Am I crazy? Or is that almost child abuse?

That’s absolutely not ok!!

That isn’t almost child abuse that IS child abuse report it

Neither one of those is ok!!

People throw around the word child abuse so easily now a days. No, that is not abuse. I’ve reported abuse on a baby who’s body was so covered in bruises I thought he was just super dirty at first. No. This is neglect, withholding basic needs. Still not ok, but not abuse. This could potentially be very dangerous. Oh

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With my oldest son I had a door lock is basically the door knob I just turned around backwards but I did that for his safety he would sleep walk and he would try to turn on the oven every night so I turned around his door knob and I would lock it at the end of the night after he was well asleep because he would sleep walk between 12 and two I put a baby monitor in his room one of those cameras and after the sleepwalk episode was over I would unlock his door go back in there and I am back down in his bed but it was safer for him to be in his room for that specific time so we had no choice but to lock the door so that he would not physically try to turn on the oven


But yes what you’re talking about that’s 100% without a doubt abuse they were physically and emotionally abusing those babies making them too cold to move which is a medical concern and taking away their clothes and locking them in the room I would call CPS


Definitely emotional and mental abuse poor baby

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Locking them in the bedroom for overnight is not really abuse, it’s more of a safety issue letting them have free reign of the house while you sleep. But taking their clothes away is not right.

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Abuse? Meh…no. Incredibly poor parenting judgement? Yes. Some kids who don’t want to sleep alone lack trust and security. Why compound this with other anxieties? This child needs reassurance that his environment is consistently safe and secure. That’s YOUR job, mom. Screw, literally, everyone else.


4yrs old is still a toddler. I would never lock my 4yr old into a room where they couldn’t get to me if they needed me. Wtf.

That’s abusive and not okay at all!!


Administration. Needs to look into where this post came from. There’s a child having their clothes taken away. Locked in their room. HELLO ANYONE ELSE SEE THERES A PROBLEM HERE!!


Who runs this page??


That’s shi**y. Maybe add a night light , dream catcher . Reassure your child that it’s okay. And that nothing will bother them. Maybe even give a big girl/boy treat for sleeping in their own bed at night.
The kid is 4 not 14!

Report to police or CPS


Complete child abuse

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Its abuse plain and simple.thats horrible

Call cps now! Those poor babies… I read this and went and checked on my four year old and made she she was warm and tucked in bed… my husband and my bed because she had a bad dream last night…

How could anyone do that??


That’s child abuse and allowing a child to be cold is also. Plus it’s inhuman. A child needs to feel warm and safe .


Kid don’t like bedtime because it means they don’t get to play and they’re scared of the dark. I think you should try to gentle parent and get them to be comfortable in their own bed. You shouldn’t be locking ur 4 year old in a room alone at night knowing their scared. Also a child deserves to be in some warm clothes to go to bed. That’s sounds like bad parenting to me

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Sort of abuse? No that’s abuse. Locking a child in their room is one thing, still wrong but taking their clothes so they’re too cold to get up is straight abuse and I’d be calling social services


Your child should always be able to come to you. Put said child in bed at night & tell them if they wake up, they can come to your room but a pallet on the floor will be made for them to crawl into.

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, no clothes- scared/lonely looking for security- and you are locked in your room trying to get out? Does that make you anxious, starting to panic? Now, imagine being 4yrs old :pensive:…This is all types of wrong. Set up a cot or lay down a sleeping bag with lots of blankets beside your bed and have her sleep there when she wakes in the night. It will help ease her into sleeping alone while giving a sense of security.


“Also, do you all think it’s OK to lock a 4 year old in their bedroom at night so they can’t get out??” - No. In case of fire, the child would literally be trapped and unable to get to safety.
“How about taking away all their clothes so they are too cold to get back out of the bed???” - No. That’s abuse.

