Am I crazy? Or is that almost child abuse?

Lock the house doors but don’t lock them in their room!

Never lock a child in their room! What if you had a fire? Maybe a person could lay with the child til it fell asleep?

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I have a 4 year and this absolutely breaks my heart. I could never lock him in his room and take away his clothes. He might go in for a 2 minute time out, but even then, he’s not locked in there. How awful :cry:

Yes. This is child abuse. Sone people should not be allowed to be parents, not even to an animal.

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That’s so traumatizing for a child. Absolutely NOT ok. I don’t know how people justify it. Just to “get them used to it” or the excuse that this is basically how the world works etc. there’s reasons why children won’t sleep either other than “just not wanting to”. Ugh I feel so bad for so many kids


My three year old girl still wakes up once a night just to sluggishly climb into bed with me. Once she’s asleep, I’ll sometimes put her back in her bed, and she sleeps through the rest of the night (I’m almost 32 weeks pregnant with our third and sometimes, it’s uncomfortable sleeping with her and my husband in bed haha) Toddlers don’t know why they would receive punishments like the ones you mentioned. 100% abuse.

That’s cruel and 100% abuse. I would report whoever the person is that is doing that, absolutely vile.

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Absolutely NOT okay! I get how that can be seen as a last alternative to desperate parents (something I would never do but had to talk sense into others) but it’s still emotionally traumatizing and God forbid the was a fire or emergency, how is the child to get away safe? Or even to use the bathroom at night, do these parents want to continuously clean up messes like this and create a whole new world of problems much bigger than “keeping a toddler in their room”? There are so many tools to use to help, night lights with timers on them that show when it’s time to sleep/get up, if little one is scared maybe a camera that they know you can see them with will help ease the babies mind, or even homemade “monster spray” to get rid of those nighttime ghoul’s, if this is their first time in a big bed maybe lay with them till they fall asleep and then get up and do this for a few nights and slowly transition to kiddo laying down by themselves and parent reads a 5 minute story and keep progressing to your goals. There are so many different options and ways to help a child transition to being by themselves but for everything good in this world LOCKING A KID ANYWHERE IS NOT OKAY!

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It’s not almost child abuse. It is child abuse.


Your not crazy I’d call that neglect


Child abuse for sure

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This shouldn’t even be a argument whomever thinks this is ok shouldn’t have kids


Yes this is child abuse!!!

I have a question, isnt that almost the same as letting the baby cry it out in the crib? I dont agree with doing that either but Im just curouis what the difference would be because I know many people dont consider that to be child abuse but technically they are not able to get out of the crib so they are essentially “locked in” the crib? I have had my fair share of struggles to get both my kids out of my bed & have never done anything like this but was told lots & lots of times to let my children cry it out which Ive never done either but Im just kind of curouis what the difference would be? As long as the door was only locked until the child was asleep, which Im assuming the parent is not going to sleep before they are, how is it different than leaving a baby to cry it out in a crib until they fall asleep?

That is insane, disgusting and just plain cruel. Poor baby :pleading_face:

Definitely Child Negligence and Abuse. You Nurture a Child, hug them when their hurt & scared, not lock them in a room. Stop the abuse.

Never lock a child in thier room if you are NOT right on the other side of the door and fully conscious.

Never lock a child in. Cuddle your child… Won’t be long and grown up

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This is 100% not ok. I’d never do that to my children

Crazy. Child abuse. Who does this stuff. Omg poor kids. Some ppl should not be parents. I said it. Sorry. Crying over this saddddd💔

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Child abuse and DCFS will take the kid. Your not allowed to lock them in anything including a closet

Pick the phone up and call CPS!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


You’re not crazy. Please speak up for that child and be a hell of a advocate cause whatever is going on is not healthy.

Definitely child abuse!

That’s BS!! I think it’s very cruel!!

It is very cruel to lock them in. In my time, my kids NEVER slept in our bed. If they had nightmares, sick or couldn’t sleep then we would Sit next to their bed comforting them until they feel asleep. If you keep letting them in your bed to sleep, they’ll be 16 years old and still sleeping with you!

