Am I being unreasonable?

Bro just go be a single mom with one less child wtf


Some people are just in the mindframe of what a woman is “supposed to do”, vs. a man. I think he’s just doing it because you keep allowing it.

Maybe he’s suffering from some mental health issues. Staying at home will take its toll.
If it were a woman, everyone’s answers would be much kinder. Instead because it’s a man, a dad, he gets attacked.
If he’s just lazy, fine. Your call to do what you feel needs done. But make sure you check and make sure your husband isn’t suffering from depression or has something else going on.

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Tell him to get a j o b


Why are you with him? He’s useless, selfish and extra baggage. Get rid of him


He should be doin what your asking I work full time and I don’t clean much but I help with the cookin the wife don’t work so she takes care of that

Turn the internet off


He is just an extra Child to take care of


With what you spend on feeding and his part of tbe Bill’s you could hire better help that would actually get stuff done. He needs to step up or step out.

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Yes… as previous commenter said … “ you have THREE CHILDREN “! That man is totally irresponsible! I wonder if those kids are really being cared for and fed. God help him if anything happens on ‘ his watch ‘. Totally… Totally… irresponsible!


this is Lazy Parenting at its finest, but there are often reasons behind an unengaged parent’s behavior. The biggest concern for you-- are the children’s needs being fully met? If not, then start there. Communication is key. First, you have to ask him what he thinks his role is in your relationship and the relationship with his children. Knowing what he has in his mind is important. Tell him that you believe he can do better at parenting overall and being your partner (because what you have right now is not a partner, it’s an entitled man-child). Discuss very calmly what you really need to feel supported, like playing with the children without technology, a kinda clean house, laundry done, and dinner when you work. If you get him to agree to being a true partner, and being a helpmate and not a succubus, then you have a foundation to work from. Also, be sure he is getting time out of the house & that you are both getting a little adult time together. If he seems depressed or like his mental well-being isn’t at its best, then talk about therapy. The man’s role is very special…the children are learning so very much from him if he is the main parent, so you may have to put yourself in his shoes to find out what he needs to operate at maximum adulthood, so that he can, in turn, be a source of help and caring to you. Because of some similar behaviors, I finally divorced my husband and hired a maid. Best decision ever for me, but I do believe people can change. (just not my ex :grin:) Good luck.:purple_heart:


Why do women date man babies? Girl u deserve better.


My ex (2x kids dad) was like this so I kicked him out. It got worse so I had to get rid of him and move on


So fkn annoying
I’d bother him about it
Or not even cook anything for him either. Just you and the kids. What a guy

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Partner??? Nah…girl you got an extra kid and free sitter. Not even a good sitter lol


You could be single without an adult to also care for with everything u have on your plate. Ijs

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He’s probably burnt out :pleading_face: it’s hard being a stay at home parent


“ What should I do “….Leave him


Only cook enough for you and children. Literally Only a small amount. If he complains then tell him " you said your it hungry". If he gets mad tell him there’s bread and PB&J. Then you can tell him not to lie. What does that say to the kids? He’s teaching them to lie. The kids can help clean. Look into a website called The Fly Lady. She teaches how to teach children to help. If they are old enough to game. …they are old enough to clean. Also he is teaching them it’s ok to not have responsibility. He does nothing but game?! That tells them they don’t have to work…at all. That is not a stay at home Dad. Sorry. That’s just laziness. He does NOTHING! :pensive:. Also. You can teach them to cook. Have them come in and help. They will probably love it.


He remembers. He doesn’t wanna do it. You’re not his mom. If he can’t take care of himself and contribute to the family, tell him to find his own place. Sounds harsh, but he needs to wake up. He’s being lazy. And as long as you’ll do it all, he’s not gonna help. Unless you lay out the facts and get firm. IMO anyway. I hope talking to him will make him see and help fix the problem.


