Am I being to hard with my 16 yrs old son?

This post is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. :unamused:

All I can say is wow. You are so wrong on so may levels. He willing gives you 150. Goes to school and works. Sounds like to me you take advantage of your kid. I dont know any 16 year olds who work and just on there own say hey mom hey dad here is 150.00 bucks. Give your son his own damn room. SHM

If he’s already paying the $150 a week that should cover the room?


Your son seems to be doing better than most at 16. 16 years is too young to have the amount of responsibility you’re putting on him. Should not have to pay rent, maybe at 18 years would make more sense. You had the kids and it is not your sons fault you can’t afford a place for him to have his own room. Also, be more encouraging about a trade school. College is a scam and most people who went for a trade or found a way on their own are making way more than those with a degree!!! Trade is the way to go. Believe me someone who has both. Be more encouraging and supportive. It’s different if he’s in trouble etc. you said he’s a good kid yourself.


Your doing the right thing never doubt yourself xo


That is way too much for a 16 year old. If he has to pay rent, then he is essentially a roommate. Can he come and go as he pleases? And btw…many trade schools can yield a job that pays more than a college degree job. You are ridiculous. He already pays his cell and gives you 600 a month. As far as you feeding him and giving him rides without asking for gas…he’s your CHILD


I usually do not comment anything negative but your demands are beyond unreasonable. Also a 16 y/o and a 7 y/o sharing a bedroom is bad news. Maybe find a private space for your older son or a small space for the younger son in your bedroom or another space.

Your oldest has a strong work ethic and he’s the type to depend on. Your current actions will drive him away.

My 2 cents


First of all… it’s minus the $150… he is already paying his way

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A 16 year old needs his own room without paying. He works & goes to school. He is proving he can be responsible so give him his own room. The baby brother doesn’t need a lot of space of his own maybe he can sleep with the parents in his own bed.

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I don’t believe in charging my kids for rent. It’s 3 bedrooms boys will be together and girls together end of conversation

Your wrong :woman_shrugging: he should still be depending on you for most things. He’s 16. He should not have to pay for his room. That shouldn’t even be an option. He’s not an adult. He shouldn’t be working 40 hours a week and going to school. He should be working to save some, use some for gas and fun money. That’s it. He shouldn’t even be paying his own phone bill. I can see helping out if he was 20 and not in school. Damn

Your minor son pays you $150/week (or $7800 a year) from his earning and you want more? I hope he stops giving you that money altogether. Your his parent and housing is your responsibility. Your son sounds like a good kid, with a good head on his shoulders.


I understand wanting to teach responsibilities to your child, but what you are doing is dead wrong. He’s only 16 and you guys are charging him rent? He needs his own space, it isn’t on him to pay rent YOU AS PARENTS are to provide until he is 18. I’m honestly blown away that you in anyway think what you are doing is good for him. You are taking advantage of your child and that’s disgusting. He’s beyond responsible for his age. He is already giving you that money how are you going to ask for more? To be honest he sounds better of getting emancipated and away from you guys. :woman_shrugging:t3:


:woman_facepalming: your a nut case & failing him as his mother !!! No 16 yr old should be paying rent to live in your house I bet he can’t wait until he’s 18 to get the hell away from you


When he turns 18 and you never hear from him again, don’t be surprised.


So he gives you $150 a week because he chooses too but you want him to give you an additional $400 so he can have his own room?!?! He is only 16 so he shouldn’t have to pay to have his own bedroom. Maybe you or husband could work more to afford the house on your own. Maybe you and your husband can learn from your son! Work more hours or another job, if you need more money. My twins share a room for now(they are 5) but I wouldn’t expect my boys to share a room since there is a 5yr age gap.
Heck, I don’t know how you live in a 2 bedroom place now with 4 kids. Where would your 7 yr stay if your 16yr pays you $400 a month? If there’s another room for him then why do you expect your oldest to pay $400 to not a share room?!
What is wrong with a trade school!!! Nothing!!!


