Am I in the wrong for not allowing my stepdaughter to have boys over?

Your house, your rules. Full stop.

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If she were committed and or married she’d have a point but if she’s playing the field take that elsewhere

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Just tell her it’s a safety thing for the younger siblings since none of you know the boys and if she wants to have men sleep over to get her own place somewhere. You have to be direct in this


Let her get her own place - my daughter moved back home for a few weeks - no boys spending the night or late - it’s your house your rules - just my opinion


If she wants to have boys sleep over she can get her own place!


If she pays rent she should be allowed guests to an extent

It’s your house. She can do whatever she wants when she has her house :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yeah no she doesn’t need to be bringing random dudes home to her siblings smh she should know better.


Well you slut shamed her at point 3 so…

You are fine. It’s your home and if you don’t feel comfortable with it I don’t blame you. You have younger children in the home as well as yourself and your husband. You obviously don’t know any of these guys well so safety over her having sex isn’t wrong. She doesn’t like it she can get an apartment or sleep at these guy’s homes.

Your house your rules period

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You don’t want to slut shame her when your previous statement slut shames her? Nah. I was on your side until you started sounding like a vindictive brat. You sound like the kind of stepmom who hates your spouse’s children while consistently doting on your own. Ew.

Your house. Your rules. Don’t like it? Move out.

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Lol so you calling her a slut? Just going by #2 and #3 on your list? do you know?

I feel like reason 1 kinda bs just imo. But yo 3 and 4 had me dying. Nah if it ain’t a long standing boyfriend def not unfair my opinion

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I understand the little siblings and I do think that’s valid. But you say you don’t want to slut shame her? Then why are you mentioning how many people she has been with or their character flaws?

Your house your rules she can get her own place


It’s your house, your rules. My dad would say, “my house my rules” if you want to make yours, get your own house.

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Your house. Your rules. If she doesn’t like it then she can get her own place.

Your house, your rules

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:stop_sign:Your right your house your rules!!!
I wouldn’t let her @ss Lay up in my house either with The flavor of the day!!
Anyone who would think this was OK either doesn’t have a child that age are they need to rethink their parenting skills!!!
She’s old enough to move out to get her own place!!!

Your house.your rules. She don’t like it she can get her boo Thang for a roommate.

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You already slut shamed her by judging her on the amount of guys she has slept with. The way you spoke about her in this post is also gross, and I’d be disgusted in ANYONE who ever spoke down on my child like this

Sure she could move out, but can she afford to move out? Is there enough rentals where you guys are living for her to get a house? Have you guys suggested that she could? Does she have help applying for houses? Is there a rental crisis where you are? Can she mentally and physically afford to move out without putting herself into debt, leaving her to move back in or homeless?

I was 20, and my mum let me have whoever I wanted over, I also had 2 young kids at the time (4-2), as long as I met the guys before hand my mum didn’t care, she was just happy I was safe at home doing it and not out somewhere else getting put in danger. Her safety and health comes into play here too, and if she can’t do it under the safety of your roof then she will most likely sneak out, something could happen, and you also won’t know about it.

Talk to her and set boundaries, and set rules. Cause I’d much rather my daughter do it under my roof where I know she will be safe and comfortable, and I’m there if something ever happens

Your house your rules dad should step up too and talk to her set ground rules to support you and let her know she always welcome to come if she decides to leave

I’ll be honest I let my daughter have boyfriends sleep over since she was 18 (she’s now 30 and lives with her fiancée). But her boyfriends were long term and she wasn’t allowed to just have 1 night stands here. I feel that it’s so expensive for them to rent or buy their own place at that age and was happy letting her stay here while she went to university to be a nurse. She paid dig money and I felt that gave her some rights in our home. My youngest son also lived with us but he got to know and like her boyfriends long before they started staying overnight.


I went through a divorce. I was 24-25 with three kids and living with my friends parents. They were not cool with guys staying over and I respected that. It was their house and their rules and I abided by them. My bf (who I now live with and have been with for 2 years) accidentally fell asleep and stayed over 1 time and I told them and was honest and assured them it wouldn’t happen again. If she wants to do that she needs her own place. You pay the bills you make the decisions .

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If you’ve talked about with her & she knows what your answer is….
That conversation is then over.
Sometimes they keep beating us down, so to speak, in hopes to get their way. Often like they did when they were little….
You said no.
No means no.


So ask her to move out.
Your house,your rules.

I feel the amount of sex partners she has had is none of your business… But as far as letting boys or anybody for that matter sleep in your house …it’s your house your rules

Tell her to get her own place.

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Your house your rules … don’t like it… get your own apartment! End of story

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It’s your house sounds like she needs the rules to me

Tell her to get her own place then!

