Am I the only adult who eats plain bread with butter spread?
My husband is the same way. There’s this ridiculous expectation and close mindedness and now that I understand I pick and chose my battles with him as well. There is nothing wrong with your judgment. You know as a mother what your doing and I support your decision.
I used to eat mayo sandwich’s it’s no big deal
As parents we set boundaries, margarine sandwiches should’ve never been an option. Also your son is your husbands child too so you should take his (extremely valid) concern into consideration, you don’t get to dictate these decisions because you’re the mother. High blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol ect. is knocking on his door if this continues.
True we ate them with sugar on them could be worst
Fresh bread with butter/marg is still one of my favourites… With kids sometimes you just have to ride the wave till something clicks. If he is eating fruit n veg I don’t see what the issue is.
My daughter had a plain margarine sandwich every day for her first year of school, I tried a bunch of other ingredients and every time I did, it came home uneaten. She also ate her fruit and other snacks, I learnt to pick my battles.
When I was a kid I loved ketchup sandwiches. Just that fresh soft bread, butter and ketchup. Just leave it alone and he’ll grow out of this phase. I haven’t had a ketchup sandwich in many, many years.
Tell your husband to pull his head in
This is all I ate for many school days because I was so picky and this was the only thing my mom could pack me that I liked. I say whatever he wants I would give him. It doesn’t last forever, so I don’t see an issue.
Pick and choose your battles. I had sandwiches with BBQ Sauce only or Salt and Vinegar Chips with Vegemite (Aussie here👋🏻).
My son is a picky eater so he snacks all day (has fruit as well) and for dinner I make sure to add a lot of veggies, fruit and meat so his still eating healthy.
Mine likes sandwiches with cheese and mustard sometimes I give in… I pick my battles these days.
I have a super picky eater also 8 years old…it’s all good. I’m ecstatic that she’s eating something!!
In the South, where I live (Texas). The old timers used to make Butter Sugar sandwiches. Bread, add butter and sprinkle a little sugar on it. My husband ate them as a kid. Nothing wrong with it at all.
It’s not worth the fight. Here in NJ a hard roll with butter (buttered roll) is considered a quick breakfast. While not the height of nutrition, if your son is eating everything else and those offerings are healthy I don’t see a problem. People put butter on their veggies all the time. People eat bread all the time. What does the delivery matter? Personally I choose butter over margarine, in my brain it’s the “healthier” of two poor choices
Well it’s like eating toasted without toasting the bread.
My daughter went through a stage of eating butter I couldn’t stop her now she hates it:person_shrugging:t2: pick your battles lol
Your setting him up for health problems. Be the parent if he wo t eat what you have then he goes without he won’t starve set boundaries and be strong parents
I ate butter sandwiches and then I tried them with cinnamon and sugar on them nothing wrong with it.
It’s him have margarine tastes good and a whole lot worse he could ne doing.i went through a daze of eating them.something his body needs.he will quit on his own.he has a craving the doctor says he probably needs it.starve a child no give him a butter sammich
So it’s like toast just not cooked would say if he’s eating you’re fine it’s not like you are caking it on
Mine eats mayo sandwiches all day lol
Girl I send my kid to school with mayonnaise sandwich cus that’s what he likes… lol
Your hubby is a SNOB
Nothing to worry about. He’s just enjoying the taste of food but he starts to over eat that’s when there will have to be restrictions made.
So he’s eating toast untoasted tell your husband just like that. Lol. Honestly it’s a phase. U don’t want to cause food issues by being too pushy
Margarine is not healthy, It’s like eating oil on bread. Try butter instead.
My son would only eat the crust so he’d take a clippy bag full of just crust the when he finally started eating sandwiches he’d only eat beetroot sandwiches I normally just go with the flow
My 4 year old asks for butter sandwiches sometimes kids are weird lol
once in awhile I give in & let him have it. Not like your forcing him to eat it, he asks for it lol
Meh. Wouldn’t be too concerned! Let the boy have his sammiches!!
Nope he will be okay! My 7 year old son will eat ham with no margarine, or will just take plain bread to school for his lunch, as long as they are eating then it’s all good.
A fed child’s a happy child.
Shoot I ate them to when I was younger. My granddaughter will eat one every now and then… I don’t see anything wrong with it, your son is eating other healthy foods.
It’s just toast with the bread not toasted. Does your husband eat toast? Maybe he shouldn’t if your son can’t eat his sandwich.
I remember going through a weird phase of only eating margarine on toast
Some adults are just as picky eaters as the kids. I am 79 years old and I like margarine sandwiches once in awhile too. My sister eats a mayonnaise sandwich sometimes and that was one of our dad’s favorite foods.
I use to love having bread with just butter. As long as he is eating something to keep him going and like you say he still has fruit and vege so I wouldn’t worry about he will move on to something else in no time
My nephew only ate ketchup on his bread for about 6 months😂
We had these when I went to school about every day.(60’s) loved them!