School aged children should not be charged rent!!! When they get jobs they first should be taught to save and invest! Then they should pay for their personal expenses- toiletries, specialty clothing (you should still provide occasional basic clothing), preferred foods (you should still provide basic food), cell phone and car insurance, and perhaps chip in on a utility bill.

A child going to work is not your new partner in supporting the household. You also should not set up resentment between the brothers by threatening the loss of his room, that is toxic and so ugly-spirited!

What you are saying to your child is he is a burden to you and you are not capable of supporting him so now he must support you and himself.

Charge rent to fully grown children with full- fledged careers who live at home to save for a house, marriage, or a car; NOT a 16 year old!!! Figure out another way to supplement your income without mooching the little money a teenager makes! Parenting last a lifetime!

My mom was like you and I moved out at 16…good luck with that.



I don’t care what state you live in or what the average rent is ($3k is not average btw) a 16 year old should have their own room if feasible and SHOULD NOT have to pay rent


He’s still a child, why would you charge him rent! He’s a hard working child! He’s your oldest and should have a chance at having his own room! Next it will be the 13 year old chance when your 16 year old moves out! You need to show him some respect for all of his efforts!


Wow. My daughter works she’s 17 and pays her car payment and phone i have never asked her for $. We talked about it at 19 maybe but if she goes to college it will probably just be to pay the cable bill …

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That poor child is already an adult. It’s not his fault rent is so high in California. He is your responsibility till he’s 18. Making him pay rent is absurd. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Hes 16! You want him to pay $400 a month to have his room. That’s absolutely insane. You should be so reluctant to have a child working 40 hours a week at 16. He’s a child! Him paying $150 is more than enough at his age… I’m mind blown. It’s not a privilege at 16 its your job as a mom to put a roof over his head, food in his mouth and clothe him…


He’s still a baby, your baby. I grew up too fast and as a mother, I don’t want my children to feel like they are obligated to take on adult responsibilities. Break those generational traumas that have been passed down; your child doesn’t owe you anything just because you gave them life. At his age that’s great that he knows the value of money, and he seems like he is a very hard worker. Focus more on the fundamentals, not the finances and the stress & pressure that comes with a parent putting their responsibilities on their children. It would be awesome if you took that 150 weekly and put it into a savings account for him for when he graduates… he’s a hard worker and a respectful kid, what more can you want as a mom. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a child… probably why he can’t keep his room clean … dirty clothes on floor etc bc his mind is somewhere else… maybe all he really wants to hear is “we are proud of you and we got you for life.”

How are you going to charge your minor child rent?!! That is so messed up!!

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I have to agree, my kids will always live free eat free be driven around free, we brought them into the world we are to look after them especially whilst underage.

He works hard he’s still doing ok in school and he’s a teenager with a young child in his room. This is a age children start to explore themselves stay up later than a 7 year old which could impact both of them. He should have some freedom and he shouldn’t be treated like he’s renting a room in someone home he should feel at home.

If you need to spend more to get a bigger place then maybe have help from him as he obviously wants to help you but I wouldn’t be taking more than $50 and anything over would be going into a savings .


Idk about y’all but when having kids in my opinion I can’t understand parents who expect there child to pay. I will never understand that and especially so young. But ti each there own.


I couldn’t believe what I was reading! Your son is paying you $600.00 a month while sharing his room and you want him to pay you another $400.00 for his own room. He’d be giving you $1,000.00 a month! What a deal for you and your husband. Hopefully you both work full time jobs. You give your son rides to school and to his friends house and don’t charge him gas money for that…AND FEED HIM! You and you husband deserve parents of the year awards! You people are using your son. He’s only 16. It’s your job to take care of him until he’s 18. Cry me a river lady!


He’s still a kid. Let the boy be a kid. You’ve had him sharing a room with 3 other kids, let him have a room to himself for 2 years. He will be running out of that house at 18 and you will regret how you are currently planning to do things. He works more than the average adult and he’s trying to do what needs done but you’re going to make it harder on him. He knows he has to work for what he wants but the basics of parenting shouldn’t be on his shoulders as a burden when he’s still very much a child and your responsibility.

