Am I expecting too much from my kids grandparents?

expecting too much. my child’s grandparents don’t ask to babysit or to see her regularly. it’s at their houses 90% of the time. they’re your babies, not theirs. if they want to be apart of those blessings, they’ll call or ask more.

My son goes to my moms during the day sometimes. For a few hours.
Or she comes to visit.

And on the weekends my in laws get a night and day with him because that’s what they want. And they have everything for him.
I wouldn’t even have to pack him a bag.
My moms house is pretty supplied to. But we put a lot of effort in to the grandparents arrangement.

Because we know they want it.

Perhaps sit down with them and have a conversation and come up with a plan.

Your kids are your responsibility ,no one owes you anything and yes you are looking for too much .


My mom feels shorted if she doesn’t see my kids almost daily… don’t force relationships that don’t exist… if they don’t want to participate then you don’t have to either. The kids will be better off.


You are t expecting to much at all. What I would do, because I’m petty I would stop asking them, stop talking to them about the kids, stop taking them over. When they happen to ask to see them, you have plans. Then say, we are free this day you can come to our house or to this park (or some other location) to see them for a little while.
Either they will start asking you to see them more often or they will ignore the fact the have grandchildren and continue about their lives how they are now. Just with out you calling and asking them to see the kids.

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I feel like that’s more common now. It’s not the same as when we were kids, but you may have the opportunity to be that kind of grandparent yourself later in life.

They’re your kids, not theirs.

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My kid only sees my mom like every other weekend if that because I’m one of those mom’s that doesn’t really like to let her kid out of her sight but her dad’s side doesn’t have anything to do with her and this has been for the last 6 or so years. They don’t acknowledge she exists but his other kids they have stuff to with.

They are grandparents. Not the parents.

My parents watch my kids whenever I need, go to all their events. Their dad’s dad passed away in 2020 and his mom can’t watch them, but she does go places with them occasionally. My ex husband has to bring them to her otherwise. She used to watch my step daughter a lot, but has declined in health.

I don’t know how much my sons grandparents will be involved. His dad’s mom lives far away and his dad isn’t really involved with his other kids but him and his wife are super involved with his nephews. I certainly hope they are involved when he gets here, but none of them have been too involved in this pregnancy at all.

I think this is so sad. As someone who doesn’t have any grandchildren I don’t understand. I would love to be able to spend time with grandchildren.

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My Mil is amazing.

My mom is now too ill to take them anywhere and do anything but when she wasn’t she saw them maybe once a year. She lived 15 mins from our home.

My Dad is always working or visiting with friends and has no child friendly area in his home yet he is the loudest complainer that I “withold” the kids from him.

No one one is obligated to see or care for our kids but these grandparents are just continuing the narrative we were raised with that children are a burden.

Were they good parents? That’s really sad…kids grow up fast!

I buy most of my granddaughters clothes cause the rents are too high my son inlaw and daughter are paying 1300 a month to have an apartment so everytime I see something cute I pick it up. If my daughter has to work I drop everything to take care of my granddaughter I treat her just like I did my own kids

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It’s not expecting too much to want grandparents who will come see their grandchildren if able but expecting them to babysit is too much. They’ve had their time raising children. Grandparents have no obligation to babysit. If you need or want a babysitter then do like others have to and pay one.

Stop expecting things from other people.

I don’t know what to say, I am a grandma of 4 ages 1 to 15, I was lucky to have my grandparents in my life. I remember visiting not them babysitting, I have very fond memories :two_hearts: As for my grand babies I have very close relationships with them all, I don’t babysit cause it’s not, I hangout we cuddle we play and I love to see them light up when they see me. I am very hands on and love them to bits, my Mom and Dad were the same. I am sorry that other grandparents don’t feel the same. I was there when each one was born, not the 1 year old freakin covid. I enjoy them !

They are the ones missing out. It sucks for you and your kids but they are the ones missing out on the blessings that come with grandchildren.