I lived that life sweetie, you marriage is headed to a dead end. And it will only end up with your kids resenting you. I bet he plans on you getting your career started and working full time. In the end after everything you do supporting your house hold and when you ask him to step up and be a man he’ll want a divorce he’ll want the kids cause you’ll be working all the time . He’ll file for child support and alimony and most likely get it leaving you to work you are off so he can be a stay at home dad. Gurl get yourself ready for a fight and DEMAND he get his ass working like yesterday. Don’t be my dumb ass. My ex was also so lazy he had the kids washing dishes and house work right when they started walking and had them survive on pb&j cause he didn’t want to wash dishes. Get your house in order n o.o w before it’s to late.

Take all the batteries out of the controllers hide them in the washing machine. Change the WiFi password and turn it off when you leave.What you allow will continue.


If he’s not cooking and it’s being left for you to do, what do the kids eat until then? Girl you don’t need another kid kick him out….


Same as a stay at home mom-burn out-also when a stay at home mom has burn out, they come out the wood work telling him to “leave her.” I don’t have an answer.

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If he doesn’t work he should be doing more around the house. It’s a partnership, but it seems like you’re doing more than your fair share. Put your foot down about making him help or tell him to get a job. If he won’t do either cut him lose


I believe your a Mom to 3 boys.


Smash up the Xbox or give it away.


Throw the whole man away.


Be really straight up with him
Tell him if he doesnt gtf off that xbox and do his part as a fukn parent and as a partner tell him he can move back to his mummy and daddys…frickn lazy prick

He doesn’t work and he stays home to play video games… no cooking, no cleaning, not playing with the kids?! Doesn’t sound like a functional adult to me…


He needs to go to a JOB outside the home because he’s certainly NOT pulling his own weight at home. He’s not taking his job of SAHD seriously so then he can’t have his cake and eat it too. No ma’am, you deserve better than that.


Raising another child. Make dinner for you and kids let him find himself his own


That Xbox would magically disappear and just for good measure I’d shut off the internet while you’re gone just take the wireless router or whatever you use. Tell him oops I forgot it in my car silly me well now that you have more time… He wants to act like a kid treat him like a kid


I’d smash that Xbox with a hammer right in front of his stupid lazy arse.

:raised_hands::raised_hands: feel ya girl. Sucks working and coming home to not even a feed 🤦


I don’t have this problem… I’d talk to him about it… express your feelings

Does he happen to struggle with object impermanence? That happens to me so much! My husband and I take turns being your husband lmao. Point being it may not be malicious. It may be a mental health thing! Even the video game bit. Maybe he has ADD. 🤷🏻

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I would just say “I guess it will be cereal tonight then!” If he gets hungry enough and tired of cereal maybe he will start cooking.


Ew chuck him in the garbage :nauseated_face:


There wouldn’t be access to any if it while I was gone. :woman_shrugging::rofl:
He wouldn’t have any batteries either.

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Sounds like you have another child and not a man. Why keep that around?


He is a lazy ass…tell him to pitch in and help or get out!!

serious chat time,
i would be ropeable , your a team and he isn’t putting his part in.
you have 2 children and what’s meant to be 2 adults contributing to life, he needs to pick up his shit and grow up

Sounds like he’s lazy.


Then he needs to get a job to pay someone else to help out


If he not going to do anything then why dosent he get a job so that he can contribute something to the household. If the roles were revised he would expect you to do all the house work so why is he not even doing the minimum?


I had that for awhile…but with cable TV. Working 12 to 16 hour shifts…buying groceries, cooking, washing the clothes. Long story short I cut off the cable TV, and this was when if you had an older tv you had to have a box to get TV… 3 months of no TV…I started getting more help. I was to tired to watch it anyway and I told the rest of them to learn to read a book or help out. I think they thought I would give in, but I wasn’t home long enough to have the energy to give in, I had housework to do. They finally broke. Side note, he had a job doing 4 10’s, but he paid no bills and enjoyed his weekends while I worked. He was such a nice guy he’d send me pics of him enjoying himself, on a boat, 4 Wheeler, fishing…and by the way, we are no longer together.