If a parent wants to keep a child out of their bed, they need to provide alternatives. When our kids were little, we set up a small loveseat in our bedroom. If a kid woke up and was scared, they could sleep on the loveseat. That way they were near us, but not in the bed. Over time, just knowing it was an option, they continued to sleep in their own beds.

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I put a child safety thing around the knob inside of my 3rd childs door so she couldn’t get out without me knowing. It wasn’t child abuse, it was to keep her from climbing on our counters and turning the stove on. She loved to climb. When she woke up she would knock and I would go open her door for the day.

Sounds like child abuse to me. Kids will do things in their own time. Both my boys didn’t sleep in there own bed until they were 5.

My son is asleep next to me as I write this because he was scared last night. We don’t know the whole story on this does the child have an illness that requires him being locked in his room? I’ve seen people lock kids into beds :flushed: but as far as taking child’s clothing so kid stays cold n not climb out of bed :woman_facepalming: maybe CPS should take a look so please make a report.

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These methods are not ok and yes that is child abuse.

Locking them in is one thing. My now 3yo I’m just now trusting to get out of bed and immediately come get me instead of making a Beeline for the front door or dangerous appliances.
The rest? That’s abuse. I’d be making a call.

Holy hell…yes this is child abuse.
My five year old will not sleep in her own bed/room.
So I have been sleeping in her room with her and playing in her room during the day with her to rest any fears she may have. To normalize her new room. (We moved into a much larger house and she co slept with us.)
Please do not do this to any child.


That’s ridiculous and yes imo abusive. Nothing wrong with a little one in your bed. Enjoy the snuggles, they don’t last long

Definitely think that’s child abuse. I sleep with my kids so they’re comfortable :woman_shrugging:

What the hell that is absolutely child abuse/neglect. I understand your child getting out of bed can be challenging but they are ALWAYS supposed to be able to come to you NO MATTER WHAT. If they want their child to stay in there room they should get a baby gate so they can at least be able to hear them and absolutely never take their clothing. This is horrifying and disgusting


This is called separation anxiety!!!:person_shrugging::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming: Their isn’t an issue here when they lock the child up… if this child has the capability to open up a door claim on counter​:person_shrugging: just think if everyone a sleep and this child goes outside :person_shrugging: may be that could be why they are locking the door… locking up a child in room isn’t child abuse they do that in foster care with CPS knowing about it, and they recommended to those who get up in night​:person_shrugging: as for clothing taking away to keep child in bed … it’s not abuse if they have a blanket but it is messed up :person_facepalming:…so she trying to wing child from bed :person_shrugging: easy put child bed next to her mother bed she needs to know that mother is here she feels secure . And over time she will get use to her bed instead of mom bed. Nap time bed time should lay in her bed, slowly move her bed away from Mom bed… then once she gets use to that move the bed to her room… have her take naps in her room on her bed with Mom in the room, so she knows mom will be there eventually child will be able to sleep alone in her room ,place a picture on the wall of mom and her laminate it, place mom pillows that smells like mom on bed or a blanket even a night light… you want her to feel just as safe in her room that she did with Mom … and theirs nothing wrong with child staying in mom room in child own bed unless she wants child to move into her new room already :person_shrugging:

Please report them to the proper authorities!


Call dcs definitely not okay

Safely locking them in their room isn’t abuse but taking their clothes off is. As a matter of fact it’s so draconian that hitler used this to torture the Jews. Please advocate for the child and get them some help.

Prime example of people who shouldn’t have children.


