I have a soon to be 8 yr old. Who from just looking nobody would be able to tell but he has handicaps. He always goes in with me.
Sorry, my 7 year old son isn’t using the men’s restroom by himself
I wouldn’t be sending my son into the adults men toilet on his own at the age of 9 or 10, there’s some right creeps about this day and age
I agree with the other remarks I would not let my son use the mens bathroom too much bad stuff happens .
My boys are almost 10 and 5 and like hell am I sending them into the male room alone at this age. They still come with me into the lady’s room if there dad isn’t with us and if anyone tried saying anything I’d pull them up to. Just YOU 100%
If grown men that “identify” as women can go in than most definitely my son (7) will be with me
He’s too young to go alone in this awful world
Change your daughter after they leave like you said. An inconvenience for you maybe, but that other momma was doing her job as well, keeping her kids safe
I still won’t allow my 12 year old to walk into public toilets on her own!
Have you ever walked into the toilets and had a creepo in there with his bits in his hands, staring at you?? I wouldn’t wish that image and scarring on any child.
There are so many safety concerns about sending out kids off to the toilet on their own.
You’re overreacting.
Your wrong…completely…the other mother was doing her job…keeping her kids safe…you will feel the same way when your daughter is that age…would you send her into a public restroom alone? I think not.
I think it would depend on who is with the child. I have a ten year old nephew and if I was with my sister and one of us could wait out front of the restrooms for him I wouldn’t have an issue with sending him to the men’s room. That being said if there’s only one adult with them it is safer for everyone to go in together. The parent should be minding her children though.
Let’s hope you never have a boy if this bothers you
As a mother of multiple children At shopping centers it’s already high stress without having to worry about one of your boys being snatched from the mens toilet
There is no age on the parents toilets that’s like saying you would be uncomfortable if a dad was in there
You need to grow the fuck up lady
My son is almost 9 and no way in hell am I sending him to the mens restroom alone. They may seem like “big boys” but they are kids. They still can’t be trusted at home alone at this age, and definitely couldn’t fend for themself in a restroom with a pedo🤦🏽♀️ you’re way overreacting Karen.
My son is almost 9 and no way in hell am I sending him to the mens restroom alone. They may seem like “big boys” but they are kids. They still can’t be trusted at home alone at this age, and definitely couldn’t fend for themself in a restroom with a pedo🤦🏽♀️ you’re way overreacting Karen.
I won’t let my boys use the mens restroom on their own. I have 3 boys and no way am I letting them in a men’s room alone. Not every guy is nasty or ‘bad’ but there are some in places you wouldn’t expect, and you can hardly trust anyone anymore.
Sorry but who tf are you to decide if someone else’s child is old enough to use the bathroom??
Lol amber I done this today with my grandson. Lol your right to much crazies out there
My youngest is 5 but even if he was 10 I’d still take him in the ladies room. I wish someone would say something Too many crazies out here to be letting him go on his own into the mens room.
It only takes a moment to violate someone especially a child or preteen. So, each parent should make their own decision on when they will let their kid go in the restroom by themselves. I protect my kids at all cost and feel the situation out and make my decisions at that time based on my comfort level with the location/establishment.
No it’s fine. I don’t send my boys in alone to the men’s room if dad isn’t there. Sorry I’m not risking their safety to make you feel comfortable
My son has Down syndrome and is profoundly delayed. If it’s just me with him, he goes in the ladies room. Plain and simple. Not all of us have an extra person to help every time.
You should ask yourself the same question when your daughter is 9
They had no business being in there
You’re the weirdo. Sorry. But you’re the one making a big deal out of children’s bodies and you’re the one sexualizing the situation. Most public restrooms have stalls if you want privacy and I’ve changed my babies on my lap plenty of times. Get over yourself.
I still take my boys in the womens restroom with me if I have to go to the bathroom too and their father isn’t here. They will be 10 in July. If I can’t stand outside the mens room while they go in, they go with me.
