Am I expected to meet him halfway?

I mean he can drive all the way to come get them but don’t get mad when he makes you drive all the way to get them back.

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The one that moved away should be driving the distance. Maybe go Bach to court if that is a problem No one asking him to move

Do you have a custody agreement? Mine says that the dad is required to pick up and drop off for his visits

Here in Indiana it doesn’t matter who moved it’s in the guidelines that you meet half way or one brings and the other picks up. It’s not his fault you have an unreliable car. If your car can’t make a 2 hour round trip drive on the regular it’s time to save for a new one.


Really??? Your a parent you do everything you can too keep your kids happy and consistent… including driving 30 minutes geez some of these women on here are pathetic


He should have to pick them up. His choice to move his responsibilities to be pick them up.

Meet him
Halfway, do it for your child


Check with local regulations, some counties have a milage/state limit regardless of what is in the divorce decree .

It’s his responsibility. But half way is not that bad. This is about your kids, not him. If you take your post and replace all the spots that mention him and put in your kids names you might see it differently. As for the car, start saving. Not knowing where you live, gas is going up. So if you could complete multiple errands on the way to drop them off or pick them up that would help save money.


I meet halfway and it’s a 2 hour drive one way. I’d suggest getting a new car ASAP.

Here if you move over 30 mins away it has to go back to court and you have to approve it. Also you can request he bring and drop off the kids closer to you. He cant just pick up and move that far away and expect you to drive that far

I’m sure if it was the other way around you’d expect the same…. People move, change jobs, ext. that’s life. At least he wants to see his kids


Whoever wants the kids, pick them up.

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Some kids don’t have two parents so driving half way each week maybe an inconvenience but if the kids are happy and keeping a routine with both parents is that much of a hardship :woman_shrugging:t3:


Here is going to be the situation. He may come and get your child but when it’s time for the child to go home he could be a jerk and refuse to drive to your place and you would be stuck going the full hour. Wouldn’t it be best to work together as adults and coparent? Most judges in my area will have the parents meet at a halfway point if parents cannot agree on a meet up point if parents live far apart.
Remember what you are showing your child in the way you communicate and work with their father. It’s up to BOTH of you to work together and coparent. Working together to compromise on a meeting point benefits your child. Just work with each other to meet at a halfway point and make sure you work on getting your car fixed to be able to travel.


Should be in parenting plan go based off that

No, I have a friend that went to court and the furthest she’d travel is to her county boarder. It’s his choice to move, not yours.


This is petty and lazy.


Half way Is very standard and usually courts do this

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Our baby mama moved over an hour away… opposite direction from everything. We meet her half way… never even questioned it. Her moving was what she felt was best for her and her household… meaning my SD7 would be in a better situation when with her. We also make that same drive all the way there and back 4 days a week because we have her on school days and instead of changing our visitation we decided we would make the trip to help her stay in the better school district and not sacrifice our time with her. Try to look at the positives (if there are any) for your ex to move. Don’t focus just on how it inconveniences you.


His choice to move, take it back to court let the judge decide

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My ex husband moved 90 minutes away we ment half way yes it wasa pain in the Butt to do that but it was worth it my kids are adults know so I don’t have to do that any more

My mother and father met half way when mother moved to another province but once we got old enough we took the bus there and aback but mind it was a 6 hour drive so my sister and I only got to see her on summer vacation and holidays.
Given your car isn’t trust worthy I’d ask if he could pick them up in tell you can get a knew one

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Stop being so petty. We had to deal with a baby mama like you and its childish af. Grow up


This is not expected of you unless it is signed by God himself, opps, I mean the ex.

My ex lives like 6 hours from me and we meet halfway. Makes it easier for everyone.

Specifically our daughter.

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Most the time the judge will order either half way or 1 way whoever house they going back to. Its only fair.

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No it should NOT be EXPECTED. It is HIS CHOICE to move and that should not interfere with your life. Any sort of move that would effect the current custody agreement (drop off and pick up location)… he needs to petition through court and have a new plan laid out. If you do not agree to it then you can petition against it and go to court.