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My mom asked me to pay rent when I was 16. I moved out and didn’t talk to her for years. Be careful


It’s YOUR responsibility to provide shelter for your child. He’s not an adult. He can’t go and get his own place. You should be ashamed of yourself especially when he’s already giving y’all so much money. Disgusting.


Yes asking your child to pay rent at 16 wow

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Seems he’s already pretty responsible, and if the 400 is what you want to charge him and he’s paying you 150 weekly that adds up to what you want to charge him for the room and utilities anyway so consider it already paid for it adds up to 600 monthly now give him his room .:woman_shrugging::thinking:


I dont even charge my 20 yr old rent. He’s in uni and works. I’m a single mum with 5 kids at home in total. I would never take money from my child who is showing he will do what’s needed to give himself a good future. He is my child and I give to my kids not take. He saves his money cause he’s thinking of his future when he leaves home and I won’t take away from his efforts to better himself by taking my child’s money. He is my child my whole life not till he’s old enough to earn money. My role as a parent is to do everything in my power to ensure my children eventually leave my care with a headstart.

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I think he already knows he won’t be handed things in life. Sounds like he works his tail off. That’s a lot for a 16 year old.

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Nope. You lost me at 16yrs old and $400 rent.

DO BETTER. He is a CHILD still. Idc if he works 40hrs a week.

I dont agree with charging rent to a minor. He should have his own privacy. Nothing at all wrong with a teenager wanting privacy.

I never charged my kids anything as long as I seen their trying!

One he’s paying his way already if it’s weekly then your already getting your 400 I live in California there’s no way I would ask my son who’s not even a adult legally a adult for basically 900 a month if you include utilities your in the wrong let him build for his life not yours you are the ADULT not him you need extra money work for it


Whats gonna happen is that you guys are gonna end up pushing him away and then you’re gonna be crying why dont want to spend time with you guys. He’s doing and incredible effort, not many kids his age do all this. He deserves his bedroom, he’s the oldest one, he needs his space.


I never comment on these but I couldn’t even finish reading the whole thing because it just kept sounding crazier and crazier. I would never charge my child who is still attending school any type of rent. You also claim him on taxes, don’t you? It is not his fault that you don’t have a bigger house. He can’t possibly be making that much money to afford all of this. You’re going to make him feel like a paycheck instead of a child


I’m sorry. I don’t normally comment on things I don’t agree with. But I can’t believe what I read and I’m hoping the more comments telling you that this is ridiculous to ask a child to pay rent, the better chance of you to realize how wrong it is. And a 16 year old does not need to state with a 7 year old. He needs his own space. I know you said it’s a 3 bedroom, but I’m assuming there is a way to make this work without him paying since it can happen WITH him paying.

He’s your responsibility!

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What the actual bs is that!? He is a teenage he needs his own room I would sleep in livingroom so my kids can have their own room or cover the garage.

Could NEVER be me. :woozy_face:

There is a huge difference in a 10 and 12 year old sharing a room. And a 16 and 7 ear old sharing. Take all that money he is giving you out of kindness as his “rent”. Or idk just let him live in your house free since he is still a child!


That poor boy is already living like an adult!! I know adults who are struggling with that amount of rent alone. Why would he just give you $150 a week on his OWN unless he was condition to know that is/was some kind of obligation?! He is your child, not your roommate or boyfriend! How or why is that his problem that you chose to have other children or choose to live in a State that CLEARLY you or your husband can’t afford?? You should be ashamed of yourself!! This world is hard enough as it is and he has the rest of his LIFE to be an adult and live this way! You need to reevaluate alot of things in your life, along with your moving.

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Yeah…asking your 16 year old to pay rent when when already gives you money because I wants to is a little much. You’re the parent…you’re supposed to put the roof over his head. Not charging him to live there!


He is 16
It’s not up to him to put a roof over his head… it’s your responsibility as his parent.