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This mom NEVER said it’s the grandparents responsibility to raise her kids. She seems sad over the fact that they don’t seem to have a genuine interest in a relationship with their grandchildren. I cannot fathom life without my grandkids & I hope when I’m gone, they will have fond memories of me as I do of my beloved grandmother


You can’t force them to want to have relationships with the kids. They have to do that on their own and one day your kids will realize how absent they are.

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My mom offers to take my son once a week for a couple of hours sometimes takes him for a whole day. When she invites us over I literally do nothing. She wants to be a part of my sons life and I’ve never had to force it. I wouldn’t put effort into fostering a relationship with people who don’t want one tbh 


Sounds like your just mad because you don’t have free sitters.Everyone to fast to want to have kids than they want someone else to take them for a while. You had them they are your responsibility no one else’s.


I don’t understand it myself. When my children have children I expect them to be at my house every weekend if not every other weekend. My kids won’t have to worry about a babysitter unless I am working myself.

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Brings to mind a video I saw about how grandparents aren’t the same. So many of our generation were raised by our grandparents, seeing them at least every weekend. Some of us lived with them. Now that it’s our parents turn to be the grandparents we had and they don’t want to do like others did for them. The “village” is breaking down.


They are your kids that you decided to have and nobody has to babysit your kids that’s your issue if you need a babysitter. Also just because you go visit does not mean that everyone else has to occupy your kids because again they are your kids. I highly doubt you go visit with the kids and all 4 sets of grandparents don’t bother with the kids. It sounds like you expect to much and since they don’t babysit you feel like they do nothing. They’ve had there kids and raised them and now it’s your turn to do the same with yours. If you want a babysitter then find one to hire and pay them not expect grandparents to do it for free.


Those are your kids !
They raised theirs !


You are definitely asking for too much. They aren’t responsible to make sure they have what your child needs when you bring them to visit. They shouldn’t be expected to baby sit. Not all grandparents are super involved. I’m lucky my kids have a set of grandparents that think the world of their grandchildren and will spend every moment with them that they can. Then I have another set who lives literally 5 houses down and hasn’t seen them in months. They are not obligated to help me or my children.


My dad passed away in 2020, and he was our sitter for our kids. He would come to our house or watch them at his house. He had toys and crayons and coloring books. He had certain things of his that my kids loved to play with and he loved watching them play with said items. Such as a duck call. :joy: My mom on the other hand, basically refuses to watch our kids. She will, but she is not okay with it. Especially if I have to go into work for overtime. She doesn’t play with them, she hands them her phone and makes them share it while she watches tv or plays on the laptop. On my kids other side of the family, their grandpa had passed away years before their dad and I ever got together. Their grandma on that side is a great memaw, but at least one of the kids usually comes back hurt. Haven’t quite figured that part out yet.

So I feel some of your pain. Things just aren’t how they used to be!! Sleepovers at grandma’s isn’t a thing these days. Dropping in to play isn’t a thing anymore either. When I growing up my mom could leave me with my grandma for days and nobody batted an eye, nobody complained. Makes you evaluate things a bit tho.

I can’t imagine not wanting to spend time with my grandbabies. 2 of which live 5 hours away. Mom and dad meet me 1/2 way and I take them for 2 weeks then they are home for two weeks its been like that since birth. Our situation isn’t “ideal” but we make it work for our family. My 8 month old granddaughter mom and dad live with us. I watch the baby in our home on my days off and her Gigi takes her on the days I work. Things are rough and you need a better support system!! I’m sorry your babies don’t have a better relationship with their grandparents.

My mama & daddy were every hands on with my kids. They loved having them whenever they could get them. My husbands father is the same way. His mom not so much. Now me with my granddaughter I’m the same way as my parents were. I want her anytime i can get her.

I don’t understand why people depend on others for THEIR responsibilities!


My parents are super involved with my kids. They’re the only local, living grandparents and they go absolutely above and beyond. And I’ll do the same when I have grandkids. This sounds so weird to me.