My first child co slept until they were 3 and up until 4 they would still end up in our bed by morning. But as they started needed mor room and their own space, we decided to help them decorate their room. We let them pick out their big kid bed (within reason) we painted their room the color they wanted ect… after that it was easy. We also got a digital secure baby monitor, that gave them some peace of mind too. My second kid however preferred their bed as they hit around 1. It never fails, when they are ready for bed, they like to cuddle, turn on a movie, and when they arw ready for sleep they grab their blanky, give kisses, say night night and head to their room. I think every child is different. Im not gonna lie, co sleeping definitely put some things that need to happen within my marriage on a hold. Like sex was non existent and wasn’t really possible. Also “me time” was never a thing. Now that everyone is in their own beds, i get that extra 2 hrs every night to myself to take care of hygiene and watch a new episode or 2 of my favorite tv show. Not to mention sexy time has been reintroduce. Now we never complained about not having it before but it was definitely something we both were willing to give up for the time being for the well being of our kids. Just let your kids guide you and make sure there is communication and you will know. Every child is different. Good luck.
P.s. I do think it’s ok to lock the parents bedroom door if you need privacy for a little while and only with a digitalmonitorso that you can still keep an eye on them, however… i do not think it is ok to lock them in their room that is abuse. Also clothes are a basic nasesity, if you are depriving clothes from a child and or lockingyour child of 4 years old in a room. You are a POS. :tipping_hand_woman:

That just goes to show who was abused and doesn’t want to change the cycle fucking toxic and I hope they don’t reproduce ! Cuddle your child for a bit until they fall asleep.

There is a simple answer ! If some one did that to you , would it be abuse ? Of course it would be. The child still need their mother to sleep why is it always a power struggle with parents leave things to turn naturally with out force.

Shutting the door can cause them severe trama and put them in a panic mode. Definitely not right. At nighttime you need to set a bedtime routine that is almost the same every night so kids know what to expect. You have the have patience and calmly walk them back to thier bed and tell them it’s time to go to sleep. If mind come out too much then I send them to the corner. They would rather lay in bed then stand in the corner at night, but that hardly ever happens now

I sat and watched the flames in the night from my porch. It was late, my 3 children fast asleep. The fire radio sounding alarm, structure fire close. I listened on my husbands fire radio as the firefighters arrived and began the job…which soon became a rescue. (Memory tears as I type) I believe the boys locked in their room were 2 and 4 maybe 5. Dad had them out late and when they got back he locked them in their room so as to keep them out of stuff while he rested his eyes. A lighter, a childs curiosity, and one horrific night.I am sure that little lock kept them kids safe from harm before. But this night a little boys life was lost and one severely scared for life. I can’t say locking them in their room is wrong cause for some it’s saftey issues. There are many dangerous things in a home for children to get into. :broken_heart: But to take a childs clothes??? That’s beyond my understanding of reasonable

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We get a snack, a drink, go potty, give hugs, get our blankies and teddies, and read a few books. My youngest is usually fast asleep by book #2

It is absolutely F****D UP to lock a child in their room so they can’t get out or take away their clothes. Now, I don’t think there is anything wrong with locking your own door to keep your child from getting in. That’s what I did to break my son, who randomly started sleeping with me when he was about that age. For the first few days he slept on the floor outside my bedroom door. It took about a week and that was it

The only doors that should be locked at night are the ones that lead outside front door back door etc but not a bedroom

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That’s awful :cry: I let my 4 yr old go to sleep in my bed and then I move him. I tell him when he’s asleep that’s what I’ll do so he isn’t confused waking up in his own bed the following morning. He just doesn’t like going to his own but doesn’t mind knowing he’ll up there the little wierdo :woman_facepalming:t2::joy: but it works so that’s what I do for a peaceful life xxx

I would never thats not okay at all!

The door is safer, closed rather than open, because it might prevent a fire from consuming your kid and the room itself. As for the rest, its not my business.

