Am I crazy? Or is that almost child abuse?

It is child abuse you can get them in trouble for locking their child in their room

Thats terrible. I lay down with my kids until they’re asleep and they have bedtime music and light lighting on. I cant imagine treating a small child that way.

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No not OK. That us just a lazy parent to get up at night. And yes that is child abuse. Report her now before it is too late. Who knows what else she will do. Does not deserve to have any children :rage:


Locking them in their room is okay as long as they are being monitored and it’s for safety purposes. Thankfully I don’t need to look the door for my two year old but he is capable of opening the door to the back deck and going down a bunch of stairs if he is out of his room. All of that other shit is not okay

Child abuse that poor child you need to report that :cry:

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What the actual eff did I just read!?!? Absolutely not okay!!! That’s all I’m going to say otherwise I’ll go off on a whole tangent and whatnot.

It is child abuse!!!

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Locking a child in a room is dangerous.

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That is child abuse. I had the same issue, it takes dedication on the parents part to take the child back to their bed every time they come at night. A habit needs about 7 nights to break it.

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That is never ok!!! What is wrong with people!!!

It’s definitely child abuse. My daughter is 8 and I can’t keep her out of my bed :rofl:

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That definitely is. Whoever told you that needs reported if they have kids :disappointed:

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A sensory blanket, it hugs onto the bed so they feel like they are been cuddled or a weighted blanket you can get different weights for them, makes them feel safe, that’s abuse and that is vile.

I could never ever do this to my son :sob:how sad​:sob:

Not ok. We as adults want company in our bed… why is it ok to force an innocent, helpless child to be alone… Many Countries have a family bed. It is good for them to know they are loved, safe and ensure they feel secure… The feelings a child experiences before age 7 are the same feelings the child will experience and create for themselves through out their lives… is alone, afraid and bullied how you want your adult child to feel… and struggle with? Or maybe loved, secure and safe is better?

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You are not crazy!!! That is ABUSE!!

Absolutely abuse… going to have negative long term effects on their mental health for sure, and last time I checked children still need comfort during the night? If you aren’t prepared for that as a parent, guess what? You shouldn’t be a parent. It is a full time job, more than any corporate job could ever be. That means waking up at 2 am to cold little feet wiggling their way between your legs so they can be close to you. That means helping them get through the challenges they face in life (be it sleeping in their own bed, riding a bike, learning how to LIVE IN THIS WORLD) no matter what. If you start to take away that child’s clothing (or any necessities) to prevent them from going to you when they CLEARLY need you in that moment, you will be damaging a bond between y’all big time. Not even gonna talk about isolating the child and trapping them in a room with no means of getting out and reaching their means of comfort (mom, dad, blanket, pet, etc.). ALSO a major fire hazard. This is something that would absolutely be reported.


Uh… the answer should be obvious. I have a four year old. I would NEVER take away my child’s fucking clothes for any reason at all. That’s not a punishment that’s bullshit

They must belong to the same clan as my kids dad. He thought it was ok to withhold love as a punishment for a child.

Parents should be the ones that children can run to when they are scared or lonely. What message are children getting if they are left shivering and alone in a dark room because the parent took their clothes away and locked them in their bedroom?:flushed::cry:
Your child is 4. Still young. Night time can be scarey for little ones.
Things that may help your child is the use of a night light.
A good bedtime routine such as bath, bedtime story, a lullaby and a cuddle.
Let them listen to gentle music as they go to sleep (background sound).
Give them one of those snuggle toys that can be heated in the microwave to cuddle in bed.

They grow so quickly and are only little for a short time. As they say, the days seem to pass slowly but the years fly by.
Very few mothers in the animal kingdom (mammals) let their babies/little ones “cry it out”, cats, dogs, even rabbits attend to their crying babies and snuggle in with them to comfort them, yet humans make new mums feel guilty for wanting to cuddle their own children when they are upset in case they ‘spoil them’.
Nonsense! Cuddle them, comfort them, let them know that you are there when they need you.
Most of all mum, this is your child, your family, go with your heart and your instincts, do what works best for your family so that you all get peaceful rest at night. Good luck. X


Shows they have zero respect for the child! treat them how you would want to be treated. Put yourself in their shoes. Traumatising to say the least

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this hurt my heart so bad. i really hope no one is doing this :slightly_frowning_face:

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That is absolutely abuse!!!

Ray Charles AND Stevie Wonder can see that is child abuse!