Males shouldn’t be in there at all if they’re old enough to use the men’s room on their own. Where I used to work (a mall), it was a golden rule for the toilets and security would be called if any males who should know better were in there. So, don’t feel bad about thinking that.
My boys,went to the bathroom with me at that age.There was no way in hell I’d let them go to the mens room alone.
This day in age, no way in hell would I let my child go to mens bathroom by himself. Of course when he is old enough…but def not at 9 or 10. But maybe they were waiting on their mom and she didn’t want to leave them out in the store alone. Dang cut some people some slack…its not a nice world out there and I’m sure there are a billion single moms that have to figure how to go pee without leaving their kids outside the bathroom by themselves.
If my husband isn’t with me, my son stays with me. He’s 7. That’s all.
It’s not about capability, they’re not old enough to defend themselves against a predator.
With that being said, I try to use the restroom labeled Family Restroom.
No!!Absolutely not. Find another department store where you can al least feel somewhat safe, becasue that doesn’t sound like a safe environment.
The Walmart I go to has a family bathroom with a changing table and the handicap stall also has one
It’s not safe to leave a nine or ten year old alone at walmart either boy or girls. Not the same world I grew up in
That will be the day im out alone with my son (7) and i let him go into a multi stall mens restroom alone. Thats how bad things happen. You’re a parent, think like one.
My 8 year old son still uses the women’s restroom with me at times. It depends where we are, but if I don’t feel that him using the men’s room alone is safe, he still uses the women’s room. A teen shouldn’t be in the women’s room. But “school age” is 5+. And it’s definitely acceptable for an school age boy to use the women’s room.
I can garentee you that they were more uncomfortable than you …. It’s very strange to me that you are uncomfortable changing your 9mo around a 9 yo… I think you watch to much tv
My baby is 8 and he goes in with me. My older son was around 12 or so but small for his age when I stopped. Taking him in but I still stood outside the mens bathroom door. I also hollered in to see to anyone was in there. I love places with family restrooms.
No 9yr.or 10 yr Old should go bathroom by themselves . The world really is not a safe place for anymore, let alone 9yr. Or 10yr. Not even sure a 12yr.old, or even a 13yr. Old. Of course this is jus my opinion
They’re children, not 40 year old men staring at your naked baby… were they in there waiting for their mother? Where they’re close by and she can know they’re right there versus outside of the restroom where she has no idea what’s going on.
Seriously! There kids not bloody teens or adults. Get over it.
At that age? Hell nah my kids go to the toilet with me ! They’re still children at that age , what the actual thoughts go through your head thinking they need to get out because you need to change your baby these kids are only children themselves !
What in the…WHY are you sexualizing young children??? I’m sure it was a matter of safety as a mom of a 7 yr old he goes in the women’s room with me when my boyfriend is not able to go into the men’s room with him. Good grief…
My son went in the public restroom with me till he was 11 or so. There was no chance in heck I was gonna take a chance of him being hurt or abducted. If you had a son you might feel differently
If their mom was with them maybe she didn’t think it was safe for them not to be with her in there would you want your child waiting outside of bathroom on you
You can’t let a 9 year old boy into the mens room alone…good Lord!
They should not have been in there!!!
I take my 10 year old to the restroom. He goes in the woman’s restroom with me. Your overreacting and reaching. Are you going to be letting your 10 year old daughter go to the restroom alone? More than likely not.
Sorry you feel that way. My school aged children will continue to be in the restroom with me.
Wen my son was 9 i would stand outside the door while he went in the men’s room
When you have a son that age and are out shopping with him without a male caregiver with you…expect to feel just as uncomfortable with him going into a men’s room alone as you did with them being in the ladies room.
My son is almost 7 and I still take him to the bathroom with me sometimes bc ppl are weird and their could be someone in their waiting for a kid to come in alone
Wow! Definitely over reacting. They were most likely just trying to see you’re baby. Stop seeing problems where there are none. It’s not your place to decide when other people’s children can go into a bathroom on their own.