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Wow!!! He is 16!! A student as well as a child. He’s not a beggar living in your house. He’s YOUR child!!


He needs his own room and NOT to pay rent. He is 16

I’m shocked. He is just 16. Let the poor kid enjoy his teen hood. In no time he’ll be out of your life mom. It’s better to struggle than regret.


Well done you for not charging my for fuel to and from his school and friends house! That $150 he gives you… bet you’ve spent that too haven’t you?? Disgusting. YOU chose to have children. YOU are choosing the area you are living in which is why it costs more. Don’t you get child allowance or something from the government? Give the boy his own room so he can have some privacy and space!

Sorry. To answer your question. Yes.

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Are you serious? It’s your responsibility to support him. No way you shpuld be charging him what you are. As far as his room, he is the oldest and I personally feel he has the right to have his own room. When he moves out then the girls can have their own rooms. Don’t hurt 2 girls to share a room.

He didn’t choose to be born and neither did the others. He should be able to have his own room without having to pay. As parents we need to make it happen. Don’t put your struggles on him.

:roll_eyes: Wow poor kid who charges a child rent?? I don’t even think he should be working 40 hrs a week that’s a lot plus school . He shouldn’t even be paying the $150 weekly at 16. You should be saving that $150 per week for him to have when he moves out and give it back to him. Sorry you sound like awful parents. Poor kid :sleepy: then you are trying to milk him for more money. And there is nothing wrong with him wanting to just do trade school. Maybe if he didn’t work 40 hrs per week he would have more time to focus on his school work. Your the worst🤦🤦

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You are absolutely Wrong.

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Disgusting. He is YOUR responsibility. Not the other way around! Why would he be paying you 150 a week, and why would you demand utilities from him after that? Utilities are your responsibility as his parent and he’s not even an adult yet. He’s not your retirement plan. Grow up! Allowing your children room to grow in a place big enough to accommodate all of you is again, YOUR responsibility. It’s not his fault you decided to pop out a bunch of kids and now can’t afford a big enough place for all of them to have their own space. That’s 100% your fault. If he’s already acting as your financial aid he would be much better off legally emancipating himself and raising himself. $400 room rent PLUS utilities and $150 weekly for you to play with for a 16 year old still going to school AND working 40 hours a week!? Why don’t YOU get a job and pay for an extra room for him? Please stop having kids :woman_facepalming:


Your wrong :expressionless: he works, goes to school, willingly gives you $150 give him his own room!

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I was a single mom of three kids. All of my kids worked, played sports and made fair grades. My boys always worked but my daughter didn’t all the time. It got in the way of her social life. Anyway… i NEVER took a penny from them. That was their money. They would take me out to eat and offer my pay my nails and bring me surprises.


Totally unfair he is already paying over the 400!! Wow be a parent not a landlord.


Be carful that you don’t fall on hard times and have to ask him for a place to stay coz he will charge you …


I think at 16 years old 400 is high. If you are doing it to teach him responsibility ok but 400 is high. At 17 I had to pay 300 a month for a shared room. And I would be sooo stressed out if I didn’t get enough hours that week or enough money. I think that’s a lot of stress for a Child ghat young. But some are more maturer and handle anxiety differently. If he’s paying you 150 a week that’s 600 a month just because thats a lot for 16. Unless his job is making that much money. But also with him having his own room would that put the other 3 kids in a room together?

:broken_heart: I live in California, too. I would never charge my teenage kid’s rent. I wouldn’t charge them rent even if they were in college.


Wow just wow… my I’m a single momma to 2 kids. My oldest is gonna be 17 next month. He goes to school, also a trade school to get his fire fighter license and works … he is only required to pay his gas and car insurance… because driving is a privilege and if he wants to drive himself he has to cover that… you providing a roof over your 16 yrs old head is not a privilege… you are his parents and you are to provided all the needs to support him food, housing, ect


Greedy parents​:woman_shrugging:t2: I mean I paid my mum board money and had my own room paying $150 a fortnight for food and bills nothing else :rage: that boy is going to leave you how unfair of you to make him share a room when yous

What in the world did I just read?:sob:I feel sorry for him

Did you break your arm patting yourself on the back because you don’t charge him for food or giving him a ride to work or school?