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I cant understand because most grandparents love seeing their grandchildren and volunteer to have them first ( to be first choice for anything i.e looking after and spending time with them ).

You need to realize grandparents don’t know your schedules between work , kids extra things and you needing family time , you need to call and invite them over .
Some of us don’t want to be nuisance to their grown kids .
Call and invite I’m sure they will be more than happy to be included 0

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I feel this. I quit making the effort though and guess what, my kids havent seen their grandparents in years and they dont even care :smirk::disappointed_relieved: i felt like i was begging them to love THEIR grandkids.

I get it. You probably had a vision of a village and come to find out you don’t have one. It’s exhausting. The expectation of coordinating, planning, prepping, a visit is a lot. Then you’re constantly on watch since it isn’t your house and it’s not baby proofed etc etc. The mental load just isn’t worth it sometimes.

My mom is disabled and my dad is passed on. My MIL has passed on and my FIL lives far away. We have no village close by. We don’t have babysitters, emergency contacts, support, etc it’s hard.

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My mom (she passed) and bonus dad are the best grandparents any kids could ask for. Even after my mom had a stroke… she stilled loved having her grandchildren around. My dad always enjoys his time with the kids. Always played with them when they were small… my biological dad sucks at being a grand dad… and my kids have been treated like shit by their fathers mom… (mostly my son). And I’ve always refused to force them to be part of her life. Sorry your kids grandparents suck… but trust me… once your kids are old enough to understand it. They will resent them.

Families aren’t what they used to be. I absolutely adore my grandparents but my kids haven’t had the same experiences Unfortunately.

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I don’t think you are asking to much. My grandparents watch my kids when needed have toys galore a swing set ect. And play with them take them on the side by side are very active in my children’s lives. I have 3 kids and yes its mentally draining on my grandma but she loves spending time with them. Takes Mt 4 year old probably like 2 times a week for sleep overs bc he is always asking to see his nanna and she never tell my baby no. I don’t think you asking for too much at all

my kids are on a schedule to spend their weekends at their grandparents houses.

My son’s grandparents on both sides suck as well. My mom hasn’t worked in years and hasn’t seen my son (her only grandchild) since the beginning of May. My husband’s parents are very involved with their other grandchildren (live right across the street, babysit, take trips together) and only see mine when my husband takes him over there to visit. I’ve tried for years to not let it bother me but it still does. Regardless my son has two parents that adore him and the “grandparents” will be the ones who have to live with the regret in the future.

Not sure of gran-parents ages. Their ages may limit them physically but they could call and check on them with you. I live with my grandson and his wife and i have 3 great grandchildren and i help out as much as physically possible.

Us grandparents have a life too! I raised my kids ! I love seeing my grandkids and will baby sit when necessary, buy special things , but not expected to be there at their whim, we as grandparents only have a window of time to fulfill some of our dreams before our health catches up with us.


My daughter has 3 sets of grandparents, none of which ever come to our house, if she seems them its at their houses, I see no issue with this at all. Sounds to me like your just pissed because they don’t offer to babysit for you. Imo yes you are expecting to much and you sound like an expectant, selfish child yourself.

I remember as a kid spending weeks at my maternal grandparents’ house, cause my mom “needed a break”. I would spend the whole summer with my paternal grandparents (even though my dad lived a mile away from them). And now that I have children, my parents are rarely involved, let alone doing a fraction of the things their parents did for them. They’ve raised their kids, albeit a latch key generation, and are still too busy to interact with the next generation.
Don’t get me wrong, my MIL is the best grandmother in the world, but she lives in a different country, so she doesn’t get the chance to be around the kids as often as any of us would like. My dad, on the other hand, lives next door and still messes up kid #3’s name. My mother isn’t in any sort of contact with my children. Hasn’t even met the youngest who is almost 8.
Boomers and geriatric gen xers were crap parents who pawned off their kids, spouting how it takes a village. I don’t know why we expect that they’d be better grandparents. And they’re right. We chose to have our own kids, start our own families, but in the long run, they’re the ones missing out. Their legacy will fade away, just like their involvement in our children’s lives.