My son is 8 and comes with me to the ladies when there is no male, family, adult with us. He doesn’t want to, says it’s embarrassing, but I know first hand about a grown man taking picture of little boys privates in public bathrooms.
He’s also not going to be standing outside of the ladies’ waiting on me in public by himself.
You’re overreacting! They’re little boys. Good grief ! My school age kids go to the restroom with me idc. Im nit out here looking to have them snatched up by some freak who wants to use them for sex trafficking or disgusting things for themselves. The would is not safe for us adults what makes you think it’s safe for our children to be left unattended.
OMFG you have GOT to be kidding me
Where were there parents
They shouldn’t have bee there alone same as if they had gone to a he male toilet
Why didn’t you ask them were is your mom
I don’t see an issue with school aged boys going into the women’s restroom with their mother or another female guardian. I bring my nephews in there with me. If you’re single or with them alone, what are you supposed to do??? Leave them standing outside? Absolutely not.
When your daughter is 8 let’s see if you let her go into the restroom alone.
My son is autistic and I took him in the bathroom with me everywhere if no one was with us to watch him. I didn’t care who liked it or not. My child, my responsibility!! It’s not to be creepy, it’s to be safe! When he got old enough that he wanted to go to the boys bathroom by himself, I let him. But you better believe I was at the door. 1 time he was in there a little to long and I busted my little happy butt right on up in there to check on him. I didn’t care if anyone didn’t like that either. People are mean and I’m going to do everything I can to protect mine! You are a parent, you should understand!
My 7 year old is not going into a mens restroom alone. Sorry not sorry!
If my boys are with me alone and they have to use the restroom I am taking them in the womens with me my boys are 8 and 4 if my husband is with us he will take them. I don’t trust anyone. I’m sorry that makes you uncomfortable but when your daughter gets to that age I don’t feel like you would like her going in alone either I worked at Target and the amount of stories I heard and saw the aftermath of was insane.
KARENNNNNNN Nikki-lee Hazelgrove
It’s just you. I can see if they were teens yeah d9nt need to be there. Their mother probably made the stand there while she was in a stall. I dont blame her.some parents are just like that. Maybe their mom knew they’d miss behave by standing on the outside of the bathrooms.
I agree they should not have been in there, just think what might have happened if a young girl came in alone to use the bathroom
If your daughter was 9 and with your husband would you want her standing outside the mens room at Walmart so he could go to the bathroom? Get a grip!
It doesn’t really matter. I’ll walk my azz into the mens room, and their fathers would walk right into the womens room if needed. I don’t care who is in the bathroom so long as we can use the bathroom.
There was a little boy castrated in a men’s room. Yrs ago. If the mother was in there you are way out of line. If it was just kids screwing around they needed more supervision
You are wrong. That mother wanted to protect her babies. ALL the babies. Not just the girls. Little boys need just as much protection! And that is coming from a girl mom. I would have just changed her in the car.
I would never allow my 9-10 year old son to go into a men’s restroom alone. They would come with me to the women’s restroom.
It is a sad world isnt it
It doesn’t really matter. They are kids. I would have changed her in the car if it was that big of an issue.
If the boys were waiting for the mom then that’s safer than letting them go into the men’s restroom alone. Theres some freaks in this world and I wouldn’t let my son go in alone till he’s old enough to take care of himself. Just wait don’t be so selfish
If they were by rhemselves no.
Way safer for them to be there now days than out of site
True …it took me a long time before I allowed our son to go alone…and when I did I yelled to him every cpl seconds…lol
Oh Karen. My son is 9, and he has disabilitys. They’re not visible disabilities but I wouldnt EVER allow him to go to the bathroom in the mens room alone. I always have him stand outside the toilet stall if I need to go. Its judgemental people like you who make me and him feel uncomfortable. How about you not be disgusting and sick in the head and leave CHILDREN alone.
My 9 year old son & 7 year old son 100% go into the women’s bathroom with me. I do not allow them in the men’s alone.
