Am I being too harsh?

1st Tell him the truth Santa isn’t real & presents are a luxury not a need. 2nd teach him to carry himself with respect or get dat ass whooped …oh can we still whoop bad kids? :rofl:

I’m with half these other comments children act out for reasons find the reason. And he is either your child or he is their is no half, step ext in family sorry. And I’d never do that to my own that I birthed I certainly wouldn’t do it to the 3 I didn’t they are my children just the same. If the child acts out you punish the behavior when it happens not the child on special days :person_shrugging: just the lights of a mom, step mom and foster mom here


Don’t give in no Presents


When I was that age Santa came we did not pick up our toys so she said if you don’t pick up your toys Santas gonna come take them away but we didn’t and GuessWhat Santa come and took them away believe me we picked our toys up then don’t give in he’s just pushing you as far to see if you can push you don’t let it happen


How long has this been going on . The back story usually leads up to the current story . Even if everyone got upset with explaining it he was your stepson the issue at hand is still his misbehaving and horrible tendency to tear things up on purpose and tell you to your face that he enjoys doing it. So the best option is to sit down with the other parent and have a heart-to-heart talk of what is the issues and if it does not get better does he have a another parent to go back and live with or is that the problem??? Stating the current problem at his age is not telling what is the problem behind all that behavior. I couldn’t tell by your letter if you were the stepmother or The stepfather and either way the main parent needs to be involved in both of you together need to sit down and make a plan. If the biological parent wants nothing to do with fixing this issue then there’s your issue right there of why this started. Good luck.


Stick to your word and make sure he gets nothing!


If he’s not having those issues at your house then I don’t he should be punished there. I would let his mom know what was said though. If he is behaving like that with you too… have some empty boxes wrapped and every time he misbehaves throw one in the fireplace lol


A couple yes ago my girls weren’t listening. Being hateful. It was almost a week before they opened their Christmas presents that year.

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Nope. If my kid said it, im definitely not putting anything out Christmas morning. It would shatter my heart BELIEVE it, but I’d be putting a stop to that wild bold thought QUICK.


You are doing the right thing…you will thank yourself later

He’s 7, he’s still learning, he would still get gifts but they would be books, socks, underwear, toothbrush, needed stuff instead of fun stuff.


It’s hard with step kids. Good luck

I would say, he needs his bio. parents love and understanding. He is only 7, something is very wrong somewhere.


Okay so wake up Christmas Eve like it’s Christmas and have no presents under the tree and tell him if he apologizes for his mistakes Santa will make a special trip only if he really means it and won’t do it again and then he wakes up on actual Christmas with presents under the tree. Lol idk it won’t ruin Christmas and maybe he’ll think about how his actions have consequences and being ugly isn’t fun for anyone.

Check what’s wrong. Maybe there’s something bothering him. Let him feel comfortable enough to know you are there for him. Let him slowly open up to you

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Obviously hes acting out for attention bad attention is better than no attention. As far as taking gifts away personally that shouldnt ne a punishment in my book id take other things away id ground him and maybe sit down with him and his dad and talk to him about what’s going. Then tell him you love him hug him and see if that helps just my opinion . god bless and merry Christmas


Give consequences straight after the behaviour rather than threatening no gifts from Santa.


This is disgusting. And everyone agreeing is disturbing. This isn’t discipline. This is abusive. He’s 7 not 17. What is wrong with you


Pretty harsh for a 7 year old. Maybe leave some gifts and a note from Santa on expected behavior? At least give a warning that he may be left out if he is on the naughty least next year.


We ended up doing the same thing for our kids… they still got gifts and ONE “big” toy. But instead of buying a bunch of toys, we did a few learning things, clothes, shoes, necessities, and then a few small toys and like I said one “big” thing. With bonus kids it is hard I have two, and it’s even harder if one parent is okay with that behavior. I’d also speak with mom and dad about looking into therapy and maybe being able to find the root of it all, my younger bonus son is similar to this but it is usually from lack of attention which is why we aren’t as harsh. But they didn’t have the BIGGEST Christmas either due to behaviors, they still had one from Santa; and us, and family of course just nothing overboard. But kids never really do things like this without there being an actual reason, he wants a reaction for the attention, so maybe even make sure you and dad are giving him the attention he needs, and same on moms side sometimes that’s all it takes.

