Am I crazy? Or is that almost child abuse?

Locking your child in their bedroom so they don’t wonder around the house at night or get into things; aka for their safety , isn’t abuse. Assuming they have a baby monitor in the room.


Not Ok, that is awful. Poor babies!

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Some people don’t know better. Educate them. That’s sometimes what they had done to them. That’s what people did back in the day.
Or let cps educate them.
I put my kids bed next to my bed and that worked for me I explained why she needed her own bed. And now we’re transitioning her to her room.

Whoa. I wouldn’t do these things and I’m a strict parent. These things sound like excuses just to get better sleep themselves. In my opinion, parents just don’t ever sleep the same until their kids are older. Maybe 10+ years old. At least I didn’t with my first who is now almost 14. Now I have a 2yo and an 8mo… I sleep with one eye open. It’s just the way it is. So just do what you have to do until the kid falls to sleep. Stay in bed with him, read a story, or just stay there in silence with warm snuggles. But don’t lock them in. And remove their clothes? Wth!? Shameless.


WTF! If a child is locked in their room and a fire starts, how are they suppose to get out? Taking clothes from a child so they are cold & wont get out of bed is cruel. This is NOT almost child abuse this is abuse/neglect. ID seriously wonder what else that Child has to deal with


Some people don’t give a damn about their kids. Sad sick truth. Some only care about themselves. I don’t ignore child abuse. I just can’t. People ignored me being abused growing up. I can’t just look away as an adult.

That is child abuse plain and simple, you need to speak up


It’s definitely not ok, if there was a fire or some other type of emergency that child would have little chance making it out.


Oh hell fucken no that is not the way you go about it that’s bloody horrible . Your not crazy at all .

That’s abuse. Locking the door? Taking clothes away? People do this to their kids? Poor baby. These are trauma the kid will remember.

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Abuse call CPS they need to take a piss every once and a whole stupid fuckers someone should lock them in there bedroom and take away their clothes and see how they like it.

Fucking child abuse, cps should pay you a visit :roll_eyes: :rage:

For sure child abuse, why don’t he lock himself in a cold room with no clothes on and you can sleep comfortably with your baby on your bed. See how he would like that. Better yet kick him out and start fresh with you and your baby. Speak up for your baby.

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Thats disgusting!!

I often have my 12 and 4 year old jump in bed with me. They rarely sleep in their room and if they do, one of them always jumps in the other ones bed. Its a comfort thing. They are scared :woman_shrugging:
I dont even care. Its just me and my kids. One day they’ll be grown so i enjoy the snuggles with them while i can.

But what you have just written. Thats definitely child abuse. Absolutely appallingly behaviour that i would report immediately.

Yeah you are crazy and it is child abuse!

As a long-time nanny and avid watcher of super-nanny, the best way is to make their bed super cool and appealing. Tell them that this is their big kid bed and they are going to sleep in it from now on! Later that night when it’s time to go to sleep, they pick out their own PJs because they are a big kid. Have a bedtime routine, or start one if you don’t have already, and tell them exactly what’s going to happen (aka shower, brush teeth, read story, lay down, ect.) Then tell them goodnight, kiss/hug and out of the room.

If you run into trouble you only do the following

1rst time out of bed, gently say we’re going to bed now, it’s time to sleep in your own big kid bed!

2nd time out of bed: “goodnight sweetie” and put back in bed

3rd time or more, no eye contact, gently place back in bed until they stop.

Not only is this setting boundaries, but it’s also asserting them. You laid out exactly what needs to happen and expect them to follow.

I’ve raised a few little ones and done many forms of sleep training, and while the 1rst or 2nd day may be hard with crying and protesting, it gets better and you have your bed back!

I also recommend letting your kid sleep with you a few times randomly as a little treat! They still love you and maybe are just trying to grab a little time/attention! Make sure to give lots of love and playtime for the two of you during the day and make them feel independent enough to do certain things on their own!