So, hold your head up, Mama. You got this. It would be nice if our generations had that safety net, but we don’t need it…and I guarantee that you’ll be a better grandparent than our parents were.


No you’re absolutely not asking too much. I can understand not babysitting them but also I understand what you’re saying is that they don’t even offer to spend time with them in general. If they can’t come to you then you don’t need to go to them. They don’t call an ask about them then you don’t call them. If it’s only convenient for them to see them when you come to them then there’s no point. ( clarify that if they’re physically incapable of doing so then it is reasonable for you to go to them always) they should want to be apart of their lives in an active manner not this lazy bs. I live 5hrs from my parents but they come visit us a few times a year as we do them. My in laws live 14hrs away and they coordinate with us as to when they will be in the area of which we are from which is where my parents are in order to visit us and we have made trips to where they live to visit. It can nit an should never be one sided ever. If they truly cared to participate in yours an your childrens lives they would make the effort to visit an hang out with them and actually interact with them. They’d call an ask about how they’re doing and you’d do the same. Grandparents an grandchildren relationship is a two way street just like any other relationship. Babysitting may not be in their scope an that’s fine but the mere fact that you go out of your way to give them the ability to see them an spend time with them an yet they don’t spend time with them or interact with them when you do is just unacceptable. You need to take a step back stop trying so hard with them and make them put in some effort and if they don’t then oh well their loss not yours or your kids bc they deserve ppl who are going to be active in their lives not just see them when it’s only convenient for them to do so.

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Our family dynamic is weird, but my children have one grandparent that is very involved with them. If it weren’t for our Pawpaw I’d go crazy

This makes me sad. I know that we were blessed with grandparents and great grandparents but we had the literal village for raising our children. We would go to the homes, parks wherever and they would come to us. I no longer live near my grandchildren but when I did I would happily help out in a moments notice. These children are a blessing and sadly your children and the grandparents are missing out. Stop reaching out and find new friends and family and all will be better rewarded in life. Don’t stress about what can’t be fixed, it creates too much anxiety for you and your sweet family. :sparkles:

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My parents where great with my kids the would help out with babysitting if I needed it. My husband’s parents I can count how many times they have seen the kids on one hand

I helped raise my first granddaughter her father was killed when she was a infant . I got her daily when she entered grade school. My daughter commuted to work a hour away. Now I am helping raise my stepsons daughter . She is smart funny with a sense of humor at 2and A half . I take her at least two days a week . I have had her the last month for a week at a time. Parents sick . Not all grandparents feel that way. They feel they raised there kids and are done . You never mentioned how many kids . I find taking care of 1 exhausting when she leaves. She is as good as can be minds . Picks up after herself. She came over to me once when I had a empty paper plate in my hand . She took it and put it in the trash . I told her thank you so very much. You are such a good girl . I always praise her she smiles . She likes being praised . Are your kids calm or wild that makes a difference too .

Neither of my parents are really involved, when my kid was little they seen him lots, now at 13 they dont really ever call or text or anything. Lucky if they even go to a birthday party.
And we all live close to eachother.
It sucks to suck, I just love my kid enough that he doesnt have to feel that lack from them.

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It’s frustrating I know. Can count on two hands the amount of times my girls have had certain family members show any interest in seeing them.

Not their job to watch ur kids

How old are they? Some ppl are excited to be grandparents others not so much, they probably see it as I already done the baby sitting thing raising my own kids I don’t want to do it again etc.