Wow tell him to wise up or get out


Petty as it sound eliminate the Xbox :woman_shrugging: either tell him to sell it or break it :woman_shrugging: or just kick him out, after all if your doing it all ypurself why is he even there for a free ride cause it’s convenient for him

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Change internet password ( can ‘earn’ it each time house is picked up and dinner cooked) or take All the tech a make it disappear. Is he bothering to feed the kids or do they have to wait until you get back late from work to have their dinner too? Kick him out. You’re doing by yourself anyway. Think of the money you could save with him not being there.

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Spell it out. If he wants to be the stay at home dad, these are the expectations.


Throw that “man” in the garbage.


I was in your exact spot in 2013. I ended up getting a divorce because I thought if I could do it all alone, why would I need his stupid ass to take care of? I am so much happier now!

Why does his not have a job and he should be doing it all if you are working and doing College to if he was a mature grown ass man he would not need you you to ask him to do anything I am not married my kids are grown my boyfriend cooks cleans laundry changes bedding mow grass weed eats and washes vehicles and mechanic work he does not set on the dam game systems .

Kerb, sis. Put his ass on the kerb

I would change the WiFi password so nobody uses it, time for everyone to have responsibilities around the house. Tell him you need a husband not a child. Grow up or get out. Clearly you can make it without him.


If he can’t handle being a state home parent then he needs to get off his lazy ass and get a job and pay for child care!

Tell his ass to get a dam jib or start doing the house work. I would be pissed

Take the power cord to x box or computer to work with you. Then he won’t have an excuse


So he’s a “stay at home dad” who isn’t really a dad… just an XBOX gamer not having to work or have any responsibilities because you take care of him. You need to set ultimatums. He honestly should be working too. He should contribute. I could understand if he actually was cooking and cleaning to help you out, but he would need to do things like a mom to be considered that. He doesn’t even cook, so he’s just lazing around, doing what he wants, while you work and go to school, then because he’s lazy you have to come home and cook too. Oh no. I’d kick him to the curb, or demand he get a job. He can pay for daycare out of his paycheck since he’s forced this on you.


That’s not a stay at home dad, that’s a 3rd child :woozy_face:


Is he not cooking for the kids?!


Everybody: Leave his lazy ass!
Me: I’m sorry, but can you please tell me how you support a family of 4 on 25 hours work per week??

Sounds like my soon to be ex husband.
Married 14yrs he worked 3 of those.
This is one of the biggest reasons I filed for divorce.


If he’s not gonna pull his weight as a “stay at home dad”, then 1 if 2 things needs to happen…
1- he gets off his ass & gets a job
2- u pack up & leave with the boys.
If ur gonna “do it all”… then he’s no longer needed. He’s just putting added stress & work on you, sooooo time to him to MAN UP or u to MOVE OUT​:bangbang: (or kick him out):v:t3::v:t3::v:t3:

Talk about being used…
He’s living his life off u.


Leave a note on the fridge to “ please Cook dinner” leave a note on the bench, and message him during your break and also add in that you don’t ask for much, can you also clean up the house! He shouldn’t be that lazy just sitting around with the kids not even making you or the kids dinner like you asked

He’s being lazy asf.


Throw the whole man away. He is using you. He is not a partner just another child you are providing for.


Eat out and let him deal with feeding everyone at home. I did that for 3 weeks he got the message then I got rid of him.


You don’t have a husband, what you’ve got is a big manchild! If he isn’t contributing financially to your household he isn’t much of a man in my opinion…:woman_shrugging:t2: He should at the very least be busting his butt taking care of you and the children just as a woman is expected to if she doesn’t work!

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He is just a kid gamer that u are supporting…have a serious discussion. Lay it all out as to what is expected and the consequences if its not corrected.


So in other words he’s lazy af ? Tell him you didn’t make your kids by yourself and the least he could do is HELP !! That would piss me off

Because men are children. The sooner you realize that the better for your peace of mind.

