Am I in the wrong for not wanting to babysit my nephew?

Is it so hard for people to say NO instead of cming on here and moaning ya arse off …
Just say NO

That is taking advantage. When I worked 2-11 I paid my sister $20 a day to watch my kids during those hours and also bought food for her house so she wasn’t footing the grocery bill for my children. I still felt like I wasn’t paying her enough but she said she would do it for that amount bc my kids were easy to watch and played well with her kids.


You have a lot on your plate. I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all. If you feel your brother is taking advantage of you, you have the right to say NO. The emotional manipulation he is using to con you into feeling guilty and second guessing yourself is a NO GO, family or not! Sounds like bro needs to retake boundary class 101.

Tell your brother everything you have said here. Straight up. And if he brings his son to you it’s only because he has asked and you agree. Set time and cost. Your children and yourself are losing out. He’s not your responsibility. Your brother needs to sort his childcare out somewhere else.

Sounds like he’s trying to guilt you into watching his son. Sorry, you have mouths to feed too. He needs to pay you or you simply can’t watch his son, family or not. Honestly, the manipulation alone of stating you’re his aunt and you’re family is disgusting and I’d have put a stop to it right there. Tell him he pays you when he drops his son off. If he doesn’t have the cash, he takes his son home with him. If he pays, your nephew stays. Boundaries are a must, even with family.


Does he ever volunteer to watch your kids while you go do something

Take all your kids to his place and say what kind of uncle doesn’t want to watch his own blood :joy: you have enough on your plate already. Stuff him. He sounds entitled


No. You are not wrong. Your brother is taking advantage of you. He is being extremely inconsiderate, as well as selfish. Does he babysit your children, so you can have a break? Your plate is full. At this difficult time in your life, you should only worry about you, and your children. You would benefit, by telling him no. What ever you decide, please take care of you.

I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19014 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info.

You are being completely taken advantage of. Put your foot down.

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Your nephew needs to get a clue, if he can’t pay you to take care of his kid that he needs to get a reality check and you need to say no!!! I don’t cave-in I could care less if his blood or not, and he straight up taking advantage of you and you need to put an end to it! You sound like a very caring person and I hate seeing people take it vantage of other people especially family! Give me his number, i’ll call him and tell him what he can do with his kid! He’s a punk and he’s playing you. Don’t let him guilt trip you! Because that’s exactly what he keeps doing end it seems to work on you, just stop it, please.


Stand your ground…don’t get walked on!

U can use his own sentence back to him: “What kind of father who doesn’t want to take care of his own son?”


Tell him “no”. Not your job to parent your nephew!

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You are being taken advantage of , what would he say if you asked him to babysit when he’s not working, tell him to get a sitter.

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I think you should stop baby sitting him all together. You have to much on your plate as it is and even if he paid you, that’s still not going to take the constant stress off of you. I’m a mom of 4 as well 12, 9, 2 and 1. And I’m pregnant with #5 due at the end of this month. I have nieces and I watch them WHEN and IF I can. And it is rare since me and my sister have our own lives but we are both so understanding of this. He’s 100% expecting way to much of you. Don’t make it to where your to burnt out for your own children.


Its easy to read some of these comments that state "no, you are being taken advantage of ". Yes you are being taken advantage of. Family is very hard to have to handle and then on top of it, they guilt shame you. You have to put it in your head and accept your decisions, whole heartily and follow through with your decision and don’t back down. Its up to you, nobody else. Don’t let anybody including family try to guilt shame you. That is control and manipulation. Good luck and God bless.

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Yes he should pay you! Babysitting is one of the hardest jobs there is!!

He can only take advantage if you let him

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Take your four over to his door once he’s off work and leave them! Tell him your family, you can watch them for free. Go home soak in the tub and relax. Do it over and over. Maybe he will get a clue!!


Tell your brother to ask the child’s maternal grandmother because you are not able to help him due to disciplinary problems with your nephew. You don’t need a reason to say no!


Don’t let him take advantage of you. Yes you are a. Aunt which means help as you can. You’re not his mother nor father.

I have a sister-in-law that had a daycare when my daughter was young (she’s 30 now) . When she was in daycare, we paid for it. She had a business & my daughter took a spot! She only had so many!

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No is a complete sentence.

Your brother is an ASS and is completely taking advantage of you. Funny how he just expects you to care for his child, yet could care less that you have 4, going through a separation and could use the money. How about he starts being a good Uncle?! You don’t need a reason as to why you don’t want to babysit, if you don’t want to then don’t…end of discussion.

I stopped reading at like the 3rd line you you said “for free” no absolutely not. If you offered to maybe take him for a day to spend time with him that would be one thing. But for him to assume your should babysit for free is absurd… as a mother of 4 (going on 5) myself I understand completely. You’re already stretching yourself thin, between your own children.