Or when they favor the other grandkids more then others… unfair should be equal


I’m a grandmother to 6 and step to 3!!! I love them ALL!!! I do babysit for 2 right now occasionally 2 that live over an hr away used to babysit 2 before they started school. Babysat 2 step before they moved out of state. I can’t imagine my life without them in it as often as we can be with them!!! Not currently working but I did full-time up until a yr and a half ago. Besides taking care of them. No I wasn’t forced or felt that I owed my kids/grandkids anything, but guess what - they’re going to remember me as being part of their lives willingly and making memories with them!!! Some grandparents have it in their heads that “I’ve raised my kids and now it’s my time for me and my grandkids are not part of that” and that’s their choice. But the ones that will remember and either hate or love them based on their interactions with them are the grandkids. But they better also realize that these grandkids will NOT ever feel like they owe the grandparents anything either!! It really is a 2 way street of respect. No I don’t expect my grandkids to care for me or even my kids if I can’t well that’s on me I would rather be a GREAT memory to them than a sad distant one.


I as a grandparent loved getting involved in there lives.

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I get my grandkids at least once a week

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Yeah, she’s not mad because they aren’t babysitting- she’s upset because they don’t put any effort or want into spending time with their grandkids. No, it’s not anyone else responsibility to watch your kids, but they should be there to love them. I would stop putting so much effort into them, it’s not your problem if they miss out. It’s on them to make a relationship with your kids


You can’t force someone to be apart of a childs life. I stopped a long time ago reaching out to family about spending time - they know how to contact me or show up. Just like I don’t spend my holidays driving around anymore - I stay home


It is not their responsibility as grandparents to watch them or make time for them. My babies are all grown now, but there was a small window of time my MIL would take my girls over night, but I had to ask her drunk BF who said yes to everything that had to do with my girls and he wasn’t even a bio grandpa. People just aren’t the same any more.

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I see my grandkids on a daily basis! I would not have it any other way, we do stuff with them all the time and I will keep any of them anytime! There papa and I love making memories with them! We lost our 7 year old granddaughter in 2018 and I thank GOD every day for the time we spent with her and the precious memories we made! Our 10th grandbaby will be here in November and we are excited beyond measure! All my grandbabies are a true blessing from GOD!


My parents, are not involved at all.
My MIL and FIL drove from Florida to Kansas to make sure my boys and I are good when I go into labor.

I honestly do not think you are asking too much. I know if we lived closer to my MIL she would take my boys whenever. I am waiting for the age my oldest can comfortably go visit her for weeks at a time.


My parents (75 & 82) watch my kids (3 & 4) twice a week because they want to not because they have to. Their other grandparents haven’t saw them in two years now :woman_shrugging:t2: It’s their loss not mine.

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You can’t force a relationship. Whether you feel it’s fair or not, they won’t change. So let go of any expectations so you stop getting frustrated, and don’t do anything you’ll feel resentful about later. If your kids aren’t excited to see them I would stop bringing them, it’s much better to have vague absent grandparents than ones your actively being neglected emotionally by. Maybe it’ll be easier when they’re older, maybe try getting one on one time so maybe they can form connections. But if they aren’t willing to put in effort, you should stop putting in the effort. It’s obviously not working. Maybe you could take them to old folks homes instead in a volunteer program type so they can still get some good experiences and do some good. Trust me, they’ll regret it when they try and play the ‘family’ card on you guys when they need something from you.

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Since having my daughter my parents come over to our place every week to see her… which did not happen before I had kids! My husband’s father comes over here also like every other week to see her. I would agree with you. We have never had that issue as our parents are always here.

I try to do what I can .I babysit if they need me .I hope I am there for them .I love being grandparent I’m 71 but I do get tired but wouldn’t have it any other way xx

My parents are very involved in my daughters life and I always ask my parents if they can watch my daughter. As in… I ask don’t assume and don’t expect it. Maybe try talking to them and telling them how you feel. Good luck!

They are ur kids…they are not obligated to do anything for them…they raised their kids

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Well my mother doesn’t ask to see my kids. Like at all. But she does show up to their birthdays.
My grandma hasn’t been to a party yet but she will call to see them maybe once a month.
My bio dads family has nothing to do with me so they won’t have anything to do with my kids.
My husbands parents watch them the most but they don’t usually ask it’s just when we need a night off or special occasion.

