Am I in a toxic relationship?

He obviously dint care for u or baby

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yes yes yes. so toxic. get out while your still young and able

Run,don’t walk to the exit.

You need to leave him now and take the baby

Get rid of him…It will NEVER get any better!

Yes it’s bad get out while you can

No way -you can leave and go to a shelter - and get your child too

I didnt even have to get 4 sentences in to know the answer… YES!

Bad choice on your part!

Get out immediately! Or kick him out! Call the police and/or CPS, yourself.

Run as fast and as far as you can.

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The man is abusive. If you are afraid to leave get frigging help

Yes you are. Get out take care of you and your baby

Get out now, nothing good can come from this relationship.

Leave him & get bc pills.

Stop asking questions with obvious answers.

Run girl RUN as fast as you can.

Time to leave, sweetie. He isn’t a real man.

I think you know the answer. :disappointed:

The answer is yes, sounds pretty toxic to me

RUN, RUN, RUN as far and as fast as you can!!!

Girl go ahead a read your post. As many times as you need to. Lmao pitty party

If you have to ask if its toxic then you need to run and run fast

What’s the problem??? You know the answer already! Get out get out get out

Run as fast as you can

If your working and paying for everything why do you need him

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Get out now, not healthy and will only get worse.

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Kick his broke ass to the curb. That is more than toxic.

Run like a bat out of hell girl!! Put your babys well being first if you cant for your self please…God Bless

Stop playing the victim :frowning: and owe up to your role in this relationship that you seem addicted to.

Get out now or asap!

You dont need him looks like you are doing ok . Hope everything works out ok for you.

I only read half and knew then you needed to leave!!

You need to GET OUT NOW

If you need to ask the question you are crazy. Get the he’ll out of this relationship.

It’s a scare tactic, pack your bags

Run fast…run far…

Get out. God be with you and your son.

That’s VERY toxic! RUN!!

Please leave this atmosphere before more years go by.

Leave you deserve better hugs he can’t take your son it’s empty threats.

Gurl…how many more red flags do you need!!! 🤦

Kick his ass to the curb. You get CPS involved and you will both lose custody !

Take care of you and your child…sounds like you need to go forward with your life, Dont let a man tell you that you are lazy, when you are being responsible

Ur asking if this is a toxic relationship, Hello, u know it is. Get out and stop with lame excuses, for u and ur child’s sanity!!

Kick his lazy, manipulative, controlling ass to the curb.

get out now you will never change him and it will only get worse

Get out, he’s not going change

Get out of that parasite situation now!

You’re not sure if this is toxic? :flushed:

Run girl run. THE POLICE will arrest him for holding g you against your will. He WILL NOT in a million years get that baby.

Is this a joke because this guy sure is lol

You would be so much better without him. You are young, don’t waste your life on him. You deserve better.

Girl say bye to him and you can call the police on him! If he takes your car without asking and no license! There is one reason. If you feel unsafe with your child there is another reason. Don’t let him scare you. He won’t ever get your child ever!

Hes got empty threats. He cant do a damn thing. Set his crap out an change locks. You’re doing it all so what good is he? Hes just dragging you down.

Wow just sounds to me like you are HORRIBLE at picking a partner. You went and had a kid with him so enjoy the next 18 years of having a miserable person in your life😏

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Get out ASAP ! Call the cops to help U

You have a phone. Call the cops!

RUN! As fast as you can.

