Am I in the wrong for not wanting to babysit on the weekends?

I don’t think you’re wrong. When I worked in child care, I refused to babysit for anyone on the weekends. Also, I’m not really sure why ppl are bashing the parents tho, children are typically in day care for 9-10hrs a day while parents work, or school for 6hrs, so it’s not uncommon or being a bad parent. And she said the parents asked her to babysit sometimes on the weekend, not every weekend. They obviously feel more comfortable with her & that’s why they asked. Plus every parent deserves a child free night every now & then, being at work isnt a “break.” But again, no it’s not wrong or selfish of u to say no. They need to ask someone else, perhaps maybe a responsible teenager that’s looking to make extra cash.


Your not wrong at all. U watch him all week and need kid free some times too!

No, You need some time to.

You are right. Your time.

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I agree with u… I do the same thing but 2 babies five days 11 hrs day. I love my grandbabies but yes u have the right to say no… Everyone needs time for themselves. And babies need to spend time with their parents because of bein away from them all week. No your not wrong for sayin no…I DO…doesnt mean u dont love them any less

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I don’t believe your wrong

Absolutely not wrong. She can arrange someone else entirely for weekends. You’re already spending 40 hours a week caring for him. That is more than enough.

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Lol no… you’re not wrong… no one wants to work everyday… watching him is your work. You watch him 50 hours a week, you work 50 hours a week… why do you want to add more to that?! If I spent 50 hours a week away from my infant, I’d want to spend the weekends with them, but that’s just me lol

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You are not wrong & I support your stance. Please don’t feel bad or guilty for saying no.
I hope she understands in time, but try not to go back on this, or it’ll just continue, I’d guess.


When the doors locked and she can’t come in to drop him off she’ll get the picture.

Babysitting 50 hours a week…you deserve 2 days off

Stand your ground. She knew that up front plus you did take her child to raise.

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You have him all week. She should not ask you to take care of him during the weekend.


You are not wrong. She wants you to babysit so she can have kid free time but she has no consideration for you needing kid free time as well. She is being selfish. You’re not the parent but she expects you to take care of him more than her or her husband.


You are not wrong! She is! Hang in there and do your thing.


Your not wrong. You need your time as well. And clearly you have told her multiple times to have a back up babysitter, so she needs to work on that.

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Not wrong. She needs to find someone else for weekends. Hold your boundaries.


Nope. You are not wrong.
You’re already watching her child 50ish hours a week.
Your entire week is devoted to her child.
It might be one thing if they had to work on the weekend and not doing so would risk them getting fired…but that’s not the case. It’s a completely different thing that she’s asking so she can have some “kid free” time.
This would even be different if you weren’t his regular babysitter, and she was only asking for just a weekend once in while.
But she’s essentially asking That you have no kid-free time…from a kid that isn’t even yours.

If she wants time alone with her husband so badly she needs to find/ask someone else. 🤷


No means no, no need to explain… you have a life too! They can find another sitter for an occasion date night.

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She’s just not liking your boundaries around YOUR time and that’s entirely HER problem to resolve. Her feelings about it are HER problem not yours. You’ve set a perfectly reasonable boundary. Tough cookies that she doesn’t like it. Time for her to try out some teen or adult sitters for weekends.


These are NOT your kids. You have no obligation to watch them at all even if you are getting paid. Set boundaries. If your sister gets mad you can’t watch them that is her problem! You told her you won’t watch them on the weekend and to have a backup if something comes up and you can’t or don’t want to watch them. These kids are no your responsibility they are your sisters. Make those boundaries clear.

Personally it sounds like she is taking advantage of you. You already watch them Monday-Friday and she wants more? No ma’m! You did not lay down and make these kids she did. Do NOT let her make you feel bad for not watching her kids. How selfish! She is lucky she has you watching her kids full time.


if you have him through the week then by all means weekends are for you and your family! i don’t think ur wrong at all but seems like the child’s parents look at you as a built in babysitter whenever they want u to watch him ur supposed to drop everything & go and that just simply not realistic. curious to know what hours you have the child durin the week .


Good for you You need your free time also. Get a sitter for weekend’s if they want to go out.


I totally understand and NO it is not wrong! I had to do the same with my daughter. But I was working a full time job during the week and on weekends I would watch my 3 grandbabies while she worked at a hotel. It got to the point where they ended up staying the whole weekend because she would go out partying after work, sleep and go back to work without picking up the kids. After I told her several times she continued to do it so I started making myself unavailable when it was time for her to drop them off. She got mad but found someone else to do it.


If you do not enforce the need for self and familiy time you will be taken advantage of forever. They need to find another sitter for the weekends. I understand their trust in family but family needs a life as well. They have chosen to have children, they need to care for them.

You are not wrong at all. You babysit 50+ hours per week. If she’s not happy with that she can find another place for her child to go while she is at work.

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No your not wrong . She’s already been told so she needs to make other arrangements. And you need time to regroup on the weekend , have time for yourself also or whatever you want to do even if it’s nothing.