I think this is bullshit :woozy_face::woozy_face: (no disrespect) hes 16. Absolutely no way should he pay for his room! You’re his parents!!! What the heck!!! Y’all are responsible till he’s 18…. The other kids have their own space (besides daughters) & he can’t? No way should he have to share with his way way brother, or pay to have a room. He’s giving you money already. Greedy and selfish!!! Why don’t you and hubby sleep on the couch!!!

What did I just read? This is absolutely absurd and very toxic!! I understand teaching him responsibility, but there are other ways to do so! He is a CHILD, not an adult. You are responsible for him and that includes providing for him. My heart breaks for him

Isn’t $150 weekly like $600 a month-ish? Isn’t that more than the $400 you want to charge him rent? :thinking: just looking for clarification so I can give proper advice


I never comment on these things, but I cannot agree with him paying rent. He is YOUR child and YOUR responsibility. This is absolutely disturbing!


He’s only 16 he should NEVER have to pay for a bedroom to live with his parents.


What the hell. I did not even finish the story. I can’t believe you would do that to your own child. He is still a minor for heavens sake. :woman_facepalming:


Damn girl give him back the 150 weekly then

I mean this in the nicest way but


So he’s already giving you $600 a month of his own free will and you want to charge him ANOTHER $400. I think you should really think about what you just wrote… You choose to live in California and you chose to have more children knowing the cost, at 16, willingly giving $600 a month he should absolutely have his own freaking room…


My honest opinion. He’s not an adult, he’s 16. If he were the age he could move out and try to support himself but chose to live with you to “save” but paid you a little that would be different. His indifference with school and amount of hours he puts in is void to me. Sorry, this is a poor parent idea. If you can’t afford this 3 bdr then don’t move. And more so if my child decides to go to college or trade school after hs I still don’t think I would charge my child anything just because I feel my child is bettering themselves so charging them would feel so wrong.

First of all, if a 16 year old child is paying his own mother the price a 30 year old adult would pay to rent on an apartment, but he’s only paying for a bedroom? there’s something wrong there. Secondly, you would need to declare it on your income taxes, considering your son would be paying you an entire month of his hard work, also because the government is already paying you for your sons necessities (child tax, bonus, whatever it’s called where you are) This is something you would have to be careful about. If your son ever decides to turn on you (which he definitely has the strings to pull to get you in for fraud) you would have to back pay EVERYTHING, including your child tax, and you would then never qualify for a benefit again. But never mind the legal stuff, do you not feel bad taking your sons hard earned money? Do you not realize how expensive collage & university is? You as an adult should know how important saving is as a child, learning how to save & manage your own money. Your setting him up for failure. Stop taking your children’s money.


Wow 16 shouldn’t be paying rent .
So would you kick him out if he falls behind in school and can’t keep his job ? What you are doing is pushing him out of your house

Wow just wow.
So wrong. Actually feel sorry for the kid.

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Having to work 40 hours a week at 16 years old and going to school full-time is fucking hard and he makes good grades yeah he don’t need to pay

if you charged him for all of that and he was 18 years or older, fine. but he’s 16. fuck that.

I think it’s up to you and dad to provide for him. 16/7 is a huge age gap. I can totally understand why he doesn’t want to share. The girls do need their own room. Hes already showing you so much responsibility by what he is doing. All the things you listed are things YOU and DAD are obligated to provide when you had children. Regardless of the rent prices. I live in Washington and we also havs high rent but I’d never make my kids pay their way.
Also. Trade school is a mighty fine job. Especially right out of high-school. Free training and 6 figure wages within a few years with full benefits and retirement.