My husband has a child from a previous relationship, we live just over an hour away from them. We drive to pick up or drop off and she drives and picks up or drops off. We alternate

We do pick up for our time they do pick up for their time. She lives in a different state though. Someone courts will say one parent Is responsible for pick up and drop off. Call a lawyer. An hour isn’t that far so he could still have to travel back and forth

Half way is 30mins. Come on… Let your children have their father.


I am sure him “expecting” things is why he’s your ex! :joy: I would anticipate that he needs to pick up and drop off. For the sake of the kids it might be kind to pick up halfway but in no way should it be an expectation.


I feel like compromise is the reasonable thing to do…however, if unable to compromise for whatever reason then it’s best to follow the guidelines set forth in your decree. It is in place for a reason, and if it’s in there that dad should pick up and drop off, you shouldn’t feel guilted into not following it. Mine specifically states dad is to pick up and drop off, since I am the custodial parent and do all of the running around for the kids otherwise.

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With this situation it’s best to go back to court and have it handled that way. Had a similar situation with my brother and his ex-wife. She moved almost 4 hours away. Courts decided on her weekends she had to make the trip here and he has to go pick up my niece.

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Divorced or not. Y’all are still a team. Either meet half way both times or whom ever is receiving the children can do the driving. That’s my opinion.

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Ok here’s my thought… her car is 16 years old. Not the most trust worthy. IF that’s her main reasoning I get it. I personally would hate to break down on the highway with my little ones. IF that’s her only vehicle (assuming so) what happens when it breaks down and she can no longer go to work, pick her kids up from school, doctors appointments, no longer meet him half way? Then what? Yes, she should try to find a more reliable vehicle, until then he can’t be more understanding? More willing to work with her? It takes a village.


My stepdaughter lives in Texas and we live in LA, 11 hours apart, and it’s court ordered to meet halfway.

No he should drive to you

As a parent, you should be meet the other parent half way in any of the parenting responsibilities.


I don’t think it should be expected but it does make it easier for everyone involved like someone already said. The court/judge will make it be half way in VA.

I moved away from my sons dad and to keep it fair I did the travelling pick ups and drop off he didn’t get a choice in me moving away so it just seemed fair instead of putting him out on a decision I made .

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Update your parenting agreement. That way it’s clear and there is no guessing.

Where I am If he chooses to move after the first arrangements are made, his responsibility for all travel. And times don’t change.

Meet halfway. It shows that you are making an effort to be amicable and co-parent


It was my choice to move 1 hr and 15 mins away. So I wouldn’t expect my ex to come all the way here. So we meet half way 40 mins each. It’s only fair, doesn’t matter who’s choice.

Wouldn’t it be nice if he could help you purchase a newer car to transport YOUR children back and forth?

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He moved so he can do the pick ups and drop offs. His choice. Make sure you update your parenting plan

Well, you could just say no and let him go to the expense of getting that spelled out in the courts…The power of NO. It’s amazing.

All yall saying she should just meet half way… her transportation is 16 years old…she didnt make the choice for the extra distance… so just to show she is nice she should risk breaking down on the road with the kids?? :woman_facepalming:


Well if you had moved would you expect the same? If your on good terms, why not? It’s not that big a deal imo


I think he should come all the way when he wants them, and you should go all the way if you want them back. If you can’t commit to that do you even want the children in the first place ?


My husband had to move 10 hours from his children with his ex and because he chose to move he was responsible for transportation. And his ex NEVER made it easier on him, but he would get them on a plane or drive to get them because he was not going to miss time with his kids.

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May have to go to court to get that sorted out. :thinking:


It shouldn’t be about you and him it should be about the children
Would I be willing to travel for my kids to see their father


Meet halfway. It’s a parents job to split the care for the children. Meeting halfway is literally doing that.
And this isn’t about him, it’s about the kids. Half hour won’t kill you.


