My youngest child, who is 8, is a little on the weird side, lol. Nothing wrong with that. I love him. He’s a picky eater but not. He eats fruits and veggies. Lately, he’s been on this kick where for lunch, he’s been eating plain margarine sammiches. I know it’s not the greatest, but I feel he’s not fighting with me to make it; he eats everything else in his lunch as well. My husband, on the other hand, flipped out and started yelling at me cuz I was giggling at my youngest and his margarine sammich. Saying it’s not healthy, there are zero nutrients in it. (Duh. There is a little in the bread, lol). This kid goes through phases of liking things, though. Am I wrong for laughing and thinking no big deal cuz he does eat everything else? He’s just on a weird kick right now. I just want to wait it out. I hate fighting with my kid’s first thing in the morning. My day just started out terrible cuz of this. #helpamumout
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I in the wrong for feeding my son margarine sandwiches?
I would switch to butter instead of margarine. Healthier for him
My 7 year old offen takes butter sandwiches to school. I don’t see the problem, better than somethings kids take to call lunch
He won’t eat butter?
Switch to real butter instead. But not really as long as he has other items offered at the meal. Who cares My son loves a butter sandwich.
If it were toast with margarine no one would bat an eye. If it’s untoasted they lose their minds. It’s likely a phase and it could be worse.
I’d just switch it to real butter that is healthier for him. It’s not that big of a deal though. Just a quick switcharoo
Not a big deal. I used to eat Mayo and cheese sandwiches. Seriously no big deal especially if he’ll eat everything else. This falls right under “pick and choose your battles” for me
No diff then bread/butter w your spaghetti. Let the kid eat
As long as he is eating who cares what others think. I’m sure he is getting enough nutrition with his fruits and vegetables that you mentioned
Try butter and peanut butter sammiches
If that’s what he wants let him
You need to take him to a food aversion class mama
I use to eat it on bread all the time as a child!
Bread and marg is fine. I have it sometimes
My brothers favorite thing as a kid was mustard, ketchup and cheese sandwich. He was such a picky eater. He is 6ft 2 and eats most things now as an adult. Feed your kid what they will eat. Supplement with vitamins.
It may be a texture issue for him. As an adult, I have that problem and I am a very picky eater.
Pick your battles Mama, this one doesn’t seem worth an argument. Buttered bread won’t hurt him! Give yourself a break!!!
I would not battle over it. He’s eating
My oldest ate pb and mayo sandwiches…
Don’t sweat the small stuff
I literally told my son to just make a sandwich with just plain margarine tonight after tea because he was still hungry. Nothing wrong with it.
My kids loved butter sandwiches!!
What’s the difference between a margarine sandwich and toast?
I would just make a compromise and say switch to a protein bread vs regular, that way he’s not missing out on the protein component to his meal.
i love butter sandwiches . I use one slice of vread and fold it over
My kids like to eat butter bread alot. I don’t stop them cause they are eating something!
Andrea Justice Shehadi
Nothing wrong with it if he’s eating other healthy stuff. As a single mother I learnt to pick my battles with my son. He’s an extremely picky eater and eats garlic bread for breakfast on its own with ketchup. He eats so I don’t moan. Maybe laughing while your husband is mad is not a good thing but to me I’d laugh too.
He will survive…survive… sweat the small stuff. Especially if he is eating other foods.
My mom used to make us butter sandwiches! Sometimes I would just get bored over having the same lunch meat so she would make those or butter mayo and cheese sandwiches or just a jam sandwich
No pick your battles. My middle son ate nothing but jelly sandwiches I swear for a couple of years. He grew up fine 6’3 and very healthy and well adjusted.
Buttered bread (or as a sandwich) is often part of a nutritious meal. Most people eat dinner rolls or bread with butter.
Replace margarine with butter and problem solved
My dad would make us butter and sugar sandwiches
My son loved jelly on it all the time was what my 7yr old ate!
Definitely switch to real butter, but see if the kiddo would add jelly to it. I like toasted bread, butter and grape jelly or toasted bread, butter and sugar. But I don’t see an issue. Kids have their phases, my 4yr old had a phase where he would literally eat only lunchables, and another time literally only lucky charms, i would make a big dinner and serve it and he would just cry, not throw a fit but would just cry so I gave him his lucky charms. That lasted a week. Another time just sausage, gravy, cheese, taters and eggs jimmy dean breakfast bowls. Let the kid be a kid and have his phases, he’ll eventually grow out of them
If your husband doesn’t like it tell him to make the damn sandwiches
That’s really unhealthy especially for his heart. I’m sorry but I would say no .