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Please report this post on Facebook, this is not ok

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That’s lazy parenting at best… could never lock my babies in their room :cry:… parenting is hard, well it is if you give a shit… Boundaries and repetition, so much repetition… it’s tough when you’re not getting enough sleep, but locking them in their room is potentially psychologically damaging for wee ones :broken_heart:

I am an old lady compared to most people here and my parents didn’t even do this in the 1970’s when a good butt kicking was an every day event. None of this is okay. This is abuse. CPS needs to pay some people a visit

WTF?!?!! THIS IS ABUSE!!! And if this is YOUR child, a family member or a friends child or any child for that matter YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY!!! This has to be a boyfriend who’s doing this!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Susie Villarreal I see no reason to report the post. She said she argued with someone that said doing these things are ok/not child abuse. I would understand if she said she thought this was ok or that she did these things.

Maybe mind your own business, at the end of the day if you think this is child abuse maybe contact the correct authorities not posting it on FB as this is not your situation. Or do you think that this is the appropriate behaviour and if in fact this is happening to the child it will help them by posting it all over FB for strangers to judge. It’s easy for us all to post about things we don’t like and then have everyone else put there 2 cents worth but why, this is not going to help the child in question.

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Good lord, no, those things are not ok, I let mine sleep in the bed with me for a long time, she still does if she’s sick. She sleeps in her bed now but she knows that it’s so she can learn independence. She’s 12 now. They aren’t little forever, just let them sleep with you for now, you’ll miss it when they’re grown.

100% child abuse. Wow WTF is wrong with people.

This is not okay. So damaging.

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Wtf yes this is fucking child abuse

Wow unbelievable post! That would definitely be child abuse! I feel sorry for this baby! :disappointed_relieved:

That’s not ok. What terrible treatment for a child seeking comfort. Mental and Emotional abuse!

Hell no. What if they need to use the bathroom? Wtf that’s so awful

Definitely child abuse . Smh

It’s weird and lazy parenting to use traumatizing tactics as a way to get their child to obey. They’re simply a POS and a parent who doesn’t have much love and compassion for their child. Selfishness. :nauseated_face:


They are only little once… it’s not for very long. I feel so bad for this poor baby who just wants love. Yes this is child abuse, I could never imagine not wanting my baby warm and loved. Disgusting. Call CPS on yourself.


Not almost… This is 100% child abuse! If you don’t take the child and leave it protect them from this abuse you’re equally disgusting! Period.

ABUSE!!! Call services on them!!! Those poor babies!!! They can’t help it they wanna sleep with their parents!! This absolutely breaks my heart that some people think it’s okay to do this to poor, innocent children!!! They can’t defend themselves and pretty much can’t do anything to get help themselves because if they “tell someone” then they will probably call the parents and “confront” them and of course they will deny deny deny and then as soon as that person leaves/hangs up…i don’t even wanna think what would happen to them!!! I have a 6 year old and a almost 4 year old and whenever they wanna crawl up next to mommy and sleep, cuddle, take a nap or just lay next to me and watch tv…I NEVER turn them away…let alone threaten to take their clothes so they ARE COLD AND WONT GET OUT OF BED or LOCK THEM IN THEIR ROOM!!! Fuck that!!! Please please please report them!!! And if you have proof of them saying that make sure you show that to them that way they can’t deny it was ever said!!! Get them babies out of that unloving home and with some people that will show them true love and care!!!

ABUSE!! How is a child supposed to sleep soundly and comfortably without clothes? :woman_facepalming: Disgusting

I have learnt with my 12 year old that you need to start early with making kids sleep on there own. I have a 12 year old daughter and 3 year old son and 7 months pregnant… My daughter now can’t wait to sleep on her own, had I started earlier like at my son’s age I think it would have been better… My son is so eager to sleep with his sister… But locking the door is insane, what if something happens and they can’t get out, maybe a bad dream etc and taking clothes away no no no… That’s just madness
Wishing you all the best with this situation

One of my children just turned 4 & were tryna get her to sleep in her own bed, she’ll fall asleep but wake up in the middle of the night & come in my room. Sometimes I’ll put her back in bed but MOST of the time I let her sleep with me, I can’t even imagine LOCKING her door so she can’t get out! & taking their clothes?! Sickening! Def abuse smh that poor baby is probably scared & I can bet they don’t keep a nightlight in there!! :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The clothes no. I used to close my daughter’s door so she couldn’t get out (safer that way) but I would tend to her if she needed me.

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My 11 yo slept with me last night bc she was sick they will do that themselves just give it time

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I never stripped my child for bed, but I have put a child safety doorknob cover on their side of the bedroom door.