I mean meeting half way is better then going to court and telling the judge u think its unfair for him to ask u to meet half way.
Most of the time if u play that card the judge can tell u to drive them the whole way and pick them up.

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As 2 loving parents and mature adults, meeting halfway should be easy to do.


The court will make you meet him halfway, if he decides to take the case to court to create or change the parenting plan/time sharing. That’s what we currently do. We meet halfway. :woman_shrugging:t2:

My ex moved and I was willing to work with him and change the meeting place then when I moved he refused to change the meeting place.

I believe in it being FAIR in meeting halfway… I dont get the issue in that… find a joint where yall get meet… a gas station/restaurant etc and exchange the kids. My husband has to drive 2 hrs to get his daughter every other weekend… thats 4hr drive! his BM doesnt meet up. which i think it isnt fair… but hey… im just a Step mom. Women want the kids to be in the fathers life yet cant compromise most of the time.

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Great that you even HAVE a car :woman_shrugging:t4: My step-kids Mum lives 40mins away & doesn’t have a car so we do all the driving if it’s her turn with the kids. Meet him half way.

Depends on where you live. He moved you did not so technically no but again check your agreement and local laws.

I meet my sons father 1/2 way from indiana and I live in Michigan It’s just respect I think for your children and them not knowing anything is wrong between the two of you. And them living a happy life and knowing mom and dad did it all together. Sets a good example for the children.

Yes it’s bull crap that dad decides to move and now you have to do something extra you probably do not want to do to benefit them but sometimes it’s not worth a fight unless he abuses it expects you to drive the full way talks rudely to you and you can show proof of that in court if you want to fight it.

No wonder y’all are divorced, willing to fight over a 30 min drive. :woman_facepalming:


Nothing wrong with meeting half way. You can try to take it to court but I’m sure your gonna lose. I drive an hour one way to meet my ex so a half hour isn’t Nothing. If u ever want him to work with u then u gotta learn to work with him after all it’s all about the kids.


When my ex husband wants my son, he drives an hour to get him, then I drive an hour to pick him up.

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With my court order dad picks them up from me and when I get them back I have to go to him.

It’s always about working together. We use to drive our kids the 35mins to school when we lived a different town. You work together.

I wouldn’t agree to the obligation. I would be flexible and willing to help out occasionally if it didn’t interfere excessively with my other commitments.

It absolutely should be about prioritizing your children’s right to access their father but HE is choosing to relocate and thus HE is responsible for incuring the extra costs and inconvenience.


Think of it like this… if your children, as young adults, moved an hour away from you, would you be willing to make the drive to see them? Or would it be too far?

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When my husband moved further from his children, it was our responsibility to pick up and bring them back. That is what the court ruled. Said it was our choice to move further from the children, so we were to bear the cost of pick up & delivery back to their mother…

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We always meet in the middle. And it’s in our court order to meet halfway. We now live a hour apart from each other and get him every weekend and my husband still meets her halfway even tho she moved further away. It’s the right thing to do

My custody papers say father drives both ways for pick up and drop off, although I use to either drop (if he worked late) or them off or pick them up Sunday evening. Im sure y’all can come up with a solution that works best for your kids

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I used to drive a half hour to work every day :joy: I’m sure you’ll live

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Is called being kind. It’s only a half hour each way.

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You either put your foot down and state that due to him being the one to move he does the travel and he can make the correct steps to have orders changed if he doesn’t agree or you bite your lip and do the drive so your children can spend time with their father. I used to do both trips of an hour there and back on the Friday and a Sunday because my kids didn’t like his driving ‘skills’.


Meeting half way is not unreasonable to ask but if your car is unreliable then he should take the child’s safety as more of a priority. Or at the very least try and discuss a plan for when he moves. It’s unfair to say he expects you to do anything g that wasn’t already agreed apon

Who cares what he expects…that kind of attitude makes for bad coparenting, I can see why your divorced. Had he asked nicely could have been a different story. Follow your court papers, until they’re modified.