Yes! You are very wrong!! He’s 16 years old!! I initially thought he was like 19 and in college!! But 16 and having to pay rent!?! Those girls can room together! And don’t worry about him “thinking” he can always depend on y’all - I think he already knows he can’t count on you!! :rage:


I will never understand a PARENT making their CHILD pay rent. He is still a minor. This is mind blowing to me. :sweat_smile:

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He is 16 for Christ sake. He’s already showing more mature behavior than the teenagers in my town.
He gives you money for a home that’s a PARENTS responsibility.
It seems to me that you guys want a bigger home and you’re using your son to help pay for it. It’s sick.
If he was in his 20’s and still at home, not going to school and working full time - MAYBE, I could understand, but even then as a parent. It’s our job to help them even when they’re down and still learning. At this rate he might as well move out and get a roommate :woman_facepalming:t2:


…and what makes you think going to trade school isn’t being successful. This whole post disgusted me…


He’s 16 and you want to charge him rent! 🤦🤦🤦 Wow ur so wrong for that.

First, it’s YOUR responsibility to support your child until he turns 18. Please don’t expect a pass from readers because you feed him. That’s your job to feed him. Is your husband his FATHER or his step dad? Although I absolutely believe the current spouses of a parent definitely have the right to weigh in on childrearing issues - it’s not a hard line in the sand. Your son is 16 yrs old, meeting your expectations whereas his grades are concerned and is responsible enough to hold down a job where he works 40 hrs a week. He’s not disrespectful to you, adheres to his curfew and doesn’t get into legal trouble. What more do you want from this kid? He’s doing a phenomenal job at only 16 yrs of age. I also live in California and whereas the rent if far higher in some cities - there are PLENTY of areas where you can find a rental for your family without squeezing you minor child for $400/month. I don’t live in a touristy, coastal city. Do you know why? Because I choose to live within my means. You should do the same. Kids are forced to grow up way to fast these days. Unfortunately, you expect the same of your son. He’s got less than 2 yrs left as a kid. Let him enjoy that with what very little time he’s got left after working more hours than most adults are willing to. If you’re to broke to pay the rent, either you or your husband should take a second job. It’s called parenting. Get off his A$$.

He is a 16 year old that means he is a MINOR…He is in school and working plus he is already giving you $150 everytime he gets paid. He needs his privacy WITHOUT it costing him money. You and your husband are way our of line for even thinking this is even remotely ok.

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He is already paying you $150 a week, apply that to his room rent if you plan to still charge him which I think is wrong. My son is 16 and pays for the gas for his truck and money toward his insurance. We supply everything else (roof over his head, utilities, food, etc.) as a parent is suppose to do.


I couldn’t even read all of that . He’s 16 and is already giving you money that he doesn’t have to . He’s a CHILD . It’s your responsibility to take care of him and have a roof over his head .


Nah, you suck and I wouldn’t be surprised when he hits 18 and never talks to yall again.

Omg what is wrong with u, he’s ur child and only 16, u should be proud that he’s working and goin to school and wanting to continue it and make a life. How dare u charge him rent money that is ridiculous. It is ur job to take care of him till he moves out!!!

It sounds like ur mooching off ur son instead of helping him learn finances and stuff he should be learning.

And he should have his own room he’s old enough why does he need to share omg u guys need to grow up


He is YOUR responsibility until 18…, definitely Nothing wrong with teaching responsibility, but paying rent in mommas house at 16 ain’t the way!


Wow I’m sorry but a 16 year old shouldn’t have to share a room with a 7 year old and the only way out is to go from giving you $600 a month to giving you 1,000 a month just wow…tell your son to go get his own place he’s almost already giving you what it would cost him for a studio or 1 bedroom apartment as it is.


That $150 a week already exceeds $400 a month… That’s actually $650 a month… Sooooo yeah.


I was made to pay bills when I had a job at 16. And guess what I don’t talk to my parents


Sounds like a fake deal you bet a discount here but you get your own room for this. It’s not like you’re kicking him out. You’re teaching him inflation. You want a bed in the room it’s this much you want a whole room it’s this much. Sound like a life lesson

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