Dicen k se veran cosas peores

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My jaw just dropped. This is so sad


We have a child gate outside their door just in case they get up they can’t get into anything else in the house but I would never strip my child so they are cold and stay in bed. Wtf!


Also a complete fire hazard

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Do not lock the child in the room. It’s wrong and what if the house caught on fire or a murderer broke in. Never let your baby get cold like that either. They are wrong.


Wtf. I hope these people don’t actually have kids because my stomach is turning thinking about how they treat their kids the rest of the time. The fuck?!

Those poor children :cry:

Wtf did i just read. Hell no
You dont purposely make your child cold. Or lock the door to keep them in what the hell :woman_facepalming:


4 is still a baby. If you want to then to start sleeping in their own space do it little at a time. A mattress by your bed if you can stay till they fall a sleep then move to their room. Stay till the fall a sleep. Soon, they will see that it’s ok for them to be in their own room in their own bed. For me, that is child abuse.

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My 4 year old son is scared to sleep in his room because it’s far away from ours so we just let him sleep in our room… it’s annoying but they’re only little once. I don’t think doing those things would help at all… how is he supposed to go to the bathroom? What if there’s a fire?

Child abuse. Who could do that to a child. You go in there room and lay with them untill they go to sleep and please don’t lock the door. Poor baby. Make them a bed on your floor if all else fails. Mine slept on my floor many times. Get tired of it a d go in there bed.

Clothes part 100% child abuse. Locking them in their room is really no different then a parent letting a baby cry it out in their crib until they fall asleep. I can’t and won’t do that but some people seem to think it’s okay


You should get started after a few months old transitioning child. They sleep just fine by themselves. As early as a month old . As long as not hungry .wet or cold. Sometines it’s the mother’s need and not the child’s.

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That is abuse by far!!

I bed share with both my toddlers (Room shared when they were babies for safety) I have way to much anxiety at the thought of locking them away in a dark and cold room. Makes me almost cry thinking about it. I have used a baby gate on there door for naps, but its off of our living room and we can see each other.

That’s not ALMOST. That is FLAT. OUT. CHILD. ABUSE. Not ok. That is horrible and needs to be reported immediately


Whoever said these things shouldn’t have children ….


What the fuck!!! NO!!! Definitely not ok👿

Oh no… absolutely not the right way to do that

Neglect and emotional abuse. What if there was a fire!!!


Almost? That is child abuse!!


How about a bedtime story ? Or a few songs ?

:flushed: THAT IS child abuse!!!

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Not ok in the least! What if there’s fire??The door should be closed but not locked! Never lock a child in their bedroom for the night!


Locking a child in their room is child abuse. You will terrify them. We co sleep and our daughter is about to be 5 and we will do so until she is ready and wants to sleep in her own room. Before sending a child to sleep in their own room you have to transition them…place the childs bed in your room until they are ready to be on their own.

I keep a baby gate on my 2 year old’s door but I leave her door open and I sleep with mine open (I’m literally beside her) so if she wakes up and wants me, I can hear her. That is not child abuse - that’s keeping her safe from getting out of her room and potentially getting into trouble elsewhere like the kitchen.

As for getting them to sleep in their own bed, ignore their calling (for a limited time - I do between 5-10 minutes depending on what her crying is like) and hope they go back to sleep. If she’s really scared or is being loud and obnoxious at her gate, I get up and put her back down to sleep with music and stay with her for a few minutes until she’s asleep. Then I leave again


Jesus Christ. No, definitely do not lock them in where they cannot get out and do not take away any of their clothing. Like wtf. THAT IS CHILD ABUSE. Please do not do any of that. Yeah, you’ll lose sleep for a little bit while you’re trying to train them to sleep on their own, but don’t expect the first few nights to go good.
Wow, I’m blown away.


That poor child! Report the parent, that is child abuse!!!

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I’m not gonna act like I know the perfect way but I’m pretty sure that will literally just make their bedroom feel like an unsafe space for them


I thinking locking them is a thing people do. I think it’s like isolation where you lock the toddler in the room with just their bed stuff and them only. (I wouldn’t do this and think it’s messed up to do so) but the clothes thing is just way too far. That’s messed up. Would they like it if they’re clothes were taken off and forced to be cold? It’s humiliating and degrading.

