. Maybe go slow while your in the back and point so he can see… you never no what another driver is doing

He is almost two. He should be sitting in his car seat facing forward.


You’re overprotective. Many of us grew up without seat belts altogether

This is honestly way 2 much. Overthinking a bit :joy::joy::joy:

Just walk him. Whats the big deal?

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I feel sorry for this kid

A lot of comments. Your call :slightly_smiling_face:

Go with your gut mama

Face him forward and sit by him.

Take him when he is older and will remember the lights

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I know it’s a bit late BUT… my suggestion would be to rug him up nicely in blankets and have his rain cloth over to protect him from the wind :slight_smile: I’ve had to do this for my daughter before as I had to walk in the rain to an appointment. I was freezing but she was toasty warm :slight_smile:

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I think it’s fine that he is forward faced in your neighborhood. When I was growing my car seat was my moms arm. When my son was growing up he was forward facing starting at newborn

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My daughter sits forward facing all the time and doesn’t even weigh 25 pounds. He put her in a five point harness seat. If you’re just going around the neighborhood I don’t see an issue with turning him around


I’m sure he’ll see just as much rear facing. You do whatever you’re comfortable with. My 4 year old is rear facing and I wouldn’t forward face just so she could see some Xmas lights x


Mine were turned at the carseat requirements and it sounds like he might meet those requirements. Mine is 20 pounds and 30 inches on the carseat.

He can see them rear facing.


It is neither too cold for a stroller and I mean I am always a strong advocate for keeping the car seat facing backwards but for the the lights you could probably just if you’re in a slow neighborhood turning forward and sit in the back with them but to be honest with you he can see them from the back just fine why don’t you sit in the back with him and point them out

21 months?.. really?

My 18 month old will remain rear-facing until he hits 51 lbs (outgrows his convertible seat). If that happens at 3 yrs or 7 yrs, I don’t care. But it won’t be a day sooner.


Don’t break the law and compromise his safety. He can turn his head to see the lights if he’s interested.

My question is: what is the law in your state? In California, children are to be rear facing until they are 24 months of age (age 2). It used to be they had to be rear facing until 12 months AND 20 lbs, but that law has since been changed to 24 months.
Whatever the law is in your state/ province, that’s what I’d recommend going with. Even tho it’s only around the block, anything can still happen. You can still get into an accident and even if it isn’t your fault, if your child isn’t rear facing and he’s supposed to be, he could be seriously injured and you (driver) could face serious consequences.
Just something to think about

Your kid will be asleep within a few moments of “seeing the lights”. It’ll be yourself and your partner at that point. Children don’t really care at that age. It’s, more or less, for your own enjoyment of your child’s reaction.

Short story: If you played a YouTube video of “Christmas lights”, it would have the same effect on your child.

Honestly I don’t see why weight is the big issue if he is tall enough turn that baby around I see this woman has her child rear facing and she looks like she is 3 let that baby’s legs stretch

Put him in stroller with hat and blankets and he will be fine!


Just an idea…keep his car seat rear facing…bundle him up and have your husband let you and he out of the car so you can walk with him a bit to see the lights. Walk maybe a block or two and let your spouse pick you up at the end of the planned walk. Maybe you and your spouse can take turns doing this…then drive home whenever you all decide it’s enough!


The risk does not outweigh the benefit in this situation. Keep your kiddo rear facing.

Can you get whiplash from a small fender bender? Yes. And most accidents happen within a mile from home, especially at Christmas when you’re intentionally driving through busy streets where everyone is looking at lights, and every driver is distracted. It doesn’t take much force to snap a child’s neck, which is what happens in an accident when a child is forward facing. Little ones heads are still not proportional to the rest of their body, and in an accident it won’t take much for their head to fling forward, and there’s not much movement needed for a neck to snap.

Your child will not remember looking at the lights, and can see perfectly fine rear facing. If they are currently in the center, move them to the outboard seat for the drive so they are closer to the window to look out.

And for all of you saying you survived just fine without car seats, when you know better, you do better. The science and knowledge wasn’t available back then. It is now, and as parent your greatest responsibility is to keep your kids safe, and following proper car seat safety is one of the easiest ways to keep them safe.

-CPST (car seat passenger safety tech)

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Obviously he doesn’t think safety. Be strong and put your foot down. He needs lessons in safety.

I say go for it. I’m sure that you wouldn’t be going more than maybe 10 mph so do it. Your child your decision. I’m sure he’ll be just fine. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Most accidents occur within 2 miles of home. If people in your area drive slow maybe. In my area everyone is warp speed. Think of the worst scenario and ending then decide if it is worth the risk.

Ok you have to factor in different things here. 1. Is it really just your neighborhood so will he be staying under a set speed limit like lets say 20 mph . If so then he is far safer in a vehicle then walking around in a stroller . 2. What kind of vehicle do you drive and year. 3. How do people drive in your neighborhood and 4. How many people are driving in your neighborhood.

I personally would have him forward sitting for this one occasion. But I also had my kids playing in our street last night with their new Christmas toys .

I’d drive to the lights get him out to see it doesn’t hurt to be cold for a minute but he might not care about the lights anyway lol you could try it next year

Driving slowly around a neighborhood is very little risk. Enjoy your time.

I’m in Mexico I have seen kids on motorcycles all week. less than 2