Sounds like she may not be careful on who she lets in your house, id focus on that issue. Mention that it would be different if it weren’t a “football team” worth of people…

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Majority speaks. Your house your rules. If she wants random dudes then get her own place. No judgement here just boundaries


If it was a steady boyfriend I would let her but not just random dudes. You dont know who she is bringing into your home?

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Ur ridiculous. Why are you putting your business on FB. If ur child is a slut that’s probably on you. I can’t stand people asking fb for our opinion. You obviously know what you want to do. Have a pair and stick with it.
Also, people remember this is her “stepdaughter”! You think she would say this about her own :woozy_face:.
You are the kind of step parent that ruins it for the good step parents you ridiculous individual.

If you think you’re not shaming her with this attitude you are very wrong. This post is dripping with shame and judgement.

That being said, you are well within your rights to make rules in your home. She is an adult. She can move out (even though we all know renting is ridiculous these days) or she can go to these men’s houses. If she had a regular boyfriend and you still had this rule I would tell you that you were being ridiculous.


It is YOUR home! If she wants to play by her rules she needs to get her own place! Until then she needs to respect your rules!

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Your house your rules

Who’s house she living in? Does she pay her half? If it was me, that be Hell to tha NO! A respectful young man would expect that. It would take alot for me to let my daughters at 20 sleep with young men in MY HOUSE. It would take alo more for some guy to have theK- HONNAS


I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 17786 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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Welp… tell her you talked to your mom friends and they said that when she gets her own place she can make her own rules. :woman_shrugging:

Protect those young minds if you feel something is going on that may be influential to them in a negative way.

If she wants to act grown then tell her to be grown get her own apartment get her own life 20 years old still living with you and pissed off because you don’t want random strange men in your house I think you have every right to tell her no.


I don’t see a problem she is an adult, but at the same time it is also your house so if she wants to live with you she should respect your rules.


My mama don’t care if you’re 30, if you’re not married it don’t fly… if she’s grown for boys to stay the night she’s grown enough for her own little studio or find roommates. Don’t ever feel bad about rules in YOUR house.


Try living in a Mexican Catholic household :joy:


Pay to play… sounds to me you are a great mother!


My daughter will be 31 in May, still lives at home (please, that’s for another day!) and I don’t allow any sleepovers for her!!! My house, my rules and she even pays rent!!!


Your house, your rules


Your house your rules. I don’t allow it in my house either fory adult children.

Your house, your rules. She wants boys to spend the night, NO GO. She needs to be a grown mature lady with her OWN APT, A JOB, and self sufficient then she can do what she wants because then she is responcible for herself and her choices.

Your house, your rules. I would not want a bunch of random guys coming in and out of my house, also it would be confusing to the small ones. :woman_shrugging:


Your house your rules … She’s an adult - if she wants men over / overnight at *her place that’s obviously her business but your house is your business - if you say no the answer is no …

I must agree with you. Time for her to grow up and have her own place to live then she can have as many as she likes to in HER OWN HOME, not yours.

She is an adult at 20, no “teen” left in her age at this point… if she is in the living room or sharing a bedroom with a younger sibling instead of a room of her own may be an issue… if she’s in a room of her own, attic, basement, etc. allow her to do her thing (respectfully)… in my opinion her having sexual activity as an adult in your home, is no different than you and your husband having sexual activity in your home… if you’re not worried about you and your husband having sex in your home with young children living there, it’s the same difference regarding your stepdaughter

Stick to your guns. If she doesn’t like it she can get her own place to do her own thing. It’s not appropriate to have that around younger siblings. Honestly you shouldn’t have to explain anything further than you said no.

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My house my rules. I also have two older children and one that’s 7 years younger. But even if they didn’t have a younger sibling this still wouldn’t fly. If you want alone time in a bedroom you better be old enough to put a roof over your head and that babies head you are trying to produce. This momma won’t be raising grandchildren.


Tell her to move out and get her own place. She wants overnight male visitors is only one reason for it. Your rules and if you have small children, what would this be teaching them and her actions. Kick her out.

Just tell her it’s not appropriate for her siblings to be around and if she wants to have boys over she should get her own place and she can invite over whoever she wants

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It’s your house, your rules. If this is a way she wants to go, then get your own place. I showed acres and acres of wild oats, from MY own place.

Your house, your rules


As my parents told me as long as you live under my roof you follow my rules

Sounds like you’re 20 year old stepdaughter has a “HOBBY” that she is or could be making money at. If she stays the house should get a cut


Rule I used to tell the girls don’t pay or expect someone else to for someone to have sex with you. Why would she want to have a relationship with someone that has no respect for himself, her and her family . Or they can go to where he’s staying. The Man should supply the privacy for them. Just saying

Your house, your rules.