Does he ever watch your kids?

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try bare butt spanking it works

Hell naw!!! Charge up!!! Small children are hard to care for!!! And let him know he break he pay


Oh hell no. He can find daycare, you already have your hands full. Take care of you and yours mama.


He can pay you or get a babysitter.


Just because he is a relative is crazy I am sure he has to money


You have your hands full and you babysit other children for income.
Having your nephew every day full time isn’t the relationship an Aunt has with her nephew. That’s a job.
Tell your brother you’ll be charging him what you charge for the other kids, give him 2 week’s notice and let him shop around and think it over.


he is the one who is wrong!!!

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Uhh I would totally pay you what you ask and even take your kids sometimes to give you a break too and give you the moon… wow… your brother is entitled… you’re allowing him to be! Lock the door until he pays $15 up front every day! Check with a thermometer and ask him to start showing effort to find another babysitter. This is not your bonus child. You deserve to live your life how you want.


I went through something similar last year… I finally had to stand up for myself and tell them that I wasn’t going to babysit anymore… it made them angry and they started a lot of drama for me… im disabled in a wheelchair most of the time and I don’t have the strength or energy to take care of an 18 year old with downs that is violent and strips naked for free… also my boys are 12 and 14 and don’t need to see all of that


There are some children that leave you just depleated and exhausted as the rule the roost at home. Even if you didnt have so.much on your plate it should be no to him except on rare occasions when it suits you. There is no thanks in killing yourself for someone else who is using you and there is no joy in looking after someone elses unmanagable child. Stand your ground and dont cave in. His child, his responsibility, not yours
Good luck


If he can’t pay u tell him to get lost


Nope you are not wrong. It’s not your child, not your responsibility to make sure there is child care provided. And I’d tell your brother that. He made the child, they had the child they can find a daycare to care for the child while they work. That’s called parenting


Tell him to put “HIS CHILD” in day care.


Do not babysit him I wouldnt

Don’t do it too much work sounds like me you have enough

absolutely you are not in the wrong. You have your hands filled with your own and others children. I would never expect my siblings to take care of my kids, esp not free. The occasional babysitting job but not full time. He needs to pull his head in and sort out his own child not you! Give him notice!

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No matter who’s child it is, the parents need to pay!

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Does he ever watch your children?? If the answer is no (and i’m sure it is) tell him to kick rocks. He can pay you what he would pay a daycare or take him elsewhere. If family is so very important to him then he can step up and be a Dad and and Uncle!!! Stop being a doormat to him. You owe him nothing for free. You are their Aunt not their mom!


He is your blood and your kin
I feel sorry for your nephew and your kids as they won’t have that cousin connection

How would you feel If the tables were turned


Idk, personally I can’t imagine charging my sister to watch her kid. I also would find it odd to have to pay my sister or mom to watch my kid. But none of us take advantage of each other

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Nope. Show me the $$$!

6 am to 9pm omg and you already have four I would up my price to 20 an hr and tell him its up front minimum wage
Would he work all day for 15.00 I Don t think so eh
Stand your ground


I think he is taking advantage of you something terrible. No I wouldnt feel guilty start refusing him advise him to get the child into daycare as you have enough on your plate.


Honestly… I would never charge my sister… I have 5 kids and she only had 1 but I was a stay at home mom and she worked… I wasn’t going to let her spend money on daycare when I was there… sometimes she would help me out but I never asked for it. But it’s 1 thing to take care of your nephew for free and another to be taken advantage of by your brother and if you can’t handle him you can’t do it but that will take a toll on your mental health. Set boundaries…take him when you can but I wouldn’t charge because it really does take a village to raise kids.


He is taking advantage of you

Blood doesn’t mean nontoxic. Tell your brother to pay what you ask or eff off. You’ve helped him out plenty, he’s definitely taking advantage of it, and not to mention gaslighting you with the “what kind of aunt” bull.

I have my nephews & niece all the time, would never dream of charging, they’re family. But that also works both ways, does your brother ever have your children?

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Your not babysitting your raising him with those hours, babysitting is once in a while not every day he’s definitely overstepping


He is your nephew you shouldn’t be expecting anything to baby sit him.


You should be paid! Hand him a price, per hour list and hold your ground as you have expenses here, food, electricity, and your very valuable time and effort. If I didn’t pick up my child from daycare on time I was charged a penalty, too. If yout brother is earning money while you watch the boy he owes you some of that. You can agree to watch him now and then for a couple of hours on your dime, but not all day!

