Am I crazy to want to marry someone I met 3 months ago?

Probably! You will be if he does not prove to be Mr. Wonderful!

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No. But make sure you get to know him “BTS” while planning things so when you get to the alter, you REALLY know him.

Wait a bit longer marriage is always available


My husband and I got married four months after meeting. (Because we could and not because it was arranged). Don’t get me wrong we’ve had our ups and downs (next months is our one year anniversary), but I love him. This year his had a heart attack, and it made me really glad we got married. His medical issues have been rough and I’m glad I was able to be there with him through it all.

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Your in the honeymoon phase of the beginning of your relationship. He’s not going to show his true colors for awhile. Give it time and you’ll know if you actually like this person. 3 months isn’t long enough to fully know anyone.


I met my husband in December and knew in 2 weeks that I wanted to marry him. We got engaged 18 months in and married at the two year mark. Been happily married for 5 months.

My husband and I got married after 1 month. We had both been married before & knew what we was & wasn’t looking for. He’s an amazing man. September will make 5 years

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Ur just caught up in all the magic. Enjoy it. Why do you want to get married?

No…I did…it lasted 24 years

Hold on girl. Give it time. What’s the rush

I got married after 3 months & divorced 7 years later

The mask never comes off til 2-5 years later.


Agree but for me, it didn’t take that long

I believe in love at first sight but 3 months is a little too soon. You really don’t know this guy in 3 months


You could ask my baby daddy. He just married a girl he met on TikTok. Talked for 2 months, moved her in from Texas (we have 2 kids, he has 2 with someone else AND new girl has 2) then got married a month later. But only bc he got served court papers and knew he wasn’t suppose to have any overnight girlfriends around our kids :joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t3:

The first day I actually spent the day with my now husband, I knew he was going to be my husband. 3 1/2 years later we have a 2 year old and have been married for almost a month!:heart: you’re not crazy!

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My parents were engaged 1 month after their first date and just celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary


My husband and I married after only 4 months of long distance relationship, we only met in person 1 time … BEST DECISION I EVER MADE!!! He is incredible and we love him so much :heart: Got my happy ever after and looking forward to growing old with him


Zero reason to rush into marriage. Living in the honeymoon phase/all fun right now so ride that wave and enjoy it. He asks you and you feel it get engage, but wait to marry. I get it, lots of people have the stories of we go married months after meeting each other and we’ve been married forever type thing, but no way they can actually say they really knew each other after only three months. Just my opinion, I wish you well.

Yeah way to soon
You have only be seeing each other
For 3 months
You hardly know anything about him
Chances are there is more to him
Then he has told or shown you

No but i think i would wait at least 6months more everything is always great to start but when the new wears off changes happen enjoy what you have without thinking about getting married 6months will fly by.

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See how he deals with adversity & problems and money and priorities, and sickness , hurt, pain, disappointment, get to know his family better, How do they cope with problems? I would wait a year, better, two or three and see how you feel then. Hugs!


Marriage isn’t what it’s all cracked up to be trust me. Three months definitely is not long enough to know if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. It takes almost a decade to really fully get to know someone honestly


I married my husband 3 months in and I have been with him almost 5 years. I was married before and after my divorce I just knew what I wanted.

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The crazy one’s are always like a dream in the beginning.No rush, take it slow


Sounds like a keeper!

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Been with my partner every day for almost 9 years wait :raised_hand: I’m not married
Also I still more time needs to be spend knowing him

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I did. Haha. I think it was our 8th date.
But he’s a good match for me. Similar morals, beliefs, goals, hobbies etc.
We didn’t have a long engagement. It was like 2 months I think.

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Not the best idea. Could end up with a completely different person than you are expecting.


3 months is the honeymoon stage, don’t do it what’s the rush? You hardly know eachother yet just wait a little longer


If it was back in the day years ago I’d say go for it…but times have changed and now it’s not safe…live together first or just keep dating…see if y’all still compatible

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Yes. Yes you are. That doesn’t make you wrong either. I believe in live at first sight, too. 23 years married. I still advise the take it slow method. If it’s truly right, it will be right after a loooong engagement.


All new brooms sweep clean. 3 more months and then u decide.


If it is too good to be true, it is. Take your time get to know each other!

My first marriage was less than 2 years… We were engaged after 2 months. My second marriage lasted 5 years (because of trying to stay for the kids)… We were married in 6 months. My current husband and I just celebrated 6 years of marriage and were together 2.5 years before getting engaged, and another year before we were married. Don’t rush into it. Divorce is a lot more expensive than a breakup.

