Am I crazy? Or is that almost child abuse?

I made a pallet beside my bed and told my daughter she could sleep there if she got out of her bed at night. (I started this when I was pregnant with her sister and didn’t need to be kicked by a squirmy, sleeping child.)

I wouldn’t do either but my gp did once advise me to lock my son in his room in order to get him to sleep… I did not do this ! Xxx

I don’t think locking their door even makes sense, WTF? The door being locked is just traumatic…and can cause deep rooted trauma.

What if a fire breaks out? What if the child needs to use the bathroom? What if they have a nightmare? Or they are hurt?

And seriously…those people that think this behavior is rational and okay should not have kids.

The clothes shouldn’t be taken off the child unless the child wants the clothes off or if they have accidents… That just teaches children to have to stay in bed and not be able to ask their parents for help…what about nightmares? What about if the child has an accident?

This just hurts my heart.

This definitely is child abuse.

My stepchildren lived with abuse with their bio mom and because they weren’t allowed to get out of bed at night, the oldest two pee the bed and are scared to get out of the bed at all. We have had them for 4 years and this is still hard for them to adjust. [Ages 13 and 10].

Not to mention that the child that is being locked in their room can eventually lead to nighttime accidents. Because of trauma, having to self soothe, not able to rely on parental figures…parental figures are there to help, not act out.


Definitely child abuse any normal human being would see that and anyone who thinks these things are right need help!

My daughter slept with me until she was 10 it was her choice not mine she just wouldn’t sleep in her own bed she was scared and I’m her Mama.

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Agree Delyce McGreevy that is NOT OK.

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omg! Those suggestions are NOT okay. That’s torture! Whoever suggested those methods and/or agreed with them needs counseling. There’s no need to torture a poor little defenseless 4-year-old child. OMG! I suggest brushing teeth and a warm bath before bed, a lavender-scented nightlight plug-in, reading a couple of books before bedtime, using a lamp by the bed (with low soft light), and a rotating projector night-light. No TV, no computer, and eating right before bed. Try to laying in the bed with them until they fall asleep, but let them know beforehand that you will be going to YOUR bed after they fall asleep. Use a baby monitor or a baby tv monitor system so they know you are watching them and they feel protected. Help them build a tent or buy them a bed tent to fit on their bed so that they feel protected. There are so many things you can try without torturing your child or children.

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My kids slept with us regularly. My youngest would slip into our bed until he was 9 years old. They are only little for a little while. What ever you do, do not lock them in a room. What if there was a fire and now you have to fiddle with the lock to get them out and maybe over come with the smoke. Dangerous situation

That is terrible. Everything about this is awful. I would definitely be having a conversation with the parent of this sweet baby. My child wouldn’t sleep in her bed, so I upgraded her to a full size bed and we haven’t had anymore issues. Maybe the baby just needs more room 2 wiggle.

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I moved into an apartment that has latch locks on the outside of the bedroom doors…come to find out the mother of the woman that lived here knew she locked her kids in the bedrooms and did nothing and the man next door is a pedo that did 17 years…yeah we cant afford to move and we have a 4 month old daughter.

This is NOT ok! Pshh… I just can’t with this shit today! These poor babies! Whoever thinks this is ok should NOT have kids!

Um tf I will whoop someones butt who does that to my kid aw hell naw just think would an adult like this if no then neither will the kid they are people too children have died by freezing to death in their beds and locking a 4 year old in will cause serious Anxiety and a fear of being in closed spaces I would have a panic attack as a 23 year old woman if someone did this to me plus they might need to pee just want them to pee on themselves smh and honestly my kids both slept with me and if they wake up crying I met their needs and snuggle up with them but they have no problems sleeping on their own I got a 2 year old who has had bad dreams since she was born so if she wakes up then ik thats why and an almost 1 year old in 2 months he sleeps great by himself he is just an insomniac like me and some nights are worse than others

That IS child abuse. CPS needs to be called. NOW

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Not crazy, child abuse

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I had a (ex)friend who strapped her kid down in a car seat when he wouldn’t go to bed right away. I told her my feelings cause I stayed over and heard him crying for help in the middle of the night and she just justified it. Nothing like that is ok.

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You never lock a child in a room

Foster parent and biological parent here… that’s most definitely abuse and should be reported.


The child is 4.He will outgrow it when he is qill wish you had let him sleep qith you while little.they grow up too fast
Everything thing you listed is child need to geow up


Hell no!! That is absolutely NOT OK.

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Nice way to make them fear bedtime I would read to mine cuddle with them and stay with them until they went to sleep


Enjoy that moment…u will miss it when it’s gone :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Wth is wrong with people :pensive:

Even monkeys know that babies need their mommy all the time.

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taking their clothes abuse, locking their door not abuse


This is ridiculous!!

Child abuse for sure

taking someone’s clothes for any reason, for any level of pursued leverage, is insane. Unacceptable! Locking anyone anywhere to prove any point? Again, unacceptable! If this is your 4 year old, whoever is doing this doesn’t give a shit about either one of you and likely this is just the tip of the twisted iceberg.

It is child abuse report it now

I used to sit on a child’s chair between my two small ones and hold each’s hand and hum till they were asleep. It didn’t take long for them to get comfortable this way. I enjoyed it too.


Lay with them in their own bed for a while and yes that is child abuse

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They can look their door so the kid can’t come in, but you can’t lock a kid in their room… Taking away clothes :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: all abuse

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You are not allowed to lock a child in room under any circumstances and of course it’s abuse you said they are taking childs clothes away as punishment and so child will not get out of bed… Instead of addressing the issue to the person doing this to the child just take the next step and report your concerns.