“I don’t want to “slut shame” her for her “hobby” or whatever you may call it”. Sort of sounds like you are shaming/judging her🤷🏻‍♀️.

That being said, my daughter is older than yours, but we let her fiancé stay the night in the guest bedroom. Once they are married and when they visit us, they can sleep in the same room. My house, my rules.

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Literally everything BUT #4 are valid
You can’t insult her amount of partners and then say you don’t want to slut shame…you’re literally slut shaming
Honestly feeling the need to specify she’s your stepdaughter and even using the word “slut” in reference to her is disgusting and clearly shows where she stands with you

If it was a steady relationship I think it should be reconsidered. But yes she’s old enough to get her on place and make her own rules if she doesn’t like yours. I wouldn’t want random people coming and going especially with younger kids in the house


Meh. I agree with you. You have extremely valid reasons. I do think you’d feel different IF AND ONLY IF she had some type of a long term boyfriend v. she’s dating around. Yeah I agree.


I wouldn’t allow it either

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No way. If you want to play like an adult, move out and support yourself like an adult.


I agree with you. If she wants to sleep with multiple partners, she needs to get her own place. That’s not something small children need to be exposed to. Not a good example for them


I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 14149 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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Agree! I wouldn’t be letting random men in my house either. She can move out or go to their mommas houses :joy:

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If she wants to play house she can get her own place. I think you are shaming her though and that’s messed up. There’s nothing wrong with sleeping with multiple people as long as shes being safe. Im sure you didn’t always have the best taste in guys when you were younger.


Nope! If she doesn’t like it she can find her own apartment!

You are NOT wrong for that :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

You are absolutely right!! Your house your rules and she is not acting like an adult

Your house, your rules. The end!

let her get out and go be a slut somewhere else coz it’s ur house she should respect the rules and those babies living there i would never allow that shit

Your house your rules. Go on w her bad self if she don’t like it.

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Even if it were long term one guy, go to his place. If he lives with his parents then too bad.

tell her that she can go live with her boss or friends parents , I highly doubt they really said it’s ok. also tell her since she lives under your roof she still has rules to follow and until she gets her own place or moves out to live at someone else’s house then she had to be responsible and respectful

If she had a boyfriend that she had been with for awhile then that would be different but to just be hooking up with different guys no especially with little kiddos in the house she should be setting a good example for her siblings

Same here your house your rules and YOU have to set the example for the younger siblings … you gonna let her …. You will have to let them.

on number 5 alone it would be no. she needs to find her own place and realise you have more responsibility towards the younger children than to her now. nothing to do with the boys (type or number).

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My son is divorced and moved back home my husband is in a wheelchair from a stroke we don’t allow girls to stay the night my house my rules


If she wants boys to stay over time to move out. She could stay at there house

Nope my home my safety as well as the younger kids in the home. You are welcome to come visit anytime no men overnight.

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Your house your rules. She can always get her own place .

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1000% an N to the O!!!

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Well if she doesn’t have a job or isn’t in school tell her if she doesn’t want to chill out with that she can go. But if she pays rent to live there and she is 20 so her amount of sexual partners she has are her business. Hell I say enjoy it while you can because you never know what can happen and make sure she’s properly protecting herself. Idk sexual experiments aren’t that big of a deal to me. Another thing that would worry me is these random people touching your other kids. We all have sex at some point and most have a hoe stage and again nothing wrong with that.

Please don’t use that term to refer
To your step daughter’s “hobby”

You said that you had a good relationship with her
You said your peace about it to her
Now let her father handle it

Is it possible to turn the basement (we don’t have basements in Australia)
Into a self contained rental flat for her
And draw up a binding lease
Stating how much her rent is each week

Stating the conditions of the lease
(Put this issue in the lease conditions)
Make it a condition of the lease
No friends after 8 pm as there are minors at the property

State what she is responsible for
In regards to utilities , food etc

Let her find out the hard way
How hard life can be

Its a win win for you
A you get to keep your good relationship
B you get your ground rules

“You are not wrong”. The truth is you that grown , get your own, don’t disrespect my house, get your own!!!


I don’t know. I wasn’t allowed, always said I wouldn’t let my kids too, but I’m eating my own words, as I allow my almost 20 year old have his girlfriend over the night. It’s a battle I chose not to have in a world where they have enough battles to fight already! And it saves my sanity too lol at the same time it’s your house, she need to respect your rules, or it’s time to move out!!

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I say your house, your rules! If she doesn’t like it, she’s grown and can live somewhere else!

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I was raised if I was an adult and I stayed at my parents or grandmas house and brought him with, we sleep in separate rooms unless we were married.


Until I moved out of my parents house I wasn’t allowed to have boys sleep over…obviously cousins yes but boyfriends boys no.