Its actually against the law to lock a child in there room because if there was a fire or dangerous situation and they can’t get out it can be life threatening for them…ya call cps that ain’t rite

I would look @ them as a child abuser. I would also end the friendship. I don’t play. I don’t want anything to do with an abusive person. As far as getting my babes to sleep in their own beds, I first put them in during the day for a nap. I had jazz music playing & I told them how much fun it would be to sleep in a big bed. I laid on the floor & showed them there is nothing to be scared of. It took a few days & LOTS of books & toys. I fully believe in bribery for little guys. They eventually fell asleep & so did I. They would wake up & see me on the floor asleep & they’d get out of bed & come snuggle with me. It really only took a couple of days. At first I just put them in their beds for nap time…. Did that for a few days. I did not put them in the big beds at night till I knew they were no longer scared. We continued to show them that they were going to be ok.
My kids actually loved their naps & they loved the big beds…… they put themselves to sleep in them. Then they asked to sleep in the big beds @ night. I was sooooooo excited & did lots of praise & woohoos. I wanted to show them that they had made such a great decision. I remember people would give me shit for letting my babes make decisions @ such a young age. It may not be for everyone, but it worked for us. I believe in “creative” parenting…. Going outside the box.
Today they are 17&18 & whenever they make a great decision, I still go crazy with praise.

That’s horrifying. That poor child. Please report them. And suggest to the parent to find out why they don’t want to stay in bed. It doesn’t have to be a battle. They are turning it into a war. And making bedtime a dreaded experience for the poor kid. Absolutely making it worse. I can only imagine how mean they are when they lock the door and take the clothes. That poor child.


That’s abuse. What if a fire started… what if the heat in the house went out and the Chile ended up freezing to death. You need to report this.

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WTF THAT IS SO SCARY!!! We’re talking about a 4 year old that you would be traumatizing over something that is so normal for that age… DEAL WITH IT as an adult in a way that will help her not traumatize her.

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There’s nothing almost about that child abuse

The locking their door for their safety is not something I would do, but I understand that concept. However, removing their clothes so they won’t get out of bed? That’s child abuse.

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If you know somebody who does these things to their child , you should report them immediately. Not only is it cruel, it will have major long term effects on said child. This is not okay and anybody who says it is should not have children. It’s neglect.


It’s not almost child abuse!!!
It is child abuse!!
You’re the parent, why do you have to ask someone!
You should know in your heart already!

That is not fkn ok . AT ALL .

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It’s not almost child abuse it IS child abuse. I hope whoever told you those things, you get out of your life immediately. If I knew someone was doing those things to their kids I’d call the cops :woman_shrugging:t3:

I just became a foster mom throught dcfs . One of the reasons of placement was locking the kids in the bedrooms !

There is no “almost abuse” that WOULD BE ABUSE! If you started out sharing the bed with your child out of convenience, then this is on you. You will need lots of patience to untrain your child from what he/she has known their whole life. Locking a child in a room has a whole set of dangers and should never happen. Everything from fires to trying to get out of windows could lead to your child’s death. Don’t do it. Taking his/her clothes away? Really? A distraught child is not going to feel cold, just insignificant. Don’t do it. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Drop the “almost” and you’re on track! Report it or you are part of the problem


:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:Ooh, that just made me so mad to read! That is ABSOLUTELY ABUSIVE.

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Is the 4 year old night time trained?? If so I would not lock the door especially because then they can’t get to the potty

I’ve also been told by my kids pedi and firefighters locking the door is a safety hazard

But taking their clothes so they’re to cold?? Absolutely not!! That’s horrible!!


A baby gate for safety is one thing…locking the door and taking clothes off is child abuse in my eyes! Is it only me that has no issue with their child getting in their bed if they need to I don’t care if he’s 15 still doing it I’d rather he know he can come to mummy and daddy than he scared!

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When my sisters and I were little our grandma would lock us in our rooms. Which felt like for ever. Looking back at it, she probably thought it was okay. But it wasn’t I still get flash backs of being alone because I was the oldest while I could hear my sisters cry from the next room. :cry: this is child abuse. It sticks with you. I would never do this to my kids. But then again there’s a lot I won’t do because it’s just not right.


FIRST OF ALL…. You can never lock a child in their room. Ever. #1 fire hazard among so many other dangerous scenarios. Taking away their clothes??? That’s such an extreme violation of privacy and can leave devastating effects.