I wouldn’t say either is abusive but it sounds like a gateway to abusive treatment for sure, I’d say get away from that adult person whoever they are to you and your kid.

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This is abuse. That person is causing mental and physical damage to the child.

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I would never, ever lock my son in his room and take his clothes away. Kids do things in their own time and he started sleeping on his own in his bed when he was ready

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Those are all big no no no. You get them
In their bed by being a concerned parent and that may mean you put them back in bed 20 times and they want you so being mean or cruel just doesn’t help. Locking doors, using temperature as control can be viewed as a type of abuse- like how could anyone who has kids say these are what you should do. Yes kids are hard but man … not good at all and so sad that this happens

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Very very sad. Please help that child :heart:

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It IS child abuse. 4 yrs is a baby!

Child abuse. My husband and I sit in our daughters room till she falls asleep. We enjoy the quiet time with her.

This breaks my heart. A 4 yr old is literally still a baby.

You think the child has separation issues now, wait till their evaluated and they’re biggest fear is being locked away ! Try melatonin, lay with them, constant reassurance leave the door cracked open with a light outside, never ever. Make them feel like they are trapped someplace where all they have to keep them company is terror!


My daughter suffered from severe separation anxiety for years but what triggered it was during a storm we lost power, now she wakes up multiple times a night yelling, HELLO, can anyone hear me, she still is on a waiting list but believe me the worst thing is to be the reason they have something to fear. Imagine being trapped in a room with your biggest phobia, hers in being alone and YOU ARE SHOWING HER THAT SHE CANT EVEN TRUST YOU! Her protector !! Ugh I’m sick just reading this


Nooo!!! Not okay!! My stomach still sinks when I think of how a step mom of mine did that, but not for any reason besides she wanted her piece and quiet. I will never forget having to pee so badly I pounded screamed no one came… I climbed out the damn window just to be able to pee

My daughter is 8 and I would never, what the fuck is this about taking the clothes away? Freezing them so they have a physiological need to stay in bed to keep warm? Is this what I’m reading? Nah FUCK THAT! This is a joke ! No one can be that cruel,

This is most definitely NOT okay!! What a way to scare them out of it, if anything! 4 year old baby not a prisoner!

Listen carefully…under no circumstances should you lock a kid inside their room. You should not freeze the child if they get up. The kid is FOUR!!! You are their safe zone, not their traumatizer. When you are ready, you put them in their bed; if they get out of it, put them back in the bed. Repeat as many times necessary until the kid gets tired of being put back and stops getting up. Consistency is key. You do this every night for as many times as it takes for as long as it takes. Don’t get mad; don’t carry on conversations either. Simply take them back to their bed, say good night, and leave the room. After 2 or 3 times, don’t say anything; tuck them back in and leave.


I have seven children and I understand how frustrating it can be for kids to get out of her bed but it is definitely child abuse

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That’s so not okay!! Not at all!! What would happen if there was an emergency? A fire? Anything can happen!! No freaking way!! Honestly, I’d be calling cps or dhs. When it comes to kids and their well being you can’t mess around. Idc who these people are to me!! Family, friends, anyone!! That’s so messed up!!


It’s not “almost child abuse”, it is child abuse


Absolutely not ok to either of those! What if the house were to catch fire and the child locked in their room? And what a complete ass and POS parent to take a child’s clothes away so they will be too cold to get out of bed. I would call and report that because in my opinion none of that is acceptable at all and is abuse!!

These things are not okay. You don’t lock a child in a room for any reason.

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Please don’t lock the child Give her/him time to grow and get over their fears. 4 is so young. :frowning:

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They need to be reported definitely child abuse


That is 1000% child abuse! Who tf does that

My son just turned 4 and now only wants to sleep with me. Yes it’s difficult because i want my own time and i want him to be independent and sleep in his own bed/room like he used to but i would NEVER lock him in there omg! And take away his clothes?! Both of those are child abuse!! My heart is broken just thinking of that!!!


Locking a child in their room and taking away comforts is the opposite of what a parent should do at bedtime. Even if it means spending extra time reading stories or rubbing backs it is a parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child feels safe and loved before they can sleep.


I put a baby gate at my kids doors so they can still see outside but know they aren’t aloud out .

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What about the bathroom; at 4 they should be potty trained? This is just absolutely horrible I’d report this person

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Talk about a fire hazard

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No I would not lock any child in a bedroom let alone a 4 year old. Clothes are a necessity and a right I don’t see how taking clothes away is going to improve sleeping patterns…

That’s awful that poor poor child please somebody help him/her :cry:

That is child abuse under the law u cant lock a child in their Room even if it’s for their safety.

That’s disgusting!!!
U nurture and settle ur child ffs!!! You don’t leave them upset and scared !!! You lay with them if needed ! Read books n so on… Ppl who lock their children away n take clothes off them are sick in the head :roll_eyes::rage:


That’s horrible! Kids need comfort. My babies can sleep with us until they are 100!

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Never! But, common sense is not a flower that grows in some gardens.

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No no no. Lie in with him/ her, massage back, legs, arms, then back again if that helps to soothe then, low calming music, a dim night light, salt rock lamp is very soothing light, as they get older they will have more confidence to sleep alone. A child locked in or no clothes will have issues for rest of their lives not to mention emergency situations :sob::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

My 6 yr.old granddaughter sleeps in my bed with us if not in my bed she sleeps on my floor because she needs to be close to her tata ( my nick name )

Don’t do that to your baby.

This is straight up abuse. Gross. Report this person to CPS