N O! I’D never let boys stay the night. Ever. So you’re doing a great job!
Your house-your rules
Pray and invite her to join you and pray with you she may not openly agree with you but she will remember the words she heard her say to the Lord. Good luck and stay calm she is just trying to teach you what she thinks you should know. Amen
You’re house & rules !
Nope! Not in my house! Do adult stuff in your own, not mine!
I think ur a good mom and excellent step mother … stand ur ground my friend.
Nope unless she was in a steady relationship other wise she is just using it as a hook up spot and those kids don’t need to see guys in and out.
Nope!! F no!! You’re totally in The right! And I wouldn’t let guys over period!! Unless it was a serious boyfriend! She needs to get her life together and if she doesn’t like your opinion in her life, too bad, you’re her mother & she’s living with you and letting you see all her life #sinverguenza
I might be the odd one out but My dad was this way. I moved out at 18. Eventually she’ll move because you get tired of hearing “my house, my rules.” It would be different if he had actually given me a good reason as to the very strict rules he had, but he didn’t. It was more like a “because I said so” thing. (I still lied to him and did it behind his back) Now I refuse to say that to my kids. But like I said, she’ll move eventually. Then no problems. She can do what she wants and so can you.
She wants to act like an adult and let her get her own place
She should have her own place if that is what she wants to do.
She has to listen to you and her dad go at it.
If she wants to play house then let her get a house of her own
I agree she needs to get her own place.
Your house, your rules. Simple as that
Your house. Your rules. Period.
your house, you pay the bills, your rules…easy as that…time she gets out on her own…and someday will be saying the same thing to her adult child
Agreed. Respect the person who takes care of you!
If you push her out you’re only killing your relationship with her. Also she’s 20 stop being strict she’s an adult she can make her decisions. If she’s dating a dude and wants her boyfriend to spend the night yeah not a big deal I get if it’s different dudes all the time or whatever but dude stop treating her like she’s 16. She’s not.
If it was a boyfriend it would be different but bringing over boys left and right she can go find a hotel or something.
Time for her to move into her own place.
Point blank it’s your house! Also you said you have younger children living there that probably look up to her and they’ll think it’s ok for them to do the same. Also at 20 if she wants to bring guys home she should get her own place
I could see if she was in a serious relationship but there’s no way I’d allow random men in my home especially with my kids. I’ve never brought random men home so I wouldn’t allow anybody else to do it regardless of who they are. She wants to live that way then she can get her own place
She can have all the men she wants to stay over when she gets her own home.
Nope, especially with younger siblings watching. Move out, then do what you want.
She is technically an adult she can sleep with whomever she wants, but absolutely yes she needs to respect your house rules if she’s going to live there. I wouldn’t want a constant stream of strangers in my home (that stepdaughter brings around). It might even be a different story if she had one steady relationship.
You don’t want siblings to slut shame, but you just slut shamed your own stepdaughter… on Facebook…
Nothing wrong with women having sex.
Nothing wrong with women having ALOT of sex.
If you don’t like sex, that’s on you.
Some people need to start living their lives
You sound like a great parent. I totally agree with your decision and the reasons behind your decision. If she doesn’t like your house rules, she’s welcome to get her own place. Stand your ground here!
Your house your rules ! Fully agree with you . Her extra curricular life is not something I would want the other siblings to see and think is ok because it’s not ! She doesn’t like it then it’s time she moves out ! I’m a mother of 5 and that never would have been ok in our house!
I mean I understand that it’s your house and there’s other children there. I wasn’t allowed boys over too, until I lived with just my mum. I ended up moving out of home at 19, and 20 is still quite young, and very had to live out of home. As I see it as soon as your kid is 18 they can do what they want, and I’d personally prefer they do things safely in my own home. But she still has to respect your wishes and boundaries. Saying that a few of the things you’ve said on this post is not okay. It doesn’t matter if she’s had lot of partners or not, that’s not your business to tell. Especially judging their skill sets, that has nothing to do with it. You have to go about it the right way in the end because she might move out and then really struggle emotionally and financially and need to come back
Your house, your rules. The end.
I agree with you 100%. Having strangers in your home is not something you have to put up with. If she wants to act like an adult then she can find her own place to live. You have young children in the home and they see and learn things even though we don’t think there paying attention. She leads by example to the younger children.
I’m just gonna say this….I was in my mid 30s living with my mom for awhile……not once when I was a young adult living home (18-21) and not once when I was in my mid 30s did my parents EVER let me have a man stay over……I hated it, it was embarrassing, but I HAD to respect my parents decision. Now I have my own place ……f
Your house, your rules! Period. She’s an adult now so she will need to get her own place if she wants to do adult things at home.
Your house, your rules!!!
If the guys can’t afford to spring for a hotel and take care of the princess , well now…just saying…
I’m just curious if as to if she’s helping pay anything because at that point she has every right if she paying sometime of rent if not than she needs to get over it.
the way you talk bout her not nice I rather have her home safe if was her proper boyfriend I would let her boyfriend stay over . I don’t really see problem and I’m 71 yr old nan .I have let my children at that age have girlfriends stay .and both have always shown respect .