If anything set up a sleeping bag they can sleep in your room or lay in bed in their room until they fall asleep like. A NORMAL DECENT PARENT wow this makes me so angry


There is no reason the door should be locked. We have a kiddo that sleep walks and gets up at night. His door has a alarm on it just so we know he’s up and it’s also for his safety. But locked not a chance!!!

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Wow, that’s is abuse and is disturbing.

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We put our 2yo in his bed multiple times and calm him. We also use a baby gate and monitor. The door never gets shut and he only sleeps in the clothes he picks out. I would never take my child clothing so they stay cold and don’t get out of bed. That’s just horrible and mean. Reassurance is the best you can do until they’re used to it

That’s f-Ed up honestly.

Not ok. Bad, What is wrong w ppl…


Never never never works this ever be considered ok. If someone you know is actually doing it report them… this would be cruel to do to a child. Punishing then it’s not the answer… fixing their insecurities is.

That’s straight up child abuse in my eyes. If someone did that to my child, mama bear would flip. That’s my opinion!

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Absolutely its abuse and completely unsafe. What if their was a fire? Poor baby.

This is sick, twisted, disturbing and absolutely child abuse :rage::angry:

Omg, that is so wrong…. Use a baby gate but don’t lock them in. I also found if you don’t put toys in the room they sleep in it helps. But some people just shouldn’t be allowed to have kids unless they pass a test.
I have never locked our kids in a room or taken the clothes to make them sleep by themselves. We had all 3 cosleep and by 2-3 they were in their own beds. We just made a big deal out of getting a big girl/boy bed and let them pick out the covers and a stuffed toy to sleep with.

I do not think it’s ok to lock a small child all alone in a room where they are certain to be afraid. I don’t understand the no clothes thing. Doesn’t the child have a blanket or more clothes to put on?

Ummm…WTF?? Who would treat their child that way?? These people are…nope, not gonna say it. But, this is SOOOOO WRONG!!!

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I have an autistic kiddo who has a special room ment for her meltdowns when we lived in az. So when she got into meltdown mode we would place her in there. (Cameras on and me outside her door) and lock her door. But never do it because they won’t sleep in there own bed that’s messed up! My kiddos come into my bed anytime but we do have a rule where you have to start in your own bed. My kids have never had an issue they go through stages sometimes we’re they only want to sleep with us but it happens. This poor kiddo locking him in his room is gonna torment him and make him so scared to sleep in there at all.

So with my girls I put a baby gate at the door so they could not come out at bedtime. I left the door open or cracked(had something on door so wouldn’t close all way-finger safety). They would run around, pout, cry,etc. Then go on to bed when they didn’t get response wanted or let out.

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That is child abuse. Making ur child be cold so they can’t get out of bed without freezing is ABUSE. Plz tell me u plan to report this???

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Locking a child in their bedroom is insane and dangerous. What if a fire breaks out, child starts choking or falls out of bed and needs help. Time is the essence in some cases. Taking away their p.j’s and clothes so they stay in bed is a retarded statement from lazy cruel parents. Reassure and comfort your child, be persistent, keep putting your child back in their bed calmly with love and walk away . Everytime they get out repeat. You’ll probable have several sleepless night but if you stay on top of it and are persistent every nights but before you know it he/ she will be comfortable in their own bed

Please don’t lock your child in their room, that’s traumatizing and they would never want to be in her bed or feel safe there… taking away all their clothes so they’re too cold to get out of bed? :cry::rage::zipper_mouth_face:

it’s child abuse! the mental trauma this child is enduring will last for the rest
of his/her life & a investigation needs to happen bc this child isn’t safe.


Abuse- 100% but I really can’t wrap my head around the thought process either. Your kid is feeling a certain way (anxious, insecure, scared) and goes to the parent for comfort/security but instead of reassurance, parent PREVENTS them from even leaving their room?? I raised 5 kids and as tired as I have ever been, my instinct has always been to reassure/calm/protect my kids. It NEVER would have occurred to me to lock them in their room (or even lock them out of mine). And that doesn’t even take into consideration how dangerous it can be to lock a child up with no way to get out!