The locking thing a dr told me to do when my kid was a toddler because he would 1 -sleepwalk and try to go outside 2- roam the house. For his safety. ( he’s 14 now lol no more locks required. ) It wasn’t forever but untill.thosr stopped. No clothes is fucked.

Even my husband says that’s not ok. That’s definitely child abuse

I have a 2.5 yr old. Since about sept she refused to sleep in her bed. She makes a pallet on the floor. We have since removed her bed from the room.
I had for a while closed her door and lock her in. As a precaution.
However she would scream bloody murder. Like if I was a neighbor and heard that I would be concerned.
So now I just have a baby gate in her doorway and leave her bedroom door open with the hall light on.

I’ve been told the safest place for children in case of emergency is their bedroom. Easier to find them.

I would not remove the clothes. That’s a little excessive.

That certainly is child abuse! CPS should be notified!!

Omg that’s insane yea that’s abuse our 5 year old still sleeps in our bed she has her own but she is more comfortable cuddle up to one of us

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That poor child is being traumatized!!!

With my niece, we put her bed next to her mother’s and I would have to lay on the floor next to her until she fell asleep (because I was more of a mother to her than her mom until she and her mom moved out of state) and for the girl I was babysitting, she slept on the couch most of the time because her closet didn’t have a door and it scared her.

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Do not lock no door just put them in the bed and tell them good night try to do it the same time every night .

Wtf that is so cruel. At 4yo they still need love and comfort from the parent. We still lay with our 4 and almost 7 year old at night until they fall asleep and my 4yo usually still comes to our bed at some point. Completely normal. They’re seeking that comfort and security they need from you so at this young age.


Kids will sleep with u until they feel secure to sleep in their own bed. Try making it fun in their room play with them In their room. Try reading a book in their bed to them.

They will be fucked up for life if you lock them in their room. That is torture. They are looking for comfort and safety. As for the clothes, like what the hell?! That is abuse. Those people that are saying its ok are cruel heartless people that have no business taking care of a child.

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My 3 older children were falling asleep on their own and sleeping through the night in their own rooms, by 6 months old. My baby, the youngest of 4, just turned 3YO. From the very beginning, he had trouble falling asleep and sleeping through the night. He just got a “big boy bed,” but it’s still in mine & my husband’s room. Also, he still nurses to fall asleep. Thankfully, he sleeps through the night now, but not every night, and even this just started within the last 6 months. So, I understand the sleep struggle! I would NEVER EVER lock him in the room or take his clothes so he was too cold to get out of bed. That is just cruel. 4YO is still a baby, and they need help learning. I can’t imagine being so heartless to a poor child that is struggling with learning how to sleep. :disappointed_relieved:

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NO! Literally Traumatizing them!!!

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its child abuse…lots of people gave good advice thou


I just wait till my youngest falls asleep with me, then her dad puts her in her own bed. Locking them in their room and taking their clothes is extreme….

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Nah that’s not ok at all! I had a friend like that. She thought everything she did to her “kids” was right(she raised her siblings which props to her for doing it, but could’ve been nicer) her advice to me when I had said my daughter at one years old was still waking up in the night for a bottle was to put my hand over her mouth until she goes back to sleep. Cause “that’s what she did and it worked just fine”. Or when my daughter at four talked back to me(which a lot has changed since this happened, half the reason for behavior was someone mentally abusive trying to parent also and she knew that) was to “scoop her up by her hair drag her ass outside the store and whoop her @ss until it bleeds then she’ll stop”. And when u try to tell them that’s not ok, they argue, and will until the day they take their last breath. They don’t see what they’re doing wrong and most of the time will never see it.
Locking the child in their room is not safe for the child. What if a fire breaks out? They play with a toy in the night and decide to put it in their mouth and swallow it? There’s so many things that can go wrong and the child CANT get out to ask for help.
I got my four year old to start sleeping in her own bed with bribery :rofl::rofl: she has 1000 freakin stuffed animals and she now is able to sleep with them all in her bed where in my bed she only got 2. She also has a tv in her room and she watches Barbie most nights and falls asleep. Also has smart lights in her room and one of them is used for a nightlight and she gets to pick the color every night. The first like week in her own bed I let her pick a treat in the morning if she slept in her bed the whole night and she was allowed to eat it after lunch. Reading them a story until they fall asleep, snuggling with them until they fall asleep, there are SO many things u can do that aren’t borderline abuse. I don’t think this is bad enough for CPS…but it might get there