I used to drive 2 hours round trip to take my kids to see their dad on his off days because he didn’t have a car.
If seeing their dad makes my kids happy, definitely willing to go the extra mile or 30. I think half way is fair.


Also I think meeting him halfway was set in stone when you had kids together. Everything should be done as a team or it’s just unnecessary stress added onto coparenting which can be stressful just in itself


Meet him halfway, y’all went halfway on a kid :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:
Seriously, my ex husband pulled the “you moved And I don’t want to meet you halfway” when i moved almost 3 years ago. I moved 45 minutes away and bought a wonderful home, after renting for years and my landlord put my rental on the market. I’ve invited him and his SO to my home to visit with my child anytime, its been refused and ignored, even when my son asks him. I bought in a town that had the same feel and values as our shared hometown, and a wonderful school system. Prior to the move we both grew up in the same small town and lived about 8 minutes apart post divorce. My ex husband can’t be bothered to meet halfway most of the time (23 minutes for each of us) so I suck it up and do all the driving evdn at 5am on school mornings BC it benefits my son more than arguing about who’s responsibility it is. Reality is, its both of your responsibility and your child doesn’t want or need to hear y’all complaining over a drive, as if the child isn’t worth it (trust me they internalize more than you think).

In our plan we had to figure out half of it, either he pick up on Thursday or drop off on Sunday and I do the opposite or just meet half way, I had to drive an hour to pick up and drop off on some of the weekends. Also, as far as the move we planned that I would pay for the plane ticket but he would give me half the money. I ended up not needing to do that as we moved back closer that is where the pick ups, and drop offs came in.
Yes I wanted to say no and I got treated like shit most of the time because he’d promise gas money as some weekends I did both and then I’d get there and he’d be like where’s my money. So I just did it for my son. My son is now 19 and knows mom tried her hardest for him to have a relationship with his dad.

It’s not expected of you however it’s the nice thing to do. Be happy you have a father that wants to be in their life’s.

Haha can u say bitter baby momma he can take you to court and force you to meet half way or they will hold u in contempt of court or just get over ur self and do it


My mom always met my dad half way :woman_shrugging:

I drive 2 hrs one way to pick my oldest son up and another 2 hrs back home every other Friday and take him back that Sunday


Meet the other parent half way for your children. Not for you or him. We as parents need to remember always put our childs needs before our own in these situations and it isn’t helpful fighting over something that is for the children…


He’s responsible for the extra travel as he’s the one moving


You don’t do it for him… you do it for your kids… that’s what they’ll remember later… do you really want them to say… my mom wouldn’t take us to see our dad…

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Meeting halfway is pretty normal.

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I think half way is the right and moral thing to do, if your agreeable with each other things won’t get out of control. Maybe start saving to upgrade your car or get it fixed.


No, he is the one deciding to move further away, he should be the one driving. My daughters father moved over an hour away, and was responsible for all transportation, then he moved 3 hours away and he is still responsible for the driving. When he didn’t have his license he would pay my gas to drive her on the weekends I could.


If he is the one moving, then by law in most states, transportation is his responsibility


I’m in Michigan. Anything over 50 miles, the parent entering parenting time picks up. Then the other parent retrieves the children when their time resumes. Have to stay in the state of Michigan!

I mean it’s only a half an hour :woman_shrugging:t2:


Tell him take you back to court then. He can’t move without your approval or showing it betters his life or the kids lives. Also HES responsible for getting to the original meet up spot


Are you legit? You’re wringing about driving 30 mins down the rd? Suck it up, you just sound like a bitter ex. I bet the court order doesn’t say he has to drive all distances both ways each time either…

Maaaate. :woman_facepalming:
We drive 8hrs one way so my kids can see their father. He doesn’t have any transport or money for transport, so we just do it. Its for the kids. Step up love.


He should do take the full trip since he is the one moving away. However, he could put you in a situation where you have to go the whole way for pick up.


See if he’ll pay for AAA.

Since he’s moving he has to do the extra travel