My girls have 3 sets of grandparents. My parents, my last marriage and my current marriage and they all put in effort to play and do things with the kids. They also love babysitting and never giving me any problems. They also keep or buy toys for the kids to have at their house. I’m very grateful for the grandparents that they have. If they were the type to not want to spend time with their grandkids that’s on them and i definitely wouldn’t force them to have a relationship with my kids.

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You can’t force the relationship if the grandparents don’t want to invest in the kids, then the kids may not want to reciprocate later on- you can’t expect anything from someone you didn’t make an effort to see.

My mom adores my child as well as her other grandkids. We don’t live as close as I would like, but meet grandkids who did got to spend lots of time with her growing up. My dad- is off being the same he was when I was little so I don’t expect anything from him.

My Godmother is also another awesome one who operates just like my mother. My Godfather was the BEST dad ever, but he is gone to Heaven now. I really hate that my kid missed out.

My little one is lucky to have a Grammy (my ex’s mother whom I’ve been close to since I was a teenager; a Grammy who is my SSister’s mother who is super gentle; and a Like-a-Grandmother (another ex’s mother whom I’ve been close to since I was a teenager.)


I watched my grand kids daily up until they were in school. We do sleep overs , camping and whatever they want to do. I go to their sport events ECT. They make my heart happy . with them being older now and their activities I don’t see them as much as I did but they know all they have to do is ask to come over or have date night I’ll be there. Just like any other relationship effort has to be on both sides.


Did any of the grandparents visit y’all at your home before you had kids? A lot of elderly people want people to come to them rather than driving any distance.

It’s sad because you want your kids to have a relationship with their grandparents but some grandparents are not worth the effort. My childrens paternal grandparents only see my kids every few years weddings and funerals kind of thing. They have a huge number of grandkids and don’t have anything to do with most of them and when they happen to see them it’s fake pleasantries, nauseating. My parents were very involved and helpful their whole childhood but now that they’re grown up they don’t always appreciate how involved grandma is. I don’t regret not trying harder to keep paternal grandparents in the picture, one sided relationships don’t work, it was up to them and they failed at the grandparent thing. Now that my husband has passed away they’re scratching their heads about how to erase years of neglect and get closer to my kids because its all they have left of him.


It sucks having kids and not having help but at the end of the day u decided to have kids not the grandparents. And u may not seem like ur asking for a lot and u might not be but people start getting tired of helping which sucks but Don’t depend on anybody. if they wanted to they will! If they don’t try to be around ur kids then thats their loss. some people were blessed to have grandparents that actually want to have their grandchildren around but u can’t expect the same with ur family. Be thankful they have grandparents yes they might not do anything for ur kids but it’s not their responsibility but some people don’t have grandparents around

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My parents are the same with my son and it’s gotten to the point they don’t see him much anymore because I don’t have time to spend all day at their house so they can visit with him. Plus my father lives an hour from me and it’s easier for him to get in a car and drive then it is for me with my son and all our “equipment”. It is upsetting and frustrating but it’s their loss.

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l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15429 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Should they want to spend more time with them? Yeah. Should they maybe come to your house sometimes for visits? Maybe. Are they obligated to offer to babysit or say yes if you ask them to? Nope. Expecting someone to babysit/offer to babysit is ridiculous.


4 sets of grandparents and none of them will come to your house? Maybe the problem isn’t the grandparents.


After they’ve raised their kids they’re not obligated to raise yours. Maybe they’re enjoying their peace……
Not all grand parents want to bake cookies with the grandkids and that’s okay.


From a grand parents view people have to remember a lot are getting on in years and have medical problems. Yes they want to spend quality time with their grand children that doesnt mean baby sitting all the time ,. They have been where you are bringing up their children and now most just want a rest. I say this as a Nan that has had a grandson live with her from the age of 3 and still lives with me at 21

Stop forcing it. That sounds like too much work. I’d stop calling them and wait for them to ask to come see them. It’s a two way street and the phone works both ways

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Ideally they would want to spend more time with their grandparents but i wouldn’t force the issue. Visiting should be a two way street-back & forth. Unpaid babysitting is a lot to ask of anyone, let alone grandparents who have lives of their own.