Sensory Night light
Let him pick out new blankets
Strict bed time routine (bath, book, prayer, whatever works)
Melatonin gummies
Domt lock the door. Be persistent in redirecting him back to bed. Offer water, potty, but back to bed. It’s a struggle but can absolutely be done without traumatizing him

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Nop not right at all what is wrong with people a stair gate would be good enough you do not lock a child in a room at night that is abuse

Abuseee report it! Sleep schedule takes time

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Locking a child in a room is a safety issue!

That is child abuse :scream::scream::scream: my 4 year old still needs to be in my bed to fall asleep and that’s ok! They’re only little for such a short amount of time and do learn to self sooth in their own beds eventually without the need for actual abuse.

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I don’t know what I’m more shocked at… the actions of a “parent” that does these things to their child OR the person that has asked if it’s child abuse!! OF COURSE IT’S CHILD ABUSE!! If this wasn’t such a serious issue in everyday life, I would think this post was a wind-up :rage:


Aw hunny no no no NO do not do any of those things . Do you not have nightmares ? Do you know what those do to little kids they need to be able to get to their safe place , YOU . What if a fire broke out ? That baby won’t make it . Whoever told you this is so wrong and abusive DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN !!

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Definitely abuse. With my daughter, I have to lay in bed with her until she falls asleep. If she wakes up I just lay with her again until she falls asleep. Sometimes it’s 3 or 4 times a night and can be exhausting but it’s the only way she sleeps in her own bed

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That IS child abuse. They will have terrors about bedtime for ever. It’s also dangerous in the event of an emergency.


My kids follow me around all night… they love to sleep with me, why have children if you don’t want to love and you’re them. Just awful.

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I would never lock a child in a room to the point of no escape plus what if there is a fire and you can’t get into the said child’s bedroom quick enough to escape because it’s locked, seriously some people don’t deserve to be parents


Taking away CLOTHES? A necessity??? what kinda question??? I’d be beating the holy hell out of someone rather than making this post.


That’s abuse. Not almost, it is. And not to mention so dangerous.

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That’s neglect and abuse

I definitely feel like there’s more efficient ways to help a 4 year old sleep u don’t need to lock them in a room


That’s straight trauma :broken_heart:

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That is no argument. It’s down right abuse!! And LORD, I would be CRAZY if someone done this to my child. They would not EVER have the option to do it twice. That is beyond insane. JUST as bad as all the dangers of it comments multiple times above- it would cause extreme anxiety & fear in the child, that could lead to wayyy worse issues. Hell no!! That’s the answer!! It is NOT ok.

Report that to social

That’s absolutely evil :imp: neglectful and abusive on all levels
That’s causing so much trauma it’s unreal

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This is not ok at all and i think you should contact proper authorities if you are able. That poor child should not be in that type of environment. Thank you for trying to help and reach out. I hope the child gets help asap

Are they struggling to settle or waking up in the night.

If they need you to settle the sit silently in the room with them until the fall
Asleep. Everyone they get up, put them back in bed without eye contact and speaking. Do this until they fall asleep. Each day it will get easier. Some days will be harder, as they push to resist.

Every successful day move one step towards the door to waiting for them to sleep.

Depending on the child it take 2/3 weeks for delivering the same message. Supporting them through learning the cope on their own.

Don’t lock them in their room it will create bigger mental issues later. It’s cruel and unkind.

No you dont lock your kid up so they cant get out even to use the restroom or take their cloths what ignorant and disgusting thoughts. Yes it is abuse and it should be addressed. Dont let them parent next they will tell you to lock them in a crate and that its acceptable. Thats gross leave the situation and people follow your gut yes it is abuse. Makes me sick. I feel for this kid this is so fucked up. They feel its ok because they were brought up believing it was. That is a lazy fucking way to help a kid who wants to be close to and love their parents and feels safe in their bed. Just lock them up because you dont want to deal with it what a sick ef.

They need to take the time and bed train them… Maybe sleep in the room with them… Kids need comfort… Like us they get scared and want cuddles… But the whole lock them in the room and taking clothes away is completely child abuse… How would they feel locked in a room with no clothes… Fucking insane this is even happening… I hope they are not doing other things… Prayers for the child​:heart::heart:

Absolutely NOT okay.

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Never lock the child in and never take their clothes away to make them cold that deserves a prison sentence it is abuse


Definatley not OK. A baby would sleep better being warm and not scared because they’re trapped… Disgusting


That’s child abuse !