You can say yes. Doesnt mean you have to get married that day. Have a long engagement.

My now husband moved in after 1 week of us dating. We got engaged a few months into us dating. We now have been together 8 years and have 7 kids together and we are still going strong. He’s my person!

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If he’s a great guy and you love him then if you want to say yes, say yes… Engagements can go for as long as you like so it’s not like you’ll be getting married right away unless you run off to Vegas.

I married my husband 4 months after getting together. We have been married for 9yrs now and have a beautiful 6 year old daughter and I am 16weeks pregnant with our second daughter. He’s the love of my life and we hate being away from on another. Follow what ya’ll’s hearts tell you not everyone’s opinion. In the long run its about your relationship/marriage, no one’s opinions matter except yours. Good luck and hope this helps.

Say yes but have a loooong engagement!

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I married someone I met 5 months prior. Best thing I ever did. 7 years married this past may.

My first husband and I met, got pregnant, and got married in 3 months time. Take it from someone who’s been there, you do not really know someone in 3 months time. You really don’t know someone’s true nature until you live with them and they’re comfortable enough to drop their guards.

What’s the rush? Way too many people don’t take their vows seriously… and if you’re religious at all, multiples marriages is not ok. It’s insane so many people are on marriage 3 and over …

Wait another 3 to 6 months and see how it is-- you all don’t know each other like you think you do. Live together and see for yourself.

I would wait and not rush cuz you’re in the honeymoon phase right now.

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Eh it’s hit or miss I think

Well its your choice , M​:smiley::kissing_heart::rose:AYBE A HIT OR MISS

Yes u are abit crazy everything seems all rosey now , you only really know someone after a year or 2, wait for a year to pass atleast, just be careful protect ur yourself ur heart , wait it out

Met my hubby when I was 15,he was 18 knew within 2 weeks we were getting married,married at 17 he was just 21, been married 52 years now


Just wait for a bit abd see how it goes I been with my hubby almost 16 years and married 14 next month

Yes. yes you are not thinking clearly, live with him before you marry him

Alannah Carroll larh why not

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Coming from
Someone who just got out of a domestic violence relationship…

Yes I think it’s crazy. You don’t know them, not even remotely at this point.

Just…if you decide to do it make sure you don’t have rose colored glasses on.

Make sure you aren’t overlooking red flags for the excitement it sometimes brings.

I did. He asked me to marry him 6 weeks after we met. Were married two months later. That was 9 years ago. Stronger than ever now. He’s my best friend.


U do what u want to it’s your business

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I’am making over $150 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19486 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>

Me and my hubby got engaged a couple of days after we met and were married a couple of months after we met and we will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary next January. Everything is possible. People thought we were crazy and told us it would never last but here we are still going strong and have 2 beautiful little boys x

No need to rush. :heart:


Coming from someone who married someone after 3 months, I do not recommend.

It is good to commit crazy things, even if you later regret it, nobody takes what you enjoyed, just make sure you do not have children for at least the first two years, you do not know this person well and the children unite forever, there is still separation later.

It is up to you i have and would never again but thats me.My only advice is be careful.

Crazy no… stupid yes

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You should know within 4 minutes of meeting them…

Nothing wrong with it

Been there and on my third marriage which is very happy and we will celebrate our 33rd anniversary Friday. Why not accept the proposal and be engaged for at least six months to a year?

You’re supposed to develop emotional independence before deciding if you’re a reasonable candidate for dating.

Back up a few decades and try again

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Yes. Absolutely. Yes. Why rush it? Take time and date eachother, get to know each other, and really give it your 110%.

It’s your life, but I did something similar. Worst mistake of my life.

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When you know, you know! My parents met in July and were married in October…and now celebrating almost 40 years married!! They are each others best friend! I pray to find a love like theirs one day :heart:


I did and it was exactly like that, except mine passed away. Hold on to yours and follow your heart. I wish I could have

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Your in the honeymoon stage don’t do it

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I’ve been with my partner 6 years. I was 19 and he was 25. We met in a night club and it was supposed to be a one night stand but we met up every day after and I practically moved in a few weeks later :joy: then we had our first baby girl about 5 months later, moved into a flat. Had another baby boy 14 months later. Got engaged 2 years ago and moved into our own house last September with our 2 dogs too :joy::joy:

Yea I wouldn’t rush it. I would wait

You’re not crazy but why the rush?