My mother lives with us so she spends plenty of time with mine. My youngest we call her shadow cause they always do stuff together. My in laws live about an hr away, my FIL is sick (cancer) and my poor MIL can’t get around much because of her bad back. So we go to them when we can. I have no issues with either.

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My family is very involved with our daughter my partners family however hmmm my MIL lives 4 minute walk away and is a skitsphratnic psyco my FIL I’m sure he rides his electric bike into town where we live and he never pops in, I stop in at his when I’m visiting my parents because it’s a 15minute walk from theirs and my MIL will drop in when she wants me too sus :seedling: I told her hmm you can visit too like uh just see your granddaughter …

Are you mad that they aren’t being grandparents to your children or are you mad they aren’t being a babysitter for you? Kinda hard to tell.

You should not expect them to just watch your kids for you to go out. Should they be involved in their lives? Yes. But they have made the decision not to be. You can not force. I promise nothing you do will change it. They have to want to make the change and do it on their own. So stop stressing yourself out by worrying about them. Don’t bother calling and seeing them. Let them make a move.


Don’t get me started lol my parents suck and are just like yours but they have favouritism towards my brother’s kid so there ya go

Maybe they’re picking up on your expectations vibes :grimacing:
Why don’t you contact them and ask each set if they’d like to see them on one Saturday a month, you pick them up and drop them off. That way they don’t have you hovering over them and they can actually bond with the children.

Sadly just stop. If they want to be in the kids lives they need to make some sort of effort.
Although I was blessed with amazing parents and in laws and families you cannot force them to have a relationship with your kids.


My kids grandparents are not involved as much in their lives either. For a long time it bothered me because I was raised with being around my grandparents on weekends, holidays, sometimes when my mom had to stay late for work ect. But I’m at the point where if they don’t want to spend time with their grand babies it’s their loss. It would be helpful at times to have help. But you don’t want your babies to be where they are not wanted.

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Yeah they all suck .
My parents stop by after work to visit with my nieces and nephews…
My dad takes pancakes to my niece … because she loves them …
Reading this makes me feel blessed to have my parents
Good luck …

My mum raised my son til he was one cosvi was so ill it was never the case of his nana ringing up to see him I had set days id go down or I’d just turn up she’s no longer here now. She did alot for me and her grandkids it was never ring before turning up we was welcome anytime we turned up and she’d alway have snacks nana special pop she’d share cartoons on games on her ipad we brought our own toys alway loved to sit on nanas knee it was great❤

The only time I have a baby sitter is for work, that’s it. My Husband and I go out maybe once every 2 months. Are your kids in school?

You can’t make ppl care. No one in my family helped with my child… but I come from a true shit show.

Ignore these people. My grandmother’s weren’t in my life and my mother wasn’t in my kids life much. It’s hurtful and my kids lost respect for my mother. I became a grandma 4 years ago and I absolutely love it! I cherished every minute I spend with her…

First off they are your kids and its your job to occupy/entertain them, no one else’s job to do so, even when in their home because you are their guest. They have their own lives, you need to remember this. Maybe they don’t come to your house because they feel like they are imposing. If you want them to babysit, you need to ask them to babysit, you can’t just assume they can read your mind. Stop comparing your kids grandparents to other grandparents; this will only lead to disappointment if you continue to do so.

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My parents are there for everything and act like actual grandparents, The ones on his dad side steal my pictures off Facebook to try to make it look like they’re around and if I don’t post any they can steal for a while then they’ll see him for a couple hours so that they can take 400 pictures to have up-to-date ones and then don’t see him again until he starts looking too young in the pictures again

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Just stop dealing with them and if they want to see their grandkids they will come to your house


They have raised their kids it’s their time now to relax enjoy life