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Wait…what? People do that to their babies?! :sob::sob:


Why can’t the child sleep with them… I don’t understand this controlled crying or putting them in their own rooms
But I wouldn’t lock a child in Thier room you’re teaching them abandonment when they need you most

Locking them in and making sure they’re cold? That’s cruel and yes abusive behaviour :disappointed:

Don’t just argue with people about it, do something because if they’re acting like this now what’s to say the worst isn’t yet to come. Never turn a blind eye when it comes to children, so many innocent kids being damaged and murdered by people who are meant to keep them safe! Who cares if they know it’s you if that’s putting you off, better that than living with knowing you could have done something.


That is definitely NOT ok. You spend seemingly endless nights getting up and taking the kid back to bed and kissing them goodnight and reassuring them there is nothing under the bed or in the closet. And you are always right near them if they need you. And eventually they get it. And many many times they will still end up in bed with you. But it doesn’t last forever, they’re only children for a short time.

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That’s child abuse in my eyes

Poor babies falling asleep freezing and can’t find warmth :sob::tired_face:


That is not ok. Example would if a fire happens, door won’t open now. Your safe but u just cost her life. How dare people. Wow I would report it

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It is child neglect at the very least. But i would consider it abuse.

Jeez here I thought I was messing up my kid by letting her sleep with me and she’s 3 and half.

I understand your frustration. I won’t attack you as I know being a mom is tough and sometimes we are at a loss on what to do but I feel like this would make your child dislike their room more and be traumatized by this.

I don’t have any advice as I’m having the same struggle. I just let my daughter sleep with us as she’s only little once and I know it won’t be a problem forever but I also understand needing your own bed. Have you tried sleeping with her in her bed and sneaking out once she’s asleep? That works for my girl sometimes.

I know people do the locking doors thing, I think thatsba safety concern myself, I’d do a baby gate at the door, but wouldn’t keep them from opening the door themselves

But clothes?? Imagine yourself, laying there naked and afraid because of your parents? That’s so horrible :frowning:


Yes, that’s child abuse 100%

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It’s definitely a child abuse. Poor kids. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I still room share with my 5 and 8 year old, it might be because of a lack of space but i wouldn’t change it for anything.

This poor little one :pleading_face: that is 100% child abuse. This is so traumatizing to the child. This is doing the complete opposite of making the child want to stay in their bed and not okay in any form. What the hell is wrong with people!


I don’t see how either of these actions will help solve the problem but will have a negative and lasting effect on the child. My personal opinion is that the parent should get some professional help/support to learn some better skills to help the situation.

That’s awful taking their clothes

That is simply called child abuse there must be a reason why she is not sleeping Please go and see your GP and seek help

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Fire department would say it’s a safety hazard.


Not OK. A reason that my daughter is No longer allowd to sleep at her dad’s Home.

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That’s horrible and cruel definitely child abuse! Please contact someone to help that poor child!


Technically depending on the lock that’s a fire hazard for the child, the no clothes thing is stupid and most likely would do nothing and be cruel


Jesus they get out of bed just take them back and not talk and tuck them in until they get the boundary. The door locking and clothes thing reminds me of the book A child called it


Child abuse…kids will eventually sleep in their own beds. Even if it takes awhile…love while they are little before you know it they will be grown and gone

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That’s awful. That poor baby is going to be traumatized.

Some of these recent posts have to bait

MAYBE shutting them in the room but the clothes??? Oh no wtf is there problem. With a monitor and shit the bedroom door. Get a projector light. My daughter has a full bed in her room so I can lay down with her till she’s asleep

That child will need therapy at some stage. Who would possibly treat a child like that? If you stand by and let it happen you are responsible too. Disgusting.

It’s actually illegal, so definitely child abuse.

Not to mention the possible danger in an emergency event of a fire.


That is abuse. My 4-year-old had the same issue. But she had nightmares and if I locked her in her room, I’m only trapping her with her fears and making her feel alone?? That is traumatizing and 100% child abuse.

It’s also DANGEROUS. God forbid a fire breaks out in her room, someone breaks through her bedroom window, etc… she’s trapped and can’t get out. I don’t think they’re realizing that. I would report that.

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WHAT!!! TERRIBLE!!! This is going to affect the child emotionally and mentally.

And forcing your kid to sleep nude?? That’s also fucking traumatizing.