When I was about that age, I did the same thing. I made my own lunches. My dad thought I was crazy. But we were also struggling to have a decent amount of food in the house.
I would switch to regular butter to avoid the chemical concoction and to add actual nutrients.
I use to eat cheese and butter sandwiches constantly as a kid. I grew out of it though. It’s quite normal
We had those when I was a kid too. Try adding peanut butter with the margarine if you want him to have a little more.
I caught my 6 year old eating spoon fulls of margarine…
I given up.
My kid likes mayo sandwiches. She loves her apples and bananas and I sneak in veggies other ways. She does like carrots.
I used to eat freaking MAYONNAISE sandwiches and I turned out just fine. I say if he’s eating it’s a win, it’s a constant battle getting my son to finish a meal
My 8 year old loves them also.
Dude my kid eats ketchup and cheese sandwiches. And sometimes it’s just ketchup. She eats the other stuff too. Itll be fine. I would go with real butter myself, my daughter loves butter
Nothing wrong in it, they all go through fads like this, my Dad did as a boy he grew to over 6ft, my middle son did, he’s over 6ft tall. Both as solid as a rock and healthy. He will grow out of it soon
No judgement but thats a no from me. And I do pick my battles. That would be a battle I would pick for sure.
I grew up on butter and honey sammiches! It’s fiiiiiiiine lol give your hubby one and place a bet with him that the phase will pass! It’s a win win!
My kids take provolone on a roll EVERY single day. I’ve tried other things but then they don’t eat. Kids are weirdos with food. As long as they’re eating mostly healthy stuff I don’t see the issue.
It’s basically toast!
My daughter was taking shredded cheese and miracle whip sandwiches
I as a adult like mayo sandwiches
Kids go through food jags all the time perfectly normal as long as he’s growing you have to pick your battles
I mean, my broth ate ketchup sandwiches from like 4-12 we all just ‘ignored’ it cause he would eat the entities thing if not two of them, and he’d make them himself
he’s now 21 & fine so why not let your son eat what he will eat, it’s not like he’s eating tide pods instead of fruit snacks
As long as it’s food in the belly, My dr always says. Short fazes like that are normal. Nagging in the morning will ruin everyone’s mood. I pick my battles and that ain’t one of them.
No you are not wrong … As long as he’s eating a variety of foods it is fine…
It’s the same thing as toast
My daughter who is now 12 is also a picky eater. I feel that it’s a give an take situation. I’ve had countless talks with her Dr, a nutritionist and many nurse friends, they all say the same. As long as they are maintaining a healthy weight an are not having any problems, they are fine. I also have found that giving my daughter a choice helps me get her to try new foods. As they get older, it gets a little easier. Now that my daughter is 12, I am able to explain to her why having a healthy diet is important. Personally, your doing better than me, I can’t get my daughter to eat fruits an veggies, so way to go! Take your hubby to the next Dr apt so the Dr can tell him. I had to do the same thing with my husband. Hang in there, your doing great!
Your husband is throwing a fit because he can. He doesn’t make his lunches, clean up or fights over food. He needs to shit up. Feed your kid.
Nothing wrong with eating bread and butter… as long as he is eating id consider it a win.
Bread and butter is no big deal! Does your hubby know that even at 8 years old hus son practices Ative Shooter Drills? Has sex ed classes thay get more intense each year? That the average teenager has sex on or before age 14? Have he discussed condoms, women’s rights, that no means NO? What about drugs? That starts even YOUNGER. And drugs are SO easy to get at school (and my kids go to a ‘uppety school’) tell your hubby to chill. A butter sammich is nothing compared to whats coming down the road. Sheesh. Man needs a wake up call.
Until his has a heart attack at 25. You’re husband is right.
I mean, my kid eats may sammichs with cheese.
It’s healthier than fast food or eating a bag of chips!
As long as he continues to eat fruits and veggies like you said… I wouldn’t stress it!
Past few weeks my daughter will finger lick hummus. My partner was getting upset saying you have to eat your dinner but in the end of the day hummus is healthy kids go through stages. Just like us. I wouldn’t sweat it
Let him eat them. He will be fine. I caught my son eating a stick of margarine once. He’s 36 now, 6ft, 285#, with 58" shoulders. To say the least, he’s a strong and healthy guy.
no there’s nothing wrong with it!