Do whatever your heart is telling you.
Life is too short to wait for everything.


You are free to choose what you do, not having kids comes with that little perk. Right now, is what people would call the honeymoon phase of y’all’s relationship. Everything is perfect and nothing seems out of place or wrong. I would give it a few more months before you marry him. Also don’t set your hopes up too high. You don’t know for sure if he will pop the question when you think he will. Unless he’s been dropping hints I wouldn’t set myself up for disappointment. Take time to get to know each other better. You never truly know someone until you live with them. That goes for every type of relationship.

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I personally wouldn’t but go for it! If it’s what you want, do it! All these stories people are sharing has made me smile

Big red flag. Narcissists will keep a very charming mask and be everything you want so they can trap you. When they have you, the mask comes off and it’s not pretty. You’re not crazy, you’re being love bombed. Please please run.

Dated 4 yrs, engaged 1and married 35 yrs

I firmly believe that when you know you know. If it’s the right person you absolutely can be having those feelings in a matter of months. My first husband was abusive and I was hesitant to even consider marriage again until I met my (now) hubby. By the end of our first date I knew he was it for me. But all that being said just because you are feeling this way doesn’t mean you have to immediately rush to get married. You can still wait a year or 2 and enjoy getting to know each other and planning your perfect wedding. For a lot of people the label of being married makes them feel pressured and relationships crumble even between people truly in love.

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The honeymoon period of any relationship is great but what’s the rush. You don’t really know each other well enough to contemplate marriage. Trust me it’s a big step.


Not crazy. I was married at 25 to my long time bf. Divorced at 28. Later I Met my soulmate and we were married after only knowing each other for three months. Neither of us had kids. We spent every day together. We knew exactly what we were looking for and knew we had found it. Found out we were expecting after already discussing marriage…. Decided to go for it.
9 years later, I’m pregnant with #4 and we are more in love than ever.
It can work. But I think we are the exception, not the rule.

You know when you know. After 2 months of dating my now husband asked me to marry him and we have been married 32 years in September. Follow ur heart, only you will know what’s best for you. Goodluck :heart:

Dated 8 months and have been married for 6 years now. My parents dated for 6 weeks. They are still together. I believe it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known someone. But marriage is not to be taken lightly. People say “it’s just a piece of paper” no it’s not. It’s really not. It’s a choice to wake up and love someone everyday. They might change. You might change. That’s apart of life. You have to be ready for the commitment it takes to really be with someone and so does he.

Long story short… yes.

Me and my wife dated 3 weeks, got engaged, I went over seas for 7 months on a deployment and that was 36 year’s ago. When I got back we got married with in a month and have been happily married since. We only communicated through letters during the 7 months. No cell phone then. I say you know when you know it is real

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Lol yes. Everything’s always awesome and great at first. I’m sure the person is awesome but I’d give me time

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If you have to ask us… that should give you your answer. Honestly it shouldn’t matter what anyone thinks! It is your life! If you are happy and you want to then do you boo! But make sure you are marrying him for the right reason. Best of wishes!

Dated 5 years, married for 16 still together. I was in college when we meet and was focused on that, then after I wanted to secure a good job. Then I told him I was out of excuses not to marry him! Lol

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Get engaged yes, live together yes, but why marry so fast? There’s no time scale to get married and depending on what type of ceremony you want, it could take a year or so to prep. You could get engaged today but you don’t have to marry tomorrow

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Yes … I think you’re crazy :crazy_face:!!!

I don’t doubt this could be the one. But seriously, what’s the rush.

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You crazy girl,but if you feel in your heart :heart:it feels right then,you go girl :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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My husband now gave me a ring when we were dating for 2 months. We have been together 11 years. Check your state a lot have common law marrage!

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Me and my hubby got engaged after only 2.5 months waited a year to get married. Will be married 17 years in November. My aunt and uncle dated a very short time just a couple months got married have been for married almost 40 years. When you know you know


Dated 6weeks marry 45 yrs everyone said wouldn’t work?

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In my opinion…yes. you kind of don’t know one another all that great. This is known as the puppy Love stage you know? And frankly who knows how he might feel later.

Met, dated, engaged, married and moved across the country together all within the same year… best decision I’ve ever made


Dated got engaged 4 months after getting married in September. Just a year n a month after we started dating

I meet my husband end of January 2010 married him October 1 2010 and been together since!!!