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That’s all just cruel things to do to a child in time they will enjoy it at least till 5 then they start to understand a lil more

I love to watch the ‘super nanny’ episodes on you tube for these kids of issues for ideas ect, might help

N however made these suggestions to you shame on them this is f**ked up to do to a child… they shouldn’t have to heal from their childhood

Not ok!! Never ever!!! I slept infront of the door inside the kiddos room when I was very tired and worried about them getting up and outa the room (never happened) but definitely always worried and always slept with them… I would have HUGE concerns and I hope you made a report… be that childs voice plz


:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I can’t even begin to touch on how angry this makes me


If I ever catch anyone doing this to my child or any child they have something coming
In my own opinion that is not okay


I’ve heard of a child dying of hypothermia in their sleep before……so yeah, let’s not do that….


That’s abuse!!! Take a kids clothes away. Take away the clothes of the pos and see how they like it! Why is it so
Cold in the kids room first of all!!?? Kid gets up, put them back to bed. Even if it take 100 times a night. You have to stay persistent for a while. That’s just what you do. These people are idiots and need to be reported!! They aren’t dealing with a damn dog, it’s a human being. Seriously report them ASAP.

Definitely not okay…even my 11-year-old, 9-year-old, and 5-year-old, sometimes don’t sleep all night in their beds, so we have a basket of blankets and pillows in our room. They’ll come in, make their bed on the floor next to our bed, and go back to sleep…sometimes, it’s all 3 of them. :joy::upside_down_face:
Children need to feel that their parents are there for them and that they’re safe, no matter the age


That’s just cruel and makes me question the adults.

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That’s fucked lol my four year old is in my bed every night. I don’t like sleeping alone can’t blame a four year old for not either

You’re going to leave your child under dressed so they are cold at night and struggle to stay warm enough under their blanket. Momma this is probably not in your best interest that’s cruel. Tuck your 4 year old into bed maybe read them 1 book only 1 and make that a nightly routine and then yes it’s exhausting and will take time but everytime they get out get up take their hand and walk them back and tuck them back in it will not work the first, second or third time but I promise you your 4 year old will catch on and eventually fall asleep and quit coming out altogether within a week or even 2. But your little one a cute nightlight that they can turn on so they have something to look forward to in their own room at bedtime. It’s just a phase momma but don’t make your little one suffer from it they are only 4 after all/

Absolutely should not be done. Child abuse

Wrong on all accounts…talk to the child…

As a social worker I consider that child abuse and the parents could benefit with some parenting classes. If it’s someone you know personally it is up to you to file a complaint to the local department of social services. You may not know what other abuse the child is subjected to.


I can’t believe how many of you think this is automatically child abuse!
I locked my child in a room at night for a period of about 4 years.
Not because I was being abusive but to ensure everyone’s safety!
If parents don’t get some sleep then things can spiral.
Don’t judge others if you do not understand their reasoning behind the actions.
It’s never the first thought by all means and always try other ways first. It was a last resort in my case!
Don’t dare judge what you never understand!


That is absolutely child abuse. Go ahead try it out and ill let cps know and they can decide

This is never okay. Your so called friends are not your friends. Don’t fall for their BS. Parent the best way you can and ignore the child abuser’s so called advice.

Those suggestions are weird and messed up

Locking them in there room is child abuse and if social find out the person doing it would loose your kids

As for clothes no it’s not my kids don’t have there clothes in there room but I wouldn’t let them get cold


He’ll no!! That causes major future problems, if that’s how they treat there kids at bed I’ll be concerned to hear what they treat them like in general

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That’s definitely child abuse and the parents should be in prison. They should start a routine with the toddler, hell give the toddler some melatonin it helps keep them asleep.(I give my kids that when they’re sick and can’t sleep). I couldn’t imagine taking my kids clothes away from them so that they’re cold, if my kids room is too cold even with the heat on I make them come to my room and I cuddle them so that they’re not freezing. Smfh wtf is wrong with people. Please be the baby’s voice.


that is child neglect

With my daughter when she was going through the difficult phase of sleeping issues I’d put a baby gate in front of her door and leave it and mine open. Our rooms were directly across from each other and I sleep EXTREMELY light so I heard her if she was out of bed almost immediately. I still put the gate there just to be safe and keep her from the kitchen or bathroom or god forbid opening the front door. I explained to her why it was there and even as a 2 1/2 year old she didn’t try to climb it or fight it on most occasions she would quietly play with her toys. Her insomnia was terrible and even with melatonin (as doctor directed) she was up at crazy times. But NEVER would I lock her away where I could possibly not hear her or make her cold on purpose. It hurts my heart.