Kids will take ANY attention your willing to give them, even if it’s negative, they only want you to engage. However, your are his step parent, and step parents have a roll, which is to step up and love and nourish the child. His bio parent/s should be THE only one making decisions and enforcing his consequence. There is a balance and a process. Speak with Dad about your issues as they arise and let Dad enforce the rules and be the “bad” guy. Being a step parent is already hard enough, trust me, you want no part in being this child’s rule and consequence enforcer as he will only grow to resent you. If I were 7, and you told Santa not to come, I’d probably start to hate you and never trust you again. Santa is a positive and fun experience, don’t ruin that for him. That is not your place at all!if he needs love, your there, if he needs a soft shoulder and warm hug, your there. Those are the only things you should be giving him. Period! Know your place and respect his situation. I only say this because I made this mistake and every time, it ended badly. Children at his age don’t have the “nasty and manipulative “ intentions “ as we adults might see it. EVEN if YOUR right, being right doesn’t make it any easier on him nor does it mean it’s your place. Talk to your husband directly, not the seven year old. Your messing with a very delicate relationship that you could ruin just by trying to be right. Not worth it. Listen more and talk less. Observe but keep your mouth shut. It will more likely work out in your favor, whereas the route your taking will end badly, eventually, making your marriage suffer all because you “feel” a certain way. I say all of this out of experience and wish I had someone then to explain that to me. Take care and good luck.

What do you do when it’s not Christmas? Why does it sound like you’re a single mom with a stepson? Dad needs to step in and help with disciplining the kids. IMO, Christmas at the age of 7 comes once every 5 years, so I think taking Christmas away is a bit harsh.


I would look into gentle parenting.

I mean, he NEEDS to learn and be taught correct behavior. He’s 7. So, I agree he needs structure and consequences to his action.
But, again, at 7 there also could be something going on causing him to act this way. Again, sometimes at 7, they cant properly TELL you what is going on. Which again, goes into teaching them proper communication and behavioral skills. So, talk to dad, get a plan and stick to it.
And never blame or push back.
Instead of “Joe, you’re being bad.” Say, “Joe, I feel like something is bothering you. Can we talk about it?” Then go from there.

I’m sorry but I do not understand how NOT giving a disrespectful child gifts is abuse. You don’t reward bad behavior. He knows he’s doing wrong but clearly doesn’t care because he thinks hell still get what he wanted. No. I say you have him donate the toys he would’ve gotten from you guys and santa to kids who don’t have any. And let him see that there’s people who literally have nothing.

There’s literally nothing abusive about this. People need to stop calling everything abuse unless it really is mentally, physically, or emotionally abusive. Teaching a 7 year old not to be a disrespectful , lying brat is NOT abusive.!!!


He probably doesn’t like the step parent he probably gets bad vibes from her or perhaps she’s a home wrecker that broke up the marriage…kids aren’t dumb


People take the Santa thing way too far like this. Using it as a way of punishment.

Sounds like your kid is crying out for attention. I’d start there


All the comments are good and qell but some kids are downright bad face it take away the Roy’s and give him things to do to earn them I see no problem teaching him because if you don’t nip it in the bud now when he’s okd enough you won’t be able to control it.

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fuck the kids. they cant listen, they get nothing.

Stick to your word!!! STOP giving ,Idle treats don’t work ,wise him up now or you will visit him in prison.

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Too harsh. You sound like a step monster


No ma am. I think it’s the perfect punishment!! Especially if he’s aware he’s not doing the right things, tell me I know I’m bad but who cares ill get what I want!?! Hell no you won’t


You are being way too harsh… I was always the stepchild and I believe that step parents should not make punishments for stepchildren because you’re not going to be as Fair as you would be to your own kids… I’ve learned from experience…


I’ve got 3 kids and one on the way, It’s our obligation to not unleash a monster on the world, so tough love it is, it’s all the softies in the world creating the horrible people but acting like, oh honey it’s okay, no, no it’s not - oh and by the way I would drag his ass to church like 4 days a week too, lol

Wow. That’s just wrong AF


That’s cruel…only 7…give him more attention! Hes asking for it, in the only way he knows how…:heart:


I did it last year and this year they were much better

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I also took back all his toys and replaced them with self help books and how to be a better person. It’s not too harsh if he or she deserves it. This is why we have Nothing but hoodlums running around bc no one will punish their kids. I got your back. Don’t listen to these other moms.