My house, my rules. Period. No discussion.
Other children there…so having cycling strange men around isn’t healthy for them. And they’re strangers
Ummm that’s a HARD NOPE
Sorry parents house is off limits, it’s a Family environment only…
Why would she even want to have a guy over? It doesn’t make her feel weird that her dad will know that she’s having sex in his house???
Lol ask her if she wants to hear or know when you and her dad have sex, then when she gets all
grossed out… tell her EXACTLY
I agree with you your home your rules if that’s the kind of life she wants then tell her to move out
No your not in the wrong… i back you 100% you dont need to justify your answers to her at all…
Your home your rules plan n simple if she dosnt like them she can move out into her own home… your not a halfway house for her…she is putting you and the younger children at risk not just with different guys but also sexual diseases etc…
Stand your ground she has no respect for you… let her go live with those that think that this behaviour is okay… you may as well put a red light out the front
Ok so I agree with you that if thats the rule you set for your house, then yes she is an adult and has to respect it or move into her own place. However, by bringing the ‘amount and caliber’ of these guys you are slut shaming her whether you want to or not. It makes no difference if it’s a whole mess of men or just one single dude she’s dating, the rule is the same either way you said, so why bother bringing it up? To that effect, you’re right: she’s an adult and outside of your house she can do whatever she wants.
Sure. Your house your rules, but you are definitely slut shaming her the way you worded that
It’s nice she has people who care
This a stepdaughter what does her father say ?
You sound very judgmental
your house, your rules.
If she wants to have a guy over go to a hotel .
But not home
Unless it’s her own
Your house your rules.
Your house, your rules. Doesn’t like them…… get out.
Your house your rules. Especially if you and her dad agree.
Ashley Lindsay I also follow this page. Plz read this.
What does her dad say? Maybe he needs to speak up
Get your own place.
Problem Solved.
No! It would be a simple no from me. And get your own place if that’s what you want to do
You already slut shammed her by telling fb that she slept with enough people to build a football team. Lol you are judging her for being sexsually active. I get it it’s your house, your rules. But don’t come on here and say that you’re not slut shaming her because that’s exactly what you did.
What does the father say? Does he feel differently than you? Also maybe gear the conversation more about the other kids and the impression they would get. In these times it’s hard to afford to live so I get her being there but she has to understand that she has to respect your boundaries to. Try compromising if it’s going to make your life hell. She can Pay some sort of rent and Maybe if she got an actual boyfriend and they spent a certain amount of time together he could crash once in awhile but not every night. Idk. My daughters 8 so I haven’t gotten that far but I never had a boyfriend stay with me in my parents house until I was around 20. We were moving back home and stayed a couple months with them while finding a place to rent. We paid rent and bought groceries while we lived there.
My adult son in his 40s lived out of town with his girlfriend. When they came to my house for holidays, they slept in separate rooms. My house, my rules.
My reasons were because I am a Christian.
If she had a long term bf I’d feel differently but random one nighters? that’s a hard no.
Your home - your rules.
Slut shame in a concerning way like aids, syphilis, and the never-ending herpes simplex A,B,and C the biggest 1 unwanted pregnancy.Tell her No not in your house and mean it. And if she does then show her and her lover the door.
My house, my rules. Get her own place, get a job, be an adult.
Wow you don’t want to shame her yet you said she slept with a whole football team
Yes it’s very simple, you said no so it’s no. Also tell her that even though she doesn’t know this yet, you are doing this to protect her and because you love her. Ask her to just trust you that it’s in her best interest. Maybe a little bit of seriousness mixed in with some love will help her understand.
My HOUSE my RULES…simple as that!!!
The only points that are valid and important here are A. She’s an adult, your house = your rules, she’s old enough to have her own place if she wants to have overnight partners. And B. There are younger siblings in the house that don’t need to be exposed to random people. If it were a long term boyfriend, maybe it would be different.
Nope no boys allowed
I 100% agree its your house your rules. I will say my mom was kind of in the middle on this one. She allowed us to have boyfriends/ girlfriends stay the night because in her words she knew we were going to have sex either way and she wanted to make sure we were at the very least in a safe environment. She had friends in highschool who almost died of carbon monoxide having sex in a car. However she did have rules about it. The biggest one of all was that it must be a long term committed relationship. Now with that being said until my mom had gotten with her long term boyfriend and he and his kids moved in it was just me and my brother and we are only 2 years apart. And by the time he and his kids moved in we were bith adults and had moved out at one point and ended up moving back in at one point or another. My brother already had kids when he had to move back in for a short time and i was pregnant when i had to move back in for a short time. So there was also a big difference to that situation as well. When it c9mes to my kids im going to go even further into the middle and give them the option to purchase a camper or small cabin to put on my property and pay the extra in bills it costs to do that and then they can have their own space while still not having to worry about completely moving until they are ready and able to do so. But even with that there will be rules just not quite as strict.