Horrible! Emotional abuse and neglect for sure!


You’re crazy most defff an that is child abuse …


Read to the child before they go to sleep and maybe sing them a lullaby or let them listen to some music!

Almost child abuse? That IS child abuse!


Keep putting then back into their own bed and eventually they won’t bother anymore

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Absolutely child abuse and disgusting to even read.

This is very wrong. What if there were a fire? What if this child needs to go to the bathroom? What if they’re sick or scared? I never allowed co sleeping, so I never had a problem with this. However, I would never ever lock my children in a room.

I can’t picture doing any of this to my 4 yo. :cry:

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Start talking about bed time way before bed time! Tell 4 year old something like big kids sleep in the bed all night. Or say something that the child likes sleeps in bed. Like the princess sleeps in her bed/ Batman sleeps in his bed. Have the child take a bath & brush teeth & talk about how your doing those things to get ready for bed. Have the childs bed nice with blanket pillow & something to snuggle. Have child lay down in bed & sit next to them & read books. Books about going to bed are ideal. Give the child an incentive to stay in bed. Like say if you sleep in your bed all night you can get a treat tomorrow. Leave the child to go to bed. U can close the door or leave open a crack if the child is scared about having door closed. If the child gets up out of bed & come out calmly take the child back to bed & don’t say a lot of things other than you need to lay down now it’s time for bed. It may take some time & you may have to take child back to bed many times. Just keep putting them back to bed. Try to be patient!! If the child is really not listening you can remind them about the treat & say you still have a chance to get that treat tomorrow if you sleep in your bed & say if you keep getting up you will not be able to get it. Remind them they have something nice to snuggle in the bed. If they go to sleep but get up in the night. Same thing just keep putting them back into bed. Some kids it will take a very long time this way! Some kids it might be easier & not take long for them to fall asleep if you can sit in the room & wait till they fall asleep. Say lay down close your eyes & just wait patiently and leave when they fall asleep.


It’s 100% child abuse… legally speaking, this will put you in jail, at the very least get your kids taken away.

How would you feel if someone locked you in a room so you couldn’t get out and or take all your clothes so you’re too cold to get out of bed??

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Child Abuse and get a grip! Find other ways! Take her clothes away, are you nuts! Get help

The Lord giveth
The Lord taketh away!!!

Not ok! I know it’s exhausting trying to get your child to bed, believe me , I have a 5 year old who keeps trying to run into my room. Try doing like a prize at the end of the week. , ice cream at the end of the week my child loves Spider-Man, so I started small, every 3rd day take him to pick a toy,and then we’d do ice cream. Pretty soon he’s excited to sleep on his own. Or plan something fun at the end of the week, like a play date with his friend. Or just simply stay in the room until they fall asleep reading a long boring book.

Child abuse 100 percent. It would be so traumatizing to a child.

Just keep putting them back in bed. That’s all you can do.

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Legally speaking, locking a child or anyone up inside a room is illegal, its considered false imprisonment, not to mention child endangerment.

Child abuse and neglect! Someone should do that to you and see how you fucking feel :rage:

I had a cousin who had to lock her son in his bedroom. He was like 6 and use to sleep walk out of the house.

Omg noooooo not ok!!:rage:

Get rid of everyone who thinks this is OK. You know it’s happening, now it’s your responsibility to do something about it.

My 6 year old still Co sleeps. He gets scared sleeping alone and I couldn’t imagine locking him up to make him sleep by himself. Heartless, and yes, child abuse. Please get that baby help.

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Your not crazy they are I had 3 girls who loved to fall asleep in our bed 50 yes later it’s a sweet memorie of childhood

Taking a child’s clothes off of them sounds creepy

Not okay!! They want their mama obviously so sad :disappointed: I feel bad for that baby

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That’s child abuse and they need to be told WELCOME TO PARENTHOOD…there are struggles all the time! Doesn’t mean you abuse your own power.