If it’s a healthy, whole grain bread, that’s good for him
If that’s what he’ll eat, that’s what he’ll eat. Do you know how many times I’ve seen adults take random shit it shove it in their gullets? I think a little boy who enjoys a sandwich is fine especially since he eats it all, ask him if he’s thinking of forcing “healthy” food into his mouth or starving him because other than that, this is the good option and the honestly healthiest option rather than going hungry and missing out on all vitamins or nutrients.
My 5 year old is autistic and has taken a butter or margarine sandwich (sammich lol) to school or kindy almost every day for over 2 years. Occasionally he wants Vegemite .
And God help the first person that calls me on it
My brother lived on mustard sandwiches for a year. He’s now a 6’ 40 yr old and perfectly healthy.
I had one kid who ate nothing but nugs, yogurts and apples (still does, now 24, never ill) the other lived on peanut butter sandwiches (over 6’ never ill.)
They were eating. Better fed than dead.
My son has autism and would only eat peanut butter sandwiches for awhile. I’d say as long as he’s eating he’s good he’s 7 now he will eat somethings now. But the favorite now is ramen.
Oh I think he will be fine . Like you have said he eats everything else . You could get some extra healthy fortified bread with extra protein . This will pass . This food preference often hits at about 3 yrs old . Both of mine did it . Like will only eat Mac and cheese or peanut butter and jelly . He’ll be fine .
But if it was toasted it would be acceptable… I’d say it’s okay
Autumn Valentina thought of the kids
My daughter will only eat this sandwich everyday for school lunch, I feel bad but it what she ask for and will eat everyday so am fine with it
As a kid I liked 'mato sauce sammiches
If they eat it, let them have it.
no reason to worry at all. i would say…
Well it’s hardly any different if you add marmite or ham etc? I’d let him have what he likes x
Throw a slice of real cheese in it and call it a day. My son was a very picky eater. He is 30 now and is still a picky eater. I had to come up with inventive ways to make him eat fruit and veggies, so As long as he is eating fruits and veggies he will be fine. The margarine will help keep him regular…lol No worries Mom…
I loved butter sandwiches while growing up. Love em now with mashed potatoes n lots of butter. Let him eat all he wants of them!!!
To be honest only opinion that really matters here is yours and his father’s. You should definitely be having this discussion with him and come to a decision together. Y’all are in this together and I know women don’t like to hear this but he has just as much say as you!!!
Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten up turkeys. They would not eat it.
So they added the yellow color to it, a little flavoring , and started selling it to humans.
Correct that it has no nutrition, but it has chemicals that are harmful to veins, vessels and arteries and the heart. It clogs them. It will cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.
Why don’t you see if he will eat butter instead, or cheese or peanut butter.
just dont give him diabetes?
also, he is 8. he ‘might’ not want to be fat when he is 18. it will ruin his skin. dont make that choice for him because you didnt even attempt to control his eating habits at the mere age of 8.
I think as long as he is eating he should be alright. Its just a phase. All kids go through weird phases. I have 3 kids ages 11, 7, and 8. They are all picky eaters in some way. My daughter who is 8 doesn’t like bread, like at all. If we have grilled cheese, she eats ramen, or she will make some easy Mac and eat that. Sometimes she will eat bread but very rare occasions though. My oldest, if u make pizza, chicken nuggets and fries, he will eat. I make chili none of them will eat it. I made shredded chicken sandwiches the other night and all 3 kids refused so they had ramen for dinner. As long as ur son is eating and he eats everything else including fruits and veggies, I think he will be fine.
There is nothing wrong with it especially since he eats other things as well
Feed him what he will eat. As long as he’s eating.
Change the margarine to butter. Margarine is not as healthy as butter. You son will not know the difference because they look the same.
My 8 year old will only eat mayonnaise sandwich lol he was eating lunch meat then he all of a sudden don’t like it anymore he is super picky. I think all kids go thru phases
My 6 year old is in a “Mayonnaise for lunch and nothing else or I’ll cry” phase - kids know what they like I guess, and it’s nothing to be concerned about
(And I mean mayonnaise without bread or anything )
Mine used to like ketchup sandwiches and miracle whip sandwiches. As long as they’re healthy and eating I let him have them.
He over reacted.
This was something a simple conversation could have sorted. Instead he treated you with disrespect and made it a way bigger deal than it had to be.
I wouldn’t be worried either. Not if he’s eating everything else that is nutritious as well.
My 10 year old asd kiddo takes plain toaster waffles for his lunches most days lol
As long as he is eating. I have a picky granddaughter and we are just happy to see her eat anything. She is 3. Tell him to chill out if he can make him eat something else then for him to try.
Aww mama my 9 year old is the exact same used to make them for his lunch but he’s now sliced chicken and no butter at all , changes all the time could be loving one thing then not want it for a while it can be frustrating they just know what they like just a bit more for us to do while rest of us eat the same meal and make him something different lol
It’s no more unhealthy than kids that will only eat chix nuggets and fries and like you said he eats other things like fruits and veggies!
It’s basically the same ingredients at toast. It’s fine. As long as he eats well the other times.