Emotional abuse at least.
You shouldn’t lock a child in for so many reasons and you have to teach a healthy relationship with their room/ bed not make them fear it :cry:
And the clothes thing…I don’t have words other than HARD NO!

Complete child abuse.

Watch super nanny for the sleep in bed issues. It will take hours and patients for a couple nights but will get better promise.

They can’t lock them inside their room thats child abuse and a fire hazard what if their house caught on fire and they weren’t able to get to the child in time resulting in a death…


This is absolutely abuse, jfc. My 4 year old still sleeps in my bed, my 2 year old sleeps in her pack n play in my room, and my 5 month old will be in my room til she’s 2. Circumstances have kept the other 2 in my room longer than I planned but I could never imagine locking them in their rooms or taking their clothes. Thats disgusting.

That is most definitely child abuse and neglect… just my opinion.

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How can anyone even think that is okay!

Unbelievable!!! And a Fire/Safety issue

I can only comment on the locking in part. My friends son is autistic and would flood the kitchen in the middle of the night. So she locked him in.


I think more details are needed. Like both sides of the story.


Both of those things are abuse. Please get help for that child.

I’m furious just reading it! Yes, you are right. It is horrible!
We are supposed to be our kids safe place and to love them and nurture them. This person you mention is traumatizing her own child. How sad😞


This sounds insane and like child abuse. You are not the crazy one.

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I told my kids they had to go to sleep in there bed but ifthey woke up they could come to are bed one day you will wish they where still little

That is child abuse without a doubt

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No parent should ever treat any kids that way…or spank them so hard or ridicule them and make them feel useless and un loved! A lot of love and patients…

IF there’s no other reason than keeping them in bed, yes locking them in is ridiculous and imo the taking clothes is absolutely abuse for that reasoning. If my kids get out of bed they are asked why and sent back to bed. Kids get up in the middle of the night. So do adults. If they want a drink, I’ll make them try to use the bathroom first but I’ll get them a drink. If they get up for a snack, I’ll get it (mainly so they’re not picking something sugary that will sit in their mouth all night). Jfc people act like kids aren’t human beings sometimes and it’s ridiculous.

Wow my 4 year old doesn’t like sleeping in his bed either he only does once and awhile he says he feels safer on the couch so I let him sleep on the couch most of the time per his request. I just can’t imagine making his more scared to sleep in his room as what you described is all that would do to a child.

I dont get why parents always rush up a child’s milestones… They will sleep on their own with all the right encouragement when they are ready! If your child needs your comfort in the middle of the night that’s exactly what u should offer them as a parent! What if your child is experiencing night terrors?! This is just thoughtless and absolutely callous!!!

Could you imagine how you would feel?

Straight Up Child Abuse…Please Stop It !!

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Do not ever lock your child in their room. What happens if there is a fire, or another emergency. What if they need to use the potty. So many things and it can cause ptsd. Sadly the best advice I can give is be consistent. The first few weeks will be hell. But every time and I mean every time they get in your bed. Put them back in their own. Let them cry. It’s okay.

The clothes thing I think is a bit extreme, but having some sort of locking mechanism so they can’t get out but you can get in I don’t think is that big of a deal. It’s just so they know that it’s not time to get out of bed and roam the house. They learn and everyone can move on.

I remember my step father used to do that to my sister and I, and yes it caused some trauma and never in a million years would I let someone do that to my son. Your child looks for you for comfort. maybe try laying with them so they can fall asleep with you and then you leave the room once they are asleep, also I always wanted my door open, still do to this day and I’m 21 yrs old( if that isn’t child abuse to you that’s sad)

People should let their children be babies a little longer… we only get this time with them we don’t get this back, also doing damaging things to such young children makes them lose the sense of being a child sooner… why would you wanna take that away from your babies?