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There’s a grant you can get almost £3000 or more didn’t read this whole status but I’m sure that will help google all grants available to student moms x

Ok read the full status now. You really need to tell him to leave or have a break see if he realises what ur dealing with if he can’t even listen to u , reason with you etc, he sounds like an extra unneeded load to me. Sounds like he’s gonna burn you out completely. Also sounds like he’s taken advantage of you making things easy for him such as making a meal plan to follow…. Something needs to change or that will be your life forever


The stay at home person, does the stay at home stuff!!!
The end!!:rofl::woozy_face::grin:


Sit down and set some ultimatums that he cook and clean or get a job. If not then express your thoughts on possibly leaving. He is being selfish and taking advantage of you.


Get dinner for yourself on the way home and when you get home tell him you’re not hungry and if he wants food he needs to cook it


Do Not and I repeat. Do not go home after that and make dinner. Eat before you get home and grab 2 small meals for the kids and look at him like he lost his dang mind when he asks for food. Tell him you ain’t hungry.


Sorry lady, you picked a dud :slightly_frowning_face:

Leave him. He’s not the one for you. He’s not worth it. In fact he’s total rubbish. Anyway why didnt you get all your schooling done first then do the popping out sprogs bit. I don’t get this going to school till you’re over 30 thing what Americans do,or is that just watching films like Grease where all the actors playing college kids are practically old age pensioners. Ha Ha Ha!!! Too bad about having the two children to support on your own but better than supporting three children,dump him,he’s bad news.


If he wants to take the roll as house dad he needs to do the whole job….cook, clean, bath the kids, help with homework, ready them for bed, etc just like a stay at home mom has to do. I’d give him a choice, stay home and do those things, let you stay home to do those things, both work and share those things or kick rocks 🪨. Boom :boom: his choice!


Are all men like this?

He being lazy because you to nice.

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The disrespect. Figuring oh you can just do it yourself if you want it done when it basic shit that NEEDS done . Sounds more like a teenage son that you don’t NEED

This needs to change. Your children are watching him and will develop similar patterns from his example.


When I was laid off and my wife went to work I stepped up and did chores and took care of our kids. It takes two to make a relationship work.


Correction: You have three kids!


Cook you and the children nice meals and let him get on with his life. Don’t get mad at him just look after you and the children. Good luck and dig deep for the energy you need. A nice little glass of wine while you are cooking helps relax those tired muscles. You cannot change anyone else, however if you change the way you respond and do things change can happen.


A child…you married a child…im sorry😔


If his :peach: is at home, doesn’t work, doesn’t clean, doesn’t cook, and doesn’t watch the kids……why you with him?


My husband is a stay at home dad. He does the majority of cleaning and cooking. I help on my time off, but it really comes down to him keeping up with most of it. That’s how it should be, he needs to pull his own weight. Talk to him, tell him how you feel. If he’s not making changes then stop doing for him. Feed yourself and the kids, that’s it.


He’s a bum and you allow it, he either pulls his weight ot GTFO


I understand how frustrating this is. Maybe on your day off, cook a large pot of something easy, with him learning how to do it. Have him package up servings to freeze, and then when you’re away at work, he can reheat single servings in the microwave for himself and the kiddos, and have a hot plate ready for you too, when you arrive home. He may be too embarrassed to say he really is overwhelmed by the thought of measuring and timing, stirring and not burning. I could be way off but it could be a solution for you.

That’s just pure lazy ness ! doesn’t matter if HE’S not hungry he has children in the house to worry about as well not just him self


He is your third baby. Dump him. He is not responsible, not behaving as man of the house, not behaving as an adult , not being a husband. Send him far far away


You are allowing him to treat you this way, if it keeps going your children will see you as a pushover and have no respect for you. You need to have some serious conversations with that man and open your eyes to who he is

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I being unreasonable? - Mamas Uncut

He is being straight lazy!!! If he is home and does not work then there is no reason he can’t cook the meals and clean. He is just playing video games all day. I know this might sound extreme but leave him. Give him an option to get his shit together and cook and clean since you work and pay the bills or get out. Relationships should be equal and it seems he just likes it one sided