Mama we all got boundaries and when people cross them even just once it’s not fair. Don’t feel bad for saying no, you told her your boundaries now she wants to press them but you gotta take care of you and if you don’t want to on the weekends that’s your choice :heart::heart:

Your her built In completely right!

Sounds like she doesn’t want her kid!

You need time with your family too, or even alone time! No, it’s not wrong to not want to babysit on weekends. You’ve had him all week, and you need a break! If they can’t find someone else, that’s their problem, not yours! Do not feel guilty!


You raised your kids .
Your time is your time.

Once in a blue moon maybe but charge double when you do.


She is wrong for expecting your life to revolve around her


NTA you aren’t responsible for a child that isn’t yours

If she dosent understand you need time off for your own needs then she is being inconsiderate of you and very selfish, stick to your guns , if you dont value yourself , she wont value you .


She needs to understand that you need family time with those still with you. They need you to give them your attention and not have you dwelling on a baby. That’s just the way it is. They come first.

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Not wrong. If you were a paid nanny. The nanny family would likely have a babysitter or someone else watch the kids on the weekends. She’s taking advantage. Could be unintentional cause she trusts you but that’s a lot to ask of you.

No you’re not wrong. She’s actually the one in the wrong here. You’ve told her the weekends are yours to spend with your own family. You have a right to say no, he’s not your child. She needs to find someone else. If she gets angry about it oh well. She obviously doesn’t respect your boundaries. You could try telling her that if she continues to pressure you to babysit on the weekends she can start looking for a new weekday sitter as well.

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You don’t owe anything to her. She should appreciate what you already do

Tell her you are not her door mate, you have a life too.

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Just say you have plans, and offer the number for an alternative. It might be time to reserve another week day off, so they understand you also have a life, and for emergencies, so they’ll appreciate the help you already provide, and not feel entitled.

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Noooope lol tell her the weekends are your off days and that’s final.


You told her and she should understand. That is your family time She needs to deal with it.


She’s a cow if she doesn’t respect that!!!

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She’s wrong for always expecting you to watch the baby. You didn’t have the child. Do your own thing mama!


Not wrong set boundaries


Why should you work (yes, it’s a job) 7 days a week if she doesn’t :woman_shrugging:

Be firm. You need some time for yourself and your family.


Tell her NO means NO!!! Never watch a kid that isn’t yours mire than 8 hours a day 5 days a week. You will burn yourself 9ut and not watch him at all.

Give someone an inch and they will take a mile. Stick to your guns.

Nothing wrong with saying no ur sis is lucky to have u for the week while she works

You’ve told your sister you won’t babysit on the weekend even before your nephew was born. And reminded her multiple times. Also tried to remind her to find back up babysitters for such times. She knows you don’t want to watch him on the weekends. She’s in the wrong for asking in the first place after how many times you told her your rule. Tell her what you always have told her before the birth of her son.

Sounds to me like she doesn’t even want to spend time with her son. She’s always at work during the day and only with him at night when he’s asleep most of the time. And only really able to spend two days with her son, and still wants a “kid-free” time? What a mother …


stick to your boundaries. once you break them down she’ll continue to expect and start asking more.

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Of course you can tell her no and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. Even if you didn’t watch him during the week it would still be ok. Sounds to me like mum is taking advantage of you. Good on you for saying no to weekends. Stick to your guns! You’re an awesome aunty.

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Nope, stick to your guns, some people just don’t understand your baby your responsibility concept, even 5 days during the week, what if you have a doctor’s appointment or emergency or anything else, they need to find an alternative solution for childcare when you not available, all other parents do it

Not wrong you need to be away from him so he knows who his real mother is and you can be with your own family.

the weekend is my family’s time

What more do you need as an answer to your own question?

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No you said no weekends!

No you are NOT wrong, You give in to her your will be watching her most of the time, she will take ADVANTAGE of you

She’s entitled. That’s their kid and they need to figure out what to do with him

Be firm with your no

Sheila Godfrey, my question exactly. Why should you ?

No you are not wrong. You are totally entitled to have your weekends off. Stick to your boundaries.


How often did she watch your kids? Some people are takers and expect everyone to do what they want without giving anything in return. Unless shes paying you, I personally wouldn’t even keep watching him during the week.

Why are they not wanting to spend time with their kid on weekends if they don’t during the week? Nothing wrong with the word ‘no’.

No your not wrong it’s not your kid :woman_shrugging:t2: if you don’t wanna babysit you don’t have to babysit

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50 hours a week is a lot and she is violating the fact you don’t owe her your free time. Are you even getting paid?

You are being a good aunt/sister, working as a full time nanny and being part of her “village”, but you shouldn’t feel guilty about enforcing the boundaries you’ve set, prioritizing your own family and downtime.

To be blunt… did you have a say in whether she had sex? Did you have a say in whether she contraception? Whether she kept the baby or gave it for adoption? If not, you had no say in the child coming to be, you are not responsible for rearing it. You already are more than a full time nanny, now mom can figure out who will look after him on weekends.