Your house your rules. I agree with your reasons. Move out if you wanna do what you wanna do
Your house, your rules!! Period!! Your trying to run a family home, not a flop house. I get it and don’t think there is anything wrong with your rule.
I love how you’re saying you don’t want to s!ut shame her but your entire post is dripping with that s!ut shaming energy.
Also, yeah it’s your house and I get not wanting strangers to spend the night that’s completely valid. She 100% should go to their place or just have them leave after or get her own place to do what she wants with.
It doesn’t affect you in any way on who she wants to diddle.
It affects you only in that she keeps them overnight and annoys you with it.
But the action itself is not harming you in any way.
You don’t diddle your husband ever? If you diddle your husband while having the kids in the same house you literally have no room to speak.
What she does with her body is her choice.
Not yours.
Who she brings over does affect you and therefore you get to tell her no.
But that’s literally the only thing you’re allowed to be mad about unless she’s involving children in the act.
Which far as I can tell from your post she isn’t.
So the only valid options you have are:
- tell her to find her own place
- tell her to go to their place if she wants the whole night with them
- tell her to have them gone by a certain time like 2am or whatever
- tell her to keep quiet (if noise is an issue)
- or just be glad she’s at least home and you know she’s safe and alive instead of out God knows where doing heavy drugs and/or dead.
Genuinely you just gotta get over yourself on your viewpoints there.
Your viewpoints are your problem. Not hers for not adhering to them.
She’s grown, she has her own life and her own thoughts and choices.
You may not like them but you don’t have to. You’re not the one living her life. She is.
If she wants a different partner each night who cares?
She isn’t forcing you to partake
Just set down the rules for who she can have over, and when. That’s the only thing you have any say in.
And about basic house etiquette like having guests gone by certain times.
Over all no issue with the no boys rule.
Only problem is the passive aggressive s!ut shaming.
Other than that shaming you’re completely valid in your thoughts and reasons.
I’d just say my house my rules period if she doesn’t like it maybe it’s time for her to find her own place
Parents make the rules in their own home. Their place their rules. Tell her she can do the same… get her own place and make the rules.
Your house your rules
If you talk to her the same as you worded this post then yes it’s an issue……it is very rude and insensitive to say she could build a football team. Do I think she should have a revolving door of men over? Probably not. Did I at that age? Absolutely. Lol but my mother was never judge mental and let me make my own path.
Tell her to get an apartment
Do not allow her to bring that s••t show into you your house or you will regret it.
Your house your rules. If it was a consistent boyfriend staying over would your feelings change? If so then I’d tell her that
Your roof your rules. I’d never let guys stay the night
Your house your rules
Your right momma, she can adult in her own place period
You don’t want to slut shame her but you are… While I think what you’re saying about the sexual partners could fill a football team thing is really shitty, I feel like it’s your house, your rules. If she doesn’t like the rules, she can move out and pay her own rent and have whoever she wants over there.
your house your riles. and I agree with you
At 20 years old she should be thinking about moving out and on. What boyfriend would want a sleepover at a future mil house?
No… she can get her own place.
You don’t want to slut shame her, you just said she’s had enough sexual partners to build a footy team. Yikes.
Your house your rules
Your house, your rules
My son is 23 my daughter is 22. My son has had girlfriends spend the night, my daughter has not however these girlfriends where long term not just fwb, or play toys
These comments and allot of the people in them are nasty, what the f*ck is wrong with the generation before mine (referring to the slut shaming, sexism, and bully behaviour in these older folks towards the younger generation)
Shes 20 if she wants boys over she can get her own place. If you have little ones its even more reason for her to get her own place. If it’s enough to build a football team she probably doesn’t know them they could be pedophiles .
You are rigth specially with your youngest.
Your house, your rules. If you don’t want the overnights, don’t allow them. You do have younger children to consider, and if you don’t want them exposed to this lifestyle, that is your perogative. If she wants to pursue this kind of lifestyle, she needs to get her own place.
You are absolutely in the right. She can get her own place if she wants to bring men home.
Look you say you don’t want to sl*t shame her but you’ve compared her amount of sexual partners as “enough to build a football team”
Ask yourself this, would you rather her be out at a random sleezes house or even car where anything could go wrong??
Yeh it’s not ideal her having boys stay, but don’t you think it’s actually safer for her to be at home where the possibilities of her being rped or mrdered is significantly lowered?
Why not try to compromise and meet in the middle somewhere rather than flat out saying no.
As a parent of course we don’t want our homes treated like revolving doors 24/7 but she’s safer at home by a long shot and you are just going to drive her away and cause risky behaviour if you just put up a brick wall.
Exactly your house your rules if she doesn’t like it she can move out.
You’re in the right. Your house. Well done as well for setting boundaries.
Your house your rules