I used to eat mayonnaise sandwiches lol
Margarine is one molecule off from plastic, try butter instead
If ur going to let him eat straight butter why give him bread just give him a stick of butter my friend use to eat unhealthy like that an he has now died cuz of how unhealthy he was… I would never let my kids eat that
I don’t think so absolutely nothing wrong with it. My daughter when she was younger she would eat bread and white stuff aka miracle whip and her doctor said it was perfectly fine as long as she’s eating that’s all that matters and now at 15 years old she is skinny and healthy at 120# maybe 125 now
Lol my now 6 year old went through a stage last year where he would only have butter sandwiches in his school lunch box doesn’t bother me as it’s still food plus he gets his healthy stuff
He’s eating. That’s all that matters. Lately it’s been a struggle to get my 9 year old to eat anything n it’s getting to the point I allow some not so great snacks just so I know there’s SOMETHING in his belly. I don’t like doing it but I can’t just have him not eat either. There are a billion ways to get kids all the vitamins n nutrients they need. So it won’t hurt anyone if they have one or two not so healthy things during the day. Just in moderation. I think ur hubby is over reacting a bit
When I was a kid we ate butter and sugar sandwiches they are great still do 50 years later
Is everything your husband eats packed with nutrients?
My daughter gets mayo sandehiches and I just think it’s weird but there nothing wrong with it she eats a lot more than just that ya know.
If anything change it to real butter, margarine is so bad for us all… Kids all go through phases. My kid was on a tomato sandwich kick. As long as they eat I’m good with it. We all go through wierd food kicks. You go mom. Dad wants to trip have dad help then.
My daughter likes to eat butter or margarine off a spoon, I used to try to fight her on it but quickly realized I used to do the same thing as a kid, idk why I think its disgusting now lmao but i used to have spoonfuls of it. We settled to one spoonful a day if she even wants it lol but I think I scared her telling her she can have a heart attack if she eats too much of it:rofl: or she grew out of that phase because she hasn’t done it in a while lol… she’s the pickiest eater it drives me insane so anything she eats I take as a win instead of arguing:rofl:
How is it any different than eating a roll with butter or a piece of toast with butter? It isn’t.
Who cares? Let him eat what he likes.
He’s a kid. Kids go through their stages of what they will and won’t eat! Nothing wrong with it at all…!
When I was a kid I used to eat sticks of butter I don’t remember it but my parents used to tell me about it all the time. They stopped buying it haha but I feel like Bread and butter is fine. It’s the same thing as if he were eating toast everyday
My son is 4 n has sandwiches 4 skool but his sandwiches consist of bread n butter won’t have anything in them he did as a baby but not now xx
I meanwe do this with certain meals like porkchops and more or soups not often… I mean I wouldn’t let it be an every day thing…
But I wouldn’t said he’s eating other stuff as well so I’d say it’s ok. My mother in law sometimes puts Vidalia onions on hers or brown sugar…
There is nth wrong with it. I put butter on bread and eat it as a snack once in awhile.
Every now would be fine but it for sure wouldn’t be an everyday thing in my house! My five year old is a picky eater too, so I get the whole doing what you can where you can!
Maybe opt for a heart healthy butter…?? If I may make a suggestion…mayonnaise and sugar sandwiches are yummy😋
The only thing wrong with it, is the margarine lol use real butter.
It’s a stage,just hang in there
It’s the same thing as toast, the bread just isn’t toasted in this case. Hes eating and that’s what matters
for God’s sake ditch the margarine and put butter in there so he’s at least getting SOME nutrition!
When I was a kid I took a plain cream cheese on white bread sandwich for almost a whole school year. I did not die because I ate fruit and a granola bar as well.
Ummm does your husband not butter his toast? That my friend is a cooked butter sandwich…
ask your kid if he’d like to try a little peanut butter too on it next time. Idky but I loved pb&butter sandwiches as a kid.
I ate miracle whip bread, and sugar from the bowl as a kid
95% of us have tossed poptarts at our kids for 5 more minutes in the morning. If he wants to get real technical, break down all the sugar he serves your kid compared to whats on a basically toast sandwich
First of all it’s sandwich not sammiches second it’s nothing to be ashamed of he’s eating and has other foods there to eat like fruit ect so who cares and at least he’s eating them and not refusing to eat lunch
It’s a phase that will change again and again! Just feed him is all he needs! Sometimes making an argument of eating with kids can just backfire and cause more problems! You sound like a great mom👍🏻you got this🤩good luck
Not a big deal my kid loves buttered bread and so do I.
My youngest son loves butter and saltines as a snack. We use real spreadable butter from land o lakes.
Tell your husband to lighten up. Not everything we touch is full of nutrients. That’s life.
He gets his nutrients from the rest of his food it’s not like he gets none at all.
It’s not even weird, kids do that. As you say they go through phases of liking stuff. X