I’d explain it to the person like this maybe they’ll see what your saying in a different light

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Holy shit, no it’s not okay. If someone locked an adult in their room and took all their clothes it would be all over the news, but because it’s a child it’s okay??? Wow

Yes, locking a child in a room and/or taking their clothes away IS child abuse. Period.


Locking them in is a safty issue if there a fire they can get out

Child abuse without a doubt and a safety issue locking kid in room to where kid cannot get out if something bad happens (fire, choking, health, also to use restroom, etc.) This is not, “Harry Potter.” which is a Movie and not supposed to be real life. Get some help for the kid. Report to Police and CPS. Try to get proof if you can.

That is child abuse. I’d be pissed if someone did that to my kid. My daughter slept with me until she was 11.

Never lock a child in a room if a fire start they can’t get out

Child neglect,no reason to lock door ,what if there’s a fire? Sleep training starts as a baby but if not,you need to keep putting child in bed, no emotion no talking ,sit on stairs with a book for yr self and keep doing process repeatedly

Yes, that is child abuse. You need to call cps On them.


My son is 4 and ends up in my bed often
I practice attachment parenting
Yes, I think those things you described are abusive. It’s emotional abuse.

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My 6 year old gets stories then bed she insists on leaving her room light on some kids like nightlights and glow in the dark stars. Mine used to crash on the couch and get carried to bed but then wake up so i do the 1st one now my second one knows its bedtime and plays toys on his bed and always falls asleep there sooner or later and sometimes gets up just to turn the light on then goes back to bed.

Think of the Truman to the child. Tell him what the night time routine will be and stick to it. It may take twenty times but walk him back to bed, give him a hug and a soft sleeping buddy that needs him to sleep with him. Get some monster spray, soft music or lights for the ceiling. But stick to the routine. Big boys have big boy rooms and big beds. It’s okay to be afraid at first. But this is his room now

This is horrible, and I also believe it is a form of child neglect. What if a fire breaks out while everyone is sleep. I would contact someone.

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This is crazy and right

Watch some old school Super Nanny episodes… :black_heart:

Take a walk around the block after dinner to let the kid release some energy. Then give a lavender calming bath. I go with my daughter to her room and read a few books then she falls asleep.

150% disgusting child abuse.

One of my biggest issues with breaking the bedtime thing with my step daughter and being in bed with us was she started to have anxiety. So I spent a many hours calming and reassuring her she was safe. We put night lights every way really low dim ones not bright. Basically leading to the bathroom. At first we had to leave our bedroom door open every night and hers too. And we also got into a crazy good routine of reading books for like an hour and I would leave and her daddy would sing her their special little song he’s been singing to her since she was born. Anytime she got up we got up with her and tucked her in. As soon as she felt safe and realized we were always there no matter what she began to just go to bed just fine. It took about a year of us doing this. But it was important for us to stay consistent untill she was ready.

As far as scarring the crap out of a kid and locking them in their room I’m not sure how well that works. But I’m no child expert :woman_shrugging: to each their own. I understand how frustrating some parts of parenting can be and I’m no angel when it comes to having the patience but that does seem a little harsh but I’m no one to judge. Taking clothes too uh idk about that I’ve never even heard of that method lol

IT’S ABUSIVE…please at least talk to the childs pediatrician and get some answers

Oh, this is heartbreaking!
These seem like actions of desperate parents who don’t know what else to do!
Unfortunately, this will cause LONG TERM damage to the emotional health of the child as well as to the parent-child relationship.
FORTUNATELY, there is hope! It’s never too late to #learntodoitdifferently :slightly_smiling_face:

Clothes… no locking them in …yes I know a police officer who has to lock his children in their rooms or they will sneak out of the house and do crazy things when grounded and his younger ones refuse to stay in there

Child abuse… what the fuck.

These are absolutely signs of child neglect and abuse.