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My sister and I never charge each other however we aren’t watching each other’s kids from 6:30am-9pm that’s insane!!!
We also make sure there’s diapers or what the kids need when in the other persons care! He’s totally taking advantage of you

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Your babies come first you won’t ever get your time back with them. You need to concentrate on your own kids if he ain’t willing to pay then he can sod off who has a baby for their sister or brother to bring up 6:30 - 9 is literally his entire day.


It doesn’t really matter what we think, if you don’t want to watch him for free. My wife and I watch our niece from around 650am-2/3pm every Friday-Sunday for free while her mom works. But nobody is forcing us and we don’t want anything for it. We’re literally just trying to help (and we love that kid :laughing: she could have anything in the world from us lmao). I don’t generally charge to watch any of my nieces and nephews, but it also isn’t like 15+ hours a day

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Be straight up and tell him the truth .He is saying all that because he is working you 15 a day or get him in a day care …


You’re definitely being taken for granted! Obviously his son is horrible to you, just like his dad!! Tell him that it’s $20 per day, $45 overnight, and never when he’s sick. If he doesn’t like it, he can find childcare elsewhere. Just because you’re related, doesn’t mean squat!! Please, stand up for yourself. You deserve better!


He’s a user , shame on your brother.


That is a bit rude of your brother. Take a stand and say no. This is more trouble than it it is worth. Does your brother’s partner work. Had to believe that people can be so selfish

I paid my sister in law to watch my son when I worked. Child care was her way of earning money. I only had him there a few hours a day so it wasn’t a lot of money but I still gave her some. Does your brother take your kids and watch them? Like a barter system? If he did that then maybe not paying he ok but it doesn’t sound like that happens. Charge him money or tell him no more, except for an emergency once in a great while. He needs to have responsibility too.


It’s your family!!! I would never charge my family

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Yes you are wrong. You don’t pay family for watching your kids! That is your nephew for Pete sakes! Smh


Yes he’s taking advantage of you. I wouldn’t do it. Stick to your guns


I dont watch anyones kid if they got no discipline nuh uh uh nuh not for me


Sorry, but your brother is a *****!! Nope not happening here. You have your own kiddos to take care of much less raising his!


I raised four children. That’s enough to handle. Tell your brother to sort his life out without you.


You are the aunt - not a doormat. Tell him - $20 a day - or NO. With four children you don’t need another one, he needs to find a babysitter - - - just not YOU. Baby sitting once in a while is okay - but it sounds like he wants a full-time babysitter. Are your parents alive? Maybe they will help - or maybe he has already burnt that bridge.


Oh hell no. As an aunt you babysit for free if it’s once in a while, or like one day a week. If you are every day, full time daycare, they should be paying you, and as family you probably give them a discount. If that child wasn’t there, that’s a spot where another child could be and you could actually be earning money. They shouldn’t treat you like crap or take advantage.


It’s time to tell your brother to find a new babysitter! You have your own family to take care of. Your brother is being an ass who is fully taking advantage of you & FREE BABYSITTING! Tell him you don’t mind once in a while but you have 4 kids of your own! 1 being a newborn. So it’s at your leisure not your brother’s!

Ask your brother to return the favour and watch your children for nothing too. They are his family too. Taste of his own medicine.


He is taking advantage and guilt tripping you into sitting for free. Give him a date that he starts paying an amount you set up or he finds other care. Set parameters for if your nephew is sick you will not watch him and times you will watch him.


Start dropping your kids off at his and getting him to watch them for free and see how he likes it.

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I don’t think your wrong. You need to tell your brother how you feel

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Well you really shouldn’t expect family to pay you to baby sit your own flesh and blood but as far as if he’s sick just make it clear to your brother that your absolutely not watching him because you don’t want your kid sick I get that completely because I wouldn’t want a sick kid around my kids either and them end up getting them sick also try having him sit your kids and see what he says

Tell him you want so much a day in advance to baby sit. No not for free. You got your handson full already. Let him take his child to day care and see if they’ll do it for FREE

I don’t believe in charging family to watch kids, but sounds like this is a constant thing, not every so often or when something comes up, in your case I’d defo be charging something, he sounds like he’s treating u like a babysitter on demand, even if it’s just like 20 a day u charged, still be way cheaper than what he would be paying a day care, defo talk to him and get some rules in place

You don’t need another Kid. You have plenty of your own, ignor him!

You need to talk to your brother . Tough love

I have watched my nieces,and nephew’s for free when their parents just needed a night out,but if I watched them all the time…You bet I would expect to be paid…They would have to pay someone else a lot more…I have done the same thing for close friends

Poor lil guy. He’s only 2 it’s not his fault his dad is taking advantage of you. You try talking to the mom? I dont know the situation, but I would not want my baby going where he’s not well received…