I’ve been there, done it, GET OUT NOW! I was in it for 5 years. I got pregnant about the middle of our relationship. I thought the baby would change him. It didn’t. He is an alcoholic, used drugs, but swore he didn’t, yet all his friends did and he worked yet mooched off me ALL the time for extra. He was controlling, emotionally abusive-physically to exes before me, always told me no man would want me with now two kids…he cheated on me all the time! When I say that I mean I knew of 9 girls he slept with just while I was pregnant!!! I’m blessed all I got from him was a baby and NO STD! If you have not thought it, he is accusing you of cheating to keep the light off of his own actions. Not to be mean but I’d bet money he is cheating too. Keep yourself and your child safe. Leaving is the thing you can do for you and the baby. I had bought furniture too that he was using and I left it behind! If you are too proud to go to your parents, which is normal, I was too but came around, go to a friend. And yes, he is trying to scare you into thinking he will get your son. It’s working! No judge will award a parent a child and he isn’t working to support himself and child and is clearly using drugs. Yes, go to court and file the appropriate papers. Also ask for supervised visits. This will show court and him that you are not trying to keep your child from him. If court deems him unfit they will rule accordingly. Once he is served if you go that route, it WILL get ugly. It always does. It did for me. Be in a safe place. Don’t answer his calls. Be ready for the begging too, he will pull all the stops to get you back and when he realizes that’s not happening he will flip. Document everything!!! I wish you the best. The first step you take will be the hardest.:heart: Never look back.

Oh sweetie, you already know the answer.

If you gotta ask, yes.

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Document everything and go…

Leave that man along

Get rid of that relationship.

Kick him to the curb!!!

He has to sleep sometime…

Just read what you wrote to see your answer.

You can do bad by yourself!

Take the baby and RUNNNNNN

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he ain’t got shit on you gurl!!! get out

He’s delusional AF!

You need to get some help. Either by researching the cycle of abuse and learning how to help yourself or ask for help. From my experience he is a big talker. He is lazy and the last thing he is going to do is anything to attempt to have more responsibilities such as a baby. He just wants to keep his meal ticket. You need to get out before he does damage that you will have to combat and overcome with your child later when he is also disrespectful and abusive to you. You can not do it alone and you cant do it until you are absolutely sure you are done and under no circumstances are you going back. They lie. They say they will change. They will get help they will go to counseling. They will do better. It is a game and all lies just for a short time and then it is back to the same thing and then worse. It will get worse each time you take them back. You can love them. But love yourself and your child more. Your first priority is to raise a good, confident, capable adult. You cant do that if you allow someone to abuse you in front of your child. They will treat you that way first and then their spouse and children that way later and you continue the cycle. Nip it in the bud now. Dig down deep and find that inner strength that God gave all women and take care of business. You can do it and you will be amazing! I promise, in no time you will feel so much better. There will be hard days but it will be worth it.
I am 21 years out of a very abusive relationship where I was even imprisoned and made to feel worthless. I escaped and started over with nothing but my 2yo. No money, no home, no clothes. It can be done. There are good men out there and they do want you and they will be a good influence on your child. Then make sure to get help for yourself so you dont end up in the same situation again. I am here if you need to talk.

Leave his ass NOW :bangbang::bangbang:

This most definitely is a toxic, abusive relationship. I suspect you had not planned to start a family together. It “just happened”.
But now you have begun a family that he has chosen not to make a commitment to. You may feel you just really made a mistake, but you have fallen in love with this baby and would do anything to keep him safe.
Who is keeping him when you work? Whatever you do to remove yourself and baby from this situation may require you to enlist assistance from other people.
If your bf will not allow you to have a safe conversation on the phone, do it at work. How do you get to work? Does he drive you an pick you up.? You must trust someone at work that you can talk to. Sometimes it is important that someone has talked to you about what is going on, and that maybe has some heard you say you are afraid of him.
If your family is supportive of you, you must share with someone who is willing to help you. Even if you must go to your boss to gain assistance with your plans, whether you just want her or him to understand why you need to use the phone for personal time. Forget any hesitance because you you are embarrassed because it’s too late for that. THAT IS IMPORTANT!!
Now you have to decide who will help and how …you may also have nto prearrange how you will have your belongings obtained before he has time to do anything to them. You can find the name of some public assistance agency by reading other suggestions in this place of different people who have used them for help.
Start where you must but under no circumstance leave the baby with the dad who might get in the way of your plans. It seems like it might help to have someone of authority aware or involved at the time. And have people you trust who will not make your bf aware of your plans all lined up to do their part as required to help you get away with baby.
If you are paying all the bills, you should not have to be the one to leave. Maybe there is a way to have him removed before or after you are safely away from him. Or you may want to get another place unless you own your home. If you must just LEAVE, inform your rental or vleasing agent when you are leaving so your contract will end so your bf will have no choice but to leave too.
I wish you well I will be praying for you. Even your church might help. At some point, you must see a lawyer and that could be a place to start if you could get that way to move fast enough. Talking to one on the phone if you could tell him or her enough of your situation in that first contact by phone would be helpful because you might learn what your rights are and also learn how you could start to get advice or help. Protecting you and baby are your only objectives now. NO GUILT!!! God bless