This is not acceptable! At that age they shouldn’t be in there. wait outside the outer door but not inside. also there was 2 of them, less likely to be nabbed (if this is what everyone is worried about) my sons at that age would’ve been highly embarrassed to be in the ladies room. as to changing the baby in the car (assumption is the baby is a girl) that is OTT for the situation. block the boys with your body so you can change baby. Did you ask why they were in there? Did they look dodgy? I kind of get the feeling there is a little more to this than you changing your baby with them there.
it is YOU!!! All YOU!!!
Its just you because I wouldn’t want my son in a male toilet on their own at that age can’t trust any one theese days
No, it’s not just you. The spineless manager should have done something about it immediately
My boys are 13yo and 5.5yo and if we are somewhere we aren’t familiar and my 13yo wants to come in with us guess what he comes in! I do not care what another person feels when they are either in the stall with me or outside the stall! Trust I will bring my boys in with me if they are uncomfortable waiting!
ALL YOU! My son is 9 and I still make him go with me. I would rather that then send him completely alone in the mens!! Now a days you can’t trust anyone.
Wait ? What are you accusing these little boys of doing wrong ? Are you insinuating that they are perverted and trying to see women pee or baby’s butts get wiped? I’m confused why you’re threatened by 2 little boys ? You’re scarier than the kids to be honest that kind of uptight attitude isn’t healthy.
My sons fixing to be 12 and he still comes into the restroom with me if my husband or another adult male is not with us. This world is full of crazy sickos. I will allow him to go into the men’s room alone and stand outside the door but if I need to go then all my kids come in with me either into the handicap stall or family single restroom. He’s very respectful if they only have single stalls and will stand off to the side out of the way and give people privacy.
I take my boys in with me because I have seen kids get grabbed in public by strangers and if I am alone they will be with me
It called having a kids. They don’t need to go in the men’s room alone. Grow up!!
I dont send my son into the men’s room alone. Sorry not sorry.
Well my son is turning 9 this year and I still make him come in the women’s. I will always put my kids safety above your opinion. Maybe they shouldn’t be right next to the change table but other than that, maybe one day when you have a son you’ll understand cause you wouldn’t allow your school age daughter to go into the men’s.
Should NOT have been in there at all
Were they waiting to use the bathroom? Or were they waiting for their mum who was using it, or perhaps feeding their sibling? Are you worried these boys in the parents room might grow up to be… I shudder to think… good Dads?
I take my four year old boy into the restroom with me if i dont have my husband to take him to the mens because hes too little and ill probably continue taking him until hes old enough to stand outside alone and wait. And with all the wierdos in this world it wont be changing any time soon. I guarantee if we leave our kids to wait outside of the restroom on tgeir own we would be conplained about for doing that too and be a “bad parent” also.
2 boys alone in the women’s restroom? Just hanging out. NO! Besides now that trans-men or women use either bathroom…
My two boys went in together or their dad went with them.
If it was just me and them I stood outside the door and yelled, you have just a few seconds before I come barging in-screaming. Yes, I did! And if anyone thought I was crazy, oh well.
If we’re not with another adult my kids are not staying outside the restroom, they come in with me, that’s ridiculous you never know what could happen, maybe you’ll understand when your child gets older or ever have a son. If you were that uncomfortable you could have asked them to turn away or move so you could change her but if you had a son you’d change him in the women’s restroom right? What if there were someone’s daughters standing there instead?
My son comes with me because I’m a single mom. And I can’t trust his ass not to 1. Make a mess 2. not take forever.
It’s just you. If you had a son you would understand.
Just you
People are sick it’s scary to send them alone they look like pre teens to you but they are babies still to mom.
My son at 11 is not going into a public mens toilet alone - nope nope nope
My boys go in with me or they don’t go at all. Period end of story. I don’t trust anybody, and I’m definitely NOT sending them into a public restroom by themselves.
I’m sure their mom didn’t want to chance them getting kidnapped! Scary world out here. I’m sure they didn’t Want to be in there,u called the manager:person_facepalming: entitled much?