Not too harsh at ALL!! I would do exactly the same thing


I would either withhold the Santa gifts or have Santa give a few gifts of socks, underwear and other necessities, nothing fun or wanted. I’d also leave a note from Santa that says "All children get gifts from Santa. Well behaved children get the great gifts, not so well behaved children get underwear and school supplies (wanted vs needed). That said, I would absolutely still give good gifts from Mom and Dad. Santa gifts are based on good vs “bad”, parent’s gifts are based on love, period.


Well did he not get anything for Christmas ?? He has anger issues clearly…need to find out what his angry about…it’s never easy for a young child to be living in two homes…


Give the gift of :sparkles:therapy​:sparkles:


Santa is not the answer. He needs attention and u guys need to get to the root of the actual problem. Something is going on that’s upsetting him


Stand strong! He needs to learn now that this isn’t acceptable before its too late.

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Spank his ass and make him do community service at a homeless shelter where he can see what it is like to have nothing. And… DO NOT GIVE HIM ANY PRESENTS. Just put them in a safe place and he can try again next year.

I would do the same maybe have a christmas but dont give him what he wants maybe only things he can use like gloves or a coat no toys

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If you asked this question you already know the answer. What did you teach him?

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Give his gifts to a children’s charity and have him help you pass out HIS GIFTS!


He needs help. Possibly because all the adults keep labeling him naughty and bad so he’s probably taken that label on because it doesn’t matter what he does he’s not going to be what anyone wants anyway. It’s very sad. I would look at the words used to describe what he does and treat him like a person. When kids who are 7 make declarations like that it’s because it’s a big deal. What KID doesn’t care about Christmas -kids who know they have nothing to lose. Try family counseling and help all of you so he doesn’t do way off the deep end one day.


You should figure out what is going on with this little guy. Why is a 7 year old acting out like this? He may be dealing with emotional distress and behaving the way he does because of it. If he is your stepson then either his parents are split up or one of them passed away. It can be a lot to handle for a child. Accepting a step parent can be hard to. I am not at all sure you did the right thing.


He is 7 what else is going on why jas je been acting badly o don’t think you meed to take away christmas but her needs to know that it is not okay to be a little shit

I just want to know. Did you take away his christmas


Isn’t it funny how it’s always the step parents AKA(Arseholes) who posts shit up about the step children.fuck up and fuck off its wankers like you lot that make shit hard for the real parent and their kid.i would simply say to the partner(step parent)I’ll deal with my kid my way and if you don’t like it fuccck off.and never ever tell my kid there getting no gifts I’ll decide that not you.if we all had to go on the behaviour of wether children get gifts or not no motherfucker be getting anything

Stop replacing the things he destroys and punish him for ir

You are correct, stay strong. Be consistent, tough love :heart:

Stick to it though. Follow through with every punishment. He’ll learn and he chose to learn the hard way.

dirt n rocks in a shoe box :woman_shrugging:t2:

Tell him the truth. There is no Santa. Tell him your the truth. You are the one that gets him presents for that time of year. Explain the tradition. So he doesn’t expect to receive one time a year gifts. Give him gifts when he does do good all year round.

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Well as a Christian we praise confession. Why not give him some house chores,and make amends

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Don’t be too harsh, remember he’s just a little child. He may need some understanding. He’s too young to express himself correctly.

The child is 7. Taking away Christmas will leave a permanent scar on his heart. Discipline him appropriately the rest of the year, not on Christmas.


Don’t walk on eggs shells that’s the problem with today’s youth he would have never done years ago. if it’s not corrected now it will get worst

Yeah :roll_eyes: You both need therapy.

I would still give my baby the gifts there has to be some level of compassion even if they have bad behavior because at 7 what they think is fun is naughty to us my baby had behavior issues until 9 then calmed right down he is barely realizing that he is apart from u in his mind he is an individual and sometimes babies just do bad things but that doesnt stop him from being your baby or you from loving and bending over backwards to give him everything he could dream of on christmas day

Follow through cause at this point he doesn’t believe you’ll do anything. Time for tough love

You’re doing the right thing. Stick to your guns. I know it’s difficult for females to be a disciplinarian because we’re supposed to be the loving, nurturing, and protecting (I have my thousands of stories to share) parent; however, if you let this slide … TRUST ME, you’ll regret it. Your son needs to understand there are consequences to his actions.

Best of Luck!