You will NOT lose your son! Record him smoking weed and keep it. Get the records of everything you possibly can of everything you’ve done to support yourself, your child AND this piece of garbage. You will most likely end up with sole custody. It’s definitely time to leave him!

He can’t take your child he is unstable. Call on him. Remove yourself and child.

Take care of you and that baby and get out. You’re already basically a single mother and you don’t need the stressor of an ignorant low life boyfriend.

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Hmm…how unexpected that things would go poorly when having sex and a child outside of wedlock. Weird.

These are most stupid posts ever. If you have to ask, then YES, you are! Who watches baby while you work/school? Next time he takes the car, CALL THE POLICE AND REPORT IT STOLEN

Lady, run! This is an abusive, lazy man. You need to leave for the sake of you and your child.

Are you really asking this?? Read your post, imagine its your friend writing it. What would you say or think??

Honey get rid of him , he’s a loser like my X son in law . These guys live off of women , have babies and then sponge off you until u throw him out . Please do ur self a favor !!

He cannot take ur baby that u and only u are supporting, fuck that low life piece of shit mf! Is he on ur lease?

be brave and dump his lazy ass or just take the baby and leave he has to sleep you have family you can stay with? you are just hurting yourself and your child if you stay in this toxic relationship

Why are you wasting your life on a loser?? Your child deserves better! You deserve better! If you are paying all the bills, you don’t need that selfish bum mooching off you. Your child is priority #1.

I would just cps and the police on him.i would pack up all your stuff and the baby stuff and very the heck out of there. U and the baby will be better off with out that loser

I think for your and your child’s benefit you should leave yes it will b hard and he will be a real asshole and I’m sure his family will b right along with him but there is support out there for you and u will b better off in the long run

For one thing a MAN takes care of his responsibility and family, meaning work and all that stuff comes with being in a relationship with a person. Dont let him use you and make you take care of him and all the other things you have to deal with. Get rid of that loser. It will only get worse. Get out while you can. Your not put on this earth to support no sorry ass boy! Dont but your child through that. They see what there parents do and think it’s ok. Children watch and listen more than you’ll ever know. Do what’s best for you and your child. Do what will make you and your child happy. Dont need a loser for that.

He’s a total loser and your raising 2 children and U need to pull yourself together and get as far away from that toxic boy (not man) as soon as possible. Quit wasting your time and money on get on with your own life and you’ll be better for you and the baby.

RUN!! You need to leave this sorry ass Loser and take your baby and make your own life. Don’t worry about custody of your son. He doesn’t have a pot to piss in. You support that Abby. He doesn’t. Get away from him Now!!

Girl get out. He’s gas lighting you. All threats. Your baby won’t get taken. You won’t lose anything other than a man child who drains you financially, mentally and emotionally. Sorry. I never say leave but this doesn’t seem fixable to me.

Just remember they will not take a baby away from you just for being a young mom… He would have to prove you are unfit. He is using this to scare you and keep you.

Get out! Now! That piece of crap does not deserve you or your precious baby.

Get the hell away from that loser. Run as fast as you can.

Kick him to the curb. What a loser

Go to a shelter for women. Get some mental health therapy. And ditch that total waste of Male DNA. No one deserves what you got into. Get out before you get killed.

L E A V E. run fast girl, so very fast. What a loser

Sorry to say ,your man is a piece of shit take your kid and get the fuck out before you and your baby get hurt. That’s my opinion

He’s a Loser, get out now