That’s not ok… an upset 4 year old won’t care if they’re freezing cold when they’re so upset because they’re panicking about being locked inside a room. Abuse.


This is abuse all of it and as a mother you cannot let your baby go through such trauma it isn’t right an adult wouldn’t like to be treated in that manner why do it to a child and feel it is okay? So many kids are brought up in such traumatic situations and end up psychopaths when they are adults


My 4yo still won’t stay in her bed. Sometimes when I’m not too exhausted I get up and carry her back to her bed. Other nights she just cuddles her momma. You know why? Because I’m her momma and I’m where she feels safe. She’ll eventually get older and outgrow it and not want me. But for now she’s my baby. They’re being cruel. That baby is gonna have trust issues and be traumatized.


You not crazy, sounds cruel and unusual. Use super nanny Jo Frosts techniques to get kids to sleep in their own bed, it works perfectly.

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Gosh this needs a trigger warning… none of this is ok and needs to be reported. :frowning:


That’s calling cps kinda thing… sorry but what the hell?! That is not ok!!


Hell no would I ever do those things to my child. Locking anyone in a room seems super messed up to me.

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Never do none of the above . Did your parents do that to you ? It’s very cruel to do that , you have to be patient with them

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Wtf thats absolutely abuse you should keep whoever thinks that’s acceptable away from your kids.


Is this shit for real? She’s fuckn joking right? 3-4yrs they are realising that they are there own person, not an extension of their Mother, and it’s terrifying for them, so they act out. I understand that no all people have had the best upbringing, but there is no excuse for not researching on parenting problems.

Wow that’s horrid poor kid ring cps right away

I have not done these things but I have been tired enough by having 2 toddlers to be willing to not judge others choices.

That is definitely NOT OK

Remove the “almost” it’s absolutely abuse.

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No those things are not ok!!!

fucking child abuse what the fuck. get those people out of your life!

Holy crap. That is 100% NOT ok! Not to mention dangerous! What if something was terribly wrong and the child needed to get out of their room but couldn’t because they were locked in, like a house fire, an intruder etc. :triumph:


If I didn’t put my child in his room behind his little gate, he would climb chairs and potentially get out the front door at night. he is never in his room during the day though. My child is a runner. The way you are talking about this, in your particular situation, it is definitely wrong. the child should not be stripped of clothing. If at all possible, he or she should have a bedtime routine, cuddles, story, whatever. You can’t just abruptly decide it’s bedtime without a routine. A bit more perspective on why my child has a gate, I am a wheelchair bound mom and I need to keep my child safe at night, I cannot constantly carry him back to bed. He doesn’t feel trapped because I have a monitor, if he were to seriously need me I would go get him out to see what is wrong. I think it’s wrong and will cause emotional damage to the toddler in your situation. My son knows if he needs mommy, she’s coming and that is a key difference.

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“Or is this almost child abuse” … uh no honey, it’s NOT almost child abuse. That IS child abuse. Absolutely disgusting. I’m so sorry some kids were born to the gross humans they were.


I can see putting a baby gate up in front of their door so they don’t run around the house at night but, actually locking a child in a room is not right. Taking away their clothes so they’re cold is straight up neglect. I’d call CPS and report it regardless.


Omg no that is not ok so sad

All those things are child abuse and are far from okay!!
Those people obviously have no time, patience or love to be a parent & shouldn’t be!!

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There are some things you can do like:
Create a pleasant evening routine that comforts your child.
Spend time with your child in his room before going to bed, e.g. saying a prayer, reading a book, a goodnight hug.
Have a night light beside the bed.
Persist with the routine until your child accepts it but make necessary changes if something is clearly not working over a period of time.
Do not be cruel or inhumane. That would be wrong and is likely to worsen your child’s fears.


That is NOT OK! There’s so many ways to help the child instead of doing that way

That’s abuse! With my little one I just keep tucking her back in bed and telling her I love her, eventually she goes to bed. Right now I am also helping my friend do the same with here son and in a week of just tucking him back in bed he sleeps no problem now

Please report anyone who admits to doing this, it’s absolutely abuse

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