Ummm clog his arteries no I wouldn’t let my child it a margarine sammich. Real butter is better than that. But even then I’m not gonna slap it on bread and give it to him. His father is correct in how he’s responding!
One of my boys as a teen ate lettuce with ketchup, salt and pepper. He said it tasted like shrimp cocktail. I only got mad because I thought I had lettuce to make salad for dinner and he had eaten it all- all the time ! Of course as soon as I started buying massive amounts of lettuce he moved on to eating something else.
My grandson ate spaghetti with only “butter” on for years, he now eats it with sauces. Let him eat his margarine sandwich as long as he gets his nutrients in his other foods.
No different than buttered toasted bread ! Try PBJ sandwich, start with PBJ on Ritz crackers !
You are picking your battles. It’s obvious that hubby is happy to die on that hill when you just see a rock. My children have both gone through this phase. My daughter picks out any meat or cheese that I put in her sandwich and eats it separately to the bread it’s no difference to just taking bread and cheese slices
Lmao sooo he’s basically eating deconstructed sammiches? My son loves those!! Bread and butter and everything else on the side lmao what’s the issue? We even managed to switch it up a little and give him goats butter which I way healthier lmao… my partner didn’t get it at first either I remember him saying “he can’t just eat bread and butter” and I said he’s not he’s got meat and veggies, fruit and yogurt on his plate too… it may have taken my son an hour but he would eat it all lmao once I started calling them deconstructed sammiches the argument stopped and now he even tries to build his own sammiches with the food on his plate lol xxx
kids need more fats than adults it won’t hurt him…
It’s ok, my g-son only ate mayonnaise sandwiches and he is tall and healthy now
You are the parent, don’t have a 8 year old dictating to you, it will only get worse. Find things he likes, pack his lunch, give it to him, if he’s hungry enough he’ll eat what you’re giving him.
My son would scoop out spoonfuls of butter & eat it
My youngest daughter is going through something like this right now. She does not want anything to do with any type of meat no matter what it is! It has been a battle but I am the point where as long as she eats SOMETHING it is okay. She is almost 2 btw and have heard it is very normal for this to happen but I have 2 older boys and this is the first time this has ever happened to me. So I am learning.
Your son will grow out of it. Or maybe it will forever be a comfort food to him? Who knows. I see nothing wrong with it.
I used to eat margarine sandwiches when I was a kid. His taste will change and he will eat other things too.
Nothing wrong with a piece n butter
I would switch to butter for health reasons but people have been eating butter bread for ages with their meals. The body doesn’t know what to do with margarine in that it has been chemically altered from liquid oil to solid margarine. Oil and butter have the highest calorie count per weight so your son is getting fuel from it. Butter is so much better for your body and tastes great too. Also you could try focaccia bread dipped in a high quality olive oil as a substitute. Love rosemary focaccia dipped in extra virgin olive oil with cracked pepper in it yum. Good luck, I have a picky eater who goes through streaks like your son too. <3
So I know a chemical engineer who helped design margarine… he flatly told me there was no way in hell that he’d ever touch the stuff… that’s good enough for me… I only use butter because of that.
Do you use “good” or “bad” margarine. Yes, there really IS a difference. Check out the ingredients. There are at least 2 that are a butter and canola oil mix. No chemicals. Does he like peanut butter & jelly ???
Kids go through phases and he’s eating fruits and veggies. You’re fine.
I see nothing wrong with it
So its bread and butter? If he is eating i don’t see an issue.
My daughter eats pickles with everything. It will pass. They out grow this stuff
Uhhh, I used to just scoop spoonfuls of country crock margarine out of the containers and eat it like that as a kid he will be fine. Hubby can go fly a kite. I’m autistic so my level of pickiness is a whole other level
I’m 25 and the only veggie I’ve ever eaten is canned green beans smothered in butter and salt, and I rarely even make those. I live off meat and cheese with fruit when we have money to get fruit, and have since I was a toddler. Never have I had any vitamin deficiencies or anything, I’ve never even been close to overweight, my blood sugar and cholesterol are always normal, and besides issues I was born with, ive always been a healthy kid/person. As long as he’s eating and he’s looking/acting healthy, let him eat what he wants.
It’s no different than a piece of toast with margarine on it!!
Lol I thinks it’s funny. You said he eats the other stuff in his lunch so whats the big deal. Mine ate oatmeal cookies and occasionally chocolate cake for breakfast growing up and they are all healthy adults
It’s just untoasted toast. If he’s eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner I might worry but he will find something else when he gets tired of butter bread
Tell your husband it’s no different than eating two pieces of bread and butter with dinner. I’m sure your boy has lots of energy and runs it off anyways. He will switch to something new before too long. I wouldn’t worry about it. Fighting with your children first thing in the morning is the worst it sets there whole day. I’m going through it right now with a soon to be 15 year old girl… Not fun
What is the difference in toast with butter
My little brother ate pb&j mixed in a cup for the longest time.
Probably